A - A, Certificate, 268, 286
- Abolitionist, the, 302
- Absorbable ligature, the, 264
- Act 39 & 40 Vict. c. 77, 267-293
- Actinomycosis, 246
- Adrenalin, 263
- Aga Khan, Sir, 179
- Air, compressed, 71
- Algeria, malaria in, 230
- America, diphtheria in, 109; tetanus in, 133, 135; yellow fever in, 232-240
- Amoy, plague in, 194
- Amyl nitrite, 254; false argument, 345
- Anaemia, 71; pernicious, 263
- AnÆsthesia, grades of, 357; false statements, 366
- AnÆsthetics, discovery and study of, 55, 256; use under the Act, 281
- Anderson, Mr., 190
- Andrews, Staff-Surgeon, 263
- Anglo-Indians and Anglo-Africans, 228
- Animal heat, 68
- Animals, protective inoculation of, 89-95, 113; action of drugs on, 255
- Annett, Dr., 223
- Anopheles and Culex, 214-242
- Anthrax, 76, 87-95
- Antiseptics, 78-86; use of under the Act, 285
- Antitoxins, testing of, 270; false arguments against, 338-342. See also Diphtheria, Tetanus, &c.
- Anti-vivisection Societies, 297 sqq.; dissensions, 299-302; expenditure, 304-306, 334, 367; acceptance of all advantages from past discoveries, 307; attitude toward sport, 308; toward doctors and hospitals, 310; literature, 313-324; method of espionage, 327; general arguments, 326-334; special arguments, 335-367; electoral and parliamentary tactics, 367-371
- Aphasia, 62
- Arguments, anti-vivisection, 326-367
- Aristotle, 3, 44, 243
- Arloing and Courmont, 100
- Artificial respiration, 264
- Asellius, 19
- Assam-Burmah railway, cholera on, 162
- Athens, Pasteur Institute at, 143
- Aubertin, 62
B - B, Certificate, 268, 349. See also Experiments
- Baccelli, Prof., 133
- Bacteriology, 77 sqq.; not before the 1875 Commission, 75; the foundation of Lister's work, 85; hardly recognised in the wording of the Act, 267; the cause of more than 90 per cent, of all experiments, 292; false statements, 316, 340
- Baginsky, Prof., 105
- Bagshawe, Bishop, 329
- Bainbridge, Surgeon-General, 169
- Baker, Major, 172
- Bang, Prof., 99
- Bannerman, Major, 173, 175, 178
- Barbadoes, filariasis in, 240
- Barry, Bishop, 343
- Battipaglia-Reggio railway, and malaria, 221
- Bazan, Dr., 42
- Beaumont, Dr. William, 28
- Behring, Prof., 102
- Belchier, Mr., 40
- Belgaum, plague at, 174
- Bell, Sir Charles, 46, 57, 65
- Bell, Dr., 88
- Belladonna, action of, 255
- van Beneden, 244
- Berdoe, Mr., 314 sqq.
- Bernard, Claude, 24, 30, 56, 248, 254, 282
- Bernard Shaw, Mr., 330
- Beveridge, Surgeon, 263
- Beyrout, experiments at, 214
- Bezoar-stone, the, 252
- Bichat, 253
- Bilaspur, cholera at, 164
- Bircher, Dr., 249
- Bird-malaria, 217, 218
- Birt, Surgeon-Major, 212
- Bloemfontein, typhoid at, 203
- Blondlot, 29
- Blood, circulation of the, 3-10; blood-pressure, 11-16, 70; collateral circulation, 13
- Blood-letting, rational use of, 264
- "Blood-poisoning," 84
- Board of Agriculture laboratories, 288
- Board Hospitals, diphtheria in, 116
- Boehmer, 42
- Bohn, 37
- BÖllinger, 246
- Bombay, plague in, 170
- Bone, growth of, 40, 55; transplantation of, 264
- Borelli, 25
- Borrel, 168
- Bouillard, 62
- Brain, localisation of functions, 59-67; not sensitive to touch, 65, 285; false argument against experiments on, 336; surgery of, 337
- Brieger, 153
- Broca, 59
- Brown, Captain Harold, 162
- Brown-SÉquard, Prof., 56
- Bruce, Major, 211
- Brunton, Sir T. Lauder, on nitrite of amyl, 254
- Buchanan, Major, 219
- Buenos Ayres, plague in, 194
- Buisson bath, the, 345
- Buisson, Dr., 347
- Burrows, Mr. Herbert, 329
- Busk, Prof., 244
- Byculla jail, plague in, 170
C D - Daman, plague in, 171
- Dark Deeds, 313
- Darwin, evidence before the 1875 Commission, 68
- Davaine on anthrax, 88; on entozoa, 244
- Dax, 62
- "Dead" vaccines, 197
- Death-rate argument, the, 339
- Deaths from experiment on self, 257
- Deelfontein, typhoid in, 208
- Diabetes, 30-35; pancreatic diabetes, 39
- Diapedesis in inflammation, 78
- Digestion, 24-29; Pawlow's experiments, 70
- Digitalis, study of, 253; false argument, 345
- Diphtheria, 102-127; discovery of its antitoxin, 103; early results and reports, 103-116; results at the Board Hospitals, 116-123; Siegert's tables, 123; Woodhead's 1901 report, 124; MacCombie's tables, 126; preventive use of the antitoxin, 105-106; tracheotomy statistics, 104-126; false statements and arguments, 310, 316, 338, 339-342
- Distemper, inoculation against, 289
- Drafting of questions to be put to the Home Secretary, 369
- Drowning, experiments on death by, 361
- Drugs, action of, 251-258; lingering influence of magic, 251; revolutionary work of Magendie and Claude Bernard, 252; discovery of selective action, 253; effects of drugs on animals, 255
- DubouÉ, Dr., 138
- Dundee, tetanus in mills in, 134
- Durbhanga jail, cholera in, 162
- Durham, Dr., on Widal's reaction, 210; on yellow fever, 235
- Dyson, Major, 166
E - E and EE, Certificates, 284-286, 361
- EberlÉ, 38
- Edinburgh Hospital, South Africa, typhoid in, 205
- von Eisselsberg, 249
- Egypt, typhoid in, 199, 206
- "Electoral Work" of anti-vivisection societies, 299, 367
- Electricity in medicine, 264
- Elephantiasis, 240
- Elimination of infection (malaria), 223
- Elliot, Dr. Andrew, 208
- England, variability of diphtheria in, 105
- Equilibration, 56
- Erasistratus, 3
- Erichsen, Sir John, 78, 267
- Excision of wound in tetanus, 136
- Experiments on self, 152, 153, 169, 220, 222, 233, 257
- Experiments during 1905, report to Government on, 283-293
- Experiments without anÆsthetics, 268-271, 286, 292, 352; false statements, 322, 352, 363
- Experiments under Certificate B, or B + EE, or B + F, 285; prohibition of subsequent infliction of pain, 286, 352; these experiments less than 3 per cent. of all experiments, 285; inoculation-experiments about 95 per cent. of all experiments, 286
F - F, Certificate, 284
- Fabricius, 5
- Fayrer, Sir Joseph, 259
- Fenwick, Dr. W. S., 86
- Ferran, Dr., 153
- Ferrier's work in cerebral localisation, 63
- Filariasis, 240; Dr. Low's report on, 241
- Finlay's work on yellow fever, 232
- Fischer, 153
- Fistula, artificial, 28, 29, 70
- Fleas and plague, 332
- Flourens, 55
- Forman, Major, evidence before Plague Commission, 176
- Forster, Mr. W. E., 267
- Foster, Sir Michael, 58, 66
- Foulerton, Mr. A., 210
- Fox, Dr., 250
- France, Pasteur Institutes in, 150
- Frascatorius, 6, 96
- Fraser, Prof., 170, 253, 259
- French army, diphtheria in the, 103
- Fritsch and Hitzig on cerebral localisation, 65
G - Gabritchefski, Dr., 105
- Gaffky, Dr., 196
- Galen, experiment on the arteries, 3; quoted by Asellius, 19; experiments on the nervous system, 44
- Gall and phrenology, 60
- GamaleÏa, 153
- Gamgee, Dr. A., experiments on amyl nitrite, 254
- Gastric juice, 24-39
- Gaya jail, cholera in, 160
- Germany, diphtheria in, 105
- Glycogen, 30-35
- Gmelin, 27
- Goldsmiths' Company, the, 117
- Gorgas, Major, on yellow fever, 237
- Gowers, Sir William, 63
- Graaf, Regnier de, 36
- Graham, Dr., 214
- Grassi, Prof., experiments on malaria, 221, 257
- Greece, rabies in, 143
- Gull, Sir William, on myxoedema, 247
H - Hadwen, Dr., 323
- Haffkine, work on cholera, 153; on plague, 168; experiments on self, 257
- Haigh, Rev. H., 184
- Haldane, Dr., on respiration, 70
- Hales, on blood-pressure, 11
- Haller, 82
- Hallifax, Mr. C. J., 170
- Hamburg, cholera at, 152
- du Hamel, on growth of bone, 40
- Hamer, Dr., 88
- Hankin, Dr., 153
- Harley, Dr., on pancreatic diabetes, 39
- Harvey, William, 5-9, 20, 335
- Harvey, Director General, I.M.S., 169, 171, 191
- Hatch, Lieut.-Col., 169
- Havana, yellow fever in, 238
- Havers, 40
- Head, Dr., work on the nervous system, 70
- Hebra, 82
- Hewett, Mr. J. P., 170
- Hewlett, Prof., 102, 238
- Hill, Dr. Leonard, 71
- Hippocrates, 243
- Historical parallel, 371
- Hitzig, work on cerebral localisation, 64
- Hobday, Prof., 281
- HollÄnder, Dr., 336
- Horses immunised against tetanus, 133
- Horsley, Sir Victor, 315; on Galen, 44; on cerebral localisation, 65; his work on myxoedema, 248, 249
- Houston's estimate, 128
- Hubli, plague in, 181
- Hughlings Jackson, Dr., 63
- Hunter, John, 7, 13, 257
- Hunter, Dr. William, on pernicious anÆmia, 263
- Hutton, Mr., 267
- Huxley, Prof., 267, 298
- Hydatid disease, 245
- Hypodermic use of drugs, 264
I - Iceland, echinococcus in, 245
- Immunised horses, not in pain, 270
- Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, typhoid in, 207
- India, cholera in, 153; plague in, 168; typhoid in, 198; malaria in, 216
- India Office, experiments made for, 288
- Inflammation, study of, 77-79
- Ingersoll, Col., 329
- Inoculations, scheduled under Certificate A, 269; about 95 per cent. of all experiments, 292, 325; presence or absence of pain, 270, 287; made by Government and public bodies, 288, 292; false arguments and statements, 338, 352
- Internal secretion, 34, 39, 250
- Irregularities under the Act, 288
- Israel, Prof., 246
- Italy, malaria in, 218 sqq.
J - Jains, the, 168
- Japan, cholera in, 167
- Jesse, Mr., 298
- Jewish community at Aden, plague among, 192
- Jute mills, tetanus in, 134
K - Kanthack, Prof., on tetanus, 130; on snake venom, 259
- KÁrmÁn, Dr., 104
- Karslake, Sir John, 267
- Keelan, Lieut., on plague, 187
- Keeping down of the mosquito, 229, 242
- Kent County Lunatic Asylum, typhoid at, 197
- Khartoum Expedition, typhoid on, 197
- Khoja community, plague among, 179
- Kirki, plague at, 172
- Kitasato, Prof., on diphtheria, 102; on plague, 168
- Klebs, Prof., on diphtheria, 102; on typhoid, 196
- Klebs-Loeffler bacillus, the, 102 sqq.
- Klein, Prof., on anthrax, 76; on cholera, 153; experiment on self, 257
- Koch, Prof., on anthrax, 88; on tubercle, 97, 98; on cholera, 152; on typhoid, 196; on elimination of infection (malaria), 223; experiment on self, 257
- Koch's postulates, 76
- Kocher, Prof., on myxoedema, 247, 249
- Krokiewicz, 133
- KrÖnlein, 104
- Kroonstadt, typhoid in, 203
- KÜchenmeister on entozoa, 244
L M - MacCallum, 216
- McFadyean, Prof., on tuberculin, 100
- MacGarvie Smith, 262
- MacGregor, Sir William, on malaria, 224, 228
- Mackenzie, Dr. Hector, on myxoedema, 250
- Mackenzie, Dr. James, on nerve distribution, 70
- MacNeill, Mr., statements in Parliament, 359
- Macrae, Surg.-Major, 160
- Magendie, on the nerve roots, 52; on selective action of drugs, 252
- Magic, lingering late in medicine, 251
- Mahratta mills and railway, cholera in, 188, 189
- Maidstone, typhoid at, 197, 212
- Malaria, 214-231, 242
- Malay States, malaria in, 230
- Malpighi on the capillaries, 10
- Malta fever, 211; possibly milk-borne, 213
- Malta, typhoid in, 199
- Manometers, 11-18
- Manson, Sir Patrick, 128, 213, 216, 227
- Mantegazza, 330
- Marey, 16
- Marsden, Dr., on typhoid, 200
- Marshall Hall, his work on reflex action, 53
- Martin, Prof. Sidney, on diphtheria, 103; on tetanus, 130
- Meat, infection of, 99
- Medical Brief, the, 316, 338
- Medical Journals, the, 297
- "Medical Opinions on Vivisection," 321
- Meerut, typhoid in, 205
- Meister, Joseph, Pasteur's first case, 137
- von Mering, 38
- Metchnikoff, 78, 153
- Mice immunised against cancer, 263, 288
- Microscope, before bacteriology, 77
- Milk, infection of, 98
- Ministers of State, letters to, 370
- Minkowski, 38
- Monsall Fever Hospital, typhoid in, 200
- Mora, plague in, 170
- Morphia, a true anÆsthetic, 281; exceptional action of, 282
- Mosquito, the, 214-242
- Mosquito brigades, 230
- Mukerji, Surg., 166
- MÜller, Dr., 258
- Municipal laboratories, 287
- Murray, Dr. George, on myxoedema, 250
- Mursell, Rev. A., 320
- Mutilations by farmers and breeders, 293
- Myers, Dr. Walter, death from yellow fever, 236
- Myxoedema, 247-250; false argument, 344
N - Nagpur jail, malaria in, 219
- National Anti-vivisection Society, 299 sqq.
- National Canine Defence League, 306, 322, 360, 363
- National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 304
- Negative results, frequent, of inoculations, 287
- Negri, Prof., 137
- Nervous system, the, 44-67
- Netley Hospital, work on typhoid, 196; on Malta fever, 212
- New Guinea, malaria in, 225
- Newman, Cardinal, 371
- Nhatrang, plague in, 194
- Nicolaier, on tetanus, 129
- Nigeria, malaria in, 225
- Nine Circles, the, 313
- Nocard, Prof., on tetanus in horses, 133
- Nott, Surg.-Capt., 155
O - Official experiments, 288
- Oliver, Dr., 88
- Ollier, Prof., 43
- One experiment = one animal, 359
- Oporto, plague at, 168, 194
- Opsonic index, the, 101
- Ord, Dr., on myxoedema, 247
- "Our Cause in Parliament," 367
- "Our Cause in the Press," 310, 311, 360
- Owen, Sir Richard, 14
- Oxygen, inhalation of, 264
P - Pacific Islands, filariasis in the, 240
- PÆdiatric Society of America, report on diphtheria-antitoxin, 109
- Palermo, Pasteur Institute at, 144
- Pallas, on entozoa, 244
- Pancreas, the, 36; pancreatic diabetes, 39
- Paralyses of diphtheria, 114, 116, 125
- Paralytic rabies of rabbits, 146
- Parasitic diseases, 243
- Parasitism, 215
- ParÉ, Ambroise, 167, 252
- Paris, diphtheria in, 107
- Parkinson, Dr., 86
- Parsee community at Daman, plague among, 171
- Pasteur, his influence on surgery, 79, 84; work on anthrax, 88; on rouget, 94; on rabies, 137
- Pasteur Institutes, 140-151; false argument, 345-348
- Pathology and bacteriology, 75-86
- Pavy, Dr., on diabetes, 35
- Pawlow, Prof., on digestion, 70
- Pecha, Nurse, 258
- Pecquet, Jehan, discovery of the thoracic duct, 21
- PÉdiatrie, SociÉtÉ de, 106
- Pernicious anÆmia, 263
- Peter, Dr., 141
- Pfeiffer, Dr., 153
- Phelps, Lieut.-Gen., 323
- Phrenology, 60, 333
- Phthisis, 96
- Physiology, 3-71, 267
- Pirkis, Capt., R.N., 346
- Plague, 168-195
- Poiseuille's manometer, 15
- Pollender, 88
- Polli, Prof., 79
- Polyvalent serum, 86
- Ponfick, 246
- Poore, Dr., on anthrax, 89; on tetanus, 129
- Portland Hospital, typhoid in, 202
- Pottevin, Dr., 145
- Powell, Dr. Arthur, 165
- Prague, tetanus at, 134
- Prejudiced Man, the, 373
- Preventive use of antitoxin in diphtheria, 104, 106; in tetanus, 133-135
- Prochaska, 54
- Protection against Anopheles and Culex, 227, 241
- Puerperal fever, 79-84
- PyÆmia, 78
Q - Quarantine and bacteriology, 167
- Quesada, 257
- Quinine, action of, 231
R - Rabies, 137-151; tests in 1905, 288, 291; false argument, 345
- Rats and plague, 192, 332
- Realdus, 4
- RÉaumur, work on digestion, 25
- Redi, on entozoa, 244
- Reed, on yellow fever, 239
- Reflex action, 53
- Registered places under the Act, 283
- Registrar-General, the, 339
- Reinhardt, Dr., 355
- Rennie, Dr., on snake venom, 263
- Report on experiments on animals, 283-293
- Respiration, 70
- Reverdin, Prof., 247
- Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward, 254
- Richmond Hospital, Dublin, typhoid in, 207
- Rio, Pasteur Institute at, 144
- Roger, on anthrax, 88
- Rolland, Gen., 175
- Rolleston, Dr. Humphry, 207
- Romanes, 66
- Ross, Prof. Ronald, 216, 228, 242
- Rouget, inoculation against, 94
- Roux, Prof., 84, 89, 103, 138
- Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 304
- Rudbeck, 23
- Ruffer, Dr., 170
- Rush for plague-serum in 1899, 193
- Russia, diphtheria in, 105
- Russell, Sir James, 288
- Russell, Dr. Risien, 46
S - Salicylic acid, 255
- St. Martin, Alexis, 28
- Sambon, Dr. G. C., 220
- Samoa, filariasis in, 240
- Sanarelli, Prof., 234, 315
- San Carlos jail, yellow fever in, 234
- Sanders, Dr., 253
- Sanderson, Sir John Burdon, 32
- Saturday Review, the, 103
- Scarbrugh, Dr., 251
- Schiff, Prof., 58, 249
- Securus judicat, 123
- Segregation against malaria, 224
- Selective action of drugs, 252
- Semmelweis, Ignaz, work on puerperal fever, 79-82
- Semon, Sir Felix, 248
- Semple, Surg.-Major, 196, 210
- Serampur, cholera at, 164
- "Serious experiments," 349-353
- Sewage, experiments for testing, 288
- Sewell, Dr., 263
- Shambles of Science, the, 313
- Siegert's tables of diphtheria, 123
- Sierra Leone, malaria in, 226
- Simon, Sir John, evidence before 1875 Commission, 76
- Simpson, Dr. W. J., on cholera, 155
- Skin, diseases of, 250; grafting, 264
- Skoda, 82
- Sleeping sickness, 264
- Smith, Dr. J. W., 203
- Smith, Mr. Stephen, 355
- Snake venom, 259-263
- Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 304
- South Africa, typhoid in, 200 sqq.
- South America, yellow fever in, 232 sqq.
- Southwell, Bishop of, 319
- Spallanzani, 26
- Speech centres, the, 59, 337
- Spontaneous generation, 244
- Sport, attitude of anti-vivisection societies toward, 308
- Sphygmometer, the, 17
- Spurious hydrophobia, 347
- Stanley, Mr., 42
- Starling, Prof., 39, 69
- Staten Island, 242
- Steenstrup, on entozoa, 244
- Sternberg, 128, 231
- Stoker, Sir W. T., 291
- Stone, Dr., 263
- Streptococci, 83
- Strophanthus, 255
- Strychnine, study of, 253
- Subdural inoculations, 133, 138, 271
- Suppuration, 84
- Swammerdam, 244
- Syme, 42, 78
- Sympathetic system, 69
T - Tabes mesenterica, 98
- Talbot, Rev. R., 352
- Terzi, Signor, experiment on self, 220
- Tetanus, 128-136
- Tew, Dr., on typhoid, 197
- Thane, Mr. G. D., 290
- Thompson Yates laboratories, 223
- Thoracic duct, the, 21
- Thuillier, 89
- Thyroid extract, use of, 250; false argument, 344
- Tiedemann, 27
- Tooth, Dr., 202
- Torsion of arteries, 264
- Tracheotomy in diphtheria, 114-120
- Transfusion of saline fluid, 264
- Transplantation of bone, 264
- Treves, Sir Frederick, 321
- Trichiniasis, 244
- Trotter, Mr. W. B. L., 288
- Tubercle, 96-101
- Tuberculin, 98
- Typhoid fever, 196-211
U V - Valentin, 38
- Valisnieri, 25
- VallÉry Radot, 137
- Vaso-motor system, 56, 69
- Vaughan, Surg.-Capt., 155
- Venesection, 264
- Venoms, relative strength of, 260
- Veratria, 255
- Veterinary operations, 281, 293
- Vierordt, 17
- Villemin, 96
- Virchow, Prof., 75, 245
- Virulence, grades of, 89, 139, 260
- Virus fixe, 139
W - Wall, Dr. A., 350
- Waller, 78
- War Office, experiments for, 288
- Washbourn, Dr., 208
- Wassermann, 153
- West, Lieut. J. W., 209
- West Africa, malaria in, 224, 226
- Wharton Jones, 77
- Widal's reaction, 210, 211
- Wilberforce, Archdeacon, 319, 328
- Willis, 59
- Winburg, typhoid in, 209
- Winmarleigh, Lord, 267
- Wolff, 246
- Wood, Mr. Somerville, 339-344
- Woodhead, Prof., 117, 124, 271
- Woolsorters' disease, 87
- Wright, Sir Almroth, 101, 170, 196
Y Z - Zoophilist, the, 314-320
- ZÜrich, diphtheria in, 104