CHAPTER XIX PARASITICAL DISEASES (MALARIA, YELLOW FEVER, HOOKWORM, BUBONIC PLAGUE, AND PELLAGRA) Malaria. From time immemorial, malaria (or fever-and-ague) has been one of the great plagues of humanity. No advance outpost of civilization but has suffered, more or less severely, from this disease. Dickens, in one of his novels, describes graphically the disease as it existed in the early American settlements, and vividly portrays its ravages, both mental and physical, among the pioneer settlers. Certain sections of the world have been especially noted for the prevalence of this disease, making extensive regions practically uninhabitable. The vicinity of Rome, with its swampy marshes and low-lying areas, has been one of these plague spots. The jungles and swamps of the equator and the coastline of Africa and South America and the valley lands of the Mississippi River have all been noted as most dangerous districts for human beings to live in. Even in civilized communities the ravages of the disease have, under conditions most conducive to malaria, been fearful, so that only most urgent requirements of mining, manufacturing, or similar material processes have prevented the obliteration of entire communities. The cause of the heavy death roll resulting from a bold Many years ago the use of quinine in large doses was found to be a specific, and the writer well remembers, on the occasion of his visit to a malarial region, buying quinine at the grocery store by the ounce in the same way that one would buy spices or tea, the dose being a teaspoonful. Why quinine should prevent the daily or periodical chills characteristic of the disease was not known, or why a row of eucalyptus trees interfered with the development of the disease was not known, and people generally were content to rest with the knowledge of these facts only. Mosquitoes and malaria. Fig. 78.—Resting positions for ordinary mosquito (left) and malarial mosquito (right). Fig. 78.—Resting positions for ordinary mosquito (left) and malarial mosquito (right). In the year 1900, however, English scientists, working in the Roman Campagna, demonstrated conclusively that which had been vaguely suggested before, namely, that the cause of malaria is a parasite composed of little more than an unformed mass of protoplasm, not floating in the air at all, but transmitted only by the bite of a mosquito. By a series of most interesting experiments, conducted by them and by other scientists in other parts of the world, it has been definitely proved that when a mosquito bites an individual suffering from malaria, the mosquito draws up into his body, along with the blood of the bitten person, some of the malarial parasites. In the body of the mosquito, the parasite develops, requiring for a full-grown specimen about seven days; then, if the mosquito bites another person, the parasite is injected into the skin of the victim, and in the course of about a week a good case of malaria ensues. Fortunately, only a small proportion of the number of While quinine is still recognized as the particular antidote for the malarial poison, efficient as we know now because it is poisonous to the parasite and not because it has any particular effect on the person, of late years more and more stress is being laid on the elimination of the mosquito. Naturally, if the mosquito can be destroyed and the transmission of the disease thus prevented, there will be no further need of quinine. The general impression that Elimination of mosquitoes. Another pertinent fact discovered by scientific research is that the development of the malarial mosquito is confined to the vicinity of stagnant pools, because in fresh water, where fish are to be found, the eggs and larvÆ of the mosquito are a most acceptable fish food. One of the most practical ways, therefore, of getting rid of possible mosquitoes is to make sure that the pond always contains a number of fish. Woods Hutchinson gives the following interesting description of the way this fact was discovered:— "It was early noted that mosquitoes would not breed freely in open rivers or in large ponds or lakes, but why this should be the case was a puzzle. One day an enthusiastic mosquito student brought home a number of eggs of different species, which he had collected from the neighboring marshes, and put them into his laboratory aquarium for the sake of watching them develop and identifying their species. The next morning, when he went to look at them, they had totally disappeared. Thinking that Fig. 79.—Top view is of larva of Anopheles. Bottom view is of larva of Culex. Fig. 79.—Top view is of larva of Anopheles. Bottom view is of larva of Culex. Another factor in the development of the mosquito from the egg to full-grown mosquitohood is that in the larvÆ stage air must be supplied, curiously enough, through the tail which projects slightly above the surface of the water as the larvÆ hang head downwards (see Fig. 79). If the surface of the water is covered with some impervious material, the mosquito larvÆ will be suffocated, and it has been found that oil lends itself most readily to this desirable purpose, applied at the rate of one ounce per fifteen square feet of water surface. The oil spreads out over the surface Other campaigns have been waged, using kerosene or crude petroleum for the coating of ponds or pools. Wherever clear water exists the kerosene treatment is probably best. Where marshland is found, through which the kerosene penetrates with difficulty, drainage is a more useful method. The size of the pools required for the development of the mosquito is very small. Thousands of mosquitoes may be formed in the amount of water contained in an old tomato can, and barrels half full of rain water or pools of water in the vicinity of an old pump or in the barnyard will afford golden opportunities for mosquitoes looking for a place to lay their eggs. While the ordinary culex requires from one to two weeks only for the complete Limitation of mosquito infection. The distance that the malarial mosquito can fly is of interest as indicating the distance which one must go from a house, hunting for available pools. All mosquitoes are unable to fly against the wind, so that, as already noted, one side of a swamp may be comparatively free from malaria, while the other side may be overrun with it, merely on account of the direction of the prevailing winds. Some mosquitoes that breed in salt marshes may be carried for miles, so that a land breeze will bring millions of the pests to seashore cottages which, with a sea breeze, are quite free from them. The anopheles has a habit of clinging to weeds, shrubs, and bushes when the wind blows, so that it is seldom carried more than about two hundred yards from the place where it is hatched. If all pools of water, therefore, within this radius are disposed of, the elimination of malaria will logically follow. If one is obliged to be in a region where malaria is common, the disease can be avoided absolutely by protecting An interesting experiment was made some years ago by sending a malarial mosquito by mail from Italy to England, where an enthusiast allowed himself to be bitten by the insect. He had had no trace of malaria before, but a week after the mosquito's bite he came down with the disease. It has also been noted that in such parts of the country as Greenland and Alaska, where mosquitoes are as thick as in the far-famed New Jersey marshes, malaria does not result from the mosquito bites unless a malaria patient from other countries starts the infection. The disease itself may be mild or severe. It takes about a week after the mosquito bites before the symptoms appear, and sometimes the attack is postponed for weeks or months. Chills are the usual accompaniment of the disease; in children under six, convulsions are more common. The chill lasts from a few minutes to an hour, and directly after the chill comes the fever, which lasts three or four hours. The attacks usually occur every other day and sometimes Yellow fever. Yellow fever, although not common in this country, is interesting as being almost exactly similar in its mode of infection to malaria. It is transmitted through a parasite, as is malaria, and can only be passed along through the agency of another kind of mosquito, known as stegomyia. In 1899 there was a serious outbreak of this pestilence in the cities of our southern coast, and the terrors of the plague of the Middle Ages were revived for a number of months. Trains going out of the infected regions were stopped by Like malaria, the disease is one requiring a hot climate, generally because it is favorable to mosquito growth. It is most common in the seacoast cities of the South, and is probably transmitted often by mosquitoes brought on board ship. Since Havana has been cleaned up by Americans, the danger formerly existing from intercourse with that city has ceased, although only three years ago the writer stopped in a hotel at Havana, where two persons had died of yellow fever a week before. The smell of disinfectants in the hotel was so great that not a fly or insect of any sort was visible, and no other hotel in the city could have been safer or more comfortable. It has been proved positively that yellow fever cannot be transmitted by direct contact, since, in the interests of science, volunteers have slept in beds from which the dead from yellow fever had just been removed without contracting the disease. That the infection is due only to mosquitoes is proved by the fact that later, when bitten by mosquitoes, they succumbed to the disease. It requires about two weeks for the disease to pass through its regular stages in the body of the mosquito, so that there is no possibility of its transmission for that time after the mosquito has come in contact with a yellow fever patient. The symptoms of yellow fever are characteristic and very severe. The eyes first become bloodshot and, in the Hookworm disease. The third parasitical disease common in some parts of the United States has received much attention during this last year and is known as the hookworm disease. It is a new discovery in medical science, and whereas the physical condition of the victim is usually a clear indication of the disease, a positive diagnosis is always obtained by the use of the microscope. Several years ago it was announced in the United States that the laziness and shiftlessness of the poor whites living in the sand lands and pine The development of the disease is interesting. The worm, which is about an inch long and looks not unlike a bit of thread, lays eggs by the thousand in the intestinal tract of a human victim. Afterwards they pass out in the excreta and, favored by heat and moisture, develop in the soil in about three days into minute larvÆ. These larvÆ have a most extraordinary power of attaching themselves to and penetrating into the human skin and body. They may also enter the human body in a drink of water or on unwashed vegetables. In infected regions the soil becomes fairly alive with these larvÆ, and it is hardly possible for a child to walk barefoot outdoors without becoming infected. When the larvÆ have penetrated the hand or foot, they begin a long and circuitous journey through the body, moving from the extremities through the veins to the heart and thence to the lungs. From here they are carried through air cells into the bronchial tubes, thence along the mucous membrane up the windpipe and down into the stomach and finally, from the stomach, they pass out into the intestines, the goal of their long journey. This all takes time, and probably from the time they enter the skin to the time they begin their murderous work on the lining of the intestines requires about two months. In the intestine the larvÆ develop into adults; but before this final stage an intermediate existence is reached, at which time they attach themselves to the mucous lining and bore into it, presumably for the purpose of making a The treatment of the hookworm disease is simple, and the donation by Mr. Rockefeller of $2,000,000 is intended to be sufficient to furnish the opportunity at least for a complete cure of all the cases. It has been found that a small dose of a preparation of thyme known as thymol stupefies the parasites with which it comes in contact, so that they unloose their claws and are set free in the intestine after its use. A dose of epsom salts shortly after clears them out, and except for the loss of blood, the disease is finished. Sometimes, however, in long-continued cases the worms have penetrated so far into the membrane that the use of thymol cannot withdraw them. In fact, in autopsies, it has been found necessary to take tweezers and to use considerable force in order to pull them out. The prevention of the disease is really the cure of the disease, an apparently simple matter, as already described. An improvement of sanitary conditions so as to make impossible further pollution of the soil should be also Pellagra. Another disease peculiar to country life, and which has only within the last few years been recognized, is known as pellagra. Not yet is it even known through what agency the disease is transmitted, but it has been beyond question established that in some way corn is responsible for its spread. Apparently, spoiled corn is necessary, and while presumably the corn itself is not the agent, the parasite or organism that is responsible lives only on corn which has been spoiled. Scientists have long worked on the disease, and it would be a merely speculative pursuit, one of interest to scientists and medical men only, except for the fact that within the last few years it has broken out in this country and is increasing to a most alarming degree. The disease itself is almost hopeless when once established, physicians being yet utterly unable to grapple with it; and As in rabies, the parasite, if it is a parasite, acts through a poison which penetrates to the nervous centers, producing mental disturbances culminating in an active insanity. At the same time, the agent attacks the skin, whence its name "pell'agra," which means "rough skin," so that the body appears as if it were affected with a severe attack of eczema, large patches of skin peeling off and leaving the raw surface. In fact, in one of the Illinois hospitals, only a few years ago, some insane persons, infected with this disease, died, and because the effect of the disease on the skin was not known, the nurse in charge was accused of scalding the patients with boiling water, the appearance of the skin being the only proof. The nurse was discharged, although, without doubt, she was innocent, and the appearance of the skin was due solely to the disease. It has been estimated that there are at present in the United States five thousand victims of pellagra, with the number constantly increasing, although physicians of standing make estimates largely in excess of this. Apparently preventive measures must consist in eliminating the possibility of the use of spoiled corn. Indications are that the disease appears only when such corn has been used, and in parts of Mexico where corn is always roasted before being used, pellagra is never known. It has been described as a disease of the poor, because the disease has flourished chiefly in districts where poverty is so extreme that corn, and spoiled corn at that, is the only Bubonic plague. The bubonic plague, or "The plague," as the importance of the disease has caused it to be called, is one of the oldest of known epidemics. In the third century it spread through the Roman Empire, destroying in many portions of the country nearly one-half of the people. Its immediate origin is a bacillus causing symptoms similar to blood poisoning, although in some cases, where the lungs are attacked, the disease has some of the characteristics of pneumonia. A description of this disease is included here because, while bacterial in its nature, it is transmitted largely, if not entirely, by fleas and by a particular species of flea known as the rat flea. These fleas harbor the plague bacilli In India, where the plague appeared in 1896, causing about 300 deaths, it rapidly increased in virulence until in 1907 it caused 1,200,000 deaths. The ports of the Pacific coast became much alarmed, and when cases of the disease were actually found in San Francisco in 1906, the matter was so terrifying that the United States Marine Hospital Service was at once instructed to stamp out the disease if possible. This procedure was directed almost entirely against rats. Deposits of garbage on which rats might feed were removed, rat runs and burrows were destroyed and filled in, and stables, granaries, markets, and cellars where rats might abound were made ratproof by means of concrete. Rats were trapped and poisoned by the thousand, nearly a million being thus disposed of. As a result of such thorough work, the plague was stayed, and in In southern California, however, the fleas deserted the rats for ground squirrels, and one county in particular, Contra Costa County, had an epidemic which caused the squirrels to die by the thousands. The attention of the scientists was thus turned to the squirrel as a host of the flea, and a warfare similar to that against the rat has been for a year past carried on against the infected squirrels. Between September 24, 1908, and April 12, 1909, 4722 ground squirrels were killed and examined for plague infection, and from June 4 to August 13, 1909, the work being continued, 178 squirrels were found to have the plague. Now that the relation between fleas and their hosts and the transmission of the disease is known, there need be but little fear in the future of this old enemy of man again getting control and spreading without hindrance throughout a whole country. |