A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Accommodation, 5
- Adventure in winter, 159
- Aira Force, 197
- Ambleside, 28, 30
- Americans, 12
- Angle tarn, 204, 214
- Angler, 31
- Anglers Crag, 103
- ” Inn, 100
- Angler’s yarn, an, 130
- Armboth House, 173
- Autumn, 44
- B
- Badger, the, 56, 187
- Bank holiday, 154
- Barley-bread, 154
- Barn Scar, 207
- Barrow Cascade, 143
- Bassenthwaite, 156-164
- Belle Isle, 15, 18
- Benn, the, 175
- “Birds o’ passage,” 184
- Bit-by-bit reform, 42
- Blea tarn, 219
- ” Water, 212
- “Bloomery,” 62, 72
- Boating, 101
- Bolton, Mr., 14
- Borrowdale, 144
- Botling, 91
- Bowder Stone, 152
- Bowness, 20
- Bowness Bay, 20
- ” landing-place, 21
- Bowscale tarn, 207
- Brandlehow, 199
- Brantwood, 69, 74
- Brook trout, 180
- Brothers’ Water, 207, 214
- Burnmoor tarn, 223
- Buttermere, 124-136
- ” after series of rainstorms, 128
- Buttermere, fishing of, 132
- ” in winter mist, 132
- ” maid of, 125
- ” my first visit to, 127
- Butterwort, 182
- C
- Calgarth, 24
- ” skulls at, 24
- Carrier, country, 40, 57, 58
- Carrion crows, 184
- Castle Crag, 144
- Castle (sham) which Manchester erected, 173
- Catbells, 146, 151
- Causeways, 52
- Chant of profit, 146
- Char, 26, 61, 66, 91, 101, 190, 192
- ” Dub, 101
- ” fishing, 26
- ” pie, 67
- ” potted, 66
- Charcoal burning, 73
- Cheese, home-made, 154
- Civil war, the, 2
- Claife, 53
- “Clipping,” 114
- Coach-road through Buttermere, 124
- Coaches, 6
- Cockermouth, Keswick, and Penrith Railway, 7
- Cock-fighting, 57
- Codale, 217
- Coleridge, Hartley, 35
- Collies, 215
- Colthouse, 53
- Colwith, 219
- Coniston, 221
- ” Old Hall, 66
- ” Water, 60-78
- Convention week at Keswick, 153
- Copper, 62
- Corpse-road, 183
- Cottages, old, 152
- ” old-style, 191
- Crosthwaite Church, 148
- Crozier, John, 157
- Crummock Water, 116-123
- Cuthbert, 147
- D
- Dales, a youngster of the, 180
- ” dwelling, 37
- Dalesman, a, 156
- Dalesman’s Keswick, 154
- Dalesmen, the, 3
- Dancing, 109
- Davy, John, 26
- Deer, red native, 181, 186
- De Quincey, 35
- Derwent, the, 144
- ” Isle, 138
- ” vale of, 151
- Derwentwater, 137-155
- ” Earls of, 140
- Devoke Water, 207, 223
- Dialect, Cumbrian, 155
- Dipper, the, 130
- “Dixon’s Three Loups,” 213
- Dobson, Tommie, 79
- Domesday, 49
- Dotterel, the, 122
- Dove Nest, 27
- Dunmail, 2
- ” cairn of, 167
- ” pass of, 166
- ” story of, 167
- Dunmallet, 200
- E
- Eagle, golden, 187
- Easedale tarn, 217
- Elter Water, 220
- English Lakes, history of the, 2
- Ennerdale, 98-105
- Esthwaite mere, fishing in, 54
- ” Water, 49-59
- F
- Fairfield, 201, 215
- Fences partly wall, 171
- Finsthwaite, 11
- Fir Island, 69
- Fishing in Loweswater, 111
- Fishing tackle, 20
- Floating Island, Derwentwater, 143
- Floutern tarn, 223
- Fordendale, 181
- Forest laws, 61
- Fortune-teller, the dumb, 110
- Forty-Five, the, 196
- Foumart, the, 187
- Fox How, 28
- Fox-hunting, 45, 185, 212
- “Fraternal Three,” 83
- Friars Crag, 137
- Frost flowers, 48
- Furness Abbey, monks of, 223
- ” bluffs, 21
- ” railway, 6
- Fusedale, 186
- G
- Gale (the wildest), on Coniston, 68
- Gatesgarth, 131, 134
- Gateswater, 61, 207, 221
- German miners, 146
- Glencoin, 197
- Glenridding, 201
- Goat hunt, 78
- Goats, wild, 78
- Golden eagle, 187
- Gondola, 68
- Gowbarrow, 197, 199
- Grange, 145
- Grasmere, 36-48, 216
- ” Lake, 43
- Greycrag tarn, 209
- Grisedale tarn, 207, 214
- Gummers Howe, 10
- H
- Harrop tarn, 175
- Haweswater, 178-184
- Hawkshead, 50
- ” Church, burials in woollen, 50
- Hawkshead Grammar School
- ” monks’ home, 50
- ” Old, 49-59
- ” Old Hall, 53
- ” two centuries ago, 50
- Hay-making, 40
- Hayes Water, 213
- Hedge-parsons, 127
- Helm Crag, 43, 166, 216
- Helm wind, 187
- Helvellyn, 175
- Hemans, Mrs., 27
- Hen Holme, 27
- Herdwicks, 89
- Heron, the, 35, 54, 102, 180
- High Furness, 49
- Hogarth, 25
- Holme, Hugh, 182
- Home-made cheese, 154
- Honister Hause, 125
- ” Pass, 136
- Houses, old, 50
- Hung mutton, 51
- Hunting, 79, 157
- I
- Ice roaring, 76
- Inn stews, 66
- J
- Justice Stone, 173
- K
- Kendal, 208
- Kentmere tarn, 210
- Keppel Cove tarn, 216
- Keswick, 153, 154
- “King” of Mardale, 182
- ” Patterdale, 196
- Kurnal Crag, raven of, 221
- L
- Lady Holme, 22
- Lady’s Rake, 141
- Lake Bank, Coniston, 73
- Lakeland’s wealth of bypaths, 36
- Lakeside, 9
- Lambing-time, 158
- Langdale linen, 220
- Larch-tree and Wordsworth, 37
- Launchy Ghyll, 173
- Le Fleming, Sir Daniel, 66
- Le Flemings, 32, 39
- Levers Water, 222
- Little Langdale tarn, 219
- Lodore, 142
- London and North-Western Railway, 6, 7
- Loughrigg, 30
- ” tarn, 220
- Low Water, 222
- Loweswater, 106-115
- ” ancient farms, 108
- Lowfell tarn, 223
- Lowwood, 26
- Lyulph’s tower, 197
- M
- Maggot, the, 90
- Maid of Buttermere, 125
- Manchester, sham castle erected by, 173
- Mardale, “King” of, 182
- ” yews, 183
- Martindale, 188
- Martineau, Harriet, 30
- Matterdale, 189
- Measand, 180
- Mellbreak, 106, 119
- Midland Railway, 7
- Millerground, 23
- Miners, German, 146
- “Mines Valley,” 222
- Minstrels, wandering, 193
- W
- Walker, Steve, trail-hound trainer, 42
- Walla Crag, 179
- Wandering minstrels, 109
- Wansfell, 26, 27
- Wastdale Church, 84
- Wastwater, 79-97
- ” in winter, 85
- Watendlath, 152
- Waterhead, 9
- ” pier, 37
- Water-lily, 54
- Watson, Bishop, 25
- Wetherlam, 77
- Whinfell tarn, 207, 208
- White Moss, 40, 42
- Wild fowl, 118
- Windermere, 9-29
- ” char-fishing with plumb-line, 26
- ” farmsteadings, 11
- ” ferry, 15
- ” Ferry Hotel, 17
- ” parish church, 20
- ” spectral white horse, 24
- Wishing Gate, 45, 47
- “Wonderful Walker,” 126
- Wood-owl, 181
- Wordsworth, Dorothy, 197
- ” William, 14, 33-35, 38, 46, 50, 56, 57, 150
- Wordsworth describes his “Waggoner,” 176
- Wordsworth’s aversion to the larch-tree, 37
- Wordsworth’s “The Brothers,” 99
- ” cottage, 33
- ” “The Daffodils,” 198
- ” home, 36
- ” “Solitary,” 219
- Wray Castle, 26
- Wrynose Pass, 219
- Wythburn, 170, 175
- ” Head, 170
- ” old rector of, 176
- Y
- Yacht-racing, 17
- Yeoman, the, bell-ringer, 177
- Yewbarrow, 95
- Yewdale, 77
- ” crags, 67
- Yews of Mardale, 183
- Youngster of the dales, 180