LETTER XXVIII. FIXED STARS. ----"O, majestic Night! Nature's great ancestor! Day's elder born, And fated to survive the transient sun! By mortals and immortals seen with awe! A starry crown thy raven brow adorns, An azure zone thy waist; clouds, in heaven's loom Wrought, through varieties of shape and shade, In ample folds of drapery divine, Thy flowing mantle form; and heaven throughout Voluminously pour thy pompous train."-- Young. Since the solar system is but one among a myriad of worlds which astronomy unfolds, it may appear to you that I have dwelt too long on so diminutive a part of creation, and reserved too little space for the other systems of the universe. But however humble a province our sun and planets compose, in the vast empire of Jehovah, yet it is that which most concerns us; and it is by the study of the laws by which this part of creation is governed, that we learn the secrets of the skies. Until recently, the observation and study of the phenomena of the solar system almost exclusively occupied the labors of astronomers. But Sir William Herschel gave his chief attention to the sidereal heavens, and opened new and wonderful fields of discovery, as well as of speculation. The same subject, has been prosecuted with similar zeal and success by his son, Sir John Herschel, and Sir James South, in England, and by Professor Struve, of Dorpat, until more has been actually achieved than preceding astronomers had ventured to conjecture. A limited sketch of these wonderful discoveries is all that I propose to offer you. The fixed stars are so called, because, to common observation, they always maintain the same situations with respect to one another. The stars are classed by their apparent magnitudes. The whole number of magnitudes recorded are sixteen, of which the first six only are visible to the naked eye; the rest are telescopic The stars have been grouped in constellations from the most remote antiquity; a few, as Orion, Bootes, and Ursa Major, are mentioned in the most ancient writings, under the same names as they bear at present. The names of the constellations are sometimes founded on a supposed resemblance to the objects to which they belong; as the Swan and the Scorpion were evidently so denominated from their likeness to those animals; but in most cases, it is impossible for us to find any reason for designating a constellation by the figure of the animal or hero which is employed to represent it. These representations were probably once blended with the fables of pagan mythology. The same figures, absurd as they appear, are still retained for the convenience of reference; since it is easy to find any particular star, by specifying the part of the figure to which it belongs; as when we say, a star is in the neck of Taurus, in the knee of Hercules, or in the tail of the Great Bear. This method furnishes a general clue to its position; but the stars belonging to any constellation are distinguished according to their apparent magnitudes, as follows: First, by the Greek letters, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, &c. Thus, Alpha Orionis denotes the largest star in Orion; Beta AndromedÆ the second star in Andromeda; and Gamma Leonis, the third brightest star in the Lion. When the number of the Greek letters is insufficient to include all the stars in a constellation, recourse is had to the letters of the Ro The earliest catalogue of the stars was made by Hipparchus, of the Alexandrian school, about one hundred and forty years before the Christian era. A new star appearing in the firmament, he was induced to count the stars, and to record their positions, in order that posterity might be able to judge of the permanency of the constellations. His catalogue contains all that were conspicuous to the naked eye in the latitude of Alexandria, being one thousand and twenty-two. Most persons, unacquainted with the actual number of the stars which compose the visible firmament, would suppose it to be much greater than this; but it is found that the catalogue of Hipparchus embraces nearly all that can now be seen in the same latitude; and that on the equator, where the spectator has both the northern and southern hemispheres in view, the number of stars that can be counted does not exceed three thousand. A careless view of the firmament in a clear night gives us the impression of an infinite number of stars; but when we begin to count them, they appear much more sparsely distributed than we supposed, and large portions of the sky appear almost destitute of stars. By the aid of the telescope, new fields of stars present themselves, of boundless extent; the number continually augmenting, as the powers of the telescope are increased. Lalande, in his 'Histoire Celeste,' has reg When you look at the firmament on a clear Autumnal or Winter evening, it appears so thickly studded with stars, that you would perhaps imagine that the task of learning even the brightest of them would be almost hopeless. Let me assure you, this is all a mistake. On the contrary, it is a very easy task to become acquainted with the names and positions of the stars of the first magnitude, and of the leading constellations. If you will give a few evenings to the study, you will be surprised to find, both how rapidly you can form these new acquaintances, and how deeply you will become interested in them. I would advise you, at first, to obtain, for an evening or two, the assistance of some friend who is familiar with the stars, just to point out a few of the most conspicuous constellations. This will put you on the track, and you will afterwards experience no difficulty in finding all the constellations and stars that are particularly worth knowing; especially if you have before you a map of the stars, or, what is much better, a celestial globe. It is a pleasant evening recreation for a small company of young astronomers to go out together, and learn one or two constellations every favorable evening, until the whole are mastered. If you have a celestial globe, rectify it for the evening; that is, place it in such a position, that the constellations shall be seen on it in the same position with respect to the horizon, that they have at that moment in the sky itself. To do this, I first elevate the north pole until the number of degrees on the brass meridian from the pole to the horizon corresponds to my latitude, (forty-one degrees and eighteen minutes.) I then find the sun's place in the ecliptic, by looking for the day of the month on the broad horizon, and against it noting the corresponding sign and degree. I now find the same sign and degree on the ecliptic itself, and bring that point to the brass meridian. As that will Aries (the Ram) is a small constellation, known by two bright stars which form his head, Alpha and Beta Arietis. These two stars are about four degrees apart; and directly south of Beta, at the distance of one degree, is a smaller star, Gamma Arietis. It has been already intimated that the Vernal equinox probably was near the head of Aries, when the signs of the zodiac received their present names. Taurus (the Bull) will be readily found by the seven stars, or Pleiades, which lie in his neck. The largest star in Taurus is Aldebaran, in the Bull's eye, a star of the first magnitude, of a reddish color, somewhat resembling the planet Mars. Aldebaran and four other stars, close together in the face of Taurus, compose the Hyades. Gemini (the Twins) is known by two very bright stars, Castor and Pollux, five degrees asunder. Castor (the northern) is of the first, and Pollux of the second, magnitude. Cancer (the Crab.) There are no large stars in this constellation, and it is regarded as less remarkable than any other in the zodiac. It contains, however, an interesting group of small stars, called PrÆsepe, or the nebula of Cancer, which resembles a comet, and is often mistaken for one, by persons unacquainted with the Leo (the Lion) is a very large constellation, and has many interesting members. Regulus (Alpha Leonis) is a star of the first magnitude, which lies directly in the ecliptic, and is much used in astronomical observations. North of Regulus, lies a semicircle of bright stars, forming a sickle, of which Regulus is the handle. Denebola, a star of the second magnitude, is in the Lion's tail, twenty-five degrees northeast of Regulus. Virgo (the Virgin) extends a considerable way from west to east, but contains only a few bright stars. Spica, however, is a star of the first magnitude, and lies a little east of the place of the Autumnal equinox. Eighteen degrees eastward of Denebola, and twenty degrees north of Spica, is Vindemiatrix, in the arm of Virgo, a star of the third magnitude. Libra (the Balance) is distinguished by three large stars, of which the two brightest constitute the beam of the balance, and the smallest forms the top or handle. Scorpio (the Scorpion) is one of the finest of the constellations. His head is formed of five bright stars, arranged in the arc of a circle, which is crossed in the centre by the ecliptic nearly at right angles, near the brightest of the five, Beta Scorpionis. Nine degrees southeast of this is a remarkable star of the first magnitude, of a reddish color, called Cor Scorpionis, or Antares. South of this, a succession of bright stars sweep round towards the east, terminating in several small stars, forming the tail of the Scorpion. Sagittarius (the Archer.) Northeast of the tail of the Scorpion are three stars in the arc of a circle, which constitute the bow of the Archer, the central star being the brightest, directly west of which is a bright star which forms the arrow. Capricornus (the Goat) lies northeast of Sagittarius, and is known by two bright stars, three degrees apart, which form the head. Aquarius (the Water-Bearer) is recognised by two stars in a line with Alpha Capricorni, forming the shoulders of the figure. These two stars are ten degrees apart; and three degrees southeast is a third star, which, together with the other two, make an acute triangle, of which the westernmost is the vertex. Pisces (the Fishes) lie between Aquarius and Aries. They are not distinguished by any large stars, but are connected by a series of small stars, that form a crooked line between them. Piscis Australia, the Southern Fish, lies directly below Aquarius, and is known by a single bright star far in the south, having a declination of thirty degrees. The name of this star is Fomalhaut, and it is much used in astronomical measurements. The constellations of the zodiac, being first well learned, so as to be readily recognised, will facilitate the learning of others that lie north and south of them. Let us, therefore, next review the principal Northern Constellations, beginning north of Aries, and proceeding from west to east. Andromeda is characterized by three stars of the second magnitude, situated in a straight line, extending from west to east. The middle star is about seventeen degrees north of Beta Arietis. It is in the girdle of Andromeda, and is named Mirach. The other two lie at about equal distances, fourteen degrees west and east of Mirach. The western star, in the head of Andromeda, lies in the equinoctial colure. The eastern star, Alamak, is situated in the foot. Perseus lies directly north of the Pleiades, and contains several bright stars. About eighteen degrees from the Pleiades is Algol, a star of the second magnitude, in the head of Medusa, which forms a part of the figure; and nine degrees northeast of Algol is Algenib, of the same magnitude, in the back of Perseus. Between Algenib and the Pleiades are three bright stars, at nearly equal intervals, which compose the right leg of Perseus. Auriga (the Wagoner) lies directly east of Perseus, The Lynx comes next, but presents nothing particularly interesting, containing no stars above the fourth magnitude. Leo Minor consists of a collection of small stars north of the sickle in Leo, and south of the Great Bear. Its largest star is only of the third magnitude. Coma Berenices is a cluster of small stars, north of Denebola, in the tail of the Lion, and of the head of Virgo. About twelve degrees directly north of Berenice's hair, is a single bright star, called Cor Caroli, or Charles's Heart. Bootes, which comes next, is easily found by means of Arcturus, a star of the first magnitude, of a reddish color, which is situated near the knee of the figure. Arcturus is accompanied by three small stars, forming a triangle a little to the southwest. Two bright stars, Gamma and Delta Bootis, form the shoulders, and Beta, of the third magnitude, is in the head, of the figure. Corona Borealis, (the Crown,) which is situated east of Bootes, is very easily recognised, composed as it is of a semicircle of bright stars. In the centre of the bright crown is a star of the second magnitude, called Gemma: the remaining stars are all much smaller. Hercules, lying between the Crown on the west and the Lyre on the east, is very thickly set with stars, most of which are quite small. This constellation covers a great extent of the sky, especially from north to south, the head terminating within fifteen degrees of the equator, and marked by a star of the third magnitude, called Ras Algethi, which is the largest in the constellation. Ophiucus is situated directly south of Hercules, extending some distance on both sides of the equator, the feet resting on the Scorpion. The head terminates near the head of Hercules, and, like that, is marked by a bright star within five degrees of Alpha Herculis Aquila (the Eagle) is conspicuous for three bright stars in its neck, of which the central one, Altair, is a very brilliant white star of the first magnitude. Antinous lies directly south of the Eagle, and north of the head of Capricornus. Delphinus (the Dolphin) is a small but beautiful constellation, a few degrees east of the Eagle, and is characterized by four bright stars near to one another, forming a small rhombic square. Another star of the same magnitude, five degrees south, makes the tail. Pegasus lies between Aquarius on the southwest and Andromeda on the northeast. It contains but few large stars. A very regular square of bright stars is composed of Alpha AndromedÆ and the three largest stars in Pegasus; namely, Scheat, Markab, and Algenib. The sides composing this square are each about fifteen degrees. Algenib is situated in the equinoctial colure. We may now review the Constellations which surround the north pole, within the circle of perpetual apparition. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) lies nearest the pole. The pole-star, Polaris, is in the extremity of the tail, and is of the third magnitude. Three stars in a straight line, four degrees or five degrees apart, commencing with the pole-star, lead to a trapezium of four stars, and the whole seven form together a dipper,—the trapezium being the body and the three stars the handle. Ursa Major (the Great Bear) is situated between the pole and the Lesser Lion, and is usually recognised by the figure of a larger and more perfect dipper which constitutes the hinder part of the animal. This has also seven stars, four in the body of the Dipper and three in the handle. All these are stars of much celebrity. The two in the western side of the Dipper, Alpha and Draco (the Dragon) winds round between the Great and the Little Bear; and, commencing with the tail, between the Pointers and the pole-star, it is easily traced by a succession of bright stars extending from west to east. Passing under Ursa Minor, it returns westward, and terminates in a triangle which forms the head of Draco, near the feet of Hercules, northwest of Lyra. Cepheus lies eastward of the breast of the Dragon, but has no stars above the third magnitude. Cassiopeia is known by the figure of a chair, composed of four stars which form the legs, and two which form the back. This constellation lies between Perseus and Cepheus, in the Milky Way. Cygnus (the Swan) is situated also in the Milky Way, some distance southwest of Cassiopeia, towards the Eagle. Three bright stars, which lie along the Milky Way, form the body and neck of the Swan, and two others, in a line with the middle one of the three, one above and one below, constitute the wings. This constellation is among the few that exhibit some resemblance to the animals whose names they bear. Lyra (the Lyre) is directly west of the Swan, and is easily distinguished by a beautiful white star of the first magnitude, Alpha LyrÆ. The Southern Constellations are comparatively few in number. I shall notice only the Whale, Orion, the Greater and Lesser Dog, Hydra, and the Crow. Cetus (the Whale) is distinguished rather for its extent than its brilliancy, reaching as it does through forty degrees of longitude, while none of its stars, except one, are above the third magnitude. Menkar (Alpha Ceti) Orion is one of the largest and most beautiful of the constellations, lying southeast of Taurus. A cluster of small stars forms the head; two large stars, Betalgeus of the first and Bellatrix of the second magnitude, make the shoulders; three more bright stars compose the buckler, and three the sword; and Rigel, another star of the first magnitude, makes one of the feet. In this constellation there are seventy stars plainly visible to the naked eye, including two of the first magnitude, four of the second, and three of the third. Canis Major lies southeast of Orion, and is distinguished chiefly by its containing the largest of the fixed stars, Sirius. Canis Minor, a little north of the equator, between Canis Major and Gemini, is a small constellation, consisting chiefly of two stars, of which, Procyon is of the first magnitude. Hydra has its head near Procyon, consisting of a number of stars of ordinary brightness. About fifteen degrees southeast of the head is a star of the second magnitude, forming the heart, (Cor HydrÆ;) and eastward of this is a long succession of stars of the fourth and fifth magnitudes, composing the body and tail, and reaching a few degrees south of Spica Virginis. Corvus (the Crow) is represented as standing on the tail of Hydra. It consists of small stars, only three of which are as large as the third magnitude. In assigning the places of individual stars, I have not aimed at great precision; but such a knowledge as you will acquire of the constellations and larger stars, by nothing more even than you can obtain from the foregoing sketch, will not only add greatly to the interest with which you will ever afterwards look at the starry heavens, but it will enable you to locate any phenomenon that may present itself in the nocturnal sky, and In various parts of the nocturnal heavens are seen large groups which, either by the naked eye, or by the aid of the smallest telescope, are perceived to consist of a great number of small stars. Such are the Pleiades, Coma Berenices, and PrÆsepe, or the Bee-hive, in Cancer. The Pleiades, or Seven Stars, as they are called, in the neck of Taurus, is the most conspicuous cluster. When we look directly at this group, we cannot distinguish more than six stars; but by turning the eye sideways upon it, we discover that there are many more; for it is a remarkable fact that indirect vision is far more delicate than direct. Thus we can see the zodiacal light or a comet's tail much more distinctly and better defined, if we fix one eye on a part of the heavens at some distance and turn the other eye obliquely upon the object, than we can by looking directly towards it. Telescopes show the Pleiades to contain fifty or sixty stars, crowded together, and apparently insulated from the other parts of the heavens. Coma Berenices has fewer stars, but they are of a larger class than those which compose the Pleiades. The Bee-hive, or Nebula of Cancer, as it is called, is one of the finest objects of this kind for a small telescope, being by its aid converted into a rich congeries of shining points. The head of Orion affords an example of another cluster, though less remarkable than those already mentioned. These clusters are pleasing objects to the telescope; and since a common spyglass will serve to give a distinct view of most of them, every one may have the power of taking the view. But we pass, now, to the third order of stars, which present themselves much more obscurely to the gaze of the as NebulÆ are faint misty appearances which are dimly seen among the stars, resembling comets, or a speck of fog. They are usually resolved by the telescope into myriads of small stars; though in some instances, no powers of the telescope have been found sufficient thus to resolve them. The Galaxy or Milky Way, presents a continued succession of large nebulas. The telescope reveals to us innumerable objects of this kind. Sir William Herschel has given catalogues of two thousand nebulÆ, and has shown that the nebulous matter is distributed through the immensity of space in quantities inconceivably great, and in separate parcels, of all shapes and sizes, and of all degrees of brightness between a mere milky appearance and the condensed light of a fixed star. In fact, more distinct nebulÆ have been hunted out by the aid of telescopes than the whole number of stars visible to the naked eye in a clear Winter's night. Their appearances are extremely diversified. In many of them we can easily distinguish the individual stars; in those apparently more remote, the interval between the stars diminishes, until it becomes quite imperceptible; and in their faintest aspect they dwindle to points so minute, as to be appropriately denominated star-dust. Beyond this, no stars are distinctly visible, but only streaks or patches of milky light. The diagram facing page 379 represents a magnificent nebula in the Galaxy. In objects so distant as the fixed stars, any apparent interval must denote an immense space; and just imagine yourself situated any where within the grand assemblage of stars, and a firmament would expand itself over your head like that of our evening sky, only a thousand times more rich and splendid. Many of the nebulÆ exhibit a tendency towards a globular form, and indicate a rapid condensation towards the centre. This characteristic is exhibited in Sir John Herschel has recently returned from a residence of five years at the Cape of Good Hope, with the express view of exploring the hidden treasures of the southern hemisphere. The kinds of nebulÆ are in general similar to those of the northern hemisphere, and the forms are equally various and singular. The Magellan Clouds, two remarkable objects seen among the stars of that hemisphere, and celebrated among navigators, appeared to the great telescope of Herschel (as we are informed by Professor Nichols) no longer as simple milky spots, or permanent light flocculi of cloud, as they appear to the unassisted eye, but shone with inconceivable splendor. The Nubecula Major, as the larger object is called, is a congeries of clusters of stars, of irregular form, globular clusters and nebulÆ of various magnitudes and degrees of condensation, among which is interspersed a large portion of irresolvable nebulous matter, which may be, and probably is, star-dust, but which the power of the twenty-feet telescope shows only as a general illumination of the field of view, forming a bright ground on which the other objects are scattered. The Nubecula Minor (the lesser cloud) exhibited appearances similar, though inferior in degree. Figure 74. VARIOUS FORMS OF NEBULÆ. Figure 74. VARIOUS FORMS OF NEBULÆ. Figure 75. A NEBULA IN THE MILKY WAY. Figure 75. A NEBULA IN THE MILKY WAY. It is a grand idea, first conceived by Sir William It is an exalted spectacle to travel over the Galaxy in a clear night, with a powerful telescope, with the heart full of the idea that every star is a world. Sir William Herschel, by counting the stars in a single field of his telescope, estimated that fifty thousand had passed under his review in a zone two degrees in breadth, during a single hour's observation. Notwithstanding the apparent contiguity of the stars which crowd the Galaxy, it is certain that their mutual distances must be inconceivably great. It is with some reluctance that I leave, for the present, this fairy land of astronomy; but I must not omit, before bringing these Letters to a conclusion, to tell you something respecting other curious and interesting objects to be found among the stars. Variable Stars are those which undergo a periodical change of brightness. One of the most remarkable is the star Mira, in the Whale, (Omicron Ceti.) It appears once in eleven months, remains at its greatest brightness about a fortnight, being then, on some occasions, equal to a star of the second magnitude. It then decreases about three months, until it becomes completely invisible, and remains so about five months, when it again becomes visible, and continues increasing during the remaining three months of its period. Another very remarkable variable star is Algol, (Beta Persei.) It is usually visible as a star of the second magnitude, and continues such for two days and four Temporary Stars are new stars, which have appeared suddenly in the firmament, and, after a certain interval, as suddenly disappeared, and returned no more. It was the appearance of a new star of this kind, one hundred and twenty-five years before the Christian era, that prompted Hipparchus to draw up a catalogue of the stars, the first on record. Such, also, was the star which suddenly shone out, A.D. 389, in the Eagle, as bright as Venus, and, after remaining three weeks, disappeared entirely. At other periods, at distant intervals, similar phenomena have presented themselves. Thus the appearance of a star in 1572 was so sudden, that Tycho Brahe, returning home one day, was surprised to find a collection of country people gazing at a star which he was sure did not exist half an hour before. It was then as bright as Sirius, and continued to increase until it surpassed Jupiter when brightest, and was visible at mid-day. In a month it began to diminish; and, in three Double Stars are those which appear single to the naked eye, but are resolved into two by the telescope; or, if not visible to the naked eye, are seen in the telescope so close together as to be recognised as objects of this class. Sometimes, three or more stars are found in this near connexion, constituting triple, or multiple stars. Castor, for example, when seen by the naked eye, appears as a single star, but in a telescope even of moderate powers, it is resolved into two stars, of between the third and fourth magnitudes, within five seconds of each other. These two stars are nearly of equal size; but more commonly, one is exceedingly small in comparison with the other, resembling a satellite near its primary, although in distance, in light, and in other characteristics, each has all the attributes of a star, and the combination, therefore, cannot be that of a planet with a satellite. In most instances, also, the distance between these objects is much less than five seconds; and, in many cases, it is less than one second. The extreme closeness, together with the exceeding minuteness, of most of the double stars, requires the best telescopes united with the most acute powers of observation. Indeed, certain of these objects are regarded as the severest tests both of the excellence of the instruments and of the skill of the observer. The diagram on page 382, Fig. 76, represents four double stars, as seen with appropriate magnifiers. No. 1, exhibits Epsilon Bootis with a power of three hundred and fifty; No. 2, Rigel, with a power of one hundred and thirty; No. 3, the Pole-star, with a power of one hundred; and No. 4, Castor, with a power of three hundred. Our knowledge of the double stars almost commenc Fig. 76. Fig. 76. Two circumstances add a high degree of interest to the phenomena of double stars: the first is, that a few of them, at least, are found to have a revolution around each other; the second, that they are supposed to afford the means of ascertaining the parallax of the fixed stars. But I must defer these topics till my next Letter. |