I like me yet dot leedle chile Vich climb my lap up in to-day, Unt took my cheap cigair avay, Unt laugh and kiss me purty whvile,— Possescially I like dose mout' Vich taste his moder's like—unt so, Off my cigair it gone glean out —Yust let it go! Vat I caire den for anyding? Der paper schlip out fon my hand, And all my odvairtizement stand, Mitout new changements boddering; I only dink—I have me dis Von leedle boy to pet unt love Unt play me vit, unt hug unt kiss— Unt dot's enough! Der plans unt pairposes I vear Out in der vorld all fades avay; Unt vit der beeznid of der day I got me den no time to spare; Der caires of trade vas caires no more— Dem cash accounds dey dodge me by, Unt vit my chile I roll der floor, Unt laugh unt gry! Ah! frient! dem childens is der ones Dot got some happy times—you bet!— Dot's vy ven I been grooved up yet I vish I vould been leedle vonce! Unt ven dot leetle roozter tries Dem baby-tricks I used to do, My mout it vater, unt my eyes Dey vater too! Unt all der summertime unt spring Of childhood it come back to me, So dot it vas a dream I see Ven I yust look at anyding, Unt ven dot leedle boy run by, I dink "dot's me," fon hour to hour Schtill chasing yet dose butterfly Fon flower to flower! Oxpose I vas lots money vairt, Mit blenty schtone-front schtore to rent Unt mor'gages at twelf per-cent, Unt diamonds in my ruffled shairt,— I make a'signment of all dot, Unt tairn it over mit a schmile, Obber you please—but don'd forgot I keep dot chile!