1. Colleges, asylums and similar establishments may with advantage enforce rigid institutional quarantine against the outside world, if they begin in the early stage of an epidemic, provided they are so located and conducted as to render the procedure reasonably likely to be effective, even temporarily; for even temporary success will postpone the appearance of the disease, if it appears at all, to a time when the patients will be more likely to be able to have adequate medical and nursing care. 2. The recommended measures for control, even if they do not accomplish the desired end, should at least be instrumental in distributing the epidemic over a longer period of time, which in itself is highly desirable. 3. The statistics of the disease and the keeping of proper records are extremely important. The lack of knowledge regarding innumerable factors in reference to the disease makes all the more desirable complete case records, etc. 4. The committee wishes to emphasize the need for the complete statistical study of the collected data on the mortality, morbidity, case fatality, duration, economic aspects, and therapeutics of the disease. Through the collection of the facts in a uniform manner, and through the analysis of such tabulated data, especially mathematical graduation, and testing and study of the figures, important contributions to the natural history and typical characters of the disease may be expected. General principles as to the etiology, fatality and practical management of influenza may follow from the extensive survey of the epidemic in the statistical laboratory as well as from the intensive bedside observation of single cases of the disease. 5. The measures recommended are calculated to be effective in the promotion of respiratory hygiene in general and particularly in the control of pneumonia and other respiratory infections. |