LETTER XX. PLANETS.--MERCURY AND VENUS. "First, Mercury, amidst full tides of light, Rolls next the sun, through his small circle bright; Our earth would blaze beneath so fierce a ray, And all its marble mountains melt away. Fair Venus next fulfils her larger round, With softer beams, and milder glory crowned; Friend to mankind, she glitters from afar, Now the bright evening, now the morning, star."-- Baker. There is no study in which more is to be hoped for from a lucid arrangement, than in the study of astronomy. Some subjects involved in this study appear very difficult and perplexing to the learner, before he has fully learned the doctrine of the sphere, and gained a certain familiarity with astronomical doctrines, which would seem very easy to him after he had made such attainments. Such an order ought to be observed, as shall bring out the facts and doctrines of the science just in the place where the mind of the learner is prepared to receive them. Some writers on astronomy introduce their readers at once to the most perplexing part of the whole subject,—the planetary motions. I have thought a different course advisable, and have therefore commenced these Letters with an account of In introducing you to the planets, (which next claim our attention,) I will, in the first place, endeavor to convey to you some clear views of these bodies individually, and afterwards help you to form as correct a notion as possible of their motions and mutual relations. The name planet is derived from a Greek word, (p?a??t??, planetes,) which signifies a wanderer, and is applied to this class of bodies, because they shift their positions in the heavens, whereas the fixed stars constantly maintain the same places with respect to each other. The planets known from a high antiquity are, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. To these, in 1781, was added Uranus, (or Herschel, as it
The foregoing are called the primary planets. Several of these have one or more attendants, or satellites, which revolve around them as they revolve around the sun. The Earth has one satellite, namely, the Moon; Jupiter has four; Saturn, seven; and Uranus, six. These bodies are also planets, but, in distinction from the others, they are called secondary planets. Hence, the whole number of planets are twenty-nine, namely, eleven primary, and eighteen secondary, planets. You need never look for a planet either very far in the north or very far in the south, since they are always near the ecliptic. Mercury, which deviates furthest from that great circle, never is seen more than seven degrees from it; and you will hardly ever see one of the planets so far from it as this, but they all pursue nearly the same great route through the skies, in their revolutions around the sun. The new planets, however, make wider excursions from the plane of the ecliptic, amounting, in the case of Pallas, to thirty-four and a half degrees. Mercury and Venus are called inferior planets, because they have their orbits nearer to the sun than that of the earth; while all the others, being more distant from the sun than the earth, are called superior planets. The planets present great diversities among themselves, in respect to distance from the sun, magnitude, time of revolution, and density. They differ, also, in Distances from the Sun, in miles.
The dimensions of the planetary system are seen from this table to be vast, comprehending a circular Magnitudes.
We remark here a great diversity in regard to magnitude,—a diversity which does not appear to be subject to any definite law. While Venus, an inferior planet, is nine tenths as large as the earth, Mars, a superior planet, is only one seventh, while Jupiter is twelve hundred and eighty-one times as large. Although several of the planets, when nearest to us, appear brilliant and large, when compared with most of the fixed stars, yet the angle which they subtend is very small,—that of Venus, the greatest of all, never exceeding about one minute, which is less than one thirtieth the apparent diameter of the sun or moon. Jupiter, also, by his superior brightness, sometimes makes a striking figure among the stars; yet his greatest apparent diameter is less than one fortieth that of the sun. Periodic Times.
From this view, it appears that the planets nearest the sun move most rapidly. Thus, Mercury performs After this comparative view of the planets in general, let us now look at them individually; and first, of the inferior planets, Mercury and Venus. Mercury and Venus, having their orbits so far within that of the earth, appear to us as attendants upon the sun. Mercury never appears further from the sun than twenty-nine degrees, and seldom so far; and Venus, never more than about forty-seven degrees. Both planets, therefore, appear either in the west soon after sunset, or in the east a little before sunrise. In high latitudes, where the twilight is long, Mercury can seldom be seen with the naked eye, and then only when its angular distance from the sun is greatest. Copernicus, the great Prussian astronomer, (who first distinctly established the order of the solar system, as at present received,) lamented, on his death-bed, that he had never been able to obtain a sight of Mercury; and Delambre, a distinguished astronomer of France, saw it but twice. In our latitude, however, we may see this planet for several evenings and mornings, if we will watch the time (as usually given in the almanac) when it is at its greatest elongations from the sun. It will not, however, remain long for our gaze, but will soon run back to the sun. The reason of this will be readily understood from the following diagram, Fig. 50. Let S represent the sun, E, the earth, and M, N, Mercury at its greatest elongations from the sun, and O Z P, a portion of the sky. Then, since we refer all distant bodies to the same concave sphere of the heavens, it is evident that we should see the sun at Z, and Mercury at O, when at its greatest eastern elongation, Fig. 50. Fig. 50. A planet is said to be in conjunction with the sun when it is seen in the same part of the heavens with the sun. Mercury and Venus have each two conjunctions, the inferior and the superior conjunction. The inferior conjunction is its position when in conjunction on the same side of the sun with the earth, as at Q, in the figure; the superior conjunction is its position when on the side of the sun most distant from the earth, as at R. The time which a planet occupies in making one entire circuit of the heavens, from any star, until it comes round to the same star again, is called its sidereal revolution. The period occupied by a planet between two successive conjunctions with the earth is called its synodical revolution. Both the planet and The synodical period of Mercury is one hundred and sixteen days, and that of Venus five hundred and eighty-four days. The former is increased twenty-eight days, and the latter, three hundred and sixty days, by the motion of the earth; so that Venus, after being in conjunction with the earth, goes more than twice round the sun before she comes into conjunction again. For, since the earth is likewise in motion, and moves more The motion of an inferior planet is direct in passing through its superior conjunction, and retrograde in passing through its inferior conjunction. You will recollect that the motion of a heavenly body is said to be direct when it is in the order of the signs from west to east, and retrograde when it is contrary to the order of the signs, or from east to west. Now Venus, while going from B through D to A, (Fig. 51,) moves from west to east, and would appear to traverse the celestial vault B´ S´ A´, from right to left; but in passing from A through C to B, her course would be retrograde, returning on the same arc from left to right. If the earth were at rest, therefore, (and the sun, of course, at rest,) the inferior planets would appear to oscillate backwards and forwards across the sun. But it must be recollected that the earth is moving in the same direction with the planet, as respects the signs, but with a slower motion. This modifies the motions of the planet, accelerating it in the superior, and retarding it in the inferior, conjunction. Thus, in Fig. 51, Venus, while moving through B D A, would seem to move in the heavens from B´ to A´, were the earth at rest; but, mean-while, the earth changes its position from E to E´, on which account the planet is not seen at A´, but at A´´, being accelerated by the arc A´ A´´, in consequence of the earth's motion. On the other hand, when the planet is passing through its inferior conjunction A C B, it appears to move backwards in the heavens from A´ to B´, if the earth is at rest, but from A´ to B´´, if the earth has in the mean time moved from E to E´, being retarded by the arc B´ B´´. Although the motions of the earth have the effect to accelerate the planet in the superior conjunction, and to retard it in the inferior, yet, on account of the greater distance, the appa Mercury and Venus exhibit to the telescope phases similar to those of the moon. When on the side of their inferior conjunction, as from B to C through D, Fig. 52, less than half their enlightened disk is turned towards us, and they appear horned, like the moon in her first and last quarters; and when on the side of the superior conjunction, as from C to B through A, more than half the enlightened disk is turned towards us, and they appear gibbous. At the moment of superior conjunction, the whole enlightened orb of the planet is turned towards the earth, and the appearance Fig. 52. Fig. 52. We should at first thought expect, that each of these planets would be largest and brightest near their inferior conjunction, being then so much nearer to us than at other times; but we must recollect that, when in this situation, only a small part of the enlightened disk is turned toward us. Still, the period of greatest brilliancy cannot be when most of the illuminated side is turned towards us, for then, being at the superior conjunction, its light will be diminished, both by its great distance, and by its being so near the sun as to be partially lost in the twilight. Hence, when Venus is a little within her place of greatest elongation, about forty degrees from the sun, although less than half her disk is enlightened, yet, being comparatively near to us, and shining at a considerable altitude after the evening or before the morning twilight, she then appears in greatest splendor, and presents an object admired for its beauty in all ages. Thus Milton, "Fairest of stars, last in the train of night, If better thou belong not to the dawn, Sure pledge of day that crown'st the smiling morn With thy bright circlet." Mercury and Venus both revolve on their axes in nearly the same time with the earth. The diurnal period of Mercury is a little greater, and that of Venus a little less, than twenty-four hours. These revolutions The motion of Mercury, in his revolution round the sun, is swifter than that of any other planet, being more than one hundred thousand miles every hour; whereas that of the earth is less than seventy thousand. Eighteen hundred miles every minute,—crossing the Atlantic ocean in less than two minutes,—this is a velocity of which we can form but a very inadequate conception, although, as we shall see hereafter, it is far less than comets sometimes exhibit. Venus is regarded as the most beautiful of the planets, and is well known as the morning and evening star. The most ancient nations, indeed, did not recognise the morning and evening star as one and the same body, but supposed they were different planets, and accordingly gave them different names, calling the morning star Lucifer, and the evening star Hesperus. At her period of greatest splendor, Venus casts a shadow, and is sometimes visible in broad daylight. Her light is then estimated as equal to that of twenty stars of the first magnitude. In the equatorial regions of the earth, where the twilight is short, and Venus, at her greatest elongation, appears very high above the hori Fig. 53. APPARENT MAGNITUDES OF THE SUN, AS SEEN FROM THE DIFFERENT PLANETS. Fig. 53. APPARENT MAGNITUDES OF THE SUN, AS SEEN FROM THE DIFFERENT PLANETS. Figures 54, 55, 56. VENUS AND MARS. Figures 54, 55, 56. VENUS AND MARS. Every eight years, Venus forms her conjunction with the sun in the same part of the heavens. Whatever appearances, therefore, arise from her position with respect to the earth and the sun, they are repeated every eight years, in nearly the same form. Thus, every eight years, Venus is remarkably conspicuous, so as to be visible in the day-time, being then most favorably situated, on several accounts; namely, being nearest the earth, and at the point in her orbit where she gives her greatest brilliancy, that is, a little within the place of greatest elongation. This is the period for obtaining fine telescopic views of Venus, when she is seen with spots on her disk. Thus two figures of the annexed diagram (Fig. 54) represent Venus as seen near her inferior conjunction, and at the period of maximum brilliancy. The former situation is favorable for viewing her inequalities of surface, as indicated by the roughness of the line which separates the enlightened from the unenlightened part, (the terminator.) According to Schroeter, a German astronomer, Venus has mountains twenty-two miles high. Her mountains, however, are much more difficult to be seen than those of the moon. The sun would appear, as seen from Venus, twice as large as on the earth, and its light and heat would be augmented in the same proportion. (See Fig. 53.) In many respects, however, the phenomena of this planet are similar to those of our own; and the general likeness between Venus and the earth, in regard to dimensions, revolutions, and seasons, is greater than exists between any other two bodies of the system. I will only add to the present Letter a few words on the transits of the inferior planets. The transit of Mercury or Venus is its passage across the sun's disk, as the moon passes over it in a solar eclipse. The planet is seen projected on the sun's disk in a small, black, round spot, moving slowly over You may ask, why we do not observe this appearance every time one of the inferior planets comes into inferior conjunction, for then, of course, it passes between us and the sun. It must, indeed, at this time, cross the meridian at the same time with the sun; but, because its orbit is inclined to that of the sun, it may cross it (and generally does) a little above or a little below the sun. It is only when the conjunction takes place at or very near the point where the two orbits cross one another, that is, near the node, that a transit can occur. Thus, if the orbit of Mercury, N M R, Fig. 50, (page 231,) were in the same plane with the earth's orbit, (and of course with the sun's apparent orbit,) then, when the planet was at Q, in its inferior conjunction, the earth being at E, it would always be projected on the sun's disk at Z, on the concave sphere of the heavens, and a transit would happen at every inferior conjunction. But now let us take hold of the point R, and lift the circle which represents the orbit of Mercury upwards seven degrees, letting it turn upon the diameter d b; then, we may easily see that a spectator at E would project the planet higher in the heavens than the sun; and such would always be the case, except when the conjunction takes place at the node. Then the point of intersection of the two orbits being in one and the same plane, both bodies would be referred to the same point on the celestial sphere. As the sun, in his apparent revolution around the earth every year, passes through every point in the ecliptic, of course he must every year be at each of the points where the orbit of Mercury or Venus crosses the ecliptic, that is, Transits of Mercury occur more frequently than those of Venus. The periodic times of Mercury and the earth are so adjusted to each other, that Mercury performs nearly twenty-nine revolutions while the earth performs seven. If, therefore, the two bodies meet at the node in any given year, seven years afterwards they will meet nearly at the same node, and a transit may take place, accordingly, at intervals of seven years. But fifty-four revolutions of Mercury correspond still nearer to thirteen revolutions of the earth; and therefore a transit is still more probable after intervals of thirteen years. At intervals of thirty-three years, transits of Mercury are exceedingly probable, because in that time Mercury makes almost exactly one hundred and thirty-seven revolutions. Intermediate transits, however, may occur at the other node. Thus, transits of Mercury happened at the ascending node in 1815, and 1822, at intervals of seven years; and at the descending node in 1832, which will return in 1845, after thirteen years. Transits of Venus are events of very unfrequent occurrence. Eight revolutions of the earth are completed in nearly the same time as thirteen revolutions of Venus; and hence two transits of Venus may occur after an interval of eight years, as was the case at the last return of the phenomenon, one transit having occurred in 1761, and another in 1769. But if a tran The great interest attached by astronomers to a transit of Venus arises from its furnishing the most accurate means in our power of determining the sun's horizontal parallax,—an element of great importance, since it leads us to a knowledge of the distance of the earth from the sun, which again affords the means of estimating the distances of all the other planets, and possibly, of the fixed stars. Hence, in 1769, great efforts were made throughout the civilized world, under the patronage of different governments, to observe this phenomenon under circumstances the most favorable for determining the parallax of the sun. The common methods of finding the parallax of a If the sun and Venus were equally distant from us, they would be equally affected by parallax, as viewed by spectators in different parts of the earth, and hence their relative situation would not be altered by it; but since Venus, at the inferior conjunction, is only about one third as far off as the sun, her parallax is proportionally greater, and therefore spectators at distant points will see Venus projected on different parts of the solar disk, as the planet traverses the disk. Astronomers avail themselves of this circumstance to ascertain the sun's horizontal parallax, which they are enabled to do by comparing it with that of Venus, in a manner which, without a knowledge of trigonometry, you will not fully understand. In order to make the difference in the apparent places of Venus on the sun's disk as great as possible, very distant places are selected for observation. Thus, in the transits of 1761 and 1769, several of the European governments fitted out expensive expeditions to parts of the earth remote from each other. For this purpose, the celebrated Captain Cook, in 1769, went to the South Pacific Ocean, and observed the transit at the island of Otaheite, while others went to Lapland, for the same purpose, and others still, to many other parts of the globe. Thus, suppose two observers took their stations on opposite sides of the earth, as at A, and B, Fig. 57, page 242; at A, the planet V would be seen on the sun's disk at a, while at B, it would be seen at b. The appearance of Venus on the sun's disk being that of a well-defined black spot, and the exactness with which the moment of external or internal contact may be determined, are circumstances favorable to the exactness of the result; and astronomers repose so Fig. 57. Fig. 57. The elder astronomers imagined that they had discovered a satellite accompanying Venus in her transit. If Venus had in reality any satellite, the fact would |