[In this index no reference is entered from the Glossary of Terms, the alphabetical arrangement of which renders such reference superfluous.]
@53520-h@53520-h-1.htm.html#Page_53" class="pginternal">53; notice of, as required by U. S. law, 90. Holiday, publication must not take place on public, 96. Surnames, rules for indexing: in general, 109, 110, 120, 121; of noblemen, 110, 111; preceded by prefix, 114, 115, 126, 127. Sweden, copyright relations between U. S. and, 33, 53. Switzerland, copyright relations between U. S. and, 33, 53. Ten, rule for indexing, 115. Ter, rule for indexing, 115. Textbooks, rates of royalty on, 17. The, rule for arrangement of, in index, 129. Thor, rule for indexing, 115. Title-entries, rules for arrangement of, in index, 129. Title-page, 88, 90, 91; first used by Arnold Ther Hoernen, 90. Titles: of nobility, rules for indexing, 110-113, 116, 117, 125; prefixes to names, place in indexed headings, 116, 125. Titles, of books, stories, and periodicals, not subject to copyright protection, 39, 46. Translation: right of, retained, 19, 22; notice of reservation, 57. Traveling salesmen, method of selling books by, 8. Treaties, rule for indexing, 117, 118. Trinity College, Dublin, Library of, British copyright depository, 56. Tunis, copyright relations between U. S. and, 33, 53. Type: names and samples of, 72-76; number of words in different sizes of, 70, 71; setting of, 76. Umm, (Arabic), rule for indexing, 108. Union, International Copyright, 53, 54. United States, the: reciprocal copyright relations with foreign nations, 33, 53; not a member of International Copyright Union, 53, 54; simultaneous publication in, 54, 55. Universities, rules for indexing: of Europe, and Central and South America, 121; of the United States, 122. Van, rules for indexing, 114, 115, 127. Vander, rule for indexing, 115. Van't, rule for indexing, 115. Ver, rul[1] See page 63. |