[The meaning of the words as given in this Glossary is that which holds in the army at the front and sometimes conflicts with the meaning as given in the dictionary.] Abri | dug-out | Ambulancier | ambulance driver | Argot | slang | ArrivÉe | an enemy shell | Assis | a wounded man able to sit up | BlessÉ | wounded man | Bonne camaraderie | good-fellowship | Bonne chance | good luck | Boyaux | communication trench | Brancardier | stretcher-bearer | Briquet | pocket lighter | Camion | truck | Camionnette | small truck | Chef | first lieutenant | Conducteur | ambulance driver | Contre-avion | anti-aircraft gun | CouchÉ | a wounded man lying down | Croix de guerre | war cross | DÉpart | a shell fired towards the enemy | Dud | a shell which does not explode | Éclat | shell fragment | En Panne | breakdown | En Permission | on furlough | En Repos | on a rest | Estaminet | cafÉ | Major | army surgeon | Malade | sick man | MarÉchal des logis | French petty officer | Mauvais temps | rainy season | MÉdaille militaire | military medal | Minniewerfer | German trench mortar | Mort Homme | Dead Man’s Hill | Musette | haversack | Peloton | section | Permission | furlough | Permissionnaire | man on furlough | Pinard | wine | Pionnier | a branch of the Engineers | Poste de Secours | front dressing station for wounded | Ravitaillement | provisioning | RÉformÉ | soldier discharged on account of wounds | Roll | to drive | RÔti | shell which does not explode | Saucisse | observation balloon | Soixante-quinze | 75 mm. shell | Sous-chef | second lieutenant | Straf | to shell (literally, to curse) | Tir de barrage | barrage fire | Torpille | trench mortar shell | Verboten | forbidden | Ville haute | upper city | - Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.