(By a candid—if capricious—Conjugator.) Amo, amas—All love a lass! Amamus, amatis—Churls cry, jam satis! Amat, amant—But that's masculine cant! Amem, ames—We wish to please. Amemus, ametis—'Cos love so sweet is. Amet, ament—Man's never content! Amavissem—We yearn to kiss 'em. Amavisses—They accept our kisses. Ama, amato—Lips like a tomato. Amate, amanto—Move many a canto. Amare, amavisse—We Marry sweet Missy. Amans, amaturus—Her charms to secure us. Amandum, amandi—As wives they come handy. Amando, amandum—But we don't understand 'em. Amandum, amando—Their novels are grand, oh! Amatum, amatu—Cries male critic, "I'll slate you!" Amor, amaris, amatur—Woman goes like thunder when a starter! Amamur, amamini, amantur—And she swears she'll lick us in a canter! Amemur, amemini, amentur—And 'twill take us all our time to prevent her!