The subjoined list, which includes all the printed autobiographies, diaries, journals, and series of letters utilized in this volume, makes no pretensions to be exhaustive. It contains, however, all the more important original sources of this character, as opposed to formal histories, controversial monographs, and biographies of Peninsular officers written by authors who were not themselves engaged in the war. But I have added to the list those later biographies which contain a great proportion of original and contemporary letters or diaries, such as Delavoye’s Life of Lord Lynedoch, Rait’s Life of Lord Gough, Wrottesley’s Life of Sir John Burgoyne, and C. Vivian’s Life of Lord Vivian. Much valuable first-hand information is imbedded in such works. The books are arranged under headings according to the position which the writer held in the Peninsular War, mainly by regiments, but partly under departmental sections [staff, commissariat, medical, etc.]. I trust that the list may be found useful for those wishing to compile regimental, brigade, or divisional annals of any part of the war. I. STAFF. [Including the Diaries, Memoirs, Correspondence, etc., of General Officers, their Aides-de-Camp, and Officers attached to Head-Quarters.] Blayney (Lord). Narrative of a Forced Journey through Spain and France, by Major-General Lord Blayney [The Fuengirola Expedition, etc.]. London, 1814. Burghersh (Lord). Memoir of the Early Campaign of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal and Spain [anon]. London, 1820. Cotton, Sir S. Life and Correspondence of Field-Marshal Lord Combermere [Sir Stapleton Cotton], ed. by Viscountess Combermere and Capt. W. Knollys. London, 1866. Douglas, Sir H. Life of General Sir Howard Douglas from his Notes, Conversation, and Letters [Campaigns of 1811–14]. London, 1863. Fitzclarence, A. An Account of the British Campaign of 1809 under Sir A. Wellesley in Portugal and Spain by Lt.-Col. Fitzclarence [Earl of Munster]. London, 1831. Graham, Sir T. Life and Letters of Sir Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch, by Captain A.M. Delavoye. London, 1868. Gomm (Sir W.). His Letters and Journals from 1799 to Waterloo [1808–9 and 1810–14]. London, 1881. Hill, Lord, Life and Letters of, by Rev. E. Sidney. London, 1845. Larpent, F.S. The Private Journal of Judge-Advocate F.S. Larpent, attached to Lord Wellington’s Headquarters, 1812–14. London, 1853. Leith Hay, A. Narrative of the Peninsular War, by Sir Andrew Leith Hay [Aide-de-Camp to General Leith]. 2 vols. London, 1879. Mackinnon, General Henry. Journal in Portugal and Spain, 1809–12 [Privately Printed]. 1812. Moore, Sir J. The Diary of Sir John Moore, ed. by General Sir T.F. Maurice. 2 vols. London, 1904. Picton, Sir T. Memoirs and Correspondence of General Sir T. Picton, by H.B. Robinson. 2 vols. London, 1836. Porter, Sir R.K. Letters from Portugal and Spain written during the March of the British Troops [by Sir Robert Ker Porter], 1808–9. London, 1809. Shaw-Kennedy, T. [Aide-de-Camp to General Craufurd]. Diary of 1810, printed in Lord Fitzclarence’s Manual of Outpost Duties. London, 1849. Sorell, T.S. Notes on the Campaign of 1808–9, by Lieut.-Col. T.S. Sorell, Aide-de-Camp to Sir D. Baird. London, 1828. Stewart, Sir Chas. Lives and Correspondence of the Second and Third Marquesses of Londonderry [the third was Chas. Stewart, Adjutant-General to Wellington]. 3 vols. London, 1861. Vere, C.B. Marches, Movements, and Operations of the 4th Division, in Spain and Portugal, 1810–12, by Chas. Brooke Vere, Assistant Quarter-Master General of the Division. Ipswich, 1841.
II. REGIMENTAL REMINISCENCES AND JOURNALS. (a) Cavalry. 7th Hussars. Vivian (Lord). Richard Hussey Vivian, First Baron Vivian, Memoir and Letters, by Hon. Claud Vivian [1808–9 and 1813–14]. London, 1897. 11th Light Dragoons. Farmer, G. “The Light Dragoon,” the story of Geo. Farmer, 11th Light Dragoons, ed. Rev. G.R. Gleig [1811 and Waterloo]. London, 1844. 14th Light Dragoons. Hawker, Peter. Journal of the Campaign of 1809, by Lieut.-Col. Hawker, 14th Light Dragoons. London, 1810. ——. Reminiscences of 1811–12 by Cornet Francis Hall. In Journal United Service Institution for 1912. 16th Light Dragoons. Hay, W. Reminiscences under Wellington, 1808–15, by Captain William Hay, 52nd Foot and 16th Light Dragoons. London, 1901. ——. Tomkinson, W. The Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns, 1809–15. London, 1894. 18th Hussars. Woodberry, G. Journal of Lieutenant Woodberry in the Campaigns of 1813–15. Paris, 1896. 20th Light Dragoons. Landsheit (N.). The Hussar: the story of Norbert Landsheit, Sergeant in the York Hussars and the 20th Light Dragoons, ed. Rev. G.R. Gleig. London, 1837. Anonymous. Jottings from my Sabretache, by a Chelsea Pensioner [Campaigns of 1813–14]. London, 1847. ——. Personal Narrative of Adventures in the Peninsular War, 1812–13, by an Officer in the Staff Corps Cavalry. London, 1827. (b) Infantry. 1st Foot Guards. Batty, R. The Campaign in the Pyrenees and Southern France, 1813–14, by Captain Robert Batty, 1st Foot Guards. Illustrated. London, 1823. 2nd Foot Guards. Stepney, S.C. Leaves from the Diary of an Officer of the Guard, Sketches of Campaigning Life, by Lieut.-Col. S. Cowell Stepney, K.H., Coldstream Guards [Campaigns of 1810–12]. London, 1854. 3rd Foot Guards. Stevenson, J. Twenty-One Years in the British Foot Guards, by John Stevenson, 3rd Foot Guards, sixteen years a non-commissioned officer, forty years a Wesleyan class-leader [Campaigns of 1809–11]. London, 1830. 3rd Foot Guards. Stothert, W. Journal of the Campaigns of 1809–11, by Captain William Stothert, 3rd Foot Guards. London, 1812. 3rd Foot (the Buffs). Reminiscences of a Veteran, being Personal and Military Adventures in the Peninsula, etc., by Lieut.-Gen. T. Bunbury [only 1808–9 in the Buffs]. London, 1861. 5th Foot. Morley, S. Memoirs of a Sergeant of the 5th Regiment, by Sergeant Stephen Morley, 5th Foot [Campaigns of 1808–11]. Ashford, 1842. 7th Foot. Cooper, J.S. Rough Notes of Seven Campaigns in Portugal, etc., by John Spenser Cooper, Sergeant 7th Royal Fusiliers. Carlisle, 1869. ——. Knowles, R. Letters of Lieut. Robert Knowles, 7th Fusiliers, during the Campaigns of 1811–13, ed. by Sir Lees Knowles, Bart. Bolton, 1909. 9th Foot. Hale, J. Journal of James Hale, late Sergeant 9th Foot [1808–14]. Cirencester, 1826. 20th Foot. Steevens, C. Reminiscences of Col. Chas. Steevens, 1795–1818 [Campaigns of 1808 and 1813–14]. Winchester, 1878. 24th Foot. Tidy, C. Recollections of an Old Soldier, a Biographical Sketch of the Late Col. Tidy, C.B., 24th Regt. [1808]. London, 1849. 28th Foot. Cadell, C. Narrative of the Campaigns of the 28th Regt. from 1802 to 1832, by Col. Chas. Cadell [1809–1814]. London, 1835. ——. Blakeney, R. Services, Adventures, and Experiences of Capt. Robert Blakeney, “A Boy in the Peninsular War,” edited by Julian Sturgis [1808–14]. London, 1899. 29th Foot. Leslie. Journal during the Peninsular War, etc., of Colonel Leslie of Balquain [1809–14]. Aberdeen, 1887. ——. Leith Hay, A. A Narrative of the Peninsular War, by Sir Andrew Leith Hay (personal adventures, first with the 29th, then as Aide-de-Camp to General Leith). London, 1839. 31st Foot. L’Estrange, G. Recollections of Sir George L’Estrange, 1812–14. London, 1873. 32nd Foot. Ross-Lewin, H. Life of a Soldier, a Narrative of 27 years’ service in various parts of the World, by a Field Officer [Major H. Ross-Lewin] [1808–14]. 2 vols. London, 1834. 34th Foot. Bell, G. Rough Notes by an Old Soldier, during Fifty Years’ Service, from Ensign to Major-General. 2 vols. [Campaigns of 1811–14]. London, 1867. 40th Foot. Lawrence, W. The Autobiography of Sergeant Wm. Lawrence, 40th Regt., ed. by G.N. Banks [Campaigns of 1808–14]. London, 1901. 42nd Foot. Anton, J. Retrospect of a Military Life, during the most Eventful Period of the late War, by James Anton, Quartermaster-Sergeant, 42nd Highlanders [1813–14]. Edinburgh, 1841. ——. Malcolm, J. Reminiscences of the Campaign in the Pyrenees and the South of France in 1813–14, by John Malcolm, Lieut. 42nd Foot: in Constable’s Memorials of the Late Wars. Edinburgh, 1828. ——. Anon. Personal Narrative of a Private Soldier who served in the 42nd Highlanders for Twelve Years [1808–9 and 1811–14]. 1821. 43rd Foot. Cooke, J.H. Memoir of the late War, a Personal Narrative of Captain J.H. Cooke, 43rd Light Infantry [Campaigns of 1811–14]. London, 1831. ——. ——. A Narrative of Events in the South of France and America, 1814–15 [continuation of the above]. London, 1835. ——. Napier, Geo. The Early Military Life of Gen. Sir Geo. Napier, K.C.B., written by himself. London, 1886. ——. Anon. Memoirs of a Sergeant late of the 43rd Light Infantry, previously to and during the Peninsular War, including the account of his Conversion from Popery to the Protestant Religion. London, 1835. 47th Foot. Harley, J. The Veteran, or Forty Years in the British Service, by Capt. John Harley, late Paymaster 47th Regt. [Campaigns of 1811–14]. London, 1838. 48th Foot. Moyle Sherer, G. Recollections of the Peninsula, by Col. G. Moyle Sherer [Campaigns of 1809–13]. London, 1823. 50th Foot. MacCarthy, J. The Storm of Badajoz, with a Note on the Battle of Corunna, by J. MacCarthy, late 50th Regt. London, 1836. ——. Napier, Chas. Life and Opinions of Sir Charles James Napier, by Sir William Napier [First vol. for the 50th at Corunna, etc.]. London, 1857. 50th Foot. Patterson, J. Adventures of Captain John Patterson, with Notices of the Officers of the 50th Queen’s Regiment, 1807–21. London, 1837. ——. Patterson, J. Camp and Quarters, Scenes and Impressions of Military Life by the same Author. London, 1843. 51st Foot. Wheeler, W. Journal from the year 1809 to 1816 by William Wheeler, a Soldier of the 51st or King’s Own Light Infantry. Corfu, 1824. 52nd Foot. Hay, W. Reminiscences under Wellington, 1808–15, by Captain William Hay, 52nd Foot and 16th Light Dragoons. London, 1901. ——. Seaton (Lord). Life and Letters of Sir John Colborne [Lord Seaton], ed. by G.C. Moore-Smith. London, 1903. 66th Foot. Henry, W. Events of a Military Life, being Recollections of the Service in the Peninsula, etc., of Walter Henry, Surgeon, 66th Regt. [Campaign of 1812–14]. London, 1843. 68th Foot. Green, J. Vicissitudes of a Soldier’s Life, by John Green, late of the 68th Durham Light Infantry. Louth, 1827. 71st Foot. Anon. Vicissitudes in the Life of a Scottish Soldier, 1808 to 1815, including some particulars of the Battle of Waterloo. London, 1827. ——. Anon, TS. Journal of T.S. of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, in Memorials of the Late Wars [ed. Constable]. Edinburgh, 1828. 82nd Foot. Wood, G. The Subaltern Officer, a Narrative by Captain Geo. Wood of the 82nd Prince of Wales’s Volunteers [1808 and 1813–14]. London, 1825. 85th Foot. Gleig, G.R. The Subaltern [Campaigns in the Pyrenees and South of France, 1813–14], by G.R. Gleig, 85th Foot. London, 1823. 87th Foot. Gough [Lord]. See Letters 1809–14 in R.S. Rait’s Life of Lord Gough. 88th Foot. Grattan, W. Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1804–14, by Lieut. Wm. Grattan. London, 1847. ——. ——. Second series of Reminiscences. London, 1853. 92nd Foot. Hope, J. Military Memoirs of an Infantry Officer, 1809–16 [Lieut. Jas. Hope, 92nd Highlanders]. London, 1833. 92nd Foot. Anon. Letters from Portugal, etc., during the Campaigns of 1811–14 by a British Officer [92nd Gordon Highlanders]. London, 1819. ——. Robertson, D. Journal of Sergeant D. Robertson, late 92nd Highlanders, during the Campaigns between 1797 and 1818. Perth, 1842. 94th Foot. Donaldson, J. Recollection of an Eventful Life, chiefly passed in the Army, by Joseph Donaldson, Sergeant 94th Scotch Brigade [1809–14]. London, 1825. 95th [Rifle Brigade]. Costello, E. Memoirs of Edward Costello of the Rifle Brigade, comprising narratives of Wellington’s Campaigns in the Peninsula, etc. London, 1857. ——. Fernyhough, R. Military Memoirs of Four Brothers, by the survivor, Lieut. R. Fernyhough, Rifle Brigade. London, 1829. ——. Green, W. A brief Outline of the Travels and Adventures of Wm. Green, Bugler, Rifle Brigade, during a period of ten years, 1802–12. Coventry, 1857. ——. Harris. Recollections of Rifleman Harris, ed. by Capt. Curling [1808–09]. London, 1848. ——. Kincaid, J. Adventures in the Rifle Brigade, in the Peninsula, France, and the Netherlands, 1810–15, by Captain Sir John Kincaid. London, 1830. ——. ——. Random Shots from a Rifleman [Miscellaneous Anecdotes]. London, 1835. ——. Leach, J. Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier, during a service in the West Indies, the Peninsula, etc. [1808–14], London, 1831. ——. ——. Rambles on the Banks of Styx [Peninsular Reminiscences], by the same author. London, 1847. ——. Simmons, G. A British Rifleman: Journals and Correspondence of Major Geo. Simmons (95th) during the Peninsular War, etc., ed. Col. Willoughby Verner. London, 1899. ——. Smith, H. The Autobiography of General Sir Harry Smith [vol. i. contains Peninsular Memoirs], ed. G. Moore Smith. London, 1901. ——. Surtees, W. Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade, by Wm. Surtees, Quartermaster [1808, 1811–14]. London, 1833.
III. ARTILLERY. Dickson, Alex. The Dickson Papers, Diaries and Correspondence of Major-General Sir Alexander Dickson, G.C.B. Series 1809–18. ed. by Major John Leslie, R.A. 2 vols. Woolwich, 1908–12. Frazer, A.S. Letters of Sir Augustus Simon Frazer, K.C.B., Commanding Royal Horse Artillery under Wellington, written during the Peninsular Campaigns. London, 1859. [See also numerous short Journals and Series of Letters in the Journal of the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, in recent years, Swabey, Ingilby, Downman, etc.] IV. ENGINEERS. Burgoyne, J.F. Life and Correspondence of Sir John Fox Burgoyne, ed. Hon. Geo. Wrottesley. London, 1873. Boothby, C. Under England’s Flag, 1804–9, Memoirs, Diary, and Correspondence of Captain C. Boothby, R.E. [Corunna Campaign]. London, 1900. ——. A Prisoner of France, by the same [Oporto and Talavera Campaigns]. London, 1898. Landmann, G.T. Recollections of Military Life, 1806–8 [Vimeiro Campaign], by Colonel Geo. Landmann, R.E. London, 1854. V. TRAIN AND COMMISSARIAT. Dallas, A. Autobiography of the Rev. Alexander Dallas, including his service in the Peninsula [1811–14] in the Commissariat Department. London, 1870. Chesterton, G.L. Peace, War, and Adventure, an Autobiography by George Laval Chesterton [vol. i. contains service in Catalonia 1812–14]. London, 1853. Graham, W. Travels in Portugal and Spain, 1812–14, by William Graham of the Commissariat Department. London, 1820. Head, F. Memoirs of an Assistant-Commissary-General (in the Peninsular War), by Gen. F. Head. London, 1840. Hennegan, R.D. Seven Years in the Peninsula and the Netherlands, by Sir Richard D. Hennegan, of the Field Train [Campaigns of 1808–14]. London, 1846. VI. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Henry, W. Events of a Military Life, Recollections of the Peninsular War, etc., by Surgeon Walter Henry, 66th Regt. London, 1843. McGrigor, J. The Autobiography and Services of Sir Jas. McGrigor. Bart., late Director General of the Medical Department [1812–14]. London, 1861. Neale, A. Letters from Portugal and Spain [Vimeiro and Corunna], by Adam Neale, M.D. London, 1809. VII. WORKS BY CHAPLAINS. Bradford, W. Sketches of the Country, Character, and Costume in Portugal and Spain, 1808–9, by Rev. Wm. Bradford, Chaplain of Brigade. 40 coloured plates. London, 1810. Ormsby, J.W. Operations of the British Army in Portugal and Spain, 1808–9, by Rev. Jas. Wilmot Ormsby, with appendices, etc. London, 1809. VIII. OFFICERS IN THE KING’S GERMAN LEGION. Hartmann, Sir Julius, Ein Lebenskizze, 1808–15. Berlin, 1901. Ompteda, Baron, C. Memoir and Letters of Baron Christian Ompteda, Colonel in the King’s German Legion [Campaigns of 1812–14]. London, 1894. Anon. Journal of an Officer of the King’s German Legion, 1803–16. London, 1827. IX. WORKS BY OFFICERS IN THE PORTUGUESE SERVICE. Blakiston, J. Twelve Years’ Military Adventure, in three Quarters of the Globe [by Major John Blakiston], 1813–14, with the Portuguese CaÇadores. 1829. Bunbury, T. Reminiscences of a Veteran, Personal and Military Adventures in the Peninsula, etc. [1810–14 with the 20th Portuguese Line]. 1861. Madden, G., Services of, 1809–13, by a Friend. London, 1815. Mayne, R., and Lillie, J.W. The Loyal Lusitanian Legion, 1808–10. London, 1812. Warre, G. Letters, 1808–12, of Sir George Warre [of the Portuguese Staff], ed. by Rev. E. Warre, D.D. London, 1909. X. OFFICERS IN THE SPANISH SERVICE. Whittingham, Sir S. Memoir [and Correspondence] of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Samuel Ford Whittingham. London, 1868.