

Introduction iii
Scheme of Study v
The Constellations of Spring.
Map of the Heavens 9 p.m., April First 3
1. Ursa Major 4
2. Ursa Minor 6
Located by the pointer stars in Ursa Major.
3. Gemini 8
Located by a line drawn through designated stars in Ursa Major.
4. Auriga 10
Located in the same manner as Gemini.
5. Cancer 12
Located by a line drawn from Auriga to Gemini and prolonged.
6. Hydra 14
The head of Hydra is to be seen just below Cancer.
7. Leo 16
Located by a line drawn from Gemini to Cancer and prolonged.
8. Coma Berenices 18
Position indicated by drawing a line through designated stars in Leo.
9. Canis Minor 20
Located by a line drawn from Auriga to Gemini and prolonged.
10. Corvus 22
Located by a line drawn from Ursa Minor through Ursa Major and prolonged.
11. Crater 24
Located south of Leo and just west of Corvus.
Meteoric Showers, April to July 26
The Constellations of Summer.
Map of the Heavens 9 p.m., July First 31
12. Draco 32
Lies between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, coiling about the latter.
13. Lyra 34
Vega, its brightest star, is 12° S.W. of the Dragon's head.
14. Cygnus 36
Deneb, its brightest star, is about 20° east of Vega.
15. Aquila 38
Located by a line drawn from the Dragon's head through Vega and prolonged.
16. Delphinus 40
Located about 10° northeast of Altair in Aquila.
17. Sagittarius 42
Located by a line drawn from Cygnus to Aquila and prolonged.
18. Ophiuchus and Serpens 44
Located by a line drawn from Delphinus to Aquila and prolonged.
19. Scorpius 46
Located just under Ophiuchus, and west of Sagittarius.
20. Libra 48
Located about 15° west of the head of Scorpius.
21. Corona Borealis 50
Located just above the head of Serpens.
22. Hercules 52

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