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Van Deusen, Clinton S., Methods of Wood Finishing. Manual Training Magazine, 6: 93. Jan. '05. Van Deusen, Clinton S., Logging in the South. Manual Training Magazine, 1: 93. Jan. '00. Wheeler, C. G., Woodworking for Beginners. N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1899. White, Stewart Edward, The Blazed Trail. N. Y.: McClure, Phillips & Co. 1904. White, Stewart Edward, From Forest to Saw Mill. Junior Munsey, 10: 362, Je. '01. Anonymous. Nails. Wood Craft. 5: 103, Jl. '06. A Dry-Kiln of Progressive Style. Wood Craft, 6: 31. Nov. '06. Lumbering in Louisiana. Wood Craft, 4: 55, Nov. '05. The Lac Industry of Assam. Journal of the Society of Arts. 49: 192. Feb 8 '01. |