Colours obtained by Sir Isaac Newton's method of decomposing the rays of light, the least refrangible being placed first, the most refrangible last. See p. 18. frontis Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. THE DYER'S COLOURS AND THEIR CHIEF COMPOUNDS. SIMPLE COLOURS. Blue, Yellow, Red, Black[1]. COMPOUND COLOURS. Green is made with Blue and Yellow. Orange with Red and Yellow.
Greys with Black, Blue, and Red.
[1] Black according to the theory of Newton, denotes the absence, and White the presence of all colours. BEING A WITH THE METHOD OF AND AND ALSO By THOMAS PACKER, "Cet arte est un des plus utiles et des plus merveilleux qu'on connoisse." "There is no art which depends so much on chemistry as dyeing." SECOND EDITION, LONDON: 1830. |