I SEEDS ARE MADE TO BE PLANTEDOCTOBER brought seedtime in the little garden. Many seeds had ripened during the summer, and Prue had already gathered some of the tiny black flakes from the opened pods of her precious pinks, and Davy had saved some seed pease. But October was the real harvest-time. The children took a lot of white envelopes, and upon them Davy printed the names of all the seeds they expected to gather. Into these envelopes they put carefully the different little black and brown and white seeds after they had picked and blown the husks all away, so, as Davy said, they would look just like seeds bought at the store. And some of the seeds were big flat beans, or little long round beans; and some, like the sweet-pease, were very round, like shot; and some, like the cockscomb seeds, were tiny and shiny and black and so slippery that Prue lost more than she got in her envelope, though she got enough, for there is such a lot of seed on a cockscomb. Some seeds were in funny little pods that snapped when you touched them, and sent the little black or brown shot flying in every direction, like a charge out of a bomb, and these had to be gathered very carefully. Then there were seeds with little wings, made to help them to fly, and there were seeds with little claws made to catch and hold on, so they would be carried and planted in many places. But these were mostly weed seeds, and were only gathered because they clung to the children's clothes, and stuck so fast that it was hard to pick them off. burs "THEY CLING TO EVERYTHING THAT PASSES" "You see," said the Chief Gardener, who was watching them, "everything has a way of taking "But there are some thistles," said little Prue, "that are not blown by the wind. They have stickery balls, and I make baskets out of them." "Those are burs, and they are carried by sheep and cows, and by people. They cling to everything that passes. I have seen a horse's mane so full of them that it had to be cut off. The burdock is a very bad weed, and there ought "I should think some weeds would make their seeds look like flower seeds, to fool people." "Well, that is just about what they do. There are cockle seeds in the wheat, and so nearly the same size that the threshing-machine will not take them out, and there are many little plants in the grass that have seeds so nearly like those of the grass itself that we are obliged to sow them with the grass seed. So, you see, men, too, become servants of the wise, persevering weeds. Certain beans and grains have been carried by water, and have been known to be brought across stretches of the sea to be scattered and planted upon a new shore." "How many kinds of seeds are there?" asked Davy. "About as many as plants, Davy." "I don't mean that. I mean how many principal kinds—like flowers, you know—they are Exogens and Endogens." "Oh, I see. You mean classes. Well, I suppose we might say two, fleshy and dry. Then we might divide the dry into seeds and nuts, and the fleshy into fruits and vegetables." Davy and Prue were both thinking. "I suppose my beans are dry," Davy said at last. "Yes, of course." "But we ate them green, and they were not dry then." "That was before they were ripe. There are a number of things that are fleshy when eaten green, that become pods or hulls when the fruit is really ready to gather. Of course, there are fruits and nuts and vegetables that, like flowers, are hard to put in any class. Take "I just love almonds," said little Prue. "And aren't they nuts?" asked Davy. "Yes, the almond is a nut, but you would hardly call the peach a nut; yet they grow exactly alike, except that the outside of the almond is tough and not fit to eat. The walnut is a nut, too, of course, but the hull is quite fleshy, even after the nut is ripe; and there are certain sorts of foreign plums that have a sweet kernel, so they are really fruit and nut in one. But I think we shall have to go nutting next week, and then we can tell more what we think about them." "Nutting! Oh, yes, we'll go nutting!" cried little Prue. "And we'll take baskets, and Mamma, and stay all day and bring home just bushels." "We must take plenty of dinner in the baskets," said Davy, who remembered one time when the dinner had been less than he thought it should be. So then they ran into the house II THERE ARE BITTER NUTS AND SWEET ONESHow splendid it was in the October woods. Some of the trees were almost bare, some of them were a fine russet brown, and some were all crimson and gold; and the gold was so beautiful against the blue sky that it seemed to Davy and Prue that October, after all, might be the very best month of the year. There was a brook that wound through the woods. On both sides of it were bottom lands, and here the hickory and walnut and butternut trees grew. Near the hillsides there were groves of hazel with their brown clusters, half opened by the frost, ripe for gathering. Camp was made near the brook, and then all hurried to the nut-trees; the children kicking their feet through the rustling leaves that covered the Then how the children scrambled and gathered. "Let's clear the leaves away first, next time," said Davy, "so they will be easier to find." And this they did, and so they went from tree to tree, gathering hickory-nuts, large and small, and walnuts, butternuts, and chestnuts, and these they emptied into sacks they had brought in the little wagon that was not hitched far away. By and by, Davy spied a patch of hazel, and each with a basket, Prue and he gathered until they were tired, and it was lunch-time. How very hungry they were! Is there really anything like nutting to make a little boy and girl hungry? And there was plenty of luncheon, "What makes all the nuts have such big, thick hulls, anyway?" she asked, as she tried to pound open a thorny chestnut-bur. "I think the hulls must be to protect the young nuts from birds and squirrels," answered her mother. "The trees do not like to have them carried off until they are quite ripe, so they hold them very tight and enclose them in a very tough shell, and the shell is very bad-tasting, too. But when the nuts are ripe and sweet they let go of them very easily, just as other seeds are dropped, and the hulls open and the harvest is ready for whoever may come to gather it." The Chief Gardener picked up a hickory-nut from one of the baskets. "You see, we are eating flower-pistils all the time," he said. "Are we? I don't believe I ever thought about that," said Davy. acorns THREE MEMBERS OF THE ACORN FAMILY The Chief Gardener pointed to the little black tip on the top of the nut. "That was once the stigma," he said. "You see, it is quite like one, even now. Of course, it was soft then, and the pistil below was soft, too. "Papa, don't hazelnuts and chestnuts belong to the same family?" asked little Prue, who had some of each in her chubby hands. "Why, yes, but why did you think so, Prue?" "Well, you see, they both have those white spots on them, and I thought mebbe it was a kind of family mark." "Wise little head, Prue. And now what else is there that has the family mark—we might call it the family seal?" The children were silent a moment, thinking. They were sitting under a big oak tree, and all at once Davy's eye caught something in the leaves, just by his hand. "This!" he shouted, and held up an acorn. "Right you are, Davy boy! The nut that stands at the head of the family. Few acorns are fit to be eaten, except by animals, but you see how round and perfect the family seal is, and though the acorn-cup is nothing like the chestnut-bur, or the husk of the hazel, it perhaps would be, if the green acorn itself was not so bitter that it does not need any other protection. The oak is one of the finest and most useful of all trees, and the hazel and chestnut and beech are probably very proud of belonging to the Oak family." "And how about hickory and walnuts?" asked Davy. "They are in a family together—the Walnut family. There are three kinds of walnuts—the English walnuts, the butternuts, and these. There are as many as half a dozen kinds of hickory nuts, and some of them are as bitter as the bitterest acorns." "Pignuts—I know those," said Davy. "You gave me one, too," said Prue. "I don't think that was very nice of you." Davy blushed and grinned, as he recollected the round, puckered face of little Prue, after she had tasted the bitter nut. "Never mind, Prue; we'll give him a mock-orange some day," said her mother. "The pecan is a hickory-nut, too," said the Chief Gardener, "a nut that has left all its bitterness in the shell." "Davy is a pecan-nut," said little Prue. "He's just bad outside." Then the little party made ready to go home. They had a good way to drive, and it grows chilly on October evenings. How still it seemed to have grown in the woods when they were ready to go. A squirrel scrambled up a hickory-tree, and sat chattering at them as they drove away. "He is scolding us for carrying off his winter food," said big Prue. "Pshaw!" said Davy. "There are enough nuts in these woods to feed all the squirrels in the world." III THERE ARE MANY THINGS CALLED FRUITSTruly October was harvest-time in the little garden. The winter apple-tree yielded several bushels of bright red fruit, and Davy's pumpkin-vine had great yellow pumpkins scattered all about. Some of them Davy could hardly lift, and when they were carried into the cellar, on the very last day of the month, they made a real pyramid of gold. Then there were some late tomatoes, too, and peppers, which big Prue made into pickles; also, a last gathering of green corn, besides several ears of ripe corn, for seed, and all the pop-corn—fifty-five ears of it from Davy's little patch. There were some things to be taken up, too, and put into little pots for the window-gardens, which Davy and Prue were going to have all through the winter, this time. There was a good open fire in the dining-room when Davy came in, after picking his pumpkins, for the nights were getting colder, and the bright blaze seemed so friendly and cheerful. "I am going to try some of my pop-corn," he said suddenly, and started for the popper. "I'll get some apples," said little Prue. "I'll bring some nuts," added the Chief Gardener. "And I'm afraid if you have all those things now, you won't care for tea afterwards," objected big Prue. "Never mind tea," said Davy. "These are the very best things for a fire like this, and then if we don't want tea afterwards it'll save trouble." So the pop-corn and apples and nuts were THE APPLE IS A CALYX. THE PISTIL IS THE CORE INSIDE OF IT "Just think," said Davy, "it's only a few months ago that I planted this corn, and saw it come up, just little green sprouts, and now it's ripe and in the popper." "And just think," said his mother, "it's a little while ago that the apple-trees were all in bloom so sweet, and now the apples are ripe, and we have them here on a plate." "I like to think about the summer," said little Prue. "It all seems so nice and shiny. It was hot, though, too, sometimes, in the garden." The Chief Gardener picked up one of the apples. "That is a pretty good calyx, Davy," he said. Davy stopped popping corn a minute. His face was rather hot, anyway, from the glowing coals. "Why, I thought that was the pistil," he said. "The pistil is the core inside of it. It is the calyx of the apple-bloom that grows fleshy and makes the best part of the apple." The Chief Gardener cut the apple in half, and showed the faint line that marked the core. "That was the pistil," he said, "and at the end you see there are still the tips of the sepals and little traces of the stamens. The apple is "But is the peach a calyx, too?" asked Davy. "It belongs to the same family." raspberry and blackberry A RASPBERRY IS A CLUSTER OF PISTILS WITHOUT THE CORE. A BLACKBERRY IS THE END OF A FLOWER-STEM WITH A CLUSTER OF PISTILS AROUND IT. "No, the peach is just the pistil, and it is the same with the plum and apricot and cherry. In the pear and quince it is the calyx, like the apple; in the raspberry each little part is a separate pistil with one seed, as I believe I showed you once, last summer." "How about the strawberries?" asked Prue. "I like those best." "I think I showed you that, too, but perhaps you have forgotten. The strawberry is still different. It is neither a calyx nor a pistil, but just the pulpy top of the stem that the flowers rest upon. It is covered with tiny pistils, though, of one seed each." "That is why strawberry seeds are on the outside," said Davy. "Yes, and the little pistils are called akenes, though you need not try to remember that now." "It is strange," said big Prue, "how many things become fruits." "Yes," said the Chief Gardener. "A fig, for instance, is simply a hollow stalk which grows thick and pulpy, and has a lot of little flowers inside that turn to seed when the fig ripens. A pineapple is a cluster of flower-leaves. A strawberry is the end of a flower-stem. A blackberry is the same, with a little cluster of pulpy pistils on the outside. A raspberry is the "Well," interrupted Davy, "I am going to eat a nice big red calyx, now, core and all, and I'm going to eat some hickory-nut and pop-corn pistils, all but the shells and cob, and I feel hungry enough to eat those, too." So then they drew closer around the bright blaze as evening gathered on the little faded garden outside.