XVIth Century. Vespucci's letters to Soderini and L. P. F. de' Medici, reproduced in this volume. XVIIth Century. Herrera, in his Historia General (etc.), Madrid, 1601; "probably followed Las Casas, whose MSS. he had." XVIIIth Century. Dandini, A. M., Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, Florence, 1745. Canovai, Stanislac, Elogia di Amerigo Vespucci, 1778. XIXth Century. Navarrete, M. F. de, Noticias Exactas de Americo Vespucio, contained in his Coleccion, Madrid, 1825-1837. Humboldt, Alexander von, Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la GÉographie de Nouveau Continent, Paris, 1836-1839. Lester, C. Edwards, The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius, New York, 1846; reprinted, in de luxe edition, New York, 1903. Varnhagen, F. A., Baron de Porto Seguro, Amerigo Vespucci, son CaractÈre, ses Écrits (etc.), Lima, 1865; Vienna, 1874. A collection of monographs called by Fiske "the only intelligent modern treatise on the life and voyages of this navigator." Fiske, John, The Discovery of America, Boston, 1899; contains an exhaustive critical examination of Vespucci's voyages to which the reader should refer for more extended information. |