Accuracy of death-rate records, 6.
Adenoids, 288.
Advantages, of gravity water-supply, 168, 169;
of hydraulic rams, 172;
of pond or lake water over brook water, 128.
Age and sex in disease, 299.
Aim of hygiene, 424.
Air, for breathing, 68;
for consumptives, 341;
in soils, 39.
Air-lifts for pumping, 107, 183.
Air-space in cellar walls, 53.
Alcohol as a stimulant, 275.
Allegheny Valley and cancer, 34.
Amount of food required, 269.
Analysis of proposed water-supply, 143.
Animal heat in barn, 88;
pollution of water, 136.
Animals, fit for butchering, 306;
in the study of disease, 250.
"Anopheles" mosquito, 380.
Antiseptics, 316;
in milk, 235.
Antitoxin, 306;
and disease, 396;
for diphtheria, 403;
for hydrophobia, 408;
for tetanus, 408;
for typhoid fever, 363.
Apparatus for driving wells, 119.
Appendicitis, 33.
Appetite for food, 266.
Application of sewage to land, 218.
Area for subsurface sewage disposal, 223.
Artificial sewage beds, 219.
Asphalt for cellar walls, 53.
Auto-intoxication, 312.
Automatic sewage syphon, 225.
Babylon, L. I., water-supply, 187.
Bacillus of typhoid fever, 351.
Back of cellar walls, 56.
Bacteria, and parasites, 302;
and sewage purification, 213;
in milk, 235.
Bacterial agencies, 304.
Bad air and its effects, 69.
Balanced rations, 263.
Barn ventilation, 88.
Barnyard drainage, 141.
Bathing for hygienic purposes, 285.
Beneficent bacteria, 304.
Billings's suggestion for ventilation, 80.
Billings's ventilation by stoves, 83.
Blankets, 281.
Blood resistance and disease, 297.
Bob-veal, 252.
Boiler for hot water, 198.
Boiling water for disinfection, 329.
Boston, Mass., water used in, 93.
Box radiators at window, 80.
Bright's disease in the country, 20.
Brooks as water-supply, 124.
Brush dam, 163.
Bubonic plague, 393.
Bucket water wheel, 175.
Cancer and soils, 33;
in Europe, 34.
Carbohydrates and digestion, 261.
Carbolic acid as disinfectant, 322.
Carbon dioxid in the air, 75.
Causes of typhoid fever, 350.
Cell disintegration, 297.
Cellar, floors, 59;
in limestone rock, 47;
ventilation, 60;
walls of dry masonry, 55.
Cellars and their drainage, 28.
Cement joints for well walls, 115.
Cesspools and wells, 116.
Changes in air breathed, 75.
Chemical poisons, 311.
Chicken pox, 375;
preliminary symptoms of, 367.
Children, as affecting the death rate, 8;
in Otsego and Putnam counties, 9.
Children's diseases, 364.
Chloride of lime, 325.
City milk, 247.
Cleanliness of stables, 63.
Clean milk, 242, 421.
Clean stables and their effects, 237.
Clothing, 280.
Coal-tar disinfectants, 323.
Coffee and tea, 272.
Cold baths, 286.
Composition, of air, 75;
of soils, 32.
Computations for rain-water storage, 101.
Concrete, core for dam, 159;
dam, 160;
for spring-chamber, 158;
in cellar floor, 60;
in stables, 64;
method of mixing, 66.
Construction, of air-tight barns, 89;
of dug wells, 113;
of houses, 49;
of septic tanks, 230.
Consumption and bad ventilation, 74.
Contagion in children's diseases, 386.
Contagious diseases, 305.
Cooking and digestion, 268.
Cooling of milk, 242, 247.
Corn and pellagra, 391.
Corrosive sublimate, 324.
Cost, of driven wells, 121;
of flush tank, 207;
of fuel for pumping, 178;
of operating gas engines, 178;
of plumbing, 200;
of ventilation, 87;
of water pipe, 168.
Cows and ventilation, 71.
Cow stables, ventilation of, 62.
Creamery and typhoid fever epidemic, 147.
Creosols, 323.
Crib dam, 163.
"Culex" mosquito, 380.
Curb for well, 141.
Cure of hookworm disease, 390.
Cut-off wall for dam, 160, 161.
Damp cellars, 27.
Damp courses in house walls, 56.
Dampness, and disease, 26;
of cellar walls, 52.
Damp soils, 27;
and their effects, 40.
Dams for reservoirs, 158.
Danger, from drainage of barns and barnyards, 137;
from leachings from privies and cesspools, 138.
Dangers, of polluted air, 73;
of polluted water, 144.
Death-rate, from typhoid fever, 11;
from typhoid fever in New York State, 15;
of babies in Rochester, 237;
records, accuracy of, 6.
Death-rates, at various ages, 10;
in general, 2;
in New York State, 4;
in rural communities, 8;
in various countries, 3;
of children, 9;
outside of New York City, 7.
Deaths from measles and scarlet fever, 365.
Decomposition in sewage, 209.
Deep well pump, 106.
Deep wells, 115.
Deficiency of water from well supply, 104.
Definition of sewage, 208.
Deodorizers, 317.
Detection of animal pollution, 137.
Diagnosis of diphtheria, 404.
Digestion and its requirements, 261.
Digestive processes, 259.
Dimensions of hydraulic rams, 173.
Diphtheria, 401;
and milk, 239;
antitoxin, 310, 402;
in the country, 19.
Direct causes of disease, 302.
Dirt and disease, 296.
Dirt dam, 159.
Disadvantages, of hydraulic rams, 171;
of windmills, 169.
Disease, the causes of, 295.
Diseases caused by milk, 238.
Disinfecting, agents, 315;
a room, directions for, 319;
gases, 318.
Disinfection, 314;
by heat, 327;
for chicken pox, 376;
for consumption, 337;
for measles, 373;
for scarlet fever, 371;
for whooping cough, 375.
Disposal of sewage and water-supply, 141.
Distilled water, 131.
Dogs and hydrophobia, 406.
"Don't Spit" axioms, 334.
Drafts from windows prevented, 79.
Drainage, 41;
around the house, 44, 50.
Drain, for house on side hill, 42;
from house plumbing, 200.
Drains leading to dug well, 104.
Driven well, in dug well, 105;
machinery, 119.
Driven wells, 118.
Drugs and their immoderate use, 275.
Dry heat for disinfection, 328.
Dry masonry for cellar walls, 55.
Dug wells, 112.
Dust and its dangers, 301.
Earache, 288.
Effect of ba
d ventilation, 73;
of hard water on health, 133;
of vegetable pollution of water, 135.
Elimination, of dangers of surface pollution, 140;
of mosquitoes, 381.
Enameled iron for plumbing fixtures, 196.
Epidemic diseases, 305.
Epidemics of typhoid fever, 354.
Eruption of measles, 372.
Eucalyptus trees and malaria, 378.
Evaporation from reservoirs, 103.
Exercise, after meals, 271;
of the body, 278.
Expectorations in cases of consumption, 334.
Exposure, and pneumonia, 346;
of a house, 29.
External causes of disease, 312.
Eyes and their troubles, 290.
Factory life and disease, 301.
Fall River, Mass., water used in, 93.
Faucets for plumbing, 195.
Field-stone dam, 160.
Filter beds for sewage in winter, 221.
Filtration of sewage, 219.
Finishing concrete surfaces, 67.
Fire protection and water-supply, 98.
Fire streams and water flow, 97.
Fish as destroyers of mosquitoes, 381.
Fixtures for plumbing, 191.
Fleas and the bubonic plague, 393.
Fletcher, and chewing, 259;
and his two meals, 269.
Flies and typhoid fever, 359.
Floods and stone dams, 161.
Floor of cellars, 59.
Flow of underground water, 111, 143.
Flush tank for water-closet, 206.
Food, for consumptives, 340;
for various body needs, 258.
Food adulteration laws, 416.
Foods and beverages, 257.
"Foos" gas engine, 178.
Formaldehyde, 321.
Forms for concrete cellar walls, 65.
Foul-air outlet for ventilation, 81.
Foundation for dam, 160.
Freezing in plumbing, 190.
Fresh-air inlet for ventilation, 77.
Friction with fire streams, 98.
Fried foods, 269.
Fuel for pumping, 178.
Galvanized iron water tanks, 185.
Garbage for filling low ground, 37.
Gas engines for pumping, 177.
Gastric juice, 260.
Gate house for reservoirs, 165.
Goiter and soils, 411.
Privy, construction of, 61.
Process of bacterial attack, 307.
Production of diphtheria antitoxin, 403.
Protection, against mosquitoes, 385;
against smallpox, 398.
Proteids in food, 260.
Ptomaines, 250.
Pump for deep well, 106.
Pumping water, 168.
Purity of water-supply, 131.
Quantity of water in stables, 94;
of water per person, 92;
of water used, 90.
Quarantine, regulations, 422;
for scarlet fever, 369.
Quinine and malaria, 378, 386.
Rabies, 406;
antitoxin, 309.
Radiators by windows, 79.
Rain-water, storage, 101;
supply, 99.
Rates of water consumption, 95.
Rations for daily use, 263.
Register in the ceiling, 85.
Remedies, for consumption, 340;
for pneumonia, 347.
Reservoir, for brook supply, 126;
on a brook, 102.
Resistance, of body to disease, 297, 308;
to tuberculosis, 335.
Rest for consumptives, 340.
Results of measles and scarlet fever, 366.
Rochester and the milk supply, 237.
Rock formations and hygiene, 35.
Roof of spring-chamber, 157.
Rubber boots, 283.
Running trap for main drain, 201.
Rusting of driven-well casing, 119.
Saliva from mouth, 260.
Sand filter beds for sewage, 219.
Scarlet fever, and milk, 240;
preliminary symptoms of, 367;
quarantine, 369.
Scarlatina, 369.
School vaccination, 412.
Scurvy and fresh vegetables, 266.
Sedimentation of sewage, 227.
Septic tanks, 229.
Sewage disposal, 208.
Sewage-sick land, 214.
Sewage treatment on land, 213.
Sewer pipe in wells, 105.
Sewers and sickness, 36.
Sex and age in disease, 299.
Shallow wells, 113.
Sinks, for kitchen, 196;
and their discharges, 221.
Wooden tank for water, 193.
Work of a farmer's day, 21.
Worthington pump, 182.
Yellow fever, 386.
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