| PAGE | Why This Story Was Written | 9 | The Leaking "Speedwell" | 10 | Searching for a Home | 13 | After the Storm | 15 | Wash Day | 16 | Finding the Corn | 17 | Attacked by the Savages | 20 | Building Houses | 22 | Miles Standish | 24 | The Sick People | 26 | The New Home | 27 | Master White and the Wolf | 29 | The Inside of the House | 30 | A Chimney Without Bricks | 32 | Building the Fire | 33 | Master Bradford's Chimney | 34 | Scarcity of Food | 36 | A Timely Gift | 38 | The First Savage Visitor | 39 | Squanto's Story | 41 | Living in the Wilderness | 42 | The Friendly Indians | 44 | Grinding the Corn | 46 | A Visit From Massasoit | 47 | Massasoit's Promise | 50 | | | Massasoit's Visit Returned | 52 | The Big House Burned | 53 | The "Mayflower" Leaves Port | 54 | Setting the Table | 56 | What and How We Eat | 58 | Table Rules | 60 | When the Pilgrim Goes Abroad | 62 | Making a Dugout | 63 | Governor Carver's Death | 65 | William Bradford Chosen Governor | 67 | Farming in Plymouth | 68 | Ways of Cooking Indian Corn | 70 | The Wedding | 72 | Making Maple Sugar | 73 | Decorating the Inside of the House | 74 | Trapping Wolves and Bagging Pigeons | 76 | Elder Brewster | 77 | The Visit to Massasoit | 79 | Keeping the Sabbath Holy
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