‘sulphrous’ replaced with ‘sulphurous’
(fumes of sulphurous acid)
‘Llnun’ replaced with ‘Linum’
(the flax plant Linum Usitatissimum)
‘boddins’ replaced with ‘bobbins’
(on to bobbins or reels;)
‘earthern’ replaced with ‘earthen’
(into conical earthen jars,)
‘varnised’ replaced with ‘varnished’
(before being varnished)
(a number of earthen pots)
‘extremly’ replaced with ‘extremely’
(should be extremely careful)
‘flim’ replaced with ‘film’
(a thin film of sulphate of lead)
‘is’ replaced with ‘in’
(sometimes done in this way)
‘in’ replaced with ‘is’
(or other object is plaster,)
‘MINIE’ replaced with ‘MINIÉ’
‘Woolwhich’ replaced with ‘Woolwich’
(At the Arsenal at Woolwich)
The ‘skim-coulter’ F is shown in the plough illustration as E.
‘waggon’ replaced with ‘wagon’
(the wagon should be so great.)
duplicate word ‘part’ removed
(and on this part it supports)
‘effect’ replaced with ‘effects’
(this he effects by what)
‘commniucation’ replaced with ‘communication’
(from all communication with the earth)
FIG.1. and FIG.2. were reversed.
‘Artisian’ replaced with ‘Artesian’
(Artesian wells are sunk)
‘ncessary’ replaced with ‘necessary’
(It is therefore necessary)
‘F’ omitted from FIG. 1