------ - Ababdeh tribe, 124-5, 213, 351, 353, 360, 399, 440-2.
- Abba Island, 6-7, 98.
- Abbas, steamer, 127-8.
- Abdel Baki, emir, 315-9.
- Abdel Gayum, eunuch, 294.
- Abdel Hadi (Arab), 263.
- Abdel Halim, Emir, 76, 78, 86, 88, 102, 260.
- Abdel Kader Pasha, 50, 164.
- Abdel Kader (Mahdi's uncle), 59, 155, 164, 214, 350, 400.
- Abdel Kader Guru, death of, 262.
- Abdel Karim (Mahdi's uncle), 160, 164-5.
- Abdel Majid, 256, 326, 343.
- Abdel Maula, 228.
- Abdel Nur, 320-322.
- Abdel Samad, 93.
- Abderrahman Wad Abu Degel, 253.
- Abderrahman Wad en Nejumi, 16, 60, 96, 98, 125-6, 130, 141, 145, 149, 165, 171, 206, 233, 255-61, 350, 387, 412;
- vanquished at Argin, 262-5;
- death of, 263.
- Abdullah et Taishi, Khalifa, 10-1, 14, 43-6, 217-20;
- Abu Anga and, 229-31, 241-4;
- defeat of King John's army, 245-53.
Adam, King, of Tagalla, 95, 102, 223. Adansonia trees, 34, 40, 76, 88, 170, 198. Adila, girl at the Khartum Mission, 421, 424, 426. Adultery, the Mahdi's punishment for, 62. Agriculture in the Mahdiist kingdom, 376-85. Ahmed Bey Daffallah, 10, 21, 35, 38, 59, 252. Ahmed Bey Defterdar, 234. Ahmed Hassan and escape of Father Ohrwalder, 415-45. Ahmed Sharfi, 7, 140, 403-7. Ahmed Wad Suleiman, 63, 82-4, 96-7, 111, 139, 143-5, 161, 206-7, 350. Aigella, 77, 174. Aisha, the Mahdi's principal wife, 157, 159. Ala ed Din Pasha, 1, 77, 88. Alchemy, Sudanese and, 369. Alcoholic drinks, the Sudanese and, 17; Ali Bakhit, 172, 174, 199. Ali Bey Haider, Lieut-Col., 443. Ali Esh Sherif, Khalifa, 14-5, 37, 41, 59, 66, 69, 88, 68-71, 73, 97, 100, 118, 170, 172-3; Books, the Mahdi and, 63; Borgo, Sultan of, 12, 237. Brick-making at Delen, 5. Bringi, executioner at Omdurman, 318, 325, 356. British East Africa, Imperial, Co., 271. 'Bruce's Travels' and the Batahin tribe, 315. Buri village, 125, 132. Busata village, 174.
ml@files@32875@32875-h@32875-h-14.htm.html#Page_450" class="pginternal">450. English mail, capture of an, 120. English Relief Expedition to Khartum, 147-9, 176-8; - and Kababish tribe, 232;
- at Dongola, June 1885, 256.
Equatoria, Abdullah's expedition to, 269-72. Exports from Kordofan, 35. - Fadl Maula Bey, 163, 271, 401.
- Fallata tribe, 278, 283.
- Famines; in El Obeid, 183-4;
- in the Sudan, 252-3;
- in Dongola, 261;
- in Omdurman, 284-9;
- in Berber, 290;
- in the Provinces, 290-1.
- Farag Pasha, 135, 143.
- Faragallah Pasha, 131-2, 247.
- Farquhar, Colonel Arthur, 79, 80.
- Fasher, El, 94;
- Fashoda, 9, 11, 29, 269, 272, 379, 384, 396;
- Fedasi, 125.
- Festivals, Khalifa Abdullah and, 362.
- Fiki, Abdullah and the name, 274, 402.
- Flags of the Khalifas, 15, 16, 281, 306.
- Furs, annihilation of the, 236.
- Galabat, province and town, 167, 217-9, 230, 242, 244;
- Gallows at Omdurman, 283, 317-8.
- Gedaref, garrison of, 125, 439;
- Hussein Wad ed Dayim, 339-40.
- Hyenas, 88, 289-90.
- Ibrahim Nur, 394-5.
- Ibrahim Pasha Fauzi, 143.
- Ibrahim Ramadan, 203.
- Ibrahim Wad Adlan, 35, 207-10, 214, 322-4, 350, 368;
- Ibrahim Wad Abu Tagalla, 225.
- Ibrahim Wad el Ahmer, 445-6.
- Idris (sheikh), 101, 111, 114-7, 260, 350;
- Imbrien, Bishop, of the Tyrol, 118.
- Immorality, Mahdi's law regarding, 62;
- Imports of the Mahdi's kingdom, 380.
- Insects, at Delen, 4, 5;
- Neufeld and, 357;
- white ants as food, 53;
- lizards, 150;
- flies, 114.
- Iron in Kordofan, 35.
- Isa, sheikh, 28.
- Isa, fiki, of the Shanabla, 194.
- Ismail el Kheir, 400.
- Ismail Wad el Andok, 22, 49, 59, 227, 229, 247.
- Ismail Pasha, 234-5.
- Italy and Kassala, 168.
- Ivory, expedition to Equatoria to collect, 271;
Kurun hill, 3.
ternal">3, 223. Naser (son of Mek Omar), 32-3, 40-1. Nasri, sheikh, 167-8. Nejumi, see "Abderrahman Wad en Nejumi." Nesim, Major, 11. Neufeld, Charles, 233, 263, 345, 348, 353-60, 363. News, the Sudanese and, 72-3; Niam Niam, singers from, 301. Nile, see "White Nile," "Blue Nile." NoaÏa, sheikh, 222-3. Nuba, country and people of, 3-5, 22-32, 35, 48-9, 50, 95, 102, 112-4, 117-8, 121, 171-2, 177, 186, 197-200, 223, 384. Nubian desert, crossing the, 433-42. Nur Angar, 16, 56, 112, 225, 247. Nur Bey, 164-5. Nur Gereifawi, 327, 379, 404; Nuri, sheikh, 247. - Oath of allegiance, sheikhs taking the, 70;
- evidence on, at Omdurman, 329.
- Obeid, see "El Obeid."
- O'Donovan, Mr. (Daily News correspondent), 80, 96, 101.
- Ohrwalder, Father, visit to Mek Omar, 50;
- illtreated by a sheikh, 69-70;
- taken before Abdullah, 100;
- journey to Rahad, 101-241.
- Rahad, General Hicks at, 77-85;
- Rahma, fiki, 11.
- Rain in Dar Nuba, 3;
- Ramadan, fast of, 64, 158.
- Ras Adal, 247; and Galabat, 217-20.
- Ras Alula, 167, 247.
- Rashid Bey, 9.
- Ratibs (Mahdi's book of prayers), 213.
- Rauf Pasha, 1-2, 6-7.
- Regaf Station, 269, 271-2, 340, 384, 396.
- Religion, interview with the Mahdi on, 109-11.
- Reptiles, 150;
- Review of Dervishes at Omdurman, 225-6, 307-8.
- Rizighat tribe of Arabs, 73, 221, 396-7.
- Roads in Omdurman, 280;
- Rognotto, Joseph, 100.
- Rossignoli, Father, 54, 57.
- Roversi (inspector of slaves), 22-3, 27-30, 48;
- Rundle Bey, 439.
75-h-4.htm.html#Page_129" class="pginternal">129-30, 414. - Superstition, in the Sudan, 44, 274-5;
- the Nubas and, 186;
- see also "Witchcraft."
- Surur Effendi, 56.
- Swindlers in Omdurman, 334, 337-9.
- Syria, Sherif of, 111.
- Tagalla, Jebel, 3, 7, 77, 222-3, 225, 247;
- Taha, Sayid Mohammed, 91.
- Taher, sheikh, 316-7.
- Taisha Arabs, 14, 221, 301;
- Takruri tribe, 171-2, 217, 244, 248, 283.
- Tamai, battle of, 266.
- Tamarinds in Kordofan, 35.
- Taxation in the Mahdi's kingdom, 379-80.
- Tax-gatherers of the Sudan provinces, 313.
- Tax levied at Omdurman, 205.
- Tayara Station, 11, 35, 60.
- Testament, King John's copy of New, 250.
- Thieves in Omdurman, 328-9, 334-7, 339-40.
- "Three Holy Kings," festival of the, 218.
- Tira hill, 3.
- Tobacco, the Sudanese and, 17;
- chewing, 276;
- punishment of smokers of, 330.
- Tobji, Osman, 65-6.
- Todros Kasa, son of King Theodore, 242-5.
- Tokar, 267-8;
- Tolodi, Jebel, 223.
- Tomb of the Mahdi at Omdurman, 275
LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. A PLAN OF OMDURMAN Drawn in the Intelligence Department, Egyptian Army from descriptions given by natives and revised by Father Ohrwalder Scale 1/14400 or 1 to 400 yards Larger Version of Plan
THE NILE BASIN shewing the course of Hicks Pasha's Expedition and the Flight of Father Ohrwalder
Sketch Map showing correct Position of I.B.E.A. Co's Forts & Boundary of Uganda London: Sampson Low & Co. Limited | G. Philip & Son, London & Liverpool | NOTE--At the last moment when this book was passed for press, the return to England of Captain Lugard enables me, through his courtesy, to give the names and positions of the forts in Uganda and Unyoro now occupied by the troops in the service of the Imperial British East Africa Company.--F.R.W. Larger Version of Map |