CHAPTER I. MY UNCLE, THE MAJOR. CHAPTER VIII. BLACK MINGO SWAMP. Transcriber's Note: Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation in the original document have been preserved. In particular, the book uses reconnoiter and reconnoitre, and both redcoat and red-coat. I clasped the old man's hand, understanding for the first time what a friend he was.—Page 93. WITH THE SWAMP FOXA Story of General Marion's Young Spies. By JAMES OTIS. With Six Page Illustrations by J. Watson Davis. NEW YORK: Copyright, 1899, by A. L. Burt. WITH THE SWAMP FOX. "Thank God I can lay my hand on my heart and say that, since I came to man's estate, I have never intentionally done wrong to any." (General Francis Marion's last words, spoken February 27th, 1795.) |