- Duplicate numbers occasionally occurred in series numbers. Occasionally corrected series number where a number was skipped and the following number was duplicated, e.g. if no number 7 and two number 8s then first 8 was changed to 7. Series numbers were otherwise unchanged.
- The copyright number for DISGUISED BUT DISCOVERED on p. 194 was illegible but closest match would be LP3036 (LP??36).
- Number 9 missing from THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE series on p. 229.
- Corrected date on JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHERN p. 431 from 1936 to 1916. All index references showed 1916; also release date was 18Jan16. "Brethern" spelling confirmed by index entries.
- A line of text is missing from NOBLE SISSLE AND EUBIE BLAKE INTER-NATIONAL STARS OF SYNCOPATION, OFFER THEIR ORIGINAL PRESENTATION OF SYNCOPATED DITTIES: I WONDER WHERE MY SWEETIE CAN BE on p. 594. Part in italics here is the the likely missing text. Suggested by similarity to following entry.
- Number 1 missing from THE PERILS OF PAULINE series on p. 657.
- Number 1 missing from the ROAD O' STRIFE series on p. 718.
- Numbers 3 and 76 missing from the UNIVERSAL SCREEN MAGAZINE. 1916-19 series on p. 903.
- Added the missing number 1 before "reel" in SHOT IN THE DUMBWAITER on p. 768.
- The "Adventures of Mr. Nobody Holme" under POWERS, TOM E. on p. 1139 has no corresponding entry in the Motion Pictures list.
- Corrected spelling, accents, grammar, hyphenation, and punctuation of names according to the following guidelines. For movies the main Motion Pictures list determined usage unless all index entries indicate otherwise. For individuals and companies the Index listing determined usage unless all Motion Pictures list entries indicate otherwise. For example, Pathe and PathÉ accent usage differs by company.
- Otherwise retained anachronistic and non-standard spellings as printed.
- Silently corrected simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors of other than names of movies, persons, and companies.