BOOKS ON THE SUBJECTS OF PART I. - B. Moore. The Origin and Nature of Life. (Home University Library).
- J. A. Thomson and P. Geddes. Evolution. (Home University Library).
- A. R. Hinks. Astronomy. (Home University Library).
- R. Meldola. Chemistry. (Home University Library).
- J. Ward. Heredity and Memory.
- Oliver Lodge. The Ether of Space.
- A. Ruhe and N. M. Paul. Henri Bergson; An Account of his Life and Philosophy.
- Samuel Butler. Life and Habit.
- H. Bergson. Time and Freewill.
- H. Bergson. Matter and Memory.
- H. Bergson. Creative Evolution.
- J. Ward. The Realm of Ends.
- H. Driesch. The Science and Philosophy of the Organism.
- W. James. Principles of Psychology.
- E. S. Russell. Form and Function.
- A. D. Darbishire. An Introduction to a Biology.
- J. S. Haldane. Organism and Environment.
BOOKS ON THE SUBJECTS OF PART II. - T. R. Glover. The Jesus of History.
- A. Clutton-Brock. The Ultimate Belief.
- A. Clutton-Brock. What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
- W. S. Palmer. Providence and Faith.
- W. S. Palmer. The Ladder of Reality.
- William Law. The Spirit of Love.
- William Law. The Spirit of Prayer.
- G. Tyrrell. Lex Orandi.
- G. Tyrrell. Lex Credendi. Faith and Freedom—(edited by C. H. S. Matthews).
- R. G. Collingwood. Religion and Philosophy.
- Alexander Nairne. The Epistle of Priesthood.
- A. S. Pringle-Pattison. The Idea of God in the Light of Recent Philosophy.
- Friedrich von HÜgel. Eternal Life.
- Friedrich von HÜgel. The Mystical Element of Religion.
- A. C. Turner. Faith, Prayer and the World's Order (Essay in Concerning Prayer—edited by B. H. Streeter).
Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner, Frome and London. Transcriber's Notes. The cover was produced by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. The original spelling and punctuation has been retained. Variations in hyphenation and compound words have been preserved. |