The advanced school figures, as will be seen from a glance at the diagrams, consist of developments and combinations of the elementary school figures. There are no really new figures among them unless the continuation of the change of edge into the form of an eight can be so regarded. Some of them are of the greatest importance since in one figure are combined all the changes of edge and all the threes or loops. They should be very carefully practised and fully mastered. When they have been included among the figures which the skater is able to correctly execute with ease that skater is fully entitled to a place among the expert skaters of any country and any place. These elementary and advanced school figures contain so many difficult elements and combinations that time for other interesting movements will be hard to find. It is well to vary the practise, therefore, and retain the interest, by introducing a bit of free skating now and then. Let individuality have play occasionally. Get a little fun out of even the most serious skating practise. Skating is hard work and requires much application. Do not let the interest flag by too extended sessions of uninterrupted work. Keep in mind the fact that skating is a beautiful sport and a delightful diversion.