FIG. PAGE 1. Map of New York State 5 2. Bad conditions about a dwelling 28 3. Grading that turns water away from the house 42 4. Modes of laying out drains 46 5. Exterior wall-drains 50 6. Interior cellar-drains 51 7. Wall modes of making air-space 53 8. Water-tight wall 54 9. Rough-backed wall 56 10. Even-backed wall 56 11. Modes of making water-proof cellar walls 57 12. Water-proofing of cellar walls 58 13. Cellar-wall forms 65 14. Letting in fresh air 78 15. Ventilating device 79 16. Ventilating device 80 17. Ventilation by means of coal stove 82 18. Coal-stove ventilation 83 19. Coal-stove ventilation 84 20. Outlets into walls 86 21. Cow-barn ventilation 88 22. How a pump works 105 23. Air-lift pump 106 24. Diagram of a spring 109 25. Water finding its way from a hillside 110 26. The sinking of wells 110 27. Mode of sinking a well 114 28. A well that will catch surface water 115 29. A well properly protected 116 30. A properly protected well 117 31. Well-drilling apparatus 118 32. Sinking a well by means of a water-jet 120 33. An enclosed spring 122 34. A spring extension 123 35. A reservoir for home use 126 36. Stream draining a privy 129 37. Contamination of a creamery from the water supply 148 38. A protected spring-chamber 157 39. Concrete core in a dam 159 40. Section of a flood dam 161 41. Section of a flood dam 162 42. A joint in tile pipe 167 43. Windmill and water tank 170 44. Installation of a ram 172 45. Means of securing fall for hydraulic ram 174 46. A hot-air engine 176 47. A gas engine 179 48. Pump operated by belt 180 49. Duplex pump operated directly by steam 180 50. Raising water by means of compressed air 182 51. Wooden tank 183 52. Iron tank 185 53. Hand pump applied to air-tank 186 54. Engine applied to air-tank 187 55. Windmill connection with tank 188 56. Construction of a wooden tank 193 57. Hot-water attachment to the kitchen stove 195 58. Enameled iron sink 197 59. Enameled iron laundry tubs 198 60. Leveling the drain 200 61. Water-supply installation 202 62. A trap 204 63. Washout water-closet 205 64. Washdown water-closet 205 65. Syphonic closet 205 66. Syphon-jet closet 206 67. Sewage beds 217 68. Plan of sewage beds 220 69. Plan of subsurface irrigation field 224 70. Section of "Miller" syphon 226 71. Plan and section of a septic tank 227 72. Section of a septic tank with syphon chamber 229 73. Plan of sewage disposal for a single house 231 74. School girl with adenoids 289 75. Outdoor sleeping porch for tuberculous patients 343 76. Mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis 344 77. Spring infected by polluted ditch 356