ublic@vhost@g@html@files@54955@54955-h@54955-h-11.htm.html#Page_50" class="pginternal">50; evades deputation, 63; heckled at Dunfermline, 175; Campaign at Battersea, 99; - Cockermouth, 92;
- East Fife, 97;
- Edinburgh, 174;
- Jarrow, 161;
- Mid-Devon, 182;
- Peckham, 214;
- in Wales, 97;
- of Oct., 1905, 24 et seq.;
- of 1906, 40 et seq.
Canford Park, 413 Capper, Mabel, 409 Carpenter, W. B., 231 Carson, Sir Edward, 372 Castioni case, the, 396 Caxton Hall, meeting, 57; - Parliament, 138;
- Second Women's Parliament, 152;
- Third Women's Parliament, 192;
- Fifth Women's Parliament, 266
Cecil, Lord Robert, 123, 129, 203, 351, 389, 468, 470 Central office opened, 133 Chains and padlocks, 329 Chamberlain, Joseph, 314 Chapin, Mrs., 458 Chaplin, Henry, 169, 172 Chapman, Hugh, 396 Chatterton, Ada, 155 Cheetham Hill meeting, 43 Chelmsford by-election, 349 Chelsea, meeting at, 328 Chesterton, G. K., 13 Chorlton Board of Guardians, 6 Christmas in Holloway gaol, 132 Churchill, Lord Randolph, 313, 362, 413 Churchill, Winston, 27, 133, 219, 224, 253, 405, 422, 450, 452, 460, 461, 493, 495; - campaign against, 43 et seq.;
- at Cheetham meeting, 44;
- at Dundee, 227
Clarke, Charles G., 219160; ejected from House of Commons, 102, 222, 446 General election of 1906, 40; Gibson, Flora, 50 Gladstone, Herbert, 69, 124, 141, 178, 205, 240, 253, 278, 293, 314, 331, 371, 383, 395, 397, 404, 419, 435, 455 Glasgow by-election, 377; - Evening Times, 198;
- St. Andrew's Hall meeting, 51
Gooch, C. A., 219, 221 Gordon, Dr. Mary, 256 Gore-Booth, Eva, 6, 53, 73 Goulden, Emmeline, 3 et seq. Gretton, J., 161 Grey, Sir Edward, 25, 26, 193, 464 Guest, Hon. F., 93 Guild Hall arrests, 459 Guinness, Hon. W., 165 - H
- Haggerston by-election, 257
- Haig, Dr. Alexander, 43
- Haig, Florence, 195, 196
- Haldane, Mr., 177, 418, 499
- Hall, Leslie, 480, 482
- Hambro, C. E., 172
- Hammersmith, meeting at, 328
- Harberton, Lady, 152
- Harcourt, Lewis, 178, 405, 463
- Harcourt, R. V., 232
- Hardie, Keir, 8, 12, 17, 18, 55, 67, 127, 129, 135, 451, 453
- Pankhurst, Christabel, early life, 5, et seq.;
- at Manchester meeting, 29;
- first arrested, 29;
- convicted and imprisoned, 31;
- in prison, 36;
- at Cheetham Hill meeting, 45;
- reply to Mr. Asquith, 235;
- again arrested, 263;
- Bow Street trial, 271 et seq.;
- speaks in own defence, 306;
- in Holloway gaol, 33;
- released from Holloway, 356
- Pankhurst, Dr. Richard Marsden, 4, 37 et seq.
- Pankhurst, Harry, 48
- Pankhurst, Mrs., marriage, 5;
- at opening of Parliament, 1906, 102;
- attacked at Newton Abbot, 186;
- first arrested, 202;
- trial at Westminster Police Court, 204;
- at Peckham, 218;
- delegation excluded from House of Commons, 250;
- again arrested, 263;
- Bow Street trial, 271 et seq.;
- speaks in own defence at Bow Street, 315;
- in Holloway gaol, 333;
- released from Holloway, 356;
- appeals under Act of Charles II, 467 et seq.;
- leads deputation to House of Commons, 501
- Parliament, autumn session of 1906, 101 et seq.;
- of 1908, 260;
- proceedings over Dickinson Bill, 151
- Paul, Alice, 416, 417, 459
- Peacock, William, 26
- Pearson, Harold, 66, 161
- Peckham by-election, 212
- Pembrokeshire by-election, 257
- Pethick, Dorothy, 435, 448
- Pethick, Henry, 58
- Peters, Naici, 155
- Phillips, Mary, 253, 376, 412
- Pickford, Justice, 327
- Pitt, Lane Fox, 327
- Pledge of Women's Freedom League, 173
- Plural Voting Bill, 76, 129
- Police outrages at Northampton, 85
- Powell, Sir Richard Douglas, 436, 477
- Preston meeting, 463
- Private Members Reform Bill, 365
- Prince's skating rink, 372
- Protest, first meeting of, 16;
- of Manchester members, 359
- "Votes for Women" first adopted, 7, 8
- Votes for Women, publication of, 174
- W
- "Wakes Week," 23
- Wallace-Dunlop, Miss, 267, 337, 381, 391, 392
- Wallasey Women's Liberal Ass'n, 341
- Walton gaol, 479, 481, 484
- Wales, campaign in, 98
- Warton, Jane, 483
- Wason Cathcart, 204
- Watson, Mrs., 75
- Waylaying the Council, 362
- Webster, Alexander, 180
- Wells, Supt. of Police, 274, 276
- Wentworth, Vera, 412, 419
- Westminster Gazette, 350
- Westminster Police Court, 131, 142, 197, 204, 253
- Wilkie, Alex., 231
- Williams, T. R., 128
- Wilson, J. H., 148
- Wimbledon by-election, 169
- Winslow, Dr. Forbes, 432, 435
- Winson Green gaol, 433, 439, 465
- Wolverhampton, 232
- Women first refused admission to House of Commons, 58
- Women's Disabilities Removal Bill, 4
- Women's Enfranchisement Bill, Asquith's views on, 234;
- Women's Franchise, publication of, 174
- Women's Franchise League, formation, 5
- Women's Freedom League, 173, 328
- Women's Liberal Federation, 5
- Women's Social and Political Union, 7
- Women's Suffrage Resolution placed in House of Commons, 67
- Woodhouse, Sir J. T., 129
- Woodlock, Patricia, 155, 367, 376
- Wurrie, Evelyn, 443
- Y
- Yates, W. B., 165
- Yorkshire Weekly Post, 388
- Yoxall, Alice, 437