
(A.) Original authorities accessible in translations or extracts.

Abraham the Syrian.

Leroy: Histoire d’Abraham le Syrien patriarche copte d’Alexandrie. (In “Revue de l’Orient ChrÉtien”: 1909, pp. 380 sqq.)

Ibn Adhari (d. 662).

Histoire de l’Afrique et de l’Espagne. Dozy. Leide. 1848.

Ahmad b. Yahya al-Baladuri.

Liber expugnationis regionum. Lugd. Batav. 1863-6 (in 3 parts).

Arib b. Sa?d of Cordoba (circ. 366).

Nicholson: Account of the establishment of the Fatemite dynasty (translation), TÜbingen and Bristol, 1840. (The history goes down to the end of al-Muqtadir’s reign, A.H. 320.)

Edition in Arabic, by de Goeje. (Supplement to Tabari’s history.)

Ibn al-Athir (?Ali b. Muhammad).

Dozy: Hist. Abbadidarum, vol. ii.

Jornberg: Ibn-el-Athir’s Chronika. Lund. 1851.

Baha ad-Din (Muhammad b. Husayn).

Vita Saladini. Ed. Schultens. Lugd. Batav. 1732.


In Migne, Patrologia Graeca, vol. ci. pp. 889, etc.

Edit. in Corpus Script. Christ. Orientalium, vol. i. 1906—vol. ii. 1909. Ed. Cheiko and Carra de Vaux.

Abu l-Feda (Isma?il b. ?Ali, king of Hamat in 743, died 749).

Wrote Tarikh Mukhtasir. Ed. Constantinople, 2 vols. A.H. 1329. Text and Latin trans. by Reiske: Annales Moslemici, 5 vols., Copenhagen, A.D. 1789-1794.

Also Taqwimu l-Buldan, ed. with Lat. trans., Graevius, 1650. Republished, ed. Hudson, Oxford, 1712.

Fihrist. The Fihrist of Muhammad b. Ishaq an-Nadim.

Ed. Fluegel, Leipzig, 1871. Written circ. 378 (= A.D. 988), invaluable for earlier Shi?ite history. Many authors such as Akhu Muhsin, Ibn Razzam, etc., are known only by citations in the Fihrist.

Gregory Bar Hebraeus or Abu l-Faraj.

d. A.D. 1286. His great history was planned in three parts, of which part i. “the history of the dynasties” deals with political history. Syriac text edited by Bedjan, Paris, 1890. The Arabic translation by the author is enriched with matter which does not occur in the Syriac, ed. Pococke, Oxford, 1663; Arabic text Beirut, 1890.

Al-Kairawani. Muhammad b. ?Ali r-Rayni al-Kairawani.

Ed. Pellisier et RÉmusat, Sciences hist. et gÉogr. vii. Paris, 1845. (Explorat. scientifique de l’AlgÉrie.)

Kamal ad-Din.

History of Aleppo. Ed. and trans. as “Regnum Saad aldawlae.” G. W. Freytag, Bonn, 1820.

Ibn Khaldun, Wali ad-Din Abu Zayd Abdu r-Rahman ibn Khaldun.

d. 809. Ed. Bulaq, 1284 (= 1867) in 7 vols. Prolegomena, text and French tr. in vols. 16-21 of Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la bib. nat.

De Slane, Histoire des BerbÈres, Alger, 1851-2.

NoËl des Vergers, Hist. de l’Afrique, Paris, 1841.

Jornberg: Ibn Khaldunnarr de expedit. Francorum in terras Islamismo subjectas. Upsala. 1840. (Text and Latin trans.)

Ibn Khallikan. Shams ad-Din Abu l-Abbas.

d. 681. Wrote Wafiat ul-Aiyan (Biographical Dictionary), strongly anti-Fatimid. Ed. WÜstenfeld, GÖttingen, 1835. Eng. Trans. (cited in references) by De Slane, 1835-40.

Khandemir (Khwand Amir).

Persian. Ed. (with German tr.) Die Geschichte Tabaristans, etc., St. Petersburg, 1850.

Abu l-Mahasin.

d. 875. Ed. J. D. Carlyle, Maured Allatafet Jemaleddim. Cambridge, 1792 (very defective).

Annals, ed. T. G. J. Juynboll, Leiden, 1861.


d. 672. Ed. Erpenius. Historia Saracenica, Lugd. Batav., 1625.

Maqrizi, Ahmah b. ?Ali b. ?Abdu l-Qadir al-Maqrizi (dz. 845).

Chief authority for the history and antiquities of Cairo. Favourably disposed towards the Fatimid Khalifs from whom he claimed descent.

Ed. Bulaq, A.H. 1270. Portions translated in De Sacy’s Chrestomathie. Part by Bouriant (but nothing relating to the Fatimids as yet reached in this translation. Pub. 1895, etc. in progress). Ed. Wiet, Cairo, 1911, etc. (a corrected text).

Wuestenfeld: Macrizi’s Geschichte der Copten. (Text and trans.) 1845.


Sefer Nameh, Relation du voyage de Nasir i Khosrau, ed. and tr. C. Schefer, Paris, 1881.

An-Nuwairi, Ahmad b. ?Abdu l-Wahhab. (d. 733).

Only portions accessible, no full text published.

Dozy, Historia Abbadidarum, ii. 1846.

Dozy, Historia Siciliae, Arabice et Latine, 1790.

Hist. de la Sicilie, trad. par J. J. A. Caussin, Paris, year x (1802).


Derenbourg, Vie d’Ousama, Paris, 1886.

(Contains Osama’s own memoirs: invaluable for the reign of az-Zafir and the history immediately following.)


Al-Kalkashandi, tr. WÜstenfeld, Die Geographie, etc. GÖttingen, 1879.

(B). Modern Writers.

De Goeje: MÉmoires sur les Carmathes du Bahrain et les Fatimides. Leide, 1886.

Dozy: Essai sur l’histoire de l’Islamisme. Leide, 1879.

Dussand, R.: Histoire et religion des Nosairis. Paris, 1900.

Guyard: Fragments relatifs À la doctrine des IsmaÉlis. Paris, 1874.

Von Kremer: Kulturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen. 1875-7.

Lane Poole: Story of Cairo. Lond., 1906.

History of Egypt. Middle Ages. Lond. New ed. 1914.

Moslem Dynasties. 1894.

Art of the Saracens in Egypt. 1886.

Coinage of Egypt A.H. 358-922. (Vol. ii. of Catal. of Brit. Mus. Oriental Coins). 1892.

Mann, J.: The Jews in Egypt and Palestine under the Fatimid Caliphs. Oxford, 1920.

QuatremÈre: Sur la dynastie des Khalifes Fatimites. (Journal asiat. for August, 1836. 3rd series, No. 2.)

Ravaisse: Essai sur l’histoire etc. d’aprÈs Makrizi.

Rivoira: Moslem architecture. Eng. trans. Oxford, 1918.

De Sacy: ExposÉ de la religion des Druzes. Paris, 1838 (2 vols.).

De Sacy: Chrestomathie (vols. i. and ii.).

Wuestenfeld: Geschichte d. Fatimiden Chalifen. GÖttingen, 1881. (A series of extracts, not a connected history.)

Wuestenfeld: El-Macrizi’s Abhandlung. 1847.

Zaydam, G.: Umayyads and Abbasids. Lond., 1907.


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