Transcriber's Notes:
The transcriber made the following changes to the text:
1. p. 44, The grand Khan ordered --> "The grand Khan ordered
2. p. 69, The accounts of those --> "The accounts of those
3. p. 74, But I perceive, Signor --> "But I perceive, Signor
4. p. 77, "Fonesca" --> "Fonseca"
5. p. 137, "Ojeba" --> "Ojeda"
6. p. 143, They had no victuals --> "They had no victuals
7. p. 170, There came to be a royal --> "There came to be a royal
8. p. 205, In this part --> "In this part
9. Index, Columbus Ferdinand, books owned by, 268; -->
Columbus Ferdinand, books owned by, 248;
End of Transcriber's Notes