APRIL TO JULY. Name of Shower | Date | Radiant Point | Characteristics | Other Dates of Observation | Location | Beta or Mu Draconids Beta Serpentids | Apr. 9-16 Apr. 18 | The Dragon's head The Serpent's head | Sw. F. | Apr. 17-25 | N.E. S.E. | Lyrids, rich shower | Apr. 20 | About 10° from Vega toward Hercules | V. Sw. | | N.E. | Eta Aquarids, fine annual shower | May 6 | Near the Water Jar | Sw. Sk. | After 2 a.m. | E. | Alpha Coronids, well defined in 1885 | May 11 | Near Gemma (α) CoronÆ B. | Sl. F. | May 7-18 | N. | Iota Pegasids, well defined shower | May 30 | Between Cygnus and the Great Square | Sw. Sk. | May 29- June 4 after 10 p.m. | N.E. | Beta Herculids Beta Ophiuchids | June 7 June 10 | Near the Crown About 8°S. of Ras Alhague | Sl. B. Sl. | A fire ball radiant June 10, 13 | S.E. S.E. | Delta Cepheids | June 20 | About 13° from (β) CassiopeiÆ | Sw. | June 10-28, July 19, Aug. 25, etc. | N. |
The Abbreviations under Characteristics are as follows: V.—very. | M.—moderately. | Sw.—swift. | Sl.—slow. | Sh.—short. | B.—bright. | F.—faint. | Sk.—streak-leaving meteors. | T.—train-leaving meteors. |