
  • Assembly Hall, 87
  • Attention to Details, 34
  • Birds of Passage, 32-33
  • Character in The Hotel Business, 26
  • Cleaning Rooms, 41-44
  • Card and Wine Rooms, 88
  • Cleaning Brass, 85
  • Chambermaids, 90
  • Evolution of the Housekeeper, 104-105
  • Fires, Suggestions in case of, 98
  • Fire Prevention, 102
  • Fires, origin of, 103
  • Gossip between employes, 29-30
  • Housekeeper and the Help, 17-22
  • Housekeeper's salary, 38-40
  • Housekeeper, progressive, 35-37
  • Housekeeper's Rules, 81
  • Housekeeper, relationship between guests, 31
  • Housekeeper, requirements of, 11-20
  • Housekeeper, and co-operation, 17-22
  • How to Make Beds, 47-48
  • How to Clean Walls, 49-51
  • How to Scrub a Floor, 51-52
  • How to Get Rid of Vermin, 53-57
  • Linen Room, Linen Woman, 63-68
  • Linen, table, care of, 69-70
  • Linen, removing stains, 70
  • Linen, best kind, 71
  • Linen, how to test, 72
  • Laundry, making bleach, 73-80
  • Miscellaneous subjects, 94
  • Parlor Maid, 83-90
  • Proprietor's Wife, 23-25
  • Room Inspection, 21-28
  • Vacuum Cleaning System, 58-62
  • Waxing Ballroom Floor, 88

Transcriber's Note

Some inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document has been preserved.
Typographical errors corrected in the text:
Page 8 succees changed to success
Page 9 Riebold changed to Reibold
Page 12 linen-en-room changed to linen-room
Page 14 housekeeperes changed to housekeepers
Page 22 ordel changed to ordeal
Page 23 plebianism changed to plebeanism
Page 24 benefitted changed to benefited
Page 31 sweetner changed to sweetener
Page 33 admireres changed to admirers
Page 39 avereage changed to average
Page 40 theadbare changed to threadbare
Page 44 symmetricaly changed to symmetrically
Page 49 woll changed to wall
Page 49 obmtain changed to obtain
Page 58 clening changed to cleaning
Page 59 sytem changed to system
Page 60 accumulationg changed to accumulating
Page 63 line changed to linen
Page 65 ow changed to How
Page 67 line changed to linen
Page 70 procees changed to process
Page 71 presen changed to present
Page 75 line changed to linen
Page 75 pilow changed to pillow
Page 85 cupidors changed to cuspidors
Page 87 cosino changed to casino
Page 88 Balroom changed to Ballroom
Page 89 Binghampton changed to Binghamton
Page 96 occasionaly changed to occasionally
Page 99 headwas changed to headway
Page 100 prevtn changed to prevent
Page 102 an a floor changed to on a floor
Page 103 Carlessness changed to Carelessness


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