Thou camest far away from lands beyond! Thou wert not a gold sunlit cloud at sunset But mother of a honeyed tenderness That until then lay hidden in my mind's Tenderest shrine; the golden seal of a Young maiden's joy stamped with its touch! The evening star thou wert not; but thou wert The sister of a simple love that lay Hidden till then in my heart's inner depths. Before me thou didst not unfold the spaces Of the blue skies; not didst thou lift mine eyes Towards the rough-hewn peak; nor didst thou open To me the way for distant palaces; Nor didst thou lead me by a secret path Untrod. But lifting with one hand the basket, Gently thou heldest with the other mine; And leading me to sit by ferns dew-clad And deep green grass and snow-white flowers, thou Badest me stoop and gather; and I stooped And gathered all my hands could reach: wall-flowers, Hyacinths, violets, and daffodils; And found beside them a May day anew. Over their petals newly reaped and fresh That made the basket seem a cruel spring, I bent and wept for their deaths swift and fair; And lo, thou didst face them, a Life agleam!