Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines—Various Measures of Efficiency—Temperatures and Pressures—Factors Governing Economy—Losses in Wall Cooling—Value of Indicator Cards—Compression in Explosive Motors—Factors Limiting Compression—Causes of Heat Losses and Inefficiency—Heat Losses to Cooling Water. |
T1 - T0 |
T1 |
and shows the work of a perfect cycle in an engine working between the received temperature + absolute temperature (T1) and
Fig. 12.—Graphic Diagram Showing Approximate Utilization of Fuel Burned in Internal-Combustion Engine.
The graphic diagram at Fig. 12 is of special value as it shows clearly how the heat produced by charge combustion is expended in an engine of average design.
On general principles the greater difference between the heat of combustion and the heat at exhaust is the relative measure of the heat turned into work, which represents the degree of efficiency without loss during expansion. The mathematical formulas appertaining to the computation of the element of heat and its work in an explosive engine are in a large measure dependent upon assumed values, as the conditions of the heat of combustion are made uncertain by the mixing of the fresh charge with the products of a previous combustion, and by absorption, radiation, and leakage. The computation of the temperature from the observed pressure may be made as before explained, but for compression-engines the needed starting-points for computation are very uncertain, and can only be approximated from the exact measure and value of the elements of combustion in a cylinder charge.
Owing to the decrease from atmospheric pressure in the indrawing charge of the cylinder, caused by valve and frictional obstruction, the compression seldom starts above 13 lbs. absolute, especially in high-speed engines. Col. 3 in the following table represents the approximate absolute compression pressure for the clearance percentage and ratio in Cols. 1 and 2, while Col. 4 indicates the gauge pressure from the atmospheric line. The temperatures in Col. 5 are due to the compression in Col. 3 from an assumed temperature of 560° F. in the mixture of the fresh charge of 6 air to 1 gas with the products of combustion left in the clearance chamber from the exhaust stroke of a medium-speed motor. This temperature is subject to
Table III.—Gas-Engine Clearance Ratios, Approximate Compression,
Temperatures of Explosion and Explosive Pressures with a Mixture
of Gas of 660 Heat Units per Cubic Foot and Mixture of Gas
1 to 6 of Air.
Clearance Per Cent. of Piston Volume. | Ratio
| Approximate Compression from 13 Pounds Absolute. | Approximate Gauge Pressure. | Absolute Temperature of Compression from 560 Deg. Fahrenheit in Cylinder. | Absolute Temperature of Explosion. Gas, 1 part; Air, 6 parts. | Approximate Explosion Pressure Absolute. | Approximate Gauge Pressure. | Approximate Temperature of Explosion, Fahrenheit. | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
Lbs. | Deg. | Deg. | Lbs. | Lbs. | Deg. | |||||||||
.50 | 3. | 57. | 42. | 822. | 2488 | 169 | 144 | 2027 | ||||||
.444 | 3. | 25 | 65. | 50. | 846. | 2568 | 197 | 182 | 2107 | |||||
.40 | 3. | 50 | 70. | 55. | 868. | 2638 | 212 | 197 | 2177 | |||||
.363 | 3. | 75 | 77. | 62. | 889. | 2701 | 234 | 219 | 2240 | |||||
.333 | 4. | 84. | 69. | 910. | 2751 | 254 | 239 | 2290 | ||||||
.285 | 4. | 50 | 102. | 88. | 955. | 2842 | 303 | 288 | 2381 | |||||
.25 | 5. | 114. | 99. | 983. | 2901 | 336 | 321 | 2440 |
In view of the experiments in this direction, it clearly shows that in practical work, to obtain the greatest economy per effective brake horse-power, it is necessary: 1st. To transform the heat into work with the greatest rapidity mechanically allowable. This means high piston speed. 2d. To have high initial compression. 3d. To reduce the duration of contact between the hot gases and the cylinder walls to the smallest amount possible; which means short stroke and quick speed, with a spherical cylinder head. 4th. To adjust the temperature of the jacket water to
In an experimental investigation of the efficiency of a gas-engine under variable piston speeds made in France, it was found that the useful effect increases with the velocity of the piston—that is, with the rate of expansion of the burning gases with mixtures of uniform volumes: so that the variations of time of complete combustion at constant pressure, and the variations due to speed, in a way compensate in their efficiencies. The dilute mixture, being slow burning, will have its time and pressure quickened by increasing the speed.
Careful trials give unmistakable evidence that the useful effect increases with the velocity of the piston—that is, with the rate of expansion of the burning gases. The time necessary for the explosion to become complete and to attain its maximum pressure depends not only on the composition of the mixture, but also upon the rate of expansion. This has been verified in experiments with a high-speed motor, at speeds from 500 to 2,000 revolutions per minute, or piston speeds of from 16 to 64 feet per second. The increased speed of combustion due to increased piston speed is a matter of great importance to builders of gas-engines, as well as to the users, as indicating the mechanical direction of improvements to lessen the wearing strain due to high speed and to lighten the vibrating parts with increased strength, in order that the
From many experiments made in Europe and in the United States, it has been conclusively proved that excessive cylinder cooling by the water-jacket results in a marked loss of efficiency. In a series of experiments with a simplex engine in France, it was found that a saving of 7 per cent. in gas consumption per brake horse-power was made by raising the temperature of the jacket water from 141° to 165° F. A still greater saving was made in a trial with an Otto engine by raising the temperature of the jacket water from 61° to 140° F.—it being 9.5 per cent. less gas per brake horse-power.
It has been stated that volumes of similar cylinders increase as the cube of their diameters, while the surface of their cold walls varies as the square of their diameters; so that for large cylinders the ratio of surface to volume is less than for small ones. This points to greater economy in the larger engines. The study of many experiments goes to prove that combustion takes place gradually in the gas-engine cylinder, and that the rate of increase of pressure or rapidity of firing is controlled by dilution and compression of the mixture, as well as by the rate of expansion or piston speed. The rate of combustion also depends on the size and shape of the explosion chamber, and is increased by the mechanical agitation of the mixture during combustion, and still more by the mode of firing.
Fig. 13.—Otto Four-Cycle Card.
To the uninitiated, indicator cards are considerable of a mystery; to those capable of reading them they form an index relative to the action of any engine. An indicator card, such as shown at Fig. 13, is merely a graphical representation of the various pressures existing in the cylinder for different positions of the piston. The length is to some scale that represents the stroke of the piston. During the intake stroke, the pressure falls below the
Fig. 14.—Diesel Motor Card.
A most unique card is that of the Diesel motor (Fig. 14), which involves a distinct principle in the design and operation of internal-combustion motors, in that instead of taking a mixed charge for instantaneous explosion, its charge primarily is of air and its compression to a pressure at which a temperature is attained above the igniting point of the fuel, then injecting the fuel under a still higher pressure by which spontaneous combustion takes place gradually with increasing volume over the compression for part of the stroke or until the fuel charge is consumed. The motor thus operating between the pressures of 500 and 35 lbs. per square inch, with a clearance of about 7 per cent., has given an efficiency of 36 per cent. of the total heat value of kerosene oil.
That the compression in a gas, gasoline, or oil-engine has a direct relation to the power obtained, has been long known to experienced builders, having been suggested by M. Beau de Rocha, in 1862, and afterward brought into practical use in the four-cycle or Otto type about 1880. The degree of compression has had a growth from zero, in the early engines, to the highest available due to the varying ignition temperatures of the different gases and vapors used for explosive fuel, in order to avoid premature explosion from the heat of compression. Much of the increased power for equal-cylinder capacity is due to compression of the charge from the fact that the most powerful explosion of gases, or of any form of explosive material, takes place when the particles are in the closest contact or cohesion with one another, less energy in this form being consumed by the ingredients themselves to bring about their chemical combination, and consequently
Fig. 15.—Diagram of Heat in the Gas Engine Cylinder.
In a gas or gasoline-motor with a small clearance or compression space—with high compression—the surface with which the burning gases come into contact is much smaller in comparison with the compression space in a low-compression motor. Another advantage of a high-compression motor is that on account of the smaller clearance of combustion space less cooling water is required than with a low-compression motor, as the temperature,
It has been found that the explosive pressure resulting from the ignition of the charge of gas or gasoline-vapor and air in the gas-engine cylinder is about 41/2 times the pressure prior to ignition. The difficulty about getting high compression is that if the pressure is too high the charge is likely to ignite prematurely, as compression always results in increased temperature. The cylinder may become too hot, a deposit of carbon, a projecting electrode or plug body in the cylinder may become incandescent and ignite the charge which has been excessively heated by the high compression and mixture of the hot gases of the previous explosion.
With gasoline-vapor and air the compression should not be raised above about 90 to 95 pounds to the square inch, many manufacturers not going above 65 or 70 pounds. For natural gas the compression pressure may easily be raised to from 85 to 100 pounds per square inch. For gases of low calorific value, such as blast-furnace or producer-gas, the compression may be increased to from 140 to 190 pounds. In fact the ability to raise the compression to a high point with these gases is one of the principal reasons for their successful adoption for gas-engine use. In kerosene injection engines the compression of 250 pounds per square inch has been used with marked economy. Many troubles in regard to loss of power and increase of fuel have occurred and will no doubt continue,
The explosive pressure varies to a considerable amount in proportion to the compression pressure by the difference in fuel value and the proportions of air mixtures, so that for good illuminating gas the explosive pressure may be from 2.5 to 4 times the compression pressure. For natural gas 3 to 4.5, for gasoline 3 to 5, for producer-gas 2 to 3, and for kerosene by injection 3 to 6.
The compression temperatures, although well known and easily computed from a known normal temperature of the explosive mixture, are subject to the effect of the uncertain temperature of the gases of the previous explosion remaining in the cylinder, the temperature of its walls, and the relative volume of the charge, whether full or scant; which are terms too variable to make any computations reliable or available.
For the theoretical compression temperatures from a known normal temperature, we append a table of the rise in temperature for the compression pressures in the following table:
Table IV.—Compression Temperatures
from a Normal Temperature of
60 Degrees Fahrenheit
100 | lbs. | gauge | 484° | 60 | lbs. | gauge | 373° |
90 | lbs. | gauge | 459° | 50 | lbs. | gauge | 339° |
80 | lbs. | gauge | 433° | 40 | lbs. | gauge | 301° |
70 | lbs. | gauge | 404° | 30 | lbs. | gauge | 258° |
Fig. 16.—Chart Showing Relation Between Compression Volume and Pressure.
A very useful chart (Fig. 16) for determining compression pressures in gasoline-engine cylinders for various ratios of compression space to total cylinder volume is given by P. S. Tice, and described in the Chilton Automobile Directory by the originator as follows:
P2 = P1 ( | V1 | )1.4 | 1 |
V2 |
which is for adiabatic compression of air. Equation (1) is right enough in general form but gives results which
Also, experiment shows that if the exponent be given the value 1.26, instead of 1.4, the equation will embrace all heat losses in the compressed gas, and compensate for the changed ratio of specific heats for the mixture and also for all piston leakage, in the average engine with rings in good condition and tight. In the light of the foregoing, and in view of results obtained from its use, the above curve is offered—values of P2 being found from the equation
P2 = 13.8 ( | V1 | )1.26 |
V2 |
In using this curve it must be remembered that pressures are absolute. Thus: suppose it is desired to know the volumetric relationships of the cylinder for a compression pressure of 75 lbs. gauge. Add atmospheric pressure to the desired gauge pressure 14.7 + 75 = 89.7 lbs. absolute. Locate this pressure on the scale of ordinates
The difference realized in the practical operation of an internal combustion heat engine from the computed effect derived from the values of the explosive elements is probably the most serious difficulty that engineers have encountered in their endeavors to arrive at a rational conclusion as to where the losses were located, and the ways and means of design that would eliminate the causes of loss and raise the efficiency step by step to a reasonable percentage of the total efficiency of a perfect cycle.
An authority on the relative condition of the chemical elements under combustion in closed cylinders attributes the variation of temperature shown in the fall of the expansion curve, and the suppression or retarded evolution of heat, entirely to the cooling action of the cylinder walls, and to this nearly all the phenomena hitherto obscure in the cylinder of a gas-engine. Others attribute the great difference between the theoretical temperature of combustion and the actual temperature realized in the practical operation of the gas-engine, a loss of more than one-half of the total heat energy of the combustibles, partly to the dissociation of the elements of combustion at extremely high temperatures and their reassociation by expansion in the cylinder, to account for the supposed continued
Fig. 17.—The Thompson Indicator, an Instrument for Determining Compressions and Explosion Pressure Values and Recording Them on Chart.
The loss of heat to the walls of the cylinder, piston, and clearance space, as regards the proportion of wall surface to the volume, has gradually brought this point to its smallest ratio in the concave piston-head and globular cylinder-head, with the smallest possible space in the inlet and exhaust passage. The wall surface of a cylindrical clearance space or combustion chamber of one-half its unit diameter in length is equal to 3.1416 square units, its volume but 0.3927 of a cubic unit; while the same wall
Fig. 18.—Spherical Combustion Chamber.
Fig. 19.—Enlarged Combustion Chamber.
The spherical form cannot continue during the stroke for mechanical reasons; therefore some proportion of piston stroke of cylinder volume must be found to correspond with a spherical form of the combustion chamber to produce the least loss of heat through the walls during the combustion and expansion part of the stroke. This idea is illustrated in Figs. 18 and 19, showing how the relative volumes of cylinder stroke and combustion chamber may be varied to suit the requirements due to the quality of the elements of combustion.
Although the concave piston-head shows economy in regard to the relation of the clearance volume to the wall area at the moment of explosive combustion, it may be clearly seen that its concavity increases its surface area and its capacity for absorbing heat, for which there is no provision for cooling the piston, save its contact with the walls of the cylinder and the slight air cooling of its back by its reciprocal motion. For this reason the concave piston-head has not been generally adopted and the concave cylinder-head, as shown in Fig. 19, with a flat
Fig. 20.—Mercedes Aviation Engine Cylinder Section Showing Approximately Spherical Combustion Chamber and Concave Piston Top.
The practical application of the principle just outlined to one of the most efficient airplane motors ever designed, the Mercedes, is clearly outlined at Fig. 20.
The mean temperature of the wall surface of the combustion chamber and cylinder, as indicated by the temperatures of the circulating water, has been found to be an important item in the economy of the gas-engine. Dugald Clerk, in England, a high authority in practical work with the gas-engine, found that 10 per cent. of the gas for a stated amount of power was saved by using water at a temperature in which the ejected water from the cylinder-jacket was near the boiling-point, and ventures the opinion that a still higher temperature for the circulating water may be used as a source of economy. This could be made practical in the case of aviation engines by adjusting the air-cooling surface of the radiator so as to maintain the inlet water at just below the boiling point, and by the rapid circulation induced by the pump pressure, to return the water from the cylinder-jacket a few degrees above the boiling point. The thermal displacement systems of cooling employed in automobiles are working under more favorable temperature conditions than those engines in which cooling is more energetic.
For a given amount of heat taken from the cylinder by the largest volume of circulating water, the difference in temperature between inlet and outlet of the water-jacket should be the least possible, and this condition of the water circulation gives a more even temperature to all parts of the cylinder; while, on the contrary, a cold-water supply, say at 60° F., so slow as to allow the ejected water to flow off at a temperature near the boiling-point, must make a great difference in temperature between the bottom and top of the cylinder, with a loss in economy
From the foregoing considerations of losses and inefficiencies, we find that the practice in motor design and construction has not yet reached the desired perfection in its cycular operation. Step by step improvements have been made with many changes in design though many have been without merit as an improvement, farther than to gratify the longings of designers for something different from the other thing, and to establish a special construction of their own. These efforts may in time produce a motor of normal or standard design for each kind of fuel that will give the highest possible efficiency for all conditions of service.