CHAPTER I. | | PAGE. | Introduction.—Money in the Rocks—The Underground Wealth of our Country—Valuable Minerals Disguised—How Great Fortunes are Missed—Number of Minerals in the United States—Object of this Work and How to Use it—The Best Mineral Regions | 9 | CHAPTER II. | Directions for Determining Specimens by the Key.—How to Test Minerals with the Simplest Means—Prospecting with a Jack-knife and Common Sense—Use of the Key—How to Tell Pyrites from Gold, and Quartz from Diamond—All the Useful Minerals Grouped According to Hardness and Color | 15 | CHAPTER III. | Descriptive List of Useful Minerals.—The Gems—Precious Metals—Valuable Ores and Useful Minerals of the United States from Agate to Zinc—Their Distinguishing Characters, Uses and Localities—A Mineralogy for Miners—Agate—Alum—Amethyst—Anthracite—Antimony Ore—Asbestus—Asphaltum—Azurite—Baryta—Bituminous Coal—Blende—Bog Iron Ore—Brittle Silver Ore—Brown Coal—Calamine—Cannel Coal—Carnelian—Celestine—Cerussite—Chromic Iron—Cinnabar—Cobalt Pyrites—Copper—Copper Glance—Copper Nickel—Copper Pyrites—Diamond—Emery—Fluor Spar—Franklinite—Galena—Garnet—Gold—Graphite—Gray Copper Ore—Gypsum—Horn Silver—Iron Pyrites—Jasper—Kaolin—Lenticular Iron Ore—Limonite—Magnetic Iron Ore—Magnetic Pyrites—Malachite—Manganese Spar—Marble—Mica—Micaceous Iron Ore—Nitre—Oxyd of Manganese—Platinum—Red Copper Ore—Red Hematite—Red Silver Ore—Rensselaerite—Rock Crystal—Rock Salt—Rutile—Serpentine—Silicate of Copper—Silver—Silver Glance—Smaltine—Smithsonite—Spathic Iron—Specular Iron—Spinel Ruby—Steatite—Strontianite—Sulphur—Tin Ore—Topaz—Tourmaline—Variegated Copper Ore—Wad—Willemite—Zincite | 20 | CHAPTER IV. | Prospecting for Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Iron.—Mineral Riches, how Discovered—Indications—Searching for Diamonds, and how to Distinguish them—Paying Localities of Gold—“Fool’s Gold”—Prospecting for Silver and Copper—Where to Look for Lead and Iron | 81 | CHAPTER V. | Assay of Ores.—When an Ore will Pay—Washing for Gold and Platinum—How to Assay Gold in the Simplest Way—To Test any Rock for Gold and Silver—To Find the Purity of Gold—To Detect and Assay Silver Ores—Assay of Copper, Iron, Zinc, Tin and Lead Ores-Ready Method of Testing Graphite | 92 | CHAPTER VI. | Mineral Springs.—What are Mineral Springs—General Location—Gas Springs—Iron Springs—Sulphur Springs—Alum Springs—Epsom Springs—Salt Springs—Warm Springs—Artesian Wells and Oil Wells, and Where to Bore for Them | 105 | CHAPTER VII. | Artificial Jewelry—How Made and How Detected.—Mock Diamonds—“Paris Brilliants”—The Manufacture of Pastes—False Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, Emerald and Carnelian—How to Distinguish True and False Gems—Imitation Pearl and Coral—Artificial Gold—List of Precious Stones | 114 | CHAPTER VIII. | Discovery of Gold in California | 127 | CHAPTER IX. | Discovery of Silver in Nevada, and United States Gold and Silver Statistics | 134 |
Inscribed TO ROSSITER W. RAYMOND, PH. D., UNITED STATES Commissioner of Mining Statistics; EDITOR OF THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL; AUTHOR OF “The Mines of the West,” etc.
Underground Treasures.