ENGINEERING WORKS. RAILWAYS. (‡ Locomotive And Tender.)


The great advantage of railways over ordinary roads is the diminished friction, which is produced by the wheels passing over the smooth iron instead of rough stones. It was found when iron rails were first used, before the introduction of locomotives, that the horse-power requisite was diminished to one-fortieth; for instance, ten horses on a railway could do the work of four hundred on a common road, this being the case, and the great power of the locomotive engine being superadded, there can be no wonder that the difference of the rate of speed between the train and the wagon should be so great. When it has been settled what general direction the railway shall take, it is then to be determined whether or to what extent the elevations or depressions that may occur can be conveniently overcome, so that the line may take a straight course, or whether the road shall go out of the straight line, and how far to avoid them. The route it should therefore take ought to exactly balance the objections to each extreme, that is the expense, &c., of going straight on through hills and over valleys on the one side, and the increased distance and consequent loss of time which a winding track would cause to the transit on the other.

(‡ Terrain Schematic.)

FIG. 1.

(‡ Terrain Schematic.)

FIG. 2.

(‡ Rail Types.)

FIG. 3.

(‡ Rail “Chair.”)

FIG. 4.

With respect to the “level” at which the line should be laid, a section of the route, showing all the elevations and depressions, is first made, then such a course is chosen that the material produced by cutting through the higher parts shall be just sufficient to form the embankments for filling up the lower parts; fig.1 will give some idea of this arrangement. Of course a line perfectly level would be the best, just as would be one perfectly straight; but as the difficulties of the one must be balanced, so must those of the other, and a line as nearly level should be obtained as is consistent with expense. For instance, supposeA andB, fig.2, to be towns to be connected by a line of railway, and the chief of the intermediate ground to be above their level; of course it would be very expensive to cut through the whole distance, as shown at the dotted linea, this level would therefore be too low; but if a higher level were taken, as at the dotted lineb, then only the centre of the distance would have to be cut through, and the material (earth, &c.) produced by the cuttings would suffice to fill up the hollows at the ends. These considerations and many others must therefore determine the level at which the railway shall be constructed; but the line is seldom (if ever) on one level from end to end, nor at one continuous “gradient” or slope, for the course of the line is so arranged as to make as little cutting and filling up as is consistent with a road whose gradients shall never exceed a specified amount, which must be determined by local circumstances. The excavation and filling up being finished, the “trams” have to be laid; these are bars of wrought iron about fifteen feet long, of the form shown atA andB, fig.3. The most usual form is that markedA. They are made of wrought-iron, passed while hot between rollers cut at their edges into the form required. These trams are laid upon bars of wood called “sleepers,” at about four feet apart, and united to them by what are called “chairs,” which are pieces of cast-iron of the form shown at fig.4, fastened to the sleepers by iron spikes, and into these the trams, or “metals,” as they are called by the workmen are wedged. These bars of iron are laid very evenly and perfectly parallel at a certain distance apart, which must exactly correspond to the distance between each wheel of a pair belonging to the carriages and engines; this distance is called the “gauge,” the wide gauge (as on the Great Western) is seven feet, and that called the “narrow gauge,” is four feet eight-and-a-half inches, and the space between the lines is of sufficient width to prevent any danger of collision in the trains on passing each other; they are generally six feet apart.

(‡ Railway Switch.)

FIG. 5.

(‡ Turn-Tables.)

FIG. 6.

(‡ Wheel With Flange.)

FIG. 8.

(‡ Locomotive On Turn-Table.)

FIG. 7.

(‡ Carriage Buffer.)

FIG. 9.

(‡ Carriage Buffer.)

FIG. 10.

As it is necessary that trains should at certain places be “shunted” or shifted from one line of rails to another, particularly at stations where a great many tracks run side by side, and cross each other to branch off to different parts, there are arrangements called “points,” shifted by a lever or “switch,” so that they shall direct the course of the train, and cause it to leave the former track and enter upon a new one; this arrangement may be seen at fig.5, where the points are in the position to direct the engine coming in the direction of the arrow on to the curved lineA, and the dotted lines indicate the position into which they would be shifted, if necessary for the train to go straight on to the lineB; this action is effected by moving a lever which shifts the two bars a few inches either way. When an engine or carriage has to be turned on to a track at right angles to the one on which it rests, or where there is not room for “shunting,” an apparatus called a “turn-table” is used, which is shown at figs.6 and7; it is a round platform of iron turning on its centre, and supported by friction rollers at the edge, having on its surface raised rails in two or more directions, so that it may be turned round half or quarter distance, according to the position required. The engines and carriages used to run on railways are of various constructions, but to a certain extent agree in their chief particulars; the wheels are fixed to their axles, so that each pair and the axle which joins them may be considered as one piece. The axle projects a little way beyond the wheel, and on this part it supports the engine or carriage, which is wider than the distance from one wheel to its fellow. They are therefore entirely underneath. They are of iron, made by machinery and have a projecting edge on the inside of the “tire” of each, which is called the “flange” (see fig.8); this flange does not run on the rail but within it to prevent the wheels from slipping off. These flanges, when the pair of wheels and axle are united, exactly fit in between the rails, so as to touch the inside of each and form a sort of guide. Each carriage has two pairs (except in a few cases, where three pairs are used), the engines have usually three, and sometimes four pairs. The carriages rest upon powerful springs, and are moreover furnished with springs to diminish the concussion of one carriage against another; these last are acted on by a sort of piston-rod, one of which is placed at each corner of the carriage, and are called “buffers” (figs.9 and10); they all coincide with each other, and form a set of springs all along the train, which greatly reduces the shock which would otherwise be felt when it is stopped. Another set of springs is connected with the binding screws which unite each carriage, and these prevent the sudden jerk which would result from the starting off of a train quite inelastic in its length.

The engines used are of that class called high-pressure or non-condensing, and there are two cylinders and pistons, which have a stroke of about eighteen inches. The boiler is so contrived that a large quantity of steam shall be rapidly produced; for this purpose tubes of brass are made to pass side by side from the fireplace through the boiler, and through these tubes the flame and hot air must go before reaching the funnel, giving out in its course a great amount of heat to the water and converting it rapidly into steam. The steam from each cylinder passes at each stroke of the piston into the funnel, assisting to form a draught which draws the flame from the fire through the tubes and increases the fierceness of the combustion. The necessity for two cylinders and pistons is owing to the impossibility of having a fly-wheel, and as the driving wheels of the engine have to be turned at an equal rate, the axle has two cranks so placed that the greatest power of one piston is exerted where the other exerts the least (see “Steam-engine”).

(‡ Signal Tower.)

FIG. 11.

(‡ Signal Tower.)

FIG. 12.

(‡ Signal Lamps.)

FIG. 13.

As the trains when going at a considerable speed cannot be suddenly stopped, it is necessary to have signals placed in certain conspicuous positions, that the engine driver may begin to stop the train (when necessary) in time; this he effects by what is called a “break,” a contrivance by which two pieces of wood are made (by turning a screw) to grasp firmly each of a pair of wheels, and so prevent them turning round, this produces so much friction against the trams that (after the steam is turned off) the onward motion of the train is soon stopped. The signals are of three kinds generally, a red flag to indicate danger, a green one to caution, and a white one to show that the way is clear; these are (on most occasions) held by a man and waved to and fro to attract attention, but there are however a great many occasions for fixed signals, as at stations and bends in the line where the engine driver can only see a short distance ahead; these fixed signals consist of tall posts placed where they can be seen at a considerable distance. These posts have an arrangement at the top consisting of a lamp with a “bull’s-eye” or lens at each side pointing up and down the line, and a pair of arms capable of being let down into the post, raised at right angles with it, or into a position midway between the post and a right angle (as shown in figs.11 and12). One side of each arm is painted red, the other white, one arm serving for a signal up the line and the other down; attached to the joint of each arm, close to the post, are two iron frames each holding a piece of colored glass, one red the other green, and so arranged that when the arm is at right angles to the post, the red glass is before the lamp and when the arm is let half way down the green glass comes in front of the lamp (fig.13), thus the same action serves both for day and night signals. When the arm showing the red side projects in a horizontal direction, it indicates (in the day) “danger,” and so does the red light at night; when the arm is let down half way, it shows that caution is required, and the green glass then before the lamp shows the same signal at night; when the arm is let quite down out of sight, it shows safety, and so does the white light of the lamp thus freed from both screens of colored glass.

(‡ Engine Whistle.)

FIG. 14.

Each engine is provided with a whistle (fig. 14) blown by steam turned on from the boiler, which is used as a signal at any particular time, especially in tunnels or when there is a fog; there is also an arrangement by which each engine presses on a lever at the side of the tram as it passes, and causes a bell to ring at the station, to announce its approach, when about a quarter of a mile off. In some cases, as in foggy weather, when the usual signals cannot be seen, a packet of fulminating powder is placed on the rail, and this being exploded by the wheel of the engine as it passes over it, gives notice of its approach, &c. There are other signals, but these are the chief.


(‡ Electric Telegraph.)

The power of transmitting messages to any distance or place to which a wire can be carried, and in a space of time too small to be reckoned, is without doubt one of the most wonderful inventions ever carried out by men’s hands. Although the signals are carried from place to place with a rapidity almost incredible, yet the electric fluid travels at a certain, although marvellously rapid rate. It is thought that light and the electric fluid both travel at the same rate, namely, 192,000 miles in a second, and if so, a message might be sent round the world (were it possible to carry on a wire) thrice in that small space of time.

(‡ Acid Battery Cell.)

FIG. 1.

(‡ Battery Series.)

FIG. 2.

(‡ Grounding Effect.)

FIG. 3.

The construction of the electric telegraph is pretty much the same everywhere, only that modifications of the same agent are used in different countries, and different signals formed; but whether this agent or influence is obtained from magnetic or galvanic sources, the result is exactly the same. When a pair of metallic plates are immersed in a fluid which acts chemically more rapidly on the one than the other, and a wire connects the upper parts of these plates, this wonderful agency is set in motion, and circulates from the one plate to the other (fig.1). This arrangement may be best shown by using one plate of zinc and the other of copper, and a dilute solution of sulphuric acid for the liquid; this, however, produces by far too little of the agent to be used on a telegraphic line, there are therefore combinations of such pairs of plates so arranged that the power of one pair shall be added to the next in such a way that at the end of the series (called a “battery”) there shall be a great increase of the power accumulated—this arrangement is shown in fig.2. Now (if the power be sufficient) it does not signify what length of wire there may be between the two ends of this arrangement or “battery,” whether the ends be connected by a few feet of wire, or as many hundred miles—the electricity passes instantaneously from one end to the other; and furthermore, it has been found in practice, that this electrical influence can be transmitted through the earth in one direction if sent by a wire in the other; for instance, if a wire from one end of the battery be carried on from London to Liverpool; instead of having another from Liverpool to London, to connect the two ends of the battery, it is found to answer the same purpose if the end of the wire at Liverpool be fastened to a plate of metal buried beneath the surface of the earth and the other end of the battery at London, furnished with a similar plate also buried. In this arrangement, the electricity will pass beneath the surface of the earth from Liverpool to London, and through the wire from London to Liverpool, thus completing the circuit. The end from which the electricity passes is called the “positive electrode,” that to which it returns the “negative electrode.” Fig.3 will show this arrangement.

(‡ Electro-Magnet.)

FIG. 4.

(‡ Electro-Magnet Turned On.)

FIG. 5.

(‡ Angled View Of Electro-Magnet.)

FIG. 6.

If a bar-magnet be suspended on a pivot so that it may turn freely, it will (as is well known) turn with one end to the north, which is owing to a current of natural electricity passing round the earth in the direction of east and west, the magnet crossing the current at a right angle; and if a coil of wire coated with silk (to keep one part of the coil from another) be placed round, above and below the long axis of a bar of steel as shown at fig.4, and a current of electricity passed through this wire, the steel becomes a magnet and will take a direction similar to the natural magnet, more or less at right angles to this coil, as in fig.5, according to the intensity of the current; and the instant this electrical current is stopped it will resume its former direction. This fact has been made use of to form the principal feature of all English telegraphs; in the telegraph such a needle is mounted in an upright position, and instead of its tendency to turn to the north, a tendency to maintain the upright position is given to it by having one of the arms of the magnet a little heavier than the other; such a magnet having a coil of wire surrounding it. When the electric current passes through the coil, it will turn out of the upright position to either one side or the other, according to the direction of the current, from its tendency to assume a position at an angle to the current (fig.6); if the current be stopped even for an instant, then the needle or magnet will again assume its upright position. The pivot of this magnet is brought forward and has on its front part another needle, which being on the same pivot turns with it; this is visible on the outside of the apparatus, and is looked at to ascertain the movement of the one within. There is also an arrangement called a “commutator,” so contrived, that by moving a handle to the right or left, a connection shall be made with either end of the battery, and thereby cause the direction of the current and needle to be changed at pleasure; also by moving the handle into an upright position the current shall be stopped; and finally, by a third movement, a bell shall be rung. Now, as has already been explained, when the current goes in one direction, the magnetic needle is deflected in that direction; and when the current is reversed the position of the needle is also reversed, and when the current is cut off the needle will resume its perpendicular position. If two such needles and two such handles be at each station, when the handles at one station are moved, the needles at the other station will take on a similar movement; and when the handles at that station are moved, the needles at the first station will be moved to correspond. This constitutes the system of communication kept up by the electric telegraphs in England; but it remains to be shown how all the letters of the alphabet, the numerals, &c., can be represented by the movements of the two handles.

(‡ Eight Needle Positions.)

FIG. 7.

(‡ Telegraph Poles.)

FIG. 8.

(‡ Wire Insulator.)

FIG. 9.

(‡ Six-Wire Cable.)

FIG. 10.

These handles can be placed in eight positions (besides the upright one) by a single movement of each hand, as may be seen in fig.7; and these eight signals if repeated, or made twice in rapid succession will make eight more, and by being repeated three times will constitute a third eight, making twenty-four; finally, by a rapid motion right and left, they may be caused to signify a fourth eight, or thirty-two signals, which are found to be sufficient for every purpose, and by practice may be both produced and read off with facility. Before a message is about to be delivered the commutator is so placed as to ring a bell, which is done by the same arrangement as in a common alarm-clock, but the action is set in motion by a peculiar contrivance, which depends upon the property a bar of soft iron has of becoming magnetic when a wire is wound round it and a current of electricity passed through this wire; this magnetic property exists only as long as the current passes, and stops the instant it is cut off. The catch of the alarm is disengaged by the movement of a bar of iron being drawn to the magnet while the current passes, and forced back again by a spring when it is stopped, thus setting in action the mechanism of the alarm, or in some cases there is a simple contrivance for causing a rapid flow and stoppage of the electricity, so that the bar is alternately attracted by the magnet and released by the spring, and this motion of the bar rings the bell as long as it is continued. The bell is always rung to give notice that a message is about to be sent, and at the station where the bell rings, the bell at the former station is rung in return, to show that they are prepared to receive the message; the message is then spelt letter by letter, by moving the handles into the proper positions, and as the message is being sent, the eye is kept on the dials having the needles which will communicate any message in return from the station to which the message is being sent, such as “repeat,” “not understood,” &c., &c., for which certain single signs are made and recognised. The wires which convey the electricity from station to station, are made of galvanized iron (iron coated with zinc), and must be kept from all communication with the earth by some substance incapable of conducting it; they are therefore stretched between wooden poles (fig.8), and rest upon sockets or supports of glass or glazed earthenware, which are both substances incapable of conducting the electricity to the earth (fig.9). In certain localities, as in towns, the wires are coated with gutta percha (another non-conductor), and laid side by side in a tube under ground; this is also done in the longer tunnels. In the cables which conduct the electric power along the bottom of the sea as from Dover to Calais; the wires are first coated with gutta percha, then bound with yarn soaked in tar, and finally coated with galvanized iron wires wound round spirally like the strands of a rope (fig.10), the whole forming a cable which is coiled up in the hold of a vessel, and let out as the vessel crosses from one side to the other; in this way the cable is deposited on the bed of the sea or channel, forming an electrical connection from country to country. These cables are made in one piece by machinery. That from Dover to Calais is twenty-five miles long, contains four copper conducting wires, and weighs about 175 tons; that from Dover to Ostend contains six conducting wires, is seventy miles long, weighs nearly 500 tons, and cost about £30,000; its structure (the real size) is shown at fig.10.


The electric cable now constructed to be laid down between Ireland and America, is composed of seven small copper wires twisted into one, and surrounded by gutta percha; this is then surrounded by eighteen small wire-ropes, each composed of seven small wires twisted together, the whole being in its section not larger than a four-penny-piece; 2000 miles of this cable are now ready to be laid down. A plan was some time ago put in practice by which the correct time could be kept at various places by electric communication with the time at Greenwich; a clock thus regulated, is situated at Charing Cross, and a ball placed at the top of the electric telegraph station there, is caused by the same means to fall exactly at one o’clock. A contrivance has of late been patented to work the electric telegraph by steam, and the following account of it is extracted from the “Times:”—

“A series of gutta percha bands, about six inches wide and a quarter of an inch thick, are coiled on wheels on drums arranged for the purpose. These bands are studded down both sides with a single row of holes at short intervals apart. When a message is to be sent the clerks wind off these bands, inserting in the holes small brass pins, which, according to their combinations in twos or threes (with blank holes between), represent certain words or letters. In this manner the message is, as it were, “set up” in the bands with great rapidity, and if the number of bands employed is sufficiently large—say as numerous as the compositors employed in a large printing-office—messages equal in length to five or six columns of this journal could be set up and ready for transmission in the course of a single hour. Of course this operation in no respect interferes with the telegraph wire itself, which continues free for use until the bands of messages are actually being despatched. The gutta percha bands when full are removed to the instrument-room, a most simple appliance preventing any derangement or falling out of the pins while being moved about. In the instrument-room the bands are connected with ordinary steam machinery, by which they are drawn in regular order with the utmost rapidity between the charged poles of an electrical machine in such a manner that, during the moment of each pin’s passing, it forms electrical communication between the instrument and the telegraph, and a signal is transmitted to the other end of the wire, where the spark perforates a paper and records the message. The only limit to the rapidity of the operation is the rate at which the bands can be drawn, since the electrical contact of each pin, even for the 200th part of a second, is more than sufficient to transmit a word or signal from London and register it in America. Of course, as the message is recorded (we will say in America) with the same rapidity as that with which it is transmitted from London, a number of reading clerks will be requisite in order to translate it, by dividing it into small portions, with almost as much facility as it has been sent.”

Roads, which were formerly of the utmost importance as the only means of communication between distant places, and on which an enormous amount of labour and capital have been expended, are now becoming rapidly subordinate to railways; however this may be, it is quite clear that roads can never be superseded by the latter. The numerous streets of great towns are so many short roads, and on some of them the amount of traffic is so very great, that the utmost skill of the engineer is required to resist the consequent wear and tear.

The Roman roads, which have been the means of civilisation to the greater part of Europe, were constructed in a very solid and durable manner, by first laying down a layer of rough stone set in cement, and upon this, stones either squared or nicely fitted together and also cemented; the whole formed a solid mass of masonry, not unlike the wall of an old castle laid horizontally. Basalt (a volcanic product) was the stone used for this purpose, where it could be procured. These roads were generally raised above the surrounding ground, but excavations, bridges, and tunnels were made where these were found necessary to continue the road in a direct course.

(‡ Labourers Ramming Surface.)

Roads are now generally made in a less careful manner, and the same observations as to course and levelling will apply to them, that are made on these subjects in the article “Railways,” only that less cutting and filling up are required, as the gradients on common roads are allowable of much greater steepness than on railways; one in twenty-five is however about the greatest declivity that should be made, although old roads exist with slopes much greater. The surface of a road should be slightly arched and a drain made on each side, that pools of water may not collect on its surface and soften it so that it will work into holes. Ordinary roads are made by laying down a stratum of broken granite or other hard stone a few inches deep, each piece being of about half a pound weight, when this first layer is worked in by traffic, a second is laid, and so on till the surface has become quite firm and level, but in the streets of towns more care is required. In the suburbs of London, the usual plan is, to lay a deep stratum of rubbish, consisting of broken bricks, pottery and oyster-shells (obtained from the dust-bins of London) nearly a foot in thickness, and on this, broken stone or shingle (consisting of pebble stones) is laid in repeated layers as it consolidates, but in the streets having more traffic the roadway is made by a foundation of “concrete,” consisting of coarse gravel and lime made into a sort of paste, which sets into a hard cement in a day or two; on this foundation (which is carefully smoothed on the surface) is laid a paving of squared granite blocks, placed carefully side by side either in lines at right angles to the road or else diagonally. When these are all laid down and rammed to a perfectly even surface, a mixture of quick lime and sand is made into a thin paste with water, poured on and swept all over the surface with brooms, so as to fill up the interstices and cement the blocks of granite firmly together. In London the roadways are always made arched, so that the centre is a few inches higher than the sides, and a gutter or drain is placed on either side between it and the pavements which run on each side, but in many towns in the country, and on the continent, the gutter is placed in the middle of the road and each side made to slope slightly towards it.


The earliest efforts of the civil engineer were in all probability directed to the construction of roads, but it would be evident that unless they could be made to cross rivers and water-courses, they could continue but a short distance in any required direction. Bridges of some sort must therefore be constructed; small brooks were doubtless bridged over with timber laid across them, and “fords” or shallow parts of rivers taken advantage of when the stream was too wide to be spanned in this way. That these fords were once very numerous in England, is shown by the constant recurrence of such names as Stratford, Brentford, &c., and indeed fords are now in use in many places where the stream is shallow, and the traffic too little to pay for constructing a bridge. The next improvement in all probability consisted in placing stones in the fords to enable passengers to step from one to the next, and cross the stream dry-footed, which were called “stepping stones;” but the earliest bridges properly so called, were probably stones piled upon each other and united by beams of timber.


The Chinese, Romans, and several other nations were acquainted with the use and proper mode of constructing bridges, many centuries ago, when no such works had been attempted in England. The materials chiefly now in use for bridges are stone, brick, iron, and wood, and by far the greatest number, till within the last half century, were constructed of stone, but iron seems to be rapidly taking its place, especially since the mode of constructing suspension bridges has been more perfected. There are several ways of forming the foundation for the piers, or those parts on which the bridge rests. Old London bridge and many others of considerable size were based upon “piles,” these piles consist of great pieces of timber pointed at one end and driven deep down into the bed of the river close together, so as to form a solid mass on the top of which the stones for the piers were laid; these piles have been found scarcely altered after several centuries of immersion in the mud, but at the parts exposed to the action of the water they soon become decayed and eaten away by its inhabitants. For many bridges, when there is good foundation, the stonework is laid at once on the bed of the river, but in order that this may be got at, a double ring of piles is driven close together around the part where the pier is to be built; these piles are of a flat form, and the two rows inclose a space of about a foot between them, which space is filled with clay, well rammed in, and the water within the barrier pumped out, this forms what is called a “coffer-dam,” and is an expensive proceeding. The bottom of the river thus exposed can be built upon in the usual way. Another way of forming a foundation for piers consists in lowering large wooden frames or boxes filled with concrete which hardens and forms a solid basis, these are called “cassons.” Wooden bridges are now seldom made of any great size, but are very numerous in country places for crossing narrow streams, on account of their cheapness and the facility with which they can be constructed. Bridges of brick are not much used, but “viaducts” of this material often occur in the lines of railways, and very handsome arches of brick-work are used to span streets in towns where railways pass. Iron girder bridges also, are frequently employed for this purpose; they are made with girders of wrought or cast iron which generally pass in a straight line over the roadway from pier to pier. Some of them are made of iron-plate rivetted together, while others are strong girders of cast iron having small arches of brick-work built on them, running the length of the girders and resting upon ridges in them, so as to fill up the space between each girder.


Iron bridges are of almost every form and construction conceivable; some are tubes of iron-plate, as the Britannia Bridge, rivetted together; some of solid cast iron work as Southwark Bridge, others called suspension bridges are hung by rods of wrought iron, from large chains suspended from pier to pier, as Hungerford Bridge. In many places bridges of boats are used; the boats are moored to the river’s-bed and have timber-work connecting them. Another kind, which can hardly lay claim to the name of bridge, called the “floating-bridge,” is used for the conveyance of carts, horses, passengers, or merchandise, from one side of a river to the other. It consists of a sort of platform guided by chains laid down for the purpose, which pass over wheels or drums on the side of the bridge. The motive power necessary for turning these wheels, is supplied by a steam-engine within the structure itself.


(‡ Railroad Tunnel.)

Tunnels are underground passages made for the purpose of continuing roads, railways, or canals through hills or elevated parts of the ground. In slight elevations “cuttings” are generally made, and it becomes a question of expediency for the engineer as to which of the two shall be chosen, as there will be a much greater quantity of earth to remove from a deep cutting than from a tunnel; in fact, the question is often at once determined by the demand for this material, for if it should so happen that the level of the road is such, that many or large embankments are required, the earth taken from the cuttings will be wanted to construct them. As a general rule, tunnels are only made where a hill has to be penetrated which is too high to be cut through; another object sought by tunnelling is to cause the road to pass beneath a canal, river, buildings, or roads, where the level of the road or railway is far below them. The Thames Tunnel is the most remarkable example of this kind of work.

Tunnels were constructed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, chiefly for the purpose of forming aqueducts, and for draining lakes. A few years back, tunnels were not very frequently undertaken, those that were made being chiefly on the lines of canals, but they are now far more numerous, on account of the great number of railways, on which they frequently occur. Before a tunnel is undertaken, the nature of the soil should be thoroughly examined by means of “borings,” sunk down to the intended level, some soils being much less favourable than others for this purpose. Quicksand, or sand percolated by water, is one of the greatest impediments to tunnelling, while rock (contrary to what would at first be thought) is one of the least, as in this case there is no occasion to line the tunnel with brickwork, which more than saves the extra expense of excavation, as that can be rapidly done by blasting, where it is too hard to dig, while in the former case the difficulty of draining off the water, and the cost of brickwork of sufficient solidity to support such loose earth, often prevent the undertaking. Tunnels of great length are sometimes begun at several different parts by means of shafts sunk down to the required level, and each made to unite into one, but this depends upon where the earth is to be deposited; on railways it is common that the “level” is so chosen that the earth from tunnels and cuttings is always wanted to fill up hollows in their immediate vicinity (see “Railways”), and when this is the case a series of “trucks” drawn by an engine on temporary tramways remove the earth from the tunnel as it progresses, to the next embankment, both works proceeding at the same time.

When a small portion of the tunnel is excavated, the casing of brickwork is begun from the mouth of it, and continued a small piece at a time, following closely the excavation. The brickwork is generally begun at each side, and carried up to the height at which the arch springs; an inverted arch is then constructed from one side to the other to form the floor, and “centreings” resting upon uprights are placed, to “turn” the arch upon. These centreings are only about two feet deep, and span the arch from side to side; the men work with their backs to the part being excavated, and are able to reach across the narrow centreing to lay the bricks. When completed all round, and the spaces between the brickwork of the arch and the surface of the excavation filled up with earth, the centreing is shifted further in and a fresh ring of brickwork commenced, the excavation going on at the same time. In many tunnels, large perpendicular shafts are sunk down for the purposes of ventilation and lighting.


(‡ Drain Diagram.)



Drains are constructed for the purpose of carrying off from the surface of the ground all superfluous fluid, whether it may arise from want of a proper exit for the rain, from springs rising in the ground to be drained, or from water coming from some higher level. Drains are made in towns to carry off the rain from the surface, and all liquid refuse from the houses. When the surface of any portion of land has to be drained of its accumulated water, where the soil is of an impervious nature, like clay, it is usual to cut deep furrows from the higher to the lower parts and fill these up with gravel stones or brushwood; the moisture which collects in these is made to flow into the lowest part, and there form a pond, from which it evaporates as fast as the drains supply it; or if the quantity be too great, a main drain or ditch carries it onwards to some stream or river. The furrows before being filled up with any porous substance are often laid down with “drain-tiles;” tiles bent into the form of half a cylinder, and placed with two edges on a flat tile at the bottom of the drain, or pieces of tubing made of tile. The water finds its way readily into these through the crevices. In some cases, water can be kept from flowing over lands and forming marshes, by embankments. These are more especially useful in land lying below the level of rivers and lakes; immense tracts are thus preserved in Holland. When these embankments are very extensive, there is a constant filtration of the water through them; drains are therefore constructed to collect it into certain spots, and mills erected to pump it over the banks. These are usually small windmills, working a large wooden screw in a cylindrical barrel, causing the water to rise up the cylinder into a trough, from which it is poured over the embankment; these mills require little or no attention, and work at all times when the wind blows. When water accumulates in valleys lying above the sea, deep cuttings or even tunnels may be necessary to carry off the water; at NeufchÂtel in Switzerland, very extensive tracts of land have been reclaimed, by boring a tunnel through the surrounding hills, and thus letting off the water from the lakes formed by the rain.

Sometimes land may be drained by boring through the clay or other impervious soil, down to a porous stratum, such as sand or gravel. A knowledge of the structure of the whole district is necessary to determine whether this is likely to be of service or not. By boring deep pits in the drains cut in peat mosses, the weight of the mosses will cause the water to be squeezed out, which rising in these holes flows off by the drain, producing the same effect as if it were cut to the depth of the pits. Drains are frequently made by means of narrow curved spades, but the draining plough effects the purpose more rapidly, and is very generally used.

The drainage of London and other large towns consists of small drains from each house, made of earthenware tubes leading to a sewer of brickwork, running along each street and uniting with larger ones. The question of effectually draining London is a very difficult one, schemes of various kinds being at this time propounded, which would cost several millions of pounds to put into practice; at present all the sewage runs into the river Thames, and it is a matter of serious importance to obviate this, by carrying it off to some other place.


(‡ Bent Tube.)

FIG. 1.

(‡ Tapped Bent Tube.)

FIG. 2.

(‡ Artesian Basin.)

FIG. 3.

The construction of artesian wells depends upon the fact that water, being at liberty to flow, will always sink to a level; by which it is meant that the parts which are highest press upon those that are lower, and tend to raise them, the higher parts sinking in the same proportion that the lower parts are elevated; this continues until both are upon a level. Suppose a bent glass tube of the form of fig.1, be partly filled with water, the surfaces of the water in both arms of the tube will each be upon a level with the other; suppose now another such tube to have a small hole atA, the water sinking in each arm will force out a jet of water, and if a tube be inserted into this hole it will represent an artesian well, and the water will rise in it till all three are on a level (fig.2). Instead of these tubes there is a layer of some porous material, as gravel, at some distance beneath the surface of the earth, rising at each end and forming a sort of basin (fig.3), which is bounded above and below by some impervious substance as clay or stone; the well being sunk at any part (as ata,b, orc) below the level of the gravel, where it forms the surface of the earth, must cut through the upper stratum of clay or stone, and thus form a tube into the porous gravel which holds the water; this water is obtained from the rain, which, falling on the surface of the earth, drains through the gravel and fills its lower part. The water will rise in the bore at a height according to circumstances, if the gravel at each side of the bore rises to higher ground, a jet of water will be forced out, if not so high, the well will only partly fill, and so on. Artesian wells are sunk or bored by means of instruments screwing on to the end of a set of iron rods each screwing into the end of the other as shown in fig.4. The first piece is generally a sort of gouge(a) two or three inches wide, and so made as to bring up a cylindrical piece of earth when forced in and screwed round, the weight of the rods after a few pieces are added is sufficient to force the gouge into the earth, except in stony places, when a sort of “pick” is used.

(‡ Drill Bit.)

FIG. 4.

The official report of General Desvaux on the artesian borings executed in the Desert of Zahara of the province of Constantine, in 1856-7, states, “that a spring affording 4010 quarts of water per minute, was the result of one of the borings, and that others affording35, 120, and 4,300 quarts respectively were successively completed.” And he goes on to say: “When the shouts of the soldiers announced the gush, the Arabs sprang in crowds to the spot, laving themselves in the welcome abundance, into which mothers dipped their children; while the old Sheik fell upon his knees and wept, returning thanks to Allah and the French. At Oum Thiour a well sunk to the depth of 170 metres and yielding 180 quarts a minute was at once taken as the centre of a settlement by a portion of a previously nomadic tribe.... As soon as the water appeared they began the construction of a village, the plantation of 1,200 date trees, and entirely renounced their wandering existence.”

According to General Desvaux’s report, these artesian wells are likely to have a most important influence on Arab life, and greatly to subdue the roving propensities of many of the tribes.


Mines are excavations made in the earth for the purpose of raising the various minerals which exist below its surface, such as coal, rock-salt, and the various ores from which metals are extracted (see “Smelting”). Mines consist of those which contain minerals that lie in strata parallel (or nearly so) to the surface of the earth, as coal, rock-salt, or iron-stone, and those containing the ores and minerals which are imbedded in seams or fissures of the primitive rocks, and are nearly perpendicular to the surface. Of the former kind, coal-mines form the chief examples. When indications of coal are discovered, a “boring” is commenced to ascertain its existence, and the depth at which it is placed below the surface. Each piece of earth raised by the boring-tools is placed one beside the other, in the exact order in which they are raised, so as to show the kind of earth being bored through, and the thickness of each strata between the surface of the earth and the seam of coal; and it sometimes happens that the boring is stopped on arriving at certain kinds of rock—the old red sandstone, for example—for it would be useless to continue boring beyond this, no coal ever existing below it.

When coal is found, and its quality and the thickness of the seam ascertained to be such as to warrant further expense, a shaft is dug down of some eight or ten feet diameter, cased with brickwork or wood to prevent the falling-in of its sides, and in some cases powerful machinery has to be erected to pump out the water which flows in. On reaching the coal, galleries—called “gates,” or “bords”—are dug in it in opposite directions, forming one long straight passage, and from this other smaller ones, called “headways,” are dug, at right angles, to the depth of about twenty-four feet, and from these other “gates” are carried parallel with the first, forming a series of roadways joined by short passages, and having squares of coal between them; the height of all these passages is determined by the thickness of the seam of coal, usually from three to ten feet. The great masses of coal forming the squares between these passages are gradually dug away (as far as can be done with safety) and the gates continued onwards, but before long the ventilation becomes impeded, and the air foul and dangerous from “fire-damp” (carburetted hydrogen) or “choke-damp” (carbonic acid), gases which are given off from the fissures in the coal. It is therefore necessary to produce a continuous current of fresh air in every part of the mine, which is done by sinking another shaft at the furthest part of the mine and keeping a large fire burning at its mouth, over which a tall shaft is generally erected, from which a column of light air ascends, drawing fresh air down the other shaft and through every part of the mine, to supply this “up-cast” shaft, as it is called. This supply of fresh air is economised and regulated by doors or valves, so placed that any part requiring extra ventilation can obtain it at any moment by shutting these doors and letting the whole current go through that particular part.

The removal of coal is effected partly by digging with the “pick,” and partly by blasting with gunpowder; a large square mass is cut all round, and a charge of powder fired behind it, so as to bring down at once sixty or eighty tons of coal, which is brought along the gates on “trams” to the bottom of the shaft, where “corves” or baskets filled with it are drawn up to the “pit’s-mouth” by steam machinery, one corve ascending full while another is descending empty.

The mines from which most minerals, such as sulphuret of lead (galena) or of copper, are drawn, belong to the second class, or those whose shafts “cut” the vein of mineral at a very acute angle. When the existence of the required mineral and its “dip” or inclination is ascertained, a shaft is sunk so as to cut its upper surface, and then carried through it, cross-cuts being formed on to the vein, and “levels” or galleries right and left in the direction of the vein. From these levels “winzes” or small shafts are cut at intervals from one level to that below it, thus leaving square portions of the mineral vein to be explored, which is done by digging away the roof or upper part, so that the rubbish and ore falls down, when it is sorted and carried away.



(‡ Keel Construction.)

FIG. 1.

(‡ Treenail.)

FIG. 2.

The first part of a ship “laid down” is the “keel;” this is the projection which runs along the whole length and forms the lowest part of the ship. The ship is built in what is called the “building slip,” which slopes towards the water; in this “slip” a row of oaken blocks are placed at a few feet apart, and about three feet high, on which the keel is laid; these blocks are for the purpose of allowing the workmen to cross from side to side below the keel and to form a foundation for the ship to rest on. In fig.1, Ais this arrangement of blocks, Cthe keel, at the hinder part of which is the “dead wood,” or the timbers filling up the space between the keel and the curved bottom of the ship, which is more curved than the keel, and very much so towards the “stern” or hindermost part. Across the keel are laid the “floor-timbers” or “ribs,”B, which are curved timbers laid at right angles to the keel and passing outwards and upwards in the exact curve which the sides of the ship are to assume; these are too curved and too long to be of one piece, others, therefore, are added, and joined end to end with the first by wooden bolts or “dowels;” these curved timbers are cut to a pattern, chalked on the floor of the “mould-loft.” The ribs as they cross the keel are bound to it by a piece of strong timber running along inside of or above them, but parallel to, and exactly over it, which is called the “keelson,” and is bolted to the keel through the centre of each lower piece of the ribs or floor-timbers; it is shown atD, fig.1. In large ships there are three of these keelsons, running side by side, and forming a strong support to the masts, which rest upon them. At each end of the keel a bar of timber rises, the hindermost being called the “stern-post,” and that in front the “stem-post” (markedE andF in fig.1). Across the ribs on the outside and parallel to the keel, are laid the “planks,” which are boards of oak of from two to six inches thick, laid close together and touching at their edges; these are fastened to the ribs by plugs of oak, called “treenails,” going right through the planks and ribs, and wedged at each end (fig.2). In large ships, similar planks line the inner side of the ribs, and oblique or diagonal braces are also sometimes used, to strengthen the ship and keep it from curving or “arching” when in the water.

(‡ Cross-Section Of Hull.)

FIG. 3.


The masts of a “ship” are three in number, a “schooner” has two, and a “sloop” but one. These masts pass right down through the decks, and rest upon the keelson. In small vessels each division is made of one piece, but in larger ships they are made up of a central piece, with others fastened round it so as to enlarge and strengthen it. The first or lower division of the central mast is called the “main” mast, and that above it the “maintop” mast; the fore mast is divided into “fore” mast and “foretop” mast, and the after mast is called the “mizen” and “mizentop” mast, and the pieces above these the “foretop gallant” mast, “maintop gallant” mast, and “mizentop gallant” mast. These masts are made, and raised by cranes in a building called a mast-house, and placed in the right position in the ship floating beneath.

The outside of ships, as high as the “water-line,” is covered with a sheathing of copper to defend it from the action of the “worm” (Teredo navalis), which bores into and destroys the wood exposed to its ravages; the copper also presents a smooth surface to the water, and facilitates the motion of the vessel. At the stern of the ship is placed the “rudder,” a wooden construction turning like a door on fastenings, and which, by being moved on one side, presents a greater amount of resistance to the water, and consequently tends to turn the stern of the ship away from that side, thus altering its course. The decks of a ship are like the floors of a house, running across from side to side, and supported on strong beams bolted into the sides; they are slightly arched, to increase their strength, as they have in ships of war to support the weight of the guns, &c. A section of the decks and other parts of a ship is shown at fig.3. where the general figure and the different parts described may be seen; the section is through the middle, from side to side. Most ships of any considerable size carry several boats with them, either on deck or suspended between the masts, to serve as a means of escape in case of fire, or any other accident requiring the crew to leave the ship, also as a means of keeping up communication with the shore. Ships of war are named according to the number of guns they carry, as a seventy-four, a hundred-and-twenty-gun ship, &c.


When ships have to be repaired they are brought into the repairing dock, which has a pair of gates shutting it off from the river; when they are closed (at low water) the water is pumped out from the dock, and the repairs done; when finished the water is let in, and the ship floats out. In small vessels it is sometimes sufficient to haul them on shore at high tide, so that when the tide is down they may be left high and dry and repaired, and when the tide is at the highest, hauled off again. Steam ships are constructed to be propelled either by paddle wheels having flat boards fixed to their circumferences, which on being turned round, take a great hold in the water, and so cause the motion of the ship; or by the screw-propeller, which has been described.



The iron ships, which of late have almost superseded those of wood, are made of plates of wrought iron, rolled, while red hot, between rollers to the thickness required, which is generally half-an-inch; these plates have holes punched all round them by machinery, and are united by rivets placed in the holes red-hot and rivetted by heavy hammers. The most magnificent specimen of iron shipbuilding ever attempted is the Leviathan. This ship is 680 feet long, and is not made of one thickness or case of iron plates, but is upon a new principle called the “cellular,” consisting of an outer and inner casing of iron plates held together by partitions of iron so as to separate them into square compartments or “cells.” The objects gained by this arrangement are greater strength, and greater safety, for in case of injury to the outer portion, the water would enter only between the two in that compartment where the injury happened to be, and so fill only that small portion with water. The whole ship is also divided into compartments by means of double screens of iron, making it like a fire-proof box, and even if a fire should occur in one of these, the others would be preserved from its effects. The masts and yards of this great ship are also of hollow wrought iron plates rivetted together, and are both stronger and lighter than they would be of wood. A machine is placed at the lower part of each mast which by compressing, can crush it up, and cause it to break off and fall over the side of the vessel in case such a thing should be required, as in a very violent storm; and the standing rigging, which is of wire-rope, can be let loose in a few minutes so as to completely free the ship of the mast. This great ship is constructed to be propelled both by screw and paddles; the screw engines are four in number, and are each of 1,600 horse power, the paddle engines are also four, of 1000 horse power each, being 10,800 altogether. They will require about 180 tons of coal a day to work them; 12,000 tons of which are capable of being carried. The Leviathan will have six masts, and be able to spread 6,500 yards of sail, will accommodate 4000 passengers, and when ready to sail, with all on board, will weigh about 25,000 tons.



Canals are artificial water-courses, either for the purpose of connecting rivers, or for forming water communication for the conveyance of goods. There are about 2200 miles of canal-way in England, which is still in complete requisition, and but little affected by the enormous goods traffic of the railways. Canals afford a means of slow but cheap conveyance for heavy or bulky goods, not requiring a rapid transit, for the more rapid the pace the greater the resistance of the water. The usual rate of transit is somewhere about two-and-a-half miles an hour, at which pace a horse can draw about four times as much on water as he can on a railway, and about thirty times as much as on a level turnpike road; but if a greater speed were to be obtained, it is found that the resistance of the water would impede it so much, that at the rate of five miles an hour a horse could draw no more than he could on a railway, and at ten miles only a quarter as much.

In constructing canals, it is important to have a good supply of water, and this is generally secured by turning all the springs and streams in its course into it, or deriving its source at its highest level from a large river. The same works have often to be constructed on the line of canals that are required on railways, such as bridges, cuttings, embankments, tunnels, &c., and besides these, contrivances peculiar to canals, called “locks,” which are now to be described.

Locks are barriers or doors constructed so that these artificial rivers may be carried over rising ground and through valleys, without the labour and expense of cutting through the hills and filling up the hollows as would be required without them. Railways can be constructed on ground which is not quite level without any embankment or cutting, as it is not absolutely required that railways shall be perfectly level. But water always will be level, unless it is constantly flowing, as is the case with streams, and these only sink a few inches in a mile, or else they become so rapid, that if attempted to be imitated in canals, they would be useless; for it would require too much power to draw any vessel up the canal against such a stream, and would moreover require more water to supply them than can commonly be obtained. The means therefore adopted to overcome this difficulty are gates, or in other words, a pair of “locks.” The canal is constructed in such a manner that it shall be perfectly level for a certain distance, then sink down some ten or twelve feet at once, and again flow on a level and sink down. These sudden lowerings are effected as follows: two pairs of thick solid doors of wood are fitted to shut in the water, and another pair a short distance further on; behind these the bed of the canal is lowered the required distance. When a barge or other vessel has to pass down the canal the first pair of gates are opened, and the barge floated in between them and the second pair, the first pair are now closed, and the water beyond the second pair being lower, that between the gates in which the barge floats is let out by means of a valve worked by a rack and wheel; when this valve is raised the water flows out and sinks down to the level of the water beyond, carrying the barge with it; in a few minutes it is so low that, the second gates being opened, the barge is drawn out and continues on its way. But suppose the barge had to be brought up the canal, then it is floated into the space between the gates (as before), and the one behind the barge closed, the water beyond the gate in front being higher, is let into the space where the barge is by a valve, and this filling, lifts up the barge to the level of that in front, the front gates are then opened and the barge proceeds onwards. These gates are never made to shut level, but meet at an angle with the point towards the highest water, which is done that they may resist the great pressure which the water exerts, and for turning this to advantage, for this very pressure shuts the gates and keeps them close together. The canals which have much traffic on them have double locks, as in the engraving, that barges may go up and down at the same time without having to wait for each other. The barges and boats are generally “towed” or drawn by a horse attached to a rope, and walking on a “towing path” or road at the side of the canal.



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