les@61536@61536-h@61536-h-22.htm.html#Page_297" class="pginternal">297; annexed by Charles the Great, 356. Begga, daughter of Pippin the Elder, 178. Belisarius, early history of, 70; - governor of Daras, 69;
- defeats Persians, 69;
- leads troops against ‘Nika’ rebellion, 73;
- conquers Vandals, 76-78;
- his triumph and consulship, 79;
- conquers Ostrogoths, 81-88;
- refuses Gothic crown, 87;
- recalled by Justinian, 88;
- second Persian war, 93;
- disgraced, 95;
- commands again in Italy, 99-101;
- defeats the Huns, 108;
- disgraced and restored, 108.
Benedict III., reconciles the sons of Lothair, 425; - his quarrel with Photius, 453.
Benevento, origin of duchy of, 187; - invaded by Charles the Great, 349;
- by Moors, 450;
- by Byzantines, 460.
Berengar of Friuli, king of Italy, 445; - his wars with Wido, 463;
- deposed, 463;
- regains his kingdom, 465;
- defeats Lewis of Arles, 466;
- defeats the Moors, 466;
- murdered, 467.
Bernard, king of Italy, 377; Bernard of Septimania, minister of Lewis the Pious, 386. Bertha, marries Ethelbert of Kent, 161. —— wife of Pippin the Short, 329; - reconciles her sons, 336.
Berthari, Lombard king, 273; - deposed and restored, 273, 274;
- his reign, 275.
Bessas, governor of Rome, 99, 100. Biorn, jarl, ravages Neustria, 425. Blue and Green factions, 50; - in the ‘Nika’ sedition, 71-73;
- armed by Maurice, 154;
- by Phocas, 157.
Bodolin slays Childerich I., 258. Boethius, his imprisonment and death, 30. Bohemia conquered by Charles the Great, 361; Boniface, St. (Winifrith), missionary to Germany, 291; - archbishop of Transrhenane Germany, 297;
- reforms the Chur
- atrocities of, 168;
- death, 169.
—— II., king of Neustria, 266; - invades Austrasia, 266;
- defeated by Charles Martel, 266-267;
- death, 268.
Chindaswinth, king of Visigoths, 225; - his strong administration, 226.
Chinthila, king of Visigoths, 225. Chlodomer, king of Orleans, 111; - slain by Burgundians, 114.
Chlodovald (St. Cloud), 114. Chlodovech I. (Chlodwig), king of the Franks, 25, 26, 58; - conquers Northern Gaul, 59;
- marries Chrotehildis, 59;
- subdues Alamanni, 60;
- his conversion, 61;
- wars with Burgundians, 62;
- conquers Aquitaine, 63;
- king of all the Franks, 64.
—— II., king of Neustria, 179, 256, 257, 264. Chlothar I., king of Soissons, 111, 112; - murders his nephews, 114;
- conquers Burgundy, 115;
- wars with Visigoths, 119;
- defeated by Saxons, 120;
- sole king of the Franks, 121;
- death, 122.
Chlothar II., king of Neustria, 169; - wars with Austrasians, 174;
- murders Brunhildis, 174;
- decline in power of, 178.
Chlothar III., king of Neustria, 257, 258. —— IV., king of Austrasia, 267. Chosroes I., king of Persia, 69; - makes peace with Justinian, 69;
- receives embassy from Witiges, 86;
- war with Justinian, 92-96;
- with Justin II., 147.
—— II., placed on throne by Maurice, 151; Chramn, son of Chlothar I., 120; Christophorus, rebellion of, 317. Chrotehildis (Clotilde) wife of Chlodovech, 59, 108. Hunwulf, brother of Odoacer, 14. Hygelac, Danish king, 113, 415. Hypatius, nephew of Anastasius, 51, 52; - proclaimed emperor in the ‘Nika’ sedition, 71-73.
Iconoclasm, origin of, 308-309; - edict of Leo the Isaurian, 281;
- troubles resulting from, 310-312;
- condemned by Council of Rome, 284;
- affirmed by Council of Constantinople, 314;
- condemned by Council of Nicaea, 318;
- restored by Leo V., 483;
- put down by Theodora, 489.
Iconoduly, extravagancies of, 308; - restored by Irene, 318;
- by Theodora, 489.
Illus, minister of Zeno, 38, 43; Image-worship. See Iconoclasm. Ingo murders Oskytel, 498. Ingunthis, wife of Hermenegild, 137. Institutes of Justinian, 110. Ireland, Vikings in, 417-418. Irene, empress, regency of, 318; - conspires against her son, 319;
- blinds him, 319;
- dethroned by Nicephorus, 320.
Irminsul, Saxon sanctuary, cast down by Charles the Great, 346. Isaurians favoured by Leo I., 36; - and Zeno, 38;
- rebel under Longinus, 48.
Islam, religion of, 312-315. Isperich, Bulgarian king, 248. Italy, Goths in, 19-24; - reconquered by Justinian, 80-104;
- Lombard, invasion of, 181;
- its divisions, 187-189;
- Moors in, 450-466.
- See under Lombards and Papacy, 272-288.
Jebel-Tarik (Gibraltar), 234. Jerusalem taken by Persians, 205; Jesse of Amiens conspires against Lewis the Pious, 394; Jews persecuted by Phocas, 156; - persecuted by Visigoths, 143, Liberius invades Spain, 133.
- Lithosoria, battle of, 316.
- Liutprand, Lombard king, 281;
- conquers the Exarchate, 282;
- arbitrates between pope and exarch, 284;
- aids Charles Martel against Saracens, 285;
- quarrels with Gregory III., 285;
- death, 287.
- Logothetes, oppression by the, 90, 96.
- Lombards, origin of the, 182;
- table of Lombard kings, 183;
- converted to Christianity, 193;
- dealings of, with the Papacy,;
- conquered by Charles the Great, 344-348.
- Lothair I., son of Lewis the Pious, 389;
- his rebellions against his father, 394-396;
- reconciled with Lewis, 402;
- emperor, 406;
- wars with his brother, 407;
- defeated at Fontenay, 408;
- troubles with the Vikings, 419;
- allied with Charles the Bald, 421;
- abdicates, 422.
- —— II., quarrels with his brothers, 425;
- wars with the Vikings, 428;
- allied to Charles the Bald, 425;
- matrimonial troubles of, 428;
- death, 431.
- Lotharingia, name of, 428.
- Louvain, battle of, 469.
- LÜgenfeld, the, 397.
- Luitbert, Lombard king, 279-280.
- Luitpold, duke of Bavaria, slain by Magyars, 474.
- LÜneberg Heath, battle of, 438.
- Lupus, Gascon duke, 337.
- Lycandus, theme of, 494.
- Magyars, appearance of the, 471;
- ravage Italy, 465;
- their attacks on Germany, 471;
- slay Luitpold of Bavaria, 474;
- further ravages of, 476.
- Mallus, Frankish court, 175, 378.
- Mantua, taken by Lombards, 194.
- Manuel, takes Alexandria, 237.
- March of Spain won by Charles the Great, 365;
- Marchfield, assembly of Franks, 269.
- Martin I., pope, disputes with Constans II., 244, 376;
- Martina, wife of Heraclius, 218;
- her intrigues, 235;
- banished, 352.
- Saucourt, battle of, 439.
- Saxons, defeat Chlothar I., 120;
- invade Austrasia, 265;
- defeated by Charles Martel, 267, 289, 297;
- rebel against Pippin the Short, 323;
- subdued by Pippin, 332;
- by Charles the Great, 346, 351;
- later rebellions of, 351, 354, 355, 366;
- rebel against Lewis the German, 408;
- defeated by the Danes, 434;
- rebel against Conrad I., 476.
- Schism of Eastern and Western Churches, 453.
- Sebastopolis, battle of, 250.
- Secret History, the, 67, 68.
- Senate, the Roman, sends embassy to Zeno, 1;
- trial of Boethius in, 30;
- reorganised by Baduila, 102.
- Sergius, patriarch, 207-208.
- —— pope, refuses obedience to Justinian II., 278.
- —— V., crowns the emperor Lewis II., 423.
- Sharbarz, Persian general, 205-210.
- Sicard, of Benevento, murdered, 450.
- Siconulf, first duke of Salerno, calls in the Moors, 450-452.
- Sicily conquered by Belisarius, 81;
- Constans in, 245;
- attacked by the Moors, 447;
- long wars in, 449;
- finally reduced by Moors, 460.
- Siegfred, Viking chief, 439;
- invades Neustria, 441;
- besieges Paris, 442.
- Sigibert, king of KÖln, ally of Chlodovech, 39;
- —— I., 160;
- marries Brunhildis, 161;
- his war with Lombards, 163;
- with Chilperich, 163;
- murdered, 164.
- —— II., murdered by Chlothar II., 174.
- —— III., king of Austrasia, 179, 256.
- Sigismund, king of Burgundy, 26-27, 114.
- Silverius, pope, and the Senate invite Belisarius to Rome, 83.
- Siroes, king of Persia, murders his father, 212.
- Sisibut, Visigothic king, 264.
- —— IV., last of the Merovings, 268-297.
- Theudis, regent in Spain, 27;
- king of the Visigoths, 115, 128;
- his defeat in Africa, 132;
- slain, 133.
- Theudigisel, victory of, at Saragossa, 119, 129;
- king of Visigoths, 133;
- slain, 133.
- Theudoald, grandson of Pippin II., 264, 266.
- Thomas, rebels against Michael II., 484.
- Thorgisl, raids of, in Ireland, 418.
- Thrasamund, Vandal king, 28.
- ‘Three Chapters’ of Justinian, 107.
- Thuringia, conquered by Theuderich I., 113;
- recovers its independence, 261;
- converted to Christianity, 291, 324.
- Tiberius Constantinus, emperor, 148;
- makes peace with Avars, 149.
- Tiberius Apsimarus, emperor, 252;
- Totila. See Baduila.
- Toulouse, Saracens defeated at, 271;
- Danes at, 420;
- county of, 497.
- Transimund, duke of Spoleto, rebels against Luitprand, 285.
- Treviso, battle of, 96.
- Tribonian, quÆstor of Justinian, 71;
- aids Justinian’s legal reforms, 109.
- True Cross, the, carried off by Persians, 205;
- won back by Heraclius, 212;
- restored to Jerusalem, 217;
- taken to Constantinople, 219.
- Tulga, Visigothic king, 225.
- ‘Type,’ the, of Constans, 241.
- Urias, Gothic chief, takes Milan, 86.
- Urso, Beneventan duke, 460.
- Utrecht, see of, founded, 330;
- Vandals in Africa, 8;
- table of kings of, 12;
- their oppressive government, 28;
- destroyed by Belisarius, 79.
- Varahnes, Persian usurper, 151.
- Verden, massacre of, 342, 355.
- Verdun, partition-treaty of, 409.
- Verina, empress, 38, 44.
- Verona held by Goths, 87;
- taken by Lombards, 185;
- taken by Charles the Great,
- Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Sidenotes were moved to avoid splitting sentences.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.