LETTER XI. ANNUAL REVOLUTION.--SEASONS "These, as they change, Almighty Father, these Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of Thee."-- Thomson. We have seen that the apparent revolution of the heavenly bodies, from east to west, every twenty-four hours, is owing to a real revolution of the earth on its own axis, in the opposite direction. This motion is very easily understood, resembling, as it does, the spinning of a top. We must, however, conceive of the top as turning without any visible support, and not as resting in the usual manner on a plane. The annual motion of the earth around the sun, which gives rise to an apparent motion of the sun around the earth once a year, and occasions the change of seasons, is somewhat more difficult to understand; and it may cost you some reflection, before you will settle all the points respecting the changes of the seasons clearly in your mind. We sometimes see these two motions exemplified in a top. When, as the string is pulled, the top is thrown forwards on the floor, we may see it move forward (sometimes in a circle) at the same time that it spins on its axis. Let a candle be placed on a table, to represent the sun, and let these two motions be imagined to be given to a top around it, and we shall have a case somewhat resembling the actual motions of the earth around the sun. When bodies are at such a distance from each other as the earth and the sun, a spectator on either would project the other body upon the concave sphere of the heavens, always seeing it on the opposite side of a great circle one hundred and eighty degrees from himself. Recollect that the path in which the earth moves In endeavoring to obtain a clear idea of the revolu Along the line where this great circle meets the starry vault, are situated a series of constellations,—Aries, Taurus, Gemini, &c.,—which occupy successively this portion of the heavens. When bodies are at such a distance from each other as the sun and the earth, I have said that a spectator on either would project the other body upon the concave sphere of the heavens, always seeing it on the opposite side of a great circle one hundred and eighty degrees from himself. The place of a body, when viewed from any point, is denoted by the position it occupies among the stars. Thus, in the diagram, Fig. 25, page 114, when the earth arrives at E, it is said to be in Aries, because, if viewed from the sun, it would be projected on that part of the heavens; and, for the same reason, to a spectator at E, the sun would be in Libra. When the earth shifts its position from Aries to Taurus, as we are unconscious of our own motion, the sun it is that appears to move from Libra to Scorpio, in the opposite part of the heavens. Hence, as we go forward, in the order of the signs, on one side of the ecliptic, the sun seems to be moving forward at the same rate on the opposite side of the same great circle; and therefore, although we are unconscious of our own motion, we can read it, from day to day, in the motions of the sun. If we could see Fig. 25. Fig. 25. To form a clear idea of the two motions of the earth, imagine yourself standing on a circular platform which Although the apparent revolution of the sun is in a direction opposite to the real motion of the earth, as regards absolute space, yet both are nevertheless from west to east, since these terms do not refer to any directions in absolute space, but to the order in which certain constellations (the constellations of the Zodiac) succeed one another. The earth itself, on opposite sides of its orbit, does in fact move towards directly opposite points of space; but it is all the while pursuing its course in the order of the signs. In the same manner, although the earth turns on its axis from west to east, yet any place on the surface of the earth is moving in a direction in space exactly opposite to its direction twelve hours before. If the sun left a visible trace on the face of the sky, the ecliptic would of course be distinctly marked on the celestial sphere, as it is on an artificial globe; and were the equator delineated in a similar manner, we should then see, at a glance, the relative position of these two circles,—the points where they intersect one another, constituting the equinoxes; the points where they are at the greatest distance asunder, that is, the solstices; and various other particulars, which, for want of such visible traces, we are now obliged to search for by indirect and circuitous methods. It will aid you, to have constantly before your mental vision an imaginary delineation of these two important circles on the face of the sky. The equator makes an angle with the ecliptic of twenty-three degrees and twenty-eight minutes. This is called the obliquity of the ecliptic. As the sun and earth are both always in the ecliptic, and as the motion of the earth in one part of it makes the sun appear to As the earth traverses every part of her orbit in the course of a year, she will be once at each solstice, and once at each equinox. The best way of obtaining a correct idea of her two motions is, to conceive of her as standing still for a single day, at some point in her orbit, until she has turned once on her axis, then moving about a degree, and halting again, until another diurnal revolution is completed. Let us suppose the earth at the Autumnal equinox, the sun, of course, being at the Vernal equinox,—for we must always think of these two bodies as diametrically opposite to each other. Suppose the earth to stand still in its orbit for twenty-four hours. The revolution of the earth on its axis, from west to east, will make the sun appear to describe a great circle of the heavens from east to west, coinciding with the equator. At the end of this period, suppose the sun to move northward one degree, and to remain there for twenty-four hours; in which time, the When the sun is at the northern tropic, which happens about the twenty-first of June, his elevation above the southern horizon at noon is the greatest in the year; and when he is at the southern tropic, about the twenty-first of December, his elevation at noon is the least in the year. The difference between these two meridian altitudes will give the whole distance from one tropic to the other, and consequently, twice the distance from each tropic to the equator. By this means, we find how far the tropic is from the equator, and that gives us the angle which the equator and ecliptic make with each other; for the greatest distance between any two great circles on the sphere is always equal to the angle which they make with each other. Thus, the ancient astronomers were able to determine the obliquity of the ecliptic with a great degree of accuracy. It was easy to find the situation of the zenith, because the direction of a plumb-line shows us where that is; and it was easy to find the distances from the zenith where the sun was at the greatest and least distances; respectively. The difference of these two arcs is the angular distance from one tropic to the other; and half this Fig. 26. Fig. 26. The motion of the earth in its orbit is nearly seventy times as great as its greatest motion around its axis. In its revolution around the sun, the earth moves no less than one million six hundred and forty thousand miles per day, sixty-eight thousand miles per hour, eleven hundred miles per minute, and nearly nineteen miles every second; a velocity nearly sixty times as great as the greatest velocity of a cannon ball. Places on the earth turn with very different degrees of velocity in different latitudes. Those near the equator are carried round on the circumference of a large circle; those towards the poles, on the circumference of a small circle; while one standing on the pole itself would not turn at all. Those who live on the equator are carried about one thousand miles an hour. In our latitude, (forty-one degrees and eighteen minutes,) the diurnal velocity is about seven hundred and fifty miles per hour. It would seem, at first view, quite incredible, that we should be whirled round at so rapid a rate, and yet be entirely insensible of any motion; and much more, that we could be going so swiftly through space, in our circuit around the sun, while all things, when unaffected by local causes, appear to be in such a state of quiescence. Yet we have the most unquestionable evidence of the fact; nor is it difficult to account for it, in consistency with the general state I will next endeavor to explain to you the phenomena of the Seasons. These depend on two causes; first, the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit; and, secondly, to the circumstance, that the axis always remains parallel to itself. Imagine to yourself a candle placed in the centre of a ring, to represent the sun in the centre of the earth's orbit, and an apple with a knittingneedle running through it in the direction of the stem. Run a knife around the central part of the apple, to mark the situation of the equator. The circumference of the ring represents the earth's orbit in the plane of the ecliptic. Place the apple so that the equator shall coincide with the wire; then the axis will lie directly across the plane of the ecliptic; that is, at right angles to it. Let the apple be carried quite round the ring, constantly preserving the axis parallel to itself, and the equator all the while coinciding with the wire that represents the orbit. Now, since the sun enlightens half the globe at once, so the candle, which here represents the sun, will shine on the half of the apple that is turned towards it; and the circle which divides the enlightened from the unenlightened side of the apple, called the terminator, will pass through both the poles. If the apple be turned slowly round on its axis, the terminator will successively pass over all places To understand, then, clearly, the causes of the change of seasons, use the same apparatus as before; but, instead of placing the axis of the earth at right angles to the plane of its orbit, turn it out of a perpendicular position a little, (twenty-three degrees and twenty-eight minutes,) then the equator will be turned just the same number of degrees out of a coincidence with the ecliptic. Let the apple be carried around the ring, always holding the axis inclined at the same angle to the plane of the ring, and always parallel to itself. You will find that there will be two points in the circuit where the plane of the equator, that you had marked around the centre of the apple, will pass through the centre of the sun; these will be the points where the celestial equator and the ecliptic cut one another, or the equinoxes. When the earth is at either of these points, the sun Fig. 27. Fig. 27. Let A B C D represent the earth's place in different parts of its orbit, having the sun in the centre. Let A, C, be the positions of the earth at the equinoxes, and B, D, its positions at the tropics,—the axis n s being always parallel to itself. It is difficult to represent things of this kind correctly, all on the same plane; but you will readily see, that the figure of the earth, here, answers to the apple in the former illustration; that the hemisphere towards n is above, and that towards s is below, the plane of the paper. When the earth is at A and C, the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes, the sun, you will perceive, shines on both the poles n and s; and, if you conceive of the globe, while in this position, as turned round on its axis, as it is in the diurnal revolution, you will readily understand, that the sun would describe the celestial equator. This may not at first appear so obvious, by inspecting the figure; but if you consider the point n as raised above the plane of the paper, and the point s as depressed below it, you will readily see how the plane of the equator would pass Had the axis of the earth been perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, then the sun would always have appeared to move in the equator, the days would every where have been equal to the nights, and there could have been no change of seasons. On the other hand, had the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator been much greater than it is, the vicissitudes of the seasons would have been proportionally greater, than at present. Suppose, for instance, the equator had been at right angles to the ecliptic, in which case, the poles of the earth would have been situated in the ecliptic itself; then, in different parts of the earth, the appearances would have been as follows: To a spectator on the equator, (where all the circles of diurnal revolution are perpendicular to the horizon,) the sun, as he left the vernal equinox, would every day perform his diurnal revolution in a smaller and smaller circle, until he reached the north pole, when he would halt for a moment, and then wheel about and return to the equator, in a reverse order. The progress of the sun through the southern signs, to the south pole, would be similar to that already described. Such would be the appearances to an inhabitant of the equatorial regions. To a spectator living in an oblique sphere, in our own latitude, for example, the sun, while north of the equator, The great vicissitudes of heat and cold, which would attend these several movements of the sun, would be wholly incompatible with the existence of either the animal or the vegetable kingdom, and all terrestrial Nature would be doomed to perpetual sterility and desolation. The happy provision which the Creator has made against such extreme vicissitudes, by confining the changes of the seasons within such narrow bounds, conspires with many other express arrangements in the economy of Nature, to secure the safety and comfort of the human race. Perhaps you have never reflected upon all the reasons, why the several changes of position, with respect to the horizon, which the sun undergoes in the course of the year, occasion such a difference in the amount of heat received from him. Two causes contribute to increase the heat of Summer and the cold of Winter. The higher the sun ascends above the horizon, the more directly his rays fall upon the earth; and their heating power is rapidly augmented, as they approach a perpendicular direction. When the sun is nearly over head, his rays strike us with far greater force than when they meet us obliquely; and the earth absorbs a far The increased length of the day in Summer is another cause of the heat of this season of the year. This cause more sensibly affects places far removed from the equator, because at such places the days are longer and the nights shorter than in the torrid zone. By the operation of this cause, the solar heat accumulates there so much, during the longest days of Summer, that the temperature rises to a higher degree than is often known in the torrid climates. But the temperature of a place is influenced very much by several other causes, as well as by the force and duration of the sun's heat. First, the elevation of a country above the level of the sea has a great influence upon its climate. Elevated districts of country, even in the torrid zone, often enjoy the most agreeable climate in the world. The cold of the upper regions of the atmosphere modifies and tempers the solar heat, so as to give a most delightful softness, while the uniformity of temperature excludes those sudden and excessive changes which are often experienced in less favored climes. In ascending certain high mountains situated within the torrid zone, the traveller passes, in a short time, through every variety of climate, from the most oppressive and sultry heat, to the soft and balmy air of Spring, which again is succeeded by the cooler breezes of Autumn, and then by the severest frosts of Winter. A corresponding difference is seen in the products of the vegetable kingdom. While Winter reigns on the summit of the mountain, its central regions |