T THE little fellow at the left of the man on a big dark horse, is the one for you to study. He looks like a prince already. He certainly rides like a soldier. What is the color of his eyes, the shape of his nose, or the kind of clothes on his back, and many more such things you would like to know. Perhaps you will know these and many more things about him when you see him in Boston, New York, San Francisco or at the Chicago World’s Fair. Riders next to people in carraige A STATELY RIDER. “Will he be there?” As likely as not. “But who is he?” Ah! now you ask something. He is Master Friedrich Wilhelm, the Crown Prince of Germany. If he live long enough, he will do something more than hold the reins of that pretty, proud white pony; he will hold the reins of Prussia, one of the most powerful nations of Europe. His grandfather, Emperor William, died a few years ago, at a great age, greatly beloved by all Germans, and respected by other nations. That man, sitting in the carriage, dressed like a soldier, with folded arms and a stern look on his face, is the present Emperor William. There is the mother, the Empress, with the other children. Their faces are all turned toward you, so you can get a good look at them. But you need not expect to see so many princes and princesses at Chicago. It is the fashion nowadays for kings, rulers and coming rulers to visit other lands. Which of our presidents went around the world? L. double line It is said that the native Christians in Japan, with less than one shilling a day as an average for wages, contributed last year twenty-five thousand dollars to mission work. birds around nest JUST MOVED IN. double line knife clock fruit haystack cup double line