Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained: for example, artillery-men, artillerymen; head-quarters, headquarters; foot-steps, footsteps; exhaustless; pacificated; undiscouraged; stept; impolicy.
Table of Contents:-
Chapter summaries for VII through XVI did not have a hanging indent. For consistency all Chapter summaries have been given one.
In Chapter I summary section the page number ‘1’ has been added at the end of that section.
In some Chapter summaries in the Table of Contents, and in the main text as well, there was a period before each dash. Most did not, and this period has been removed so that ‘Badajos.—Its Capture’ for example has been changed to ‘Badajos—Its Capture’. This occurred in Chapters II through VI.
In Chapter VI the page number ‘217’ has been changed to ‘199’.
In Chapter VII the page number ‘221’ has been changed to ‘231’.
In Chapter XIII ‘Battle of Alma’ replaced by ‘Battle of the Alma’.
In Chapter XIII ‘Sebastapol’ replaced by ‘Sebastopol’.
In Chapter XV ‘Alaxander II.’ replaced by ‘Alexander II.’.
In Chapter XVI the page number ‘175’ has been changed to ‘393’.
Main text:-
Pg 2: ‘choked the developement’ replaced by ‘choked the development’.
Pg 9: ‘tide off oreign’ replaced by ‘tide of foreign’.
Pg 12: ‘that any other’ replaced by ‘than any other’.
Pg 32: ‘General Gortchakoff’ replaced by ‘General Gortschakoff’.
Pg 33: ‘St. Petersburgh, and’ replaced by ‘St. Petersburg, and’.
Pg 42: ‘dashed to picees’ replaced by ‘dashed to pieces’.
Pg 60: ‘pestiferous miasm’ replaced by ‘pestiferous miasma’.
Pg 68: ‘battle of Rolico.’ replaced by ‘battle of Rolica.’.
Pg 77: ‘way of Almieda,’ replaced by ‘way of Almeida,’.
Pg 131: ‘an aid-de-camp to’ replaced by ‘an aide-de-camp to’.
Pg 144: ‘made our ness’ replaced by ‘made our mess’.
Pg 154: ‘people, whereever’ replaced by ‘people, wherever’.
Pg 178: ‘faithful aids-de-camp’ replaced by ‘faithful aides-de-camp’.
Pg 188: ‘scenes that occured’ replaced by ‘scenes that occurred’.
Pg 204: ‘of the Sumbre.’ replaced by ‘of the Sambre.’.
Pg 207: ‘a morta. hatred’ replaced by ‘a mortal hatred’.
Pg 217: ‘an aid-de-camp was’ replaced by ‘an aide-de-camp was’.
Pg 256: ‘is the vice-gerent’ replaced by ‘is the vice-regent’.
Pg 258: missing header ‘CHAPTER VIII.’ inserted.
Pg 264: ‘persuasives of Francis’ replaced by ‘persuasions of Francis’.
Pg 277: ‘Like Buonaparte,’ replaced by ‘Like Bonaparte,’.
Pg 282: ‘curious concidence,’ replaced by ‘curious coincidence,’.
Pg 323: missing header ‘CHAPTER XIII.’ inserted.
Pg 337: ‘cross the Katscha;’ replaced by ‘cross the Katcha;’.
Pg 357: ‘al their batteries,’ replaced by ‘all their batteries,’.
Pg 372: missing header ‘CHAPTER XV.’ inserted.
Pg 373: ‘thns maimed’ replaced by ‘thus maimed’.
Pg 387: ‘Off the Katscha,’ replaced by ‘Off the Katcha,’.
Pg 397: ‘to extensive a’ replaced by ‘so extensive a’.
Pg 401: several occurrences of 1-2 meaning half-past the hour have been replaced by 1/2, for example ‘7 1/2’ is seven thirty.