
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.

Adams, Abigail, marries John Adams, 75;
sees Battle of Bunker Hill, 86;
teaches John Quincy, Patriotism, 87.
Adams, Charles Francis, 77.
Adams, Charles Francis, 2d, 77.
Adams, Henry, 77.
Adams, John, some important dates in his life, 74;
Son of Liberty, 75;
signs Declaration, 75, 76;
exults because of Boston Tea Party, 78;
attends First Continental Congress, 81;
nominates Washington to be Commander-in-Chief, 83;
his design for the Stars and Stripes, 88;
his grandson sails with Miranda, 90, 335;
his Fourth of July Toast, 92;
dies on anniversary of signing of Declaration, 92.
Adams, John Quincy, son of John Adams, 77;
boyhood, 85;
watches Battle of Bunker Hill, 85, 86;
his mother’s post-boy, 87;
becomes Sixth President of the United States, 88.
Adams, Samuel, John Adams’s cousin, 76;
aids blockaded Boston, 78;
at First Continental Congress, 81;
at Lexington, 82;
at the Second Continental Congress, 83.
Alamo, The, 291, 295.
Alfred, The, Paul Jones’s ship, 360, 363.
Amazon River, 66, 67, 69.
America for the Americans” motto of the Monroe Doctrine, p. 270.
American Indians, named by Columbus, 13;
cruel treatment of, in North America, 41, 132;
in Spanish America, 26, 328, 330.
Andes, description of, 245, 252, 386;
crossed by San Martin, 251;
crossed by Bolivar, 385;
El Cristo of the Andes, 406.
Angostura, City of, renamed after Bolivar, 384.
Angostura, Constitution of, composed by Bolivar, 384.
Apostle of Soul Liberty, soubriquet of Roger Williams, 348.
Apure River, Bolivar at the Apure, 380;
Paez, the Lion of the Apure, 383.
Arbitration and Peace, Penn’s plan, 33;
Penn keeps peace with the Indians, 30, 38, 41;
settlement of boundary line between Argentina and Chile, 407;
object lesson for the World, 403, 409.
Argentina, geographical description, 240;
natural products, 241;
struggle for Liberty, 239, 241;
National Birthday, 243;
National Colours, 242;
Declaration of Independence, 243;
National Flag, 251;
Independence recognized by the United States, 267;
Chilean boundary line settled by Arbitration, 407.
See also, Buenos Aires; San Martin.
Artigas, Liberator of Uruguay, 405.
Asia, Western Passage, see Western Passage to Asia.
Atlantic Ocean, called the Sea of Darkness, 4;
legends of horrors in its waters, 4;
legend of Maeldune, 5;
Fortunate Isles, 6;
Land of Youth, 7;
ocean first crossed by Columbus, 12, 13.
Azores, limit of known world in Columbus’s day, 5, 9.
Ball, Molly, see Washington, Mary.
Baltimore, aids blockaded Boston, 79.
Banners, Connecticut’s banner at Bunker Hill, 147;
banner made by Moravian Nuns, 418, 424.
See also Flags.
BarrÉ, Colonel, defender of America, 104.
Bear Hunter’s Dinner, at the White House, 56.
Beltran, Friar Luis, engineer of the Army of the Andes, 248, 250, 252.
Bethlehem (Pa.), Lafayette cared for by Moravian Nuns, 417.
Bible, see Holy Bible.
Big Stick, The, Roosevelt’s policy, 54.
Billington, John, lost from Plymouth Colony, 133.
Bobadilla, throws Columbus
into chains, 19;
is drowned in storm, 22.
Bolivar, Simon, some important dates in his life, 372;
his full name, 372, 374;
pronunciation of his name, 372;
boyhood, 373;
takes oath in Rome to free Venezuela, 376;
brings Miranda from London, 342;
gives up Miranda to Monteverde, 345;
becomes Commander-in-Chief of Venezuelan forces, 377;
is seen by young Englishmen, 380;
composes Constitution of Angostura, 384;
crosses Andes, and liberates New Granada, 388;
forms Great Colombia, 388;
plans to liberate Peru, 388;
interview with San Martin and its results, 273, 274, 277;
receives relics of Washington, 421;
dies in exile, 390;
tributes to him, 391, 392;
is called the Napoleon of the South American Revolution, 392;
unveiling of his statue in Central Park, New York City, 121.
Bolivar, City of, 384.
Bolivia, liberated, 390;
declares its Independence, 390;
named after Bolivar, 390.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon.
Boston, Boston Tea Party, 77;
Port Bill, 78;
relief of Boston by sister Colonies, 78;
besieged by New England Army, 82, 148, 213;
Washington and the little Boston girl, 200;
the City welcomes Lafayette, 424.
Boves, General, Venezuela devastated by, 377.
Boyaca, Battle of, 388.
Braddock’s Defeat, Washington covers retreat of Braddock’s army, 194, 428.
Bradford, William, some important dates in his life, 124;
boyhood, 125;
influence of Bible on, 125;
becomes a Separatist, 126;
flees into Holland, 126;
in Plymouth Colony, 127;
the Rattlesnake Challenge, 136;
his death, and tribute to him by Cotton Mather, 127.
Braintree (Quincy, Mass.), 75, 86, 91.
Brandan, St., legend of, 6.
Brazil, Kingdom, 110, 112;
Declaration of Independence, 113;
Empire, 112, 113, 115, 116;
Republic, 119;
United States of Brazil, to-day, 120;
native products, 121;
Roosevelt and the River of Doubt, 66, 69;
Statue of Liberty presented by the People of the United States to Brazil, 121.
Brewster, William, Pastor of Plymouth Colony, 126.
Brother Jonathan, soubriquet of Governor Jonathan Trumbull, 210.
Brotherly Love, City of, soubriquet of Philadelphia, 36.
Buenos Aires, Paris of America, 241;
Argentina’s first Colonial Assembly, 243;
celebrates victory of Chacabuco, 254;
San Martin exiles himself from, 276;
visit of Roosevelt, 66.
Bunker Hill Battle, watched by John Quincy Adams, 86;
Putnam at, 147.
Burke, Edmund, defender of America, 104.
Burroughs, John, with Roosevelt in the Yellowstone, 53.
Cambridge (Mass.), Washington at, 147.
Camden, Earl of, defender of America, 104.
Camden, Battle of, de Kalb rescued by Cornwallis, 415.
Canada, aids blockaded Boston, 80.
Canonicus, Chief, sends Rattlesnake Challenge, 137;
succours Roger Williams, 352.
Cape Cod Bay, the Mayflower anchors in, 129.
Caracas, Miranda born in, 331;
destroyed by earthquake, 343;
Bolivar born in, 373;
Bolivar interred in, 390.
Caribbean Sea, explored by Columbus, 17, 23.
Carreras Brothers, at Rancagua, 398.
Carver, John, leaves Holland for the New World, 126.
Casas, see Las Casas.
Cathay, Columbus’s search for, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 24.
Chacabuco , victory of, 253, 254.
Chagres River, discovered by Columbus, 25.
Charlestown (Mass.), burned by the British, 86.
Chatham, Earl of, see Pitt, William.
Chatham (N.Y.), named for William Pitt, 94.
Chester (Pa.), Lafayette at the bridge of, 417.
Chile, San Martin’s Army
crosses the Andes, 251;
battles of Chacabuco and Maipu, 253;
honours San Martin, 254;
National Flag, 255, 397;
Independence recognized by the United States, 267;
reconstruction under O’Higgins, 401;
threatened by Holy Alliance, 403;
welcomes Monroe Doctrine, 403;
Independence Day, 404;
native products, 404;
Argentine boundary line settled, 407;
the Republic to-day, 403.
Christ Jesus, Columbus’s devotion to, 9, 10;
quoted by Penn, 32;
as Prince of Peace, 34, 406;
Lincoln’s testimony to the Saviour, 184;
Washington’s testimony to His precepts, 232;
The Holy Alliance fails to carry out His precepts, 269.
Christopher, St., legend of, 9.
Cincinnati, Society of, founded, 208;
members welcome Lafayette, 423.
Cincinnatus of the West, soubriquet of Washington, 206.
Cincinnatus the Roman, story of, 207.
Cipango (Japan), Columbus searches for, 16.
City of Bolivar, Angostura renamed, 384.
City of Brotherly Love, soubriquet of Philadelphia, 36, 81.
City of the Kings, soubriquet of Lima, Peru, 244.
Cochrane, Lord Thomas, admiral of Chilean Navy, 255, 256.
Colombia, Republic of, established, 390.
See also Great Colombia.
Colon, City of, named for Columbus, 25.
Columbus, Christopher, some important dates in his life, 2;
boyhood, 3;
theories about shape of earth, 8;
search for Kublai Khan, 10, 13, 21, 24;
the mutiny, 2, 12;
discovers West Indies, 12;
discovers corn and tobacco, 12;
names Indians, 405.
Franklin, Benjamin, some important dates in his life, 164;
the whistle, 165;
his boyhood, 166, 167;
anecdote of the rolls, 168;
standing before Kings, 169;
draws lightning from the clouds, 170;
at the Federal Convention, 171;
recommends Steuben, 221;
aids Paul Jones, 364;
bequeaths walking-stick to Washington, 172.
Fraunces Tavern, Washington’s farewell to his officers at, 230.
Fredericksburg, Washington visits his mother at, 195.
Friends (Quakers), William Penn becomes a Friend, 32;
William Penn and George Fox, 32;
Isaac Potts, 212;
Nathanael Greene, 214;
John Greenleaf Whittier, 312.

See also New Jersey.
Galleons, see Spanish Galleons.
Garcia, General, Cuban Patriot, 60.
Garrison, William Lloyd, Abolitionist, 312.
Gates, General, his conspiracy against Washington, 418.
Gauchos, Argentine cowboys or plainsmen, 241, 242.
Genoa, birthplace of Columbus, 3.
George III, King of England, Petitioned by First Continental Congress, 81.
George Washington of Spanish America, soubriquet of Jose de San Martin, 254.
Gettysburg Address, text of, 186.
God, Prayers to Him for our Country, Washington’s Prayer at Valley Forge, 213;
in his “Legacy,” 232;
in his letter to Putnam, 151;
poem by D. C. Roberts, 450.
God Makes a Path, poem by Roger Williams, 348.
Gomez, General, Cuban Patriot, 60.
Gospel, The, Columbus’s desire to preach it, 9, 10.
Grand Khan of Tartary, see Kublai Khan.
Grand Old Admiral, soubriquet of Columbus, 20, 26.
Great Colombia, formed, 272, 388;
Independence recognized by the United States, 267;
dissolved, 390.
Great Commoner, soubriquet of William Pitt, 94.
Great Drought, in Plymouth Colony, 138.
Great Emancipator, soubriquet of Lincoln, 173.
Greene, Nathaniel, at the Siege of Boston, 213;
recommends Hamilton to Washington, 157;
presents Moll Pitcher to Washington, 219;
bids Washington farewell at Fraunces Tavern, 230;
tribute to him, 215.
Guayaquil (now a Part of Ecuador), liberation of, 271;
San Martin and Bolivar meet at, 273.
Gulf of Pearls, discovered by Columbus, 18.
Haiti, liberation of, 405.
Hamilton, Alexander, some important dates in his life, 154;
boyhood, 155;
meets Washington, 157;
becomes Washington’s private secretary, 157;
defends the Constitution, 158;
bids Washington farewell at Fraunces Tavern, 230;
becomes Secretary of the Treasury, 160;
member of the Cincinnati, 208;
tribute to him, by Daniel Webster, 154.
Hancock, John, at Lexington, 82;
presides over Second Continental Congress, 82.
Hannibal of the Andes, soubriquet of San Martin, 254.
Harding, Warren G., at the unveiling of statue of Bolivar, 121.
Havana Harbour, battleship, Maine destroyed in, 62.
Hays, Molly, see Pitcher Molly.
Hearts of Oak, Hamilton’s company, 157.
Henry, Patrick, some important dates in his life, 316;
meets Jefferson, 307;
elected to House of Burgesses, 307;
speaks against Stamp Act, 317;
“Give me Liberty, or give me Death!” 321;
influence on John Marshall, 432;
delegate to First Continental Congress, 80, 320, 322.
Hidalgo, Liberator of Mexico, 405.
Holy Alliance, formation, 268;
plan to invade America, 269;
cause of declaring Monroe Doctrine, 270;
Chile threatened by, 403.
Holy Bible, influence on William Bradford, 125;
Lincoln’s mother reads it to her children, 176;
influence on Lincoln, 184;
Lincoln reads it to White House servants, 184;
Lincoln’s tribute to, 184;
text from, used by Lincoln, 184;
text from, on Liberty Bell, 310.
Hopkins, Oceanus, Pilgrim child, born at sea, 132.
House Divided against itself, text from Bible used by Lincoln, 184.
Houston, Sam, serves under Jackson, 295.
Iceland, known as Thule, 8.
Independence, Growth of Idea, 98, 99, 100, 308, 316, 429.
See also Declaration of Independence; Liberty; Magna Carta; Representative Government.
Independence Days, in Argentina, 243;
Chile, 404.
See also Declaration of Independence; Fourth of July.
Indians, see American Indians.
Isabella, Princess of Brazil, frees Brazilian slaves, 118.
Isabella, Queen of Spain, aids Columbus, 11, 12;
honours him on return from Indies, 14;
permits him to be deposed, 19;
is grieved at his ill-treatment, 20.
Jackson, Andrew, some important dates in his life, 280;
boyhood, 281;
reads the Declaration, 282;
fights in War for Independence, 283;
tribute to his mother, 286;
emigrates to Tennessee, 286;
why called Old Hickory, 298;
meets Chief Weatherford, 293;
his regard for Sam Houston, 296, 297;
story of the cotton-bales, 299;
kind treatment of enemy at Battle of New Orleans, 301;
his toast on Jefferson’s birthday, 279;
tribute to him, by Roosevelt, 280.
Jackson, Mrs. Elizabeth, nurses the wounded soldiers, 283;
rescues her sons from prison, 284;
dies while rescuing other Patriots, 285.
Jackson, Hugh, Andrew’s brother, a Patriot, 283.
Jackson, Robert, helps nurse soldiers, 283;
captured by the British, 284;
dies after release from prison, 285.
Jamaica, Island of, Columbus stranded on, 24.
Japan (Cipango), Columbus’s search for, 16.
Jay, John, attends First Continental Congress, 81.
Jefferson, Peter, strength and force of character, 306.
Jefferson, Thomas, some important dates in his life, 304;
boyhood, 305;
meets Patrick Henry, 307;
delegate to Continental Congress, 308;
frames Declaration of Independence, 308;
ardent Abolitionist, 310;
God’s judgment on Slavery, 312;
dies on Fiftieth Anniversary of signing of Declaration, 304, 313;
tribute to him, by Lincoln, 303.
Jesus Christ, see Christ Jesus.
Jones, John Paul, some important dates in his life, 358;
boyhood, 359;
hoists flag on the Alfred, 360;
appointed Commander, 361;
first foreign salute offered to Stars and Stripes, 362;
commands the Poor Richard, 364;
appearance and character, 367;
his famous sayings, 369.
Knox, General, bids Washington farewell at Fraunces Tavern, 231.
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, meets Washington, 223;
romance of, 224, 227;
fortifies West Point, 225;
leaves American property to free slaves, 311;
member of the Cincinnati, 208;
incident of Polish soldiers, 226.
Kublai Khan, Columbus’s search for, 9, 10, 13, 21, 24.
La Banda Oriental, see Uruguay.
La Plata, see Argentina.
La Rabida, Columbus at, 12.
Lafayette, Marquis de, some important dates in his life, 412;
arrival in America, 411, 412, 413, 414;
befriended by Washington, 414;
gifts to suffering America, 420;
wounded at Brandywine, 416;
loyal to Washington, 418;
his toast to Washington, 419;
gifts to Washington, 201;
member of the Cincinnati, 208;
revisits America, 422;
is honoured by Congress, 420;
transmits relics of Washington, to Bolivar, 421.
Land of Youth, legend of the Atlantic, 6.
Las Casas, Bartolome de, succours the Indians, 26.
Latin American Republics, their number, 405;
their Colonial nationality, 405.
See also Bolivar; Miranda; O’Higgins; Pedro; San Martin.
Le Bon Homme Richard, Paul Jones’s ship, 364.
Leander, The, Miranda’s ship, 335;
John Adams’s grandson sails in, 90 335;
cruise to the Spanish Maine, 336;
fate of, 339.
Lee, Henry, protÉgÉ of Washington, 216;
at Mount Vernon, 217;
delivers Washington’s official funeral oration, 217.
Leif, discovery of Vinland, 8.
Lexington, Battle of, Paul Revere warns the town, 81;
news of, arouses Putnam, 146;
arouses Marshall, 433.
Liberators, see Bolivar; Cuba; Miranda; O’Higgins; San Martin.
Liberty, William Penn’s ideas on, 35, 36;
liberty of conscience, 32, 35, 125, 209, 350.
See also Independence, Growth of Idea.
Liberty Bell, announces signing of Declaration of Independence, 309.
Liberty Pole, in New York, 104.
Liberty Tree, in Boston, 104.
Light Horse Harry, soubriquet of Henry Lee, 216.
Lima, Colonial power of, 244, 257;
siege and fall of, 257;
celebrates its first Independence Day, 265.
Limon Bay, discovered by Columbus, 25.
Lincoln, Abraham, some important dates in his life, 174;
poem to, by Bryant, 174;
boyhood, 175, 176;
at New Orleans, 177;
his honesty, 177;
story of the little birds, 178;
rescues a pig, 179;
opens the kittens’ eyes, 180;
his kindness to children, 181;
influence of the Bible on Lincoln, 177, 183;
thanks Coloured Delegation for gift of Bible, 184;
Order against Sunday-work in the Army and Navy, 185;
Gettysburg Address, 186;
tribute to Washington, 190;
God’s judgment on slavery, 310.
Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, makes a home in the wilderness, 175;
teaches her children, 176;
reads them the Bible, 176;
her influence on Lincoln, 177.
Lion of the Apure, soubriquet of General Paez, 382.
Little Friend in Front Street, soubriquet of Haym Salomon, 228.
Llaneros, Venezuelan cowboys or plainsmen, 382.
Maceo, General, Cuban Patriot, 60.
Madison, James, consulted by Washington, 158;
tribute to Haym Salomon, 228;
in the Virginia Convention, 446.
Maeldune, legend of, 5.
Magna Carta, a foundation of English Liberty, 97, 98, 442.
Maine, aids blockaded Boston, 79.
Maine, Battleship, destruction of, 62.
Maipu, victory of, 253.
Maize (Indian Corn), discovery of, 12.
Marblehead, aids blockaded Boston, 79.
Marco Polo, see Polo, Marco.
Margarita, Island of, discovered by Columbus, 397;
heroic action at Rancagua, 398;
escapes to Argentina, 400;
crosses the Andes with San Martin, 251, 253;
is made Supreme Dictator of Chile, 255, 400;
equips navy to liberate Peru, 255;
his work of civic reconstruction, 401;
exiled from Chile, 402;
welcomed by Peru, 402;
recalled to Chile, 403;
dies in Peru, 403;
National Hero of Chile, 404.
Old Hickory, soubriquet of Andrew Jackson, 297.
Old Put, soubriquet of Israel Putnam, 142.
Onas, soubriquet of William Penn, 37, 41.
Orinoco River, description of, 378, 384.
Oyster Bay, home-town of Roosevelt, 50, 53.

Paez, General, his strength and courage, 382;
seizes gunboats on the Apure, 383;
revolts against Bolivar, 389;
President of Venezuela, 390;
in exile, 382.
Pampas, Argentine prairie or plain, 240, 241.
Panama, discovered by Columbus, 25.
Paraguay, Tyrant-liberator of, 405.
Paris of America, soubriquet of Buenos Aires, 241.
Paul, John, see Jones, John Paul.
Peace, see Arbitration and Peace.
Pearl Islands, discovered by Columbus, 21, 26.
Pearl of the Antilles, soubriquet of Cuba, 60.
Pearls, found by Columbus, 17, 19, 21, 26.
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil, declares Independence of Brazil, 113;
abdicates, 113.
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, some important dates in his life, 110;
boy-emperor, 113, 115;
patriot, 116;
opposes slavery, 117;
abdicates, 119;
poem to him by Whittier, 110.
See also Brazil.
Pendleton, Edmund, attends First Continental Congress, 80;
at Mount Vernon, 322.
Penn, William, some important dates in his life, 30;
vision in boyhood, 31;
becomes a Friend, 32;
story of sword, 32;
persecution of, 33;
his principles of Peace, 30, 33;
in America, 36;
friendly and just treatment of Indians, 38, 41;
Indians’ sorrow at his death, 42.
Pennsylvania, how named, 35;
charter granted William Penn, 35.
See also Philadelphia.
Pensacola, Miranda helps to attack, 332.
Perez, Friar Juan, aids Columbus, 12.
Peru, under Spanish rule, 244, 257;
patriotic reception of San Martin, 256;
declares its Independence, 265;
National Flag, 265;
Independence recognized by the United States, 267;
gratitude to San Martin, 275;
Bolivar’s plans for liberation of, 273, 388;
its early Patriot, Tupac Amaru, 405;
gratitude to O’Higgins, 402.
See also Lima; Pizarro.
Philadelphia, naming of, 37;
William Penn’s first visit to, 37;
meeting place of Continental Congress, 80;
of the United States declared in, 309.
Pilgrim Fathers, leave Leyden, 123, 124, 126;
land in America, 129;
attacked by Nauset Indians, 130;
hunt for lost boy, 134;
pray for rain, 138;
friendly to Roger Williams, 352.
See also Separatists.
Pitcher, Moll, at Monmouth, 218;
rewarded by Washington, 219.
Pitt, Thomas, why called “Diamond Pitt,” 95;
transmits his strong will to William Pitt, 96.
Pitt, William, some important dates in his life, 94;
boyhood, 96;
defender of America, 93, 101;
supports Francisco de Miranda, 89, 333;
his dramatic last appearance, 105;
tributes to, 94.
Pittsburgh, (Pa.), named for William Pitt, 94.
Pittsfield, Mass., named for William Pitt, 94.
Pizarro, founder of Lima, 244.
Plymouth, Mass., settled, 131;
Canonicus sends Rattlesnake Challenge to, 136;
saved by Roger Williams, 354.
See also, Pilgrim Fathers.
Polo, Marco, his travels read by Columbus, 10.
Poor Richard, The (Le Bon Homme Richard), Paul Jones’s ship, 364, 365.
Poor Richard’s Almanack, published by Franklin, 169;
Paul Jones, names ship after, 364.
Portia, pen-name of Abigail Adams, 76.
Potts, Isaac, overhears Washington praying at Valley Forge, 212.
Prince of Peace, Penn in his Peace Plan, refers to Christ as, 34;
pledge of Argentina and Chile to, 406.
Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land, Bible text on Liberty Bell, 310.
Protector of Peru, soubriquet of Jose de San Martin, 266.
Providence, founded by Roger Williams, 352;
under peaceful rule of Roger Williams, 355.
Puerto Cabello, imprisonment of Americans in, 340;
fall of, 344;
Miranda imprisoned in, 345.
Pulaski, Count, visits Lafayette, 417;
receives banner from Moravian Nuns, 418;
banner in Lafayette’s procession, 424.
Puritans, meaning of name, 350;
Puritans in Boston, 350.
Putnam, Israel, some important dates in his life, 142;
boyhood, 143;
fight with the wolf, 144;
at Bunker Hill, 147;
makes Washington laugh, 148;
praise from Washington, 150;
tribute from Washington Irving, 142.
Quakers, see Friends.
Quebec, aids blockaded Boston, 80;
Petitions of First Continental Congress, 81.
Quincy, Mass., see Braintree.
Rancagua, battle of, 398.
Ranger, The, Paul Jones’s ship, 362.
Raritan, Hamilton at, the passage of, 157.
Read, George, delegate to First Continental Congress, 80.
Representative Government, Lincoln on, 187;
in early Virginia, 308.
See also Constitution of the United States; Independence, Growth of Idea.
Republics, see names of Republics.
Revere, Paul, ride to Philadelphia, 77;
ride to Lexington, 81.
Rhode Island, aids blockaded Boston, 79;
sends troops to Bunker Hill and Siege of Boston, 214.
See also Williams.
Rio de Janeiro, Pedro II crowned in, 113;
visited by Roosevelt, 66;
statue, gift of American people, placed in, 122.
Rio de la Plata, River of Silver, 242, 243.
Rio Teodoro, River of Doubt, named after Roosevelt, 69.
River of Doubt, explored by Roosevelt, 65.
River of Silver, Rio de la Plata, 242, 243.
Rivers, see names of rivers.
Robertson, William Spence, characterization of San Martin, 236;
of Miranda, 326;
of Bolivar, 391, 392;
decorated with Order of Liberators of Venezuela, 392.
Robinson, Pastor John, in Leyden, 126.
Rockingham, Lord, defender of America, 103.
Rodney, CÆsar, delegate to
First Continental Congress, 80.
Rodriquez, Simon, Bolivar’s tutor, 374;
arouses his patriotism, 376.
Roman Catholic Church, in Spanish America, 330.
See also Beltran; Las Casas; Perez.
Roosevelt, Kermit, at Sagamore Hill, 53;
hunts in Africa, 57;
explores the River of Doubt, 66.
Roosevelt, Theodore, some important dates in his life, 44;
boyhood, 45;
love of Nature, 46, 51;
busting broncos, 47;
ranching, 47;
square deal, 43, 44;
with John Burroughs in the Yellowstone, 53;
Big Stick, 54;
with John Muir in the Yosemite, 55;
Bear Hunters’ dinner, 56;
hunting in Africa, 57;
Rough Riders, 59, 61;
at San Juan Hill, 64;
at Montauk Point, 65;
explores the River of Doubt, 65;
tribute to him, 69.
St. Brandan, legend of, 6.
St. Christopher, legend of, 9.
Sagamore Hill, Roosevelt’s Long Island home, 50, 52.
Sage of Monticello, soubriquet of Thomas Jefferson, 304.
Salomon, Haym, finances the War for Independence, 228;
tribute to, by James Madison 228.
Samoset, welcomes the Pilgrims, 131.
San Juan Hill, Rough Riders at, 64.
San Lorenzo, victory of, 242.
San Martin, Jose de, some important dates in his life, 236;
boyhood, 237;
serves as officer in Spain, 238;
returns to Argentina, 240;
wins battle of San Lorenzo, 242;
made Governor of Cuyo, 244;
his noble character, 2 47;
mobilizes Army to cross the Andes, 243, 248, 250;
crosses the Andes, 249;
refuses honours, 254;
proclamation to Peruvians, 256;
takes Lima, 257;
his modesty, 261;
his kindness, 262;
his love of children, 263;
his graciousness, 263;
his gentleness, 264;
becomes Protector of Peru, 266;
interview with Bolivar, 272;
lays down his command, 275;
his wife, 246, 247, 275;
goes into voluntary exile, 276;
his self-abnegation, 277;
his death, 276;
interment at Buenos Aires, 278;
tributes to him by Lord Bryce, Joseph Conrad, William Spence Robertson, and Bartolome Mitre, 235, 236.
See also Argentina; Bolivar; O’Higgins.
San Mateo, country estate of Bolivar, 374, 375.
Santiago, Chile, taken by the Spaniards, 398, 399.
Santo Domingo, ruled by Columbus, 18, 19.
Sea of Darkness, see Atlantic Ocean.
Separatists, not Puritans, 350.
See also Bradford; Pilgrim Fathers.
Sequoias, visited by Roosevelt John Muir, 55.
Shackamaxon, Place of Kings, 38.
Shadwell Farm, property of Thomas Jefferson, 305.
Shenandoah River, meaning of name, 192;
Washington surveys in its valley, 192.
Sherman, Roger, delegate to First Continental Congress, 80.
Shirra, Rev. Mr., prays God to save Leith from Paul Jones, 366;
strong wind blows Jones’s ship away, 367.
Silver Heels, soubriquet of John Marshall, 436.
Slate Rock, Indians greet Roger Williams from, 353.
Slavery in Brazil, emancipation of slaves, 117, 118.
Slavery in Spanish America, Indian slaves, 26, 329, 330;
slaves defended by Bartolome de Las Casas, 26;
patriot slaves freed by San Martin, 242, 257.
Slavery in the United States, Lincoln at the slave-market, 177;
slave clause stricken from Declaration of Independence, 311;
Abolitionists, 353.
White, Peregrine, Pilgrim boy born on the Mayflower, 133.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, as Abolitionist, 312.
Williams, Roger, some important
dates in his life, 348;
boyhood, 349;
preaches Soul Liberty, 347, 348, 351;
his other teachings, 351;
exiled from Massachusetts Bay Colony, 351;
founds Providence, 353;
saves Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies, 354;
peaceful and liberal rule of, 355.
Windham, (Conn.), aids blockaded Boston, 78.
Winslow, Governor Edward, sails for New World, 126;
tells of the Great Drought, 139;
befriends Roger Williams, 352.
Winter, N. O., describes El Cristo of the Andes,

Wood, General Leonard, Colonel of the Rough Riders, 63;
made Brigadier-General, 64.
Yapeyu, birthplace of Jose de San Martin, 237.
Yellowstone National Park, Roosevelt’s visit to, 53.
Yosemite, The, Roosevelt’s visit to, 55.


[1] Ode by William Collins.

[2] These are merely extracts from Pitt’s speeches.

[3] See page 308.

[4] Fraunces Tavern is still standing on the corner of Pearl and Broad Streets, New York City. It has been restored by the Sons of the Revolution.

[5] Pronounced Hewston.

[6] Read the story of the Spanish Galleons, on page 327.

[7] The Christ of the Andes.

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