I. Swallowed up in gulfs of tho't— Eye-glass fixed—on—who knows what? We but know he sees us not. Chance upon him, here and there— Base-ball park—Industrial Fair— Broadway—Long Branch—anywhere! Even at the races,—yet With his eye-glass tranced and set On some dream-land minaret. At the beach, the where, perchance— Tenderest of eyes may glance On the fitness of his pants. Vain! all admiration—vain! His mouth, o'er and o'er again Absently absorbs his cane. Vain, as well, all tribute paid To his morning coat, inlaid With crossbars of every shade. He is oblivious, tho We played checkers to and fro On his back—he would not know. II. So removed—illustrious— Peace! kiss hands, and leave him thus He hath never need of us! Come away! Enough! Let be! Purest praise, to such as he, Were as basest obloquy. Vex no more that mind of his, We, to him, are but as phizz Unto pop that knows it is. Haply, even as we prate Of him HERE—in astral state— Or jackastral—he, elate, Brouses 'round, with sportive hops In far fields of sphery crops, Nibbling stars like clover-tops. He, occult and psychic, may Now be solving why to-day Is not midnight.—But away! Cease vain queries! Let us go! Leave him all unfathomed.—Lo, He can hear his whiskers grow.