NEW YORK SUN: "Mr. Hood's biography is a positive boon to the mass of readers, because it presents a more correct view of the great soldier than any of the shorter lives published, whether we compare it with Southey's, Guizot's, or even Forster's." PACIFIC CHURCHMAN, San Francisco: "The fairest and most readable of the numerous biographies of Cromwell." GOOD LITERATURE, New York: "If all these books will prove as fresh and readable as Hood's 'Cromwell,' the literary merit of the series will be as high as the price is low." NEW YORK DAILY GRAPHIC: "Hood's 'Cromwell' is an excellent account of the great Protector. Cromwell was the heroic servant of a sublime cause. A complete sketch of the man and the period." CHRISTIAN UNION, New York: "A valuable biography of Cromwell, told with interest in every part and with such condensation and skill in arrangement that prominent events are made clear to all." SCHOOL JOURNAL, New York: "Mr. Hood's style is pleasant, clear, and flowing, and he sets forth and holds his own opinion well." EPISCOPAL RECORDER, Philadelphia: "An admirable and able Life of Oliver Cromwell, of which we can unhesitatingly speak words of praise." NEW YORK TELEGRAM: "Full of the kind of information with which even the well-read like to refresh themselves." INDIANAPOLIS SENTINEL, Ind.: "The book is one of deep interest. The style is good, the analysis searching, and will add much to the author's fame as an able biographer." THE WORKMAN, Pittsburgh, Pa.: "This book tells the story of Cromwell's life in a captivating way. It reads like a romance. The paper and printing are very attractive." NEW YORK HERALD: "The book is one of deep interest. The style is good, the analysis searching." II. |