The Housekeeper's Rules.


If the management does not provide the housekeeper with rules, she is safe in formulating the following:

1. Maids must report for duty at 7:00 a.m.

2. Maids must lock all doors when leaving rooms.

3. No maid is allowed to transfer chairs or furniture from one room to another by order of the guests, unless they have an order from the office.

4. Maids must report at once any articles which are misplaced or taken from the rooms.

5. Keep all soiled linen in closets.

6. Maids must not leave any article of soiled linen lying in the halls.

7. Maids must not leave their brooms, feather dusters, dust-cloths, or sweepers, in the halls at any time during the day.

8. Any article found in the rooms must be brought to the linen-room, with the number of the room and date when found.

9. All keys found left in rooms and doors must be sent to the office.10. When a tray of dishes is left in a room, the maid must ring for a bell-boy and have him notify the headwaiter or report it to the housekeeper who will telephone the headwaiter.

11. All ink, paper, and pens left in the rooms must be put in the wire ink and stationery-receiver.

12. The watch-girls must report at 6 p.m. and remain until 10 p.m. or later, if required.

13. All torn blankets and spreads must be brought to the linen-room for repairs.

14. Maids must not receive men friends in their rooms.

15. The housekeeper will relieve the linen-woman while she goes to her meals.


1. Maids must report at 8 a.m. and remain until 1 p.m.

2. Watch-girls must report for duty at 1 p.m. and remain until 9 p.m.

All of these rules can not be, at all times, strictly enforced by the housekeeper. She will make such modifications as are made necessary by circumstances. But rules she must have, and she must insist on their being observed.


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