@files@47753@47753-h@47753-h-26.htm.html#Page_288" class="pginternal">288; by Charles I., 364 — IX. of France, orders Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 332 — X. of France, deposed, 647 Charles V., Emperor, allied to Henry VIII., 286; his wars in Italy, 291; abdication of, 320 — VI., Emperor (Archduke Charles), claims the Spanish crown, 458; becomes Emperor, 477; dies, 500 — VII., Emperor, his wars with Austria, 500-502 Charles II. of Spain, declares Philip of Anjou his heir, 458 — III. of Spain, makes war on England, 535, 548 — IV. of Spain, deposed by Napoleon, 613 Charles XII. of Sweden, his dealings with Marlborough, 470; supports the Jacobites, 490 Charlotte, Princess, marriage and death of, 639 Charter, the Great, 130, 131; confirmed by Edward I., 166 Chartist agitation, 660, 663, 670 Chatham, first Earl of. See William Pitt —, second Earl of, his expedition to Walcheren, 618 Chicheley, Archbishop, urges war with France, 221 Chillianwallah, battle of, 743 China, first war with, 661; second war with, 693 Christianity, in early Britain, 13; brought to the Saxons by Augustine, 23, 24; in northern Britain, 25, 27 Churchill. See Marlborough Clarence, Edward of, Earl of Warwick, beheaded by Henry VII., 277 —, George, Duke of, conspires against Edward IV., 256; executed, 263 —, Thomas, Duke of, slain at BeaugÉ, 229 —, William, Duke of. See William IV. Clarendon, Constitutions of, 102 —, Edward Hyde, Lord, minister of Charles II., 425; his fall, 428 Claudius, Emperor, invades Britain, 5 Claverhouse, John Graham of, Viscount Dundee, leads Scottish Jacobites, 448 Clement VII., Pope, his action on the divorce of Henry VIII., 291-294 Clericis Laicos, the Bull, 165 Clive, Robert Lord, his victories in British India, 519; conquers Bengal, 530; his second governorship in Bengal, 566 Clyde, Colin Campbell, Lord, in Crimea, 684; suppresses Indian Mutiny, 748 Cnut, his war with Eadmund Ironside, 54; his reign, 55 Coalition Ministry, the, 558; its fall, 559 Cobden
regency, 264 — of York, heiress of Edward IV., 269; marries Henry VII., 273 —, Queen, birth of, 294; imprisoned by Mary, 320; accession, 322; religious policy of, 323-326; troubles with Mary of Scotland, 327, 328; foreign policy, 330; her prosperous rule, 333; war with Spain, 335, 341; the "Elizabethan Age," 343-349; her Irish policy, 345; dies, 348 —, daughter of James I., marries Elector Palatine, 358 Ellenborough, Lord, Governor-General of India, 741 Elliot, General, defends Gibraltar, 552 Emancipation, Catholic, Pitt's scheme for, 590, 591; vetoed by George III., 596; again, 609; granted by Wellington, 646 Emmet, Robert, his rebellion, 603 Empson, Richard, minister of Henry VII., 273; beheaded by Henry VIII., 283 English, coming of the, to Britain, 14; social organization of the, 20, 21; religion of the, 22; receive Christianity, 23 Enniskillen, siege of, 451 Essex, kingdom of East Saxons, 16 —, Robert Devereux, Earl of, his expedition to Cadiz, 341; to Ireland, 347; his intrigues and execution, 348 —, Robert Devereux, second Earl of, his divorce, 356; leader of Parliamentarians, 379; at Edgehill, 383, 384; at Newbury, 387; capitulates at Lostwithiel, 392; removed by "Self-denying Ordinance," 393 —, Frances, Countess of, poisons Sir T. Overbury, 356 Ethandun, battle of, 39 EugÉne of Savoy, commands Austrian army, 463; joins Marlborough before Blenheim, 456; his campaigns in Italy, 469-470 Eustace of Boulogne, 58 Evesham, battle of, 145, 146 Excise Bill of Walpole, 495 Exclusion Bill, the, 433, 434 Exeter, taken by West Saxons, <
@47753-h@47753-h-56.htm.html#Page_722" class="pginternal">722; dies, 726 Glencoe, massacre
h@47753-h-46.htm.html#Page_591" class="pginternal">591; the Union with England, 591; Emmet's rebellion, 603; O'Connell's agitation for Catholic Emancipation, 646; the Repeal movement, 648; the tithe war, 656; the Young Ireland party, 664; the potato famine, 668; Smith O'Brien's rising, 669; Fenianism, 704; Gladstone's Irish Church Bill, 706; his Land Act, 706; the Home Rule agitation, 709; the Irish parliamentary party, 715; dealings of the second Gladstone cabinet with Ireland, 716; Home Rule promised to, by Gladstone, 717; rejected, 718; second Home Rule Bill rejected, 722 Ireton, Henry, Parliamentary general, 404 Isabella of France, wife of Edward II., 179; deposes him, 180; imprisoned by her son, 181 Jacobins, in France, 581; their atrocities, 582, 583 Jacobites, the, their strength, 448, 449; conspire against William of Orange, 456; intrigues of, at death of Queen Anne, 479; raise the rebellion of 1715, 486, 487; raise the rebellion of 1745, 504, 505; gradual decay of, 509, 534 Jacquerie, the, 193 Jamaica taken by Cromwell, 415 James I., becomes King of Scotland, 328; accession to English throne, 350; his character, 351; religious policy, 352; disputes with the Commons, 355; subservience to Spain, 357; ruled by his favourites, 356-358; dies, 361 — II., attacked, in Exclusion Bill, 431; his accession, 436; character and policy, 437-439, 440; his tyranny, 441-443; his panic at invasion of William, 443; flies to France, 444; his campaign in Ireland, 450, 451; dies, 476; dies, 486 Lewis XV. of France, joins Family Compact, 496; makes war on Maria Theresa, 501, 503; engages in Seven Years' War, 522 — XVI. of France, aids American rebels, 548; summons States-General, 574; his flight to Varennes, 578; execution, 581 — XVIII. of France, restored to throne, 622; expelled by Bonaparte, 628; second restoration of, 631 Limerick, siege of, 452 Lincoln, taken by Edward the Elder, 45; battle of, 134 —, Abraham, President of the United States, 696 —, John de la Pole, Earl of, declared heir of Richard III., 269; rebels against Henry VII., 273; slain at Stoke, 274 Lindsey, Lord, Royalist general, 382 Lisle, Alice, Lady, executed, 438 Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, Earl of, prime minister, 622; reactionary policy of, 637; dealings with Reform agitation, 640; takes Canning into partnership, 641; retires, 644 Llewellyn, Prince of North Wales, 143; defeated by Edward I., 155; last rebellion and death of, 156 Locke, John, persecuted by Charles II., 440 Lollards, followers of Wicliffe, 199; communistic doctrines of, 203; power of, 209; persecuted by Henry IV., 219; by Henry V., 220 London, sacked by Boadicea, 6; taken by East Saxons, 16; taken by Danes, 38; besieged by Swegen, 54; taken by William the Conqueror, 67; receives a charter from Henry I., 88; expels Queen Matilda, 95; Longbeard's riots in, 121; sides with the barons, 142; opposes Charles I., 381; Great Plague of, 427; Great Fire of, 427; Gordon riots in, 551; Parliamentary reform in, 650; riots in, 639; Chartists in, 670 Londonderry. See Derry Long Parliament, the. See Parliament Longchamp, William, justiciar of Richard I., 115; expelled from England, relations of, with Edward the Confessor, 57, 58; united to England, 67; conquered by William II., 84; conquered by Henry I., 90; lost by John, 124; conquered by Henry V., 227; reconquered by the French, 242 North, Frederick, Lord, minister of George III., 544; his scheme for taxing America, 545; brings on American war, 547; resigns, 552; takes office with Fox, 557; dismissed by George III., 559 Northampton, council of, 103; battle of, 250 Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl of, rebels against Henry IV., 216; slain at Bramham Moor, 217 —, Thomas Percy, Earl of, heads rising in the North, 329, 330 —, John Dudley, Duke of, minister of Edward VI., 308; Protector, 310; proclaims Lady Jane Grey queen, 313; executed, 315 Northumbria, kingdom of, 17; conversion of, 25; supremacy of, in Britain, 27; overrun by Danes, 36; reconquered by Athelstan, 46 Nova Scotia, ceded to England, 476; joins Dominion of Canada, 755 Nuncomar (Nandukumar) executed by Impey, 567 Oates, Titus, invents Popish Plot, 432 O'Brien, Smith, his rebellion, 669, 670 O'Connell, Daniel, leader of Irish party, 646; enters Parliament, 647; his tithe war, 657, 658; agitates for repeal, 658, 664; his power declines, 664 O'Connor, Feargus, Chartist leader, 660; his abortive demonstration, 670 Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury, 48 Odo of Bayeux, regent for William I., 69; imprisoned by William I., 77; rebels against William II., 82 Offa, King of Mercia, 30 Oldcastle, Sir John, martyred, 221 Olive Branch Petition, the, 547 Omdurman, battle of, 726 Omichund deceived by Clive, 530 Orange, William I. of, leader of Dutch insurgents, 332; assassinated, 324; his plots against Elizabeth, 332-335; sends out Armada, 337; dies, 348 — III. of Spain, his alliance with James I., 355, 358 — IV. of Spain, and the Spanish marriages, 359 — V. of Anjou, claims Spanish throne, 458; acknowledged by England, 476 Philippa of Hainault, queen of Edward III., saves burghers of Calais, 189; wins battle of Neville's Cross, 189 Philiphaugh, battle of, 395 Picts, northern tribes of Britain, 3; ravage Roman Britain, 11; united to Scots, 47 Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 300 Pindarees, the, 738 Pinkie, battle of, 309 Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, attacks Carteret, 503; his first ministry, 524; alliance with Newcastle, 525; warlike successes of, 526-531; dismissed by George III., 535; takes office with Grafton, 542; made Earl of Chatham, 542; last speech and death, 549 —, William, the younger, takes office with Shelburne, 556; his Reform Bill, 558; prime minister, 559; his wise rule, 501-505; his India Bill, 571; his attitude towards French Revolution, 579; his war-policy, 581-584; his Union of Ireland and England, 590; forms coalitions against France, 593-603; resigns, 595; recalled to office, 603; dies, 608 Pius V., Pope, issues bull against Elizabeth, 331 "Plan of Campaign," the, 718 Plassey, battle of, 530 Poictiers, battle of, 191 Pole, Henry, Lord Montagu, executed by Henry VIII., 301 —, Reginald, papal legate, 318; Archbishop of Canterbury, 319; dies, 321 —, Michael de la, minister of Richard II., 207; exiled, 208 Pole de la. See under Suffolk and Lincoln, Earls of Pondicherry, taken by the English, 531 Poor Laws, of Queen Elizabeth, 342; evil working of, 635, 636; reform of, in 1834, 654 Six Articles, the, 603 Slave trade, the, abolished, 609 Slavery, abolished in English possessions, 654 Sluys, naval victory at, 185 Smith, Adam, his "Wealth of Nations," 563 —, Sir Sidney, saves Acre from Bonaparte, 592 Sobraon, battle of, 726 Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of, minister of Henry VI., 241, 243; slain at St. Albans, 246 —, Henry, Duke of, Lancastrian leader, 253-255 —, Edmund Seymour, Protector of England, 308; his Protestantism, 309; war with Scotland, 309; deposed, 310; executed, 313 —, Robert Ker, Earl of, favourite of James I., 356; his trial and degradation, 357 Sophia, Electress of Hanover, 459 Soult, Marshal, defeated at Corunna, 616; at Oporto, 618; at Albuera, 620; at Pyrenees, 625; at Toulouse, 626 South African colonies, history of the, 752-754 South Sea Bubble, the, 491 Spa Fields riot, the, 639 Spain, the Black Prince in, 197; dealings of Henry VII. with, 280; dealings of Elizabeth with, 324, 330, 333, 337; subservience of James I. to, 357; Cromwell's war with, 415; English invasion of, 468-470; Walpole's war with, 490; Pitt's war with, 535; assists Americans, 548; allied with French Republic, 585; allied with Bonaparte, 604; invaded by Bonaparte, 613 (see Peninsular War); civil wars in, 655 Spanish marriages, the, of 1846, 665 Spanish Succession, the, 456; war of, 463 Spencean philanthropists, 639, 640 Spenser, Edmund, 343 Spurs, battle of the, 284 Stafford, William, Lord, executed, 434 Stamford Bridge, battle of, 63 Stamp Act, the, 539; repealed, 541 Standard, battle of the, 94 Stanhope, James, Earl of, minister of Geo
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@47753@47753-h@47753-h-49.htm.html#Page_619" class="pginternal">619 Wakefield, battle of, 251 Walcheren, expedition to, 618 Wales, unconquered by Saxons, 17; wars of, with Northumbria, 26; vassal to Edward the Elder, 44; campaign of Harold in, 59; Norman conquests in, 83, 92; wars of Edward I. with, 153-157; rebels against Edward I., 163; rebels against Henry IV., 214; supports Charles I., 381 Wallace, William, rising of, 167; defeated at Falkirk, 168; executed, 169 Waller, Sir William, Parliamentary general, 386, 391 Walpole, Sir Robert, minister of George I., 484; prime minister, 491; his character and policy, 493; Excise Bill, 495; fall of, 499 Walsingham, minister of Elizabeth, 326; dies, 348 Walter, Hubert, archbishop and justiciar, 121; dies, 125 Waltheof, Earl, rebellion of, 70; executed, 77 Wandewash, battle of, 531 Warbeck, Perkin, imposture of, 275-277 Warenne, John, Earl of, opposes quo warranto, 151; wins battle of Dunbar, 164; regent of Scotland, 164; defeated by Wallace, 167 Warwick, Guy, Earl of, opposes and slays Gaveston, 173, 174 —, Richard Neville, Earl of, "the King-maker," Yorkist partisan, 246; wins battle of St. Albans, 249; of Northampton, 250; defeated in second battle of St. Albans, 252; wins battle of Towton, 253; subdues the North, 255; his struggle with Edward IV., 256-258; slain at Barnet, 258 —, John Dudley, Earl of. See Northumberland Washington, George, early campaign of, 521; commands American army, 546; defeated at Brooklyn, 547; forces Cornwallis to capitulate, 561 — city of, burnt by British, 627 Waterloo, battle of, 629, 630 Wellesley, Richard, Marquis of, Governor-General of India, subdues Tippoo, 594; subdues Mahrattas, 604