

In contemplating nature there are few things which give more delight than the beauty and variety of the vegetation which clothes the surface of the earth, whether it be that we contemplate the grassy covering of the plains of the Old World, or the immense "prairies" of the New, spreading out as it were into seas of grass, and giving food and shelter to thousands of wild animals; or gaze upon the rocky height of some vast mountain range, and see the gigantic oak or pine, forming by their wide-spread shades the solemn forest which extends for miles beneath us, and which forms a shelter for the various tribes of birds, monkeys, and other animals, to whom it is a home of happiness and plenty—under every aspect the contemplation of nature's clothing fills the mind with awe and admiration.

There is hardly anything more refreshing to the mind than the contemplation of trees and shrubs congregated into a wood, the floor of which is carpeted with mosses and flowers, where the gigantic and gnarled trunks of the forest trees covered with many-coloured lichens starting up all round, circumscribe the view, while the wide-spreading boughs and the leafy canopy overhead exclude the sun's rays. It is here that one views nature in her purest forms and colours, untouched by the destroying hand of artificial arrangement.

The immense preponderance of the vegetable over the animal world in quantity compensates somewhat for the superior organisation and the intelligence of the latter, which must be studied in the individual, while the vegetable world, which can be contemplated in the mass, almost overwhelms the imagination with its vastness. It is indeed impossible to compute the amount of vegetation in the great forests of America and Russia (in which latter country are the largest in the world), covering hundreds, nay thousands, of square miles with one continuous growth of timber. That forest in Russia through which the river Pechora flows, extends over a space of 150,000 square miles! The whole mass of animated existence sinks into insignificance when compared in quantity with this; and when to these forest-tracts are added the thousands of square miles of grass and heaths which grow in some climates with wonderful luxuriance, the amount of the vegetable kingdom is at once placed beyond all comparison with the animal kingdom in point of quantity. Cooper, in his American novels, describes the prairies as great seas of grass extending as far as the eye can reach, and rising to a height of 8 or 10 feet; and Humboldt describes some of the grasses on the plains of the Oronoco, as being so gigantic that they measure 18 feet from knot to knot, and says the Indians use them for blow-pipes to shoot their poisoned arrows from. And—as though it were not sufficient that the earth should bring forth everywhere all kinds of trees, shrubs, and grasses—the waters of the ocean itself are often filled with vegetable life; in some tracks the tangled sea-weed (Fucus Natans) is so dense as to impede the onward progress of ships for hundreds of miles together.

Humboldt, in his "Views of Nature," describing the two great banks of sea-weed, says: "The two banks of sea-weed, together with the transverse band uniting them, constitute the Sargasso Sea of the older writers, and collectively occupy an area equal to six or seven times that of Germany."


Nor is this the only vegetation which the great world of waters contains, for if we descend from the contemplation of its larger members we find them even surpassed in quantity by others of such extreme smallness, that they can only be seen individually by means of the microscope, but which exist in such prodigious quantities that the mind can hardly realise the fact. These vegetable atoms have been so increasing and depositing their minute coverings at the bottom of most parts of the ocean, that for hundreds of miles their beds are composed of nothing else, and it has been found that most of the great changes on the surface of the earth have been effected by these minute creatures and their companions of the animal world; for as we find chalk-downs and coral-reefs formed by the remains of microscopic animals, so productions of equal extent have been formed by the smallest members of the vegetable kingdom, chiefly the "DiatomaceÆ," a race of minute vegetable productions which propagate by sub-division and have the power of withdrawing earthy matters from the waters in which they live, which forms a sort of shell or covering; this shell at their death remains indestructible and gradually accumulates in the bed of the sea (fig. 1). Examination of the various strata of the earth shows that chains of hills, beds of marl, and almost every kind of soil, whether superficial or raised from a depth, consist in a great proportion of the earthy remains of these minute plants. These tracts of land were once the beds of oceans which were thus gradually filled up. The waters of the Antarctic Ocean are often opaque and quite brown from the multiplicity of these creatures, the lead used on shipboard for sounding coming up from the bottom covered with what appears to be mud, but which on a microscopic examination proves to be nothing else than the shells of these and allied species (fig. 2). Thus we find the land and the waters are everywhere full of vegetable life; the air itself moreover is so filled with the germs of vegetable and animal creations, that it is quite impossible to exclude a portion so small that it shall not contain any; in proof of which, any organic substance set by for a few days in a vessel ever so carefully closed, is shortly covered with a growth of mould consisting of fungi, which under the microscope present most beautiful forms and colours (fig. 3). The cause of this is a deposit from the air of the spores or germs of these creatures, and the nature of the decomposing substance into which they fall often determines the race or tribe which shall come to life and inhabit it, showing plainly that but a few of these only among many come to maturity, just as when a variety of seeds are thrown on any particular kind of soil, only those to which the soil may be suitable come to perfection.


Dr. Carpenter in his work on the microscope says:—"There are scarcely any microscopic objects more beautiful than some of those forms of mould or mildew which are so commonly found growing upon the surface of jams and preserves, especially when they are viewed with a low magnifying power and by reflected light; for they present themselves as a forest of stems and branches of extremely varied and elegant forms, loaded with fruit of singular delicacy of conformation, all glistening brightly on a dark ground.

"The universality of the appearance of these simple forms of fungi upon all spots favourable to their development, has given rise to the belief that they are spontaneously produced by decaying substances, but there is no occasion for this mode of accounting for it, since the extraordinary means adopted by nature for the production and diffusion of the germs of these plants adequately suffices to explain the facts of the case.

"The number of sporules which any one fungus may develope is almost incalculable; a single individual of the "puff-ball" tribe, has been computed to send forth no fewer than ten millions. And their minuteness is such that they are scattered through the air in the finest possible dust, so that it is difficult to conceive of a place from which they should be excluded."

Pure water exposed to the air does not afford nourishment to the germs which fall into it till a sufficient number of them shall have been deposited to form a food for those which come after them; but if we mix with the water any soluble vegetable or animal matter, in a short time the microscope will detect the growth of the germs that are being deposited, for where nourishment is, there only can they be developed. These germs are capable of existing for an indefinite period, either floating in the water, or blown about by the air, and have been detected hundreds of miles from land, the rigging and sails of ships far away from shore are often covered with what sailors suppose to be sand blown from the land, but which are organic substances, either vegetable or animal. According to Humboldt, the Red Sea has derived its name from the fact that at certain seasons the surface of the water has a reddish appearance, and this (as he says) he was fortunate enough to observe, which colour he found to be due to myriads of red fungi which had formed on the surface. The seeds of some plants are furnished with minute wings or plumes which cause them to be borne on the air or floated on the water (fig. 4), to fertilise some barren spot, perhaps a coral reef which has at length reached the surface of the water and which ascends no higher, for the little creatures which built it are aquatic and cannot live exposed to the air; this coral reef now becomes a receptacle for sea-weed and fungi, which float on the surface of the ocean, are washed on to the reef, die, decay, and leave behind a thin layer of mould, which process being repeated again and again, forms an elevated edge to the reef, enclosing a lake or "lagoon" as it is called, the waters of which evaporate and the space is filled up in the same way as the edge was formed, together with the excrements of birds, &c., forming layer after layer of mould, and the surface becomes fit for the growth of larger seeds, as the cocoa-nut, banana, &c., which are drifted on to it by the waves; in this way a coral reef becomes an island fit to be inhabited by man and other animals.


The vegetable kingdom forms a mysterious link between the mineral and animal kingdoms, and binds all creation into one grand and unspeakably beautiful whole. There are certain substances from which the vegetable derives its nourishment, namely water, carbonic acid, and ammonia, which, though strictly inorganic, are yet not simple or elementary substances, but consist of pairs of elements combined. Thus water consists of oxygen and hydrogen, carbonic acid of oxygen and carbon, and ammonia of hydrogen and nitrogen. All these aliments of the vegetable kingdom exist in the air, and in sufficient quantities to supply all the requirements of vegetation; so that the air, together with a few metallic oxides (salts) derived from the earth, furnishes food for the whole vegetable tribe, from the highest to the lowest, and these vegetables in their turn supply all the food which the animal tribes consume, for although one animal feeds upon others, yet these must previously have derived their nourishment from vegetable matter. Vegetables not only supply food properly so called, but likewise that which is essential to respiration, for besides separating all noxious excess of carbonic acid from the air, they are an inexhaustible source of oxygen, the element essential to respiration, and consequently animal life. This supply of oxygen by vegetables compensates for that which is consumed in respiration by animals, and thereby maintains the atmosphere in a state proper to be breathed. That plants do thus absorb carbonic acid and give out oxygen, can be proved in the most certain manner, if the green parts of a plant be placed in water holding carbonic acid in solution, and exposed to sunshine; the carbonic acid will shortly be found to have disappeared from the water, while oxygen gas is evolved and can be collected, its quantity being exactly equal to the carbonic acid which the water contained.

Besides furnishing food and oxygen for the nourishment of animals, vegetables afford a shelter from the burning rays of the sun in hot climates, not only to man, but to those hundreds of wild animals whose proper home is in the forest. Humboldt says he found in South America forests composed of such close growth, that it was quite impossible even for the wild animals to penetrate into them, except at a few places, and that the jaguar often lives for weeks in the trees without descending to the ground, preying upon the monkey tribes and other animals, which are found in almost incredible numbers there; and Dr. Livingstone thus describes the forests of Africa:—"The forests became more dense as we went north. We travelled much more in the deep gloom of the forest than in open sunlight. No passage existed on either side of the narrow path made by the axe. Large climbing plants entwined themselves round the trunks and branches of gigantic trees, like boa-constrictors, and they often do constrict the trees by which they rise, and, killing them, stand erect themselves."

These woods, as well as the grass and herbage of the plains, afford an enormously extended evaporating surface, and act, in the heart of hot countries, as inland seas, giving out clouds of vapour, which ascend and are condensed in the form of rain; in this way the surface of the earth is cooled, the fluid (far away from its proper source, the ocean) is economised and fertilises a greater space of surface. Vegetation also acts in preserving the surface of the earth from those ravages which both wind and rain would otherwise effect; the great deserts have been levelled by these causes, the earth not being of a quality to support vegetation. Cattlin says, that in North America he frequently met with great conical-shaped mounds of earth devoid of vegetation, and which were fast being levelled by the rains, at every fall of which gullies were formed on their sides, down which the mud poured in streams; now, had these been of a quality to support a covering of grass, their size and form would have remained unchanged for centuries. Railway embankments are often sown with grass seeds, to prevent injury to them, especially where this covering is not likely to come soon, as in the vicinity of large towns.

Thus it is seen that the vegetable kingdom far exceeds the animal in quantity, that it is everywhere distributed, that it affords nourishment and shelter to animals, preserves the air fit for respiration, keeps down the excess of heat, and preserves the form of the surface of the earth.


The green colour of plants is due to the formation and deposition in their cells of a peculiar compound called "chlorophyll," and it is ascertained that this compound is produced in the plant in consequence of its exposure to light, for no plant grown in the dark is green, but will become so when light is admitted. This is shown in many cultivated vegetables, as celery, lettuces, &c., in which by banking up the celery, or tying together the lettuce, the light is excluded, and the stalks of the one and the heart-leaves of the other become mild and white, whereas the same grown in a state of nature are so green and rank as to be almost poisonous.

The effects of light and heat in favouring vegetation being nearly always found in union, causes that which is really due to light often to be attributed to heat, as in the growth of tropical plants; where both are combined, there will be the greatest powers of vegetative growth. The absence of light and air often causes the upward growth of a plant to seek them; a curious instance of this, altering the habits of a tree, is mentioned by Dr. Livingstone, who says:—

"As we traverse a succession of lawns and open forests, it is interesting to observe something like instinct developed even in trees. One, which when cut emits a milky juice, and if met with on the open lawns grows as an ordinary umbrageous tree, and shows no disposition to be a climber, when growing in a forest still takes the same form, then sends out a climbing branch which twines round another tree until it rises 30 or 40 feet, or to the level of the other trees, and there it spreads out a second crown, where it can enjoy a fair share of the sun's rays. In parts of the forest still more dense than this, it assumes the form of a climber only, and at once avails itself of the assistance of a tall neighbour, by winding vigorously round it, without attempting to form a lower head. It does not succeed so well as parasites proper, but when forced to struggle for space, it may be mistaken for one which is invariably a climber."


The absence of heat with plenty of light is shown in the vegetation of mountainous districts, where there is great size, but the absence of leafy expansion, as in the pine tribe (fig. 5). Where both light and heat are deficient, nothing but fungi, mosses, and lichens of the most stunted nature will grow. Experiments in hothouses prove that although tropical plants be supplied with their proper amount of heat, yet without the very greatest supply of light that can be obtained, they do not come to any degree of perfection. The influence of light is chiefly upon the leaves, that of heat upon the earth and root, which becomes more fully developed. When a seed is placed in the earth, moisture is absorbed by it from the earth, and a development of the cells of the cellular tissue of which the seed is composed takes place, and from the peculiar nature of these cells they divide into two sets, one of which passes upwards towards the light, the other passes downwards into the earth; these last (which pass downwards) form a fibre called the "radicle" (fig. 6), those which pass upwards form also a stalk or fibre called the "plumule," which carries up with it a part of the seed called the "cotyledon," which (like a leaf) has the power of decomposing the carbonic acid of the air and fixing its carbon in the form of wood. This begins as soon as the cotyledon has reached the light, and thus the formation of fibres of woody matter takes place, which fibres descend from the cotyledon to the radicle. Meanwhile the formation of other cells of the plumule takes place, until the first leaf is formed, when other fibres of wood are sent down, and so on for every leaf, so that the number of woody fibres which form the trunk of a tree is in proportion to the number of leaves which that tree has borne, from which we come to the conclusion that the size of the trunk of a tree is the sum of all its branches. While all this is going on, the cellular tissue of the downward part or radicle also becomes developed and divides out into roots, on the surface and at the extremities of which are minute cellular bodies called "spongioles" (from their power of absorbing moisture), which take up the fluid of the earth which surrounds them; this moisture ascends through the vessels of the plant till it arrives at the surface of the leaves, where it is exposed to the action of light and sunshine. The ascent of the moisture of the earth was first correctly explained by Du Trochet, and is owing to a peculiar power which he discovered, and which is called "Endosmose;" this consists in the tendency which a fluid has to penetrate a membrane on the other side of which is a fluid of greater density than itself. This may be seen by the following experiment: obtain a piece of glass tubing about a foot long, having the end blown out into the form of a bell, as in fig. 7, tie a piece of bladder over the expanded end and fill it partly with syrup or gum-water, so that this shall rise in the stalk about an inch; place this in a glass of water with the bladder downwards, and the fluid will be seen slowly to rise in the stalk, so that in perhaps an hour it will rise to the top. This apparatus resembles one of the spongioles at the extremity of the fibre of a root.


The rain falling through the air carries with it a certain amount of carbonic acid and ammonia, which the air always contains, and this is the whole source of the nitrogen which forms a very important part of the bodies of plants and animals. When the rain arrives at the surface of the earth, it sinks down into it and carries with it all soluble vegetable or animal matter which it meets with, together with any soluble earthy matter which may exist in the soil; this forms the sap of the tree. When it arrives at the surface of the leaf, the watery part of it combines with the carbonic acid of the air (through the influence of light) and appropriating its carbon, gives out the oxygen; this is the true respiration of plants, and is exactly the reverse of what takes place during the respiration of animals, in which case oxygen is absorbed and carbonic acid given off. The carbon thus retained by the plant combines with the elements of the water to form the solid green substance called chlorophyll, which is the basis of all the tissues of the plant, the ammonia is also decomposed, and its nitrogen combining with the oxygen and hydrogen of the water, and the carbon of the carbonic acid forms those compounds which constitute the most nourishing parts of vegetables, such as albumen, gluten, &c., and of which all the animal tissues are built up, for the production of these organic substances takes place in the vegetable only, animals simply appropriating them from their food. The sap which reaches the leaf is not all converted into chlorophyll, but also into those peculiar juices which are found in plants, some of which contain sugar, some gum, others (as the pine tribe) turpentine, and in the laurel tribe camphor, all of which are substances containing much carbon; moreover the solid wood and bark are deposited from these juices as they descend from the leaf after having been acted on by light (or the actinic power associated with it). Now, as the water, ammonia, and carbonic acid which descend with the rain are from the air, and as the vegetable is formed wholly by their absorption, it may be fairly said that the vegetable kingdom (and therefore the animal) feeds upon the air, and that the trees do not grow out of the earth but into it.

With respect to the position which the vegetable kingdom occupies in creation, there can be no doubt that it is subordinate to the animal kingdom, and takes a place between it and the mineral world, inasmuch as it prepares food from the one kingdom and transfers it to the higher. It has been supposed that the vegetable and animal kingdoms aid and support each other equally and mutually; this is true with respect to respiration, but not as regards nutrition, for although in the decomposition of animal matters, food is given off for the vegetable, yet they are quite independent of this source of nourishment. A forest of trees would be quite as well nourished if there were no animals, but on the other hand the animal kingdom would shortly cease to exist if there were no vegetables.

It was formerly supposed that the lowest grades of the animal kingdom were higher than the highest of the vegetable kingdom; this is not strictly true, the best way of viewing the connection between the two kingdoms is to approximate the lowest of each, when it will be found that our most acute physiologists are only just beginning to determine their distinctive characters.

Dr. Carpenter says:—"In the present state of science it would be very difficult, and is perhaps impossible, to lay down any definite line of demarcation between the two kingdoms, since there is no single character by which the animal or vegetable nature of any organism can be tested.

"Probably the one which is most generally applicable, among those lowest organisms which most closely approximate to one another, is not, as formerly supposed, the presence or absence of spontaneous motion, but the dependence of the being for nourishment upon organic compounds already formed, which it takes (in some way or other) into the interior of its body, or its possession of the power of obtaining its own alimentary matter by absorption from the inorganic elements on its exterior. The former is the characteristic of the animal kingdom as a whole, the latter is the attribute of the vegetable."

Both vegetables and animals begin with a simple nucleated cell, having certain vital properties, a double chain ascends from this simple type, one branch of which is developed more and more till it arrives at a perfect vegetable, and the other branch is developed till it arrives at a perfect animal. Thus, by the addition of distinctive and characteristic appendages, one being acquires properties regarded as vegetable, while by the addition of other appendages equally characteristic, the other being obtains those properties which cause it to rank as an animal; but it must not be inferred from this that all organic forms have been a simple cell at some former period, but that there are two classes of organic beings, the vegetable and the animal, and that each embraces forms, ranging from a simple cell to the highest, and that each of these forms (from the lowest to the highest) is and always was, from their first creation, the same as they now are, in individual shape and size. Some of the lower members of the animal kingdom resemble the higher members of the vegetable kingdom, both in outward appearance and in intimate structure; Dr. Darwin, who wrote scarce half-a-century ago, says that a tree should no more be considered as one plant than a branch of coral as one animal, for as it is found that in the coral hundreds of separate beings exist associated in one habitation, so (he says) should every bud on a tree be considered as a separate being. Even Dr. Carpenter, one of our most eminent physiologists, seems in a great measure to favour this idea. He says: "The radiata possess many points of affinity with the vegetable kingdom, and of these the circular arrangement of their parts is one of the most evident. Many species of sea-anemones, for instance, present an appearance so much resembling that of various composite flowers, as to have been commonly termed animal-flowers, a designation to which they seem further entitled from the small amount of sensibility they manifest, and the evident influence of light upon their opening and closing.

"But it is in the tendency to the production of compound fabrics, each containing a number of individuals, which have the power of existing independently, but which are to a certain degree connected with one another, that we recognise the greatest affinity in structure between this group and the vegetable kingdom. Every tree is made up of a large number of buds composed of leaves arranged round a common axis; each bud has the power of preserving its own life and reproducing the original structure when removed from the parent stem, if placed in circumstances favourable to its growth, and yet all are connected in the growing tree by a system of vessels which form a communication between them. This is precisely the nature of those structures which are formed by the animals of the class that may be regarded as the most characteristic of the group. Every mass of coral is the skeleton of a compound animal, consisting of a number of polypes, connected together by a soft flesh in which vessels are channelled out; the polypes are capable of existing separately, since each one, when removed from the rest, can in time produce a massive compound fabric like that of its parent, but they all contribute to the maintenance of the composite structure so long as they are in connection with it. In some instances the skeleton is stony, and is formed by the deposition of calcareous matter either in the centre of each fleshy column, so as to form a solid stem, or on its exterior so as to form a tube. In other cases it is horny, and then it may be a flexible axis in a delicate tube. Both the stony and horny corals often possess the form of plants or trees, and as their skeletons are often found with no obvious traces of the animals to which they belong, they have been accounted vegetable growths."


As has been said before, it is extremely difficult to make any distinction between the lower tribes of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and physiologists are not yet agreed, with respect to some members, as to which kingdom they belong. Their whole substance is made up of cellular tissue, and there are but few distinctions of parts, forming generally a broad foliaceous expansion called the "thallus," as in lichens and sea-weeds, or a sort of root composed of fibres and called the "mycelium," as in the fungi. But, a very few steps higher, the distinctive characters become so evident that they are impossible to be mistaken, the following description will therefore apply to vegetables of the more elevated character, such as trees or flowering plants.

Plants are fixed to the earth, and receive nourishment from it by imbibing its liquids, which circulating upwards through the porous structure of the plant itself, and becoming exposed to the air in the leaves, attract to themselves nourishment from that source also. The part of a plant which grows into the earth is called the root; this has a variety of forms, in some it is branched like the upper part, and these branches divide into rootlets or fibres penetrating deep into the ground, and absorbing nourishment in all directions, but this absorption does not take place from the whole surface of the root but from spots covering it, and from the slightly expanded ends of the fibres, these portions are formed of new and porous cellular tissue, and are called "spongioles." The part of plants which springs upwards from the earth is called the stem, if large the trunk, this divides into branches and twigs; stems in some cases continue for a distance more or less underground. The part of a potato plant, usually called the root, and from which the tubers or potatoes grow, is in reality an underground stem, and the fibres which spring from it are the roots; the underground suckers of mint are also portions of stem, and in some cases these are greatly expanded, they then obtain the names of "tubers" (as the potato), or "corm," as in the crocus and meadow saffron; when the stem is thin and runs along the ground, sending in roots at intervals (as in the strawberry), it is called a "runner," when thicker and running horizontally under the ground, it is called a "rhizome."

The stem consists of a central portion, either made up of long bundles of woody fibre running side by side, as in the endogenÆ, or deposited in rings and having a central cylinder of pith, as in the exogenÆ. In these the wood at the central part (or the oldest) is called "duramen," or "heart-wood," while that at the outer part or nearest to the bark (the newest), is called "alburnum" or "sap-wood." The former is the harder and the latter the softer portion. From the pith in the centre, through the woody part, rays or laminÆ of cellular tissue similar to that which constitutes the pith itself, are sent outwards through the woody rings to the inner part of the bark, which they form; these are called medullary rays, and may be seen in wood which has been cut across the grain, they are often called the "silver grain," and are very evident in oak, beech, and elm, the inner part of the bark is called the "liber." The bark itself is made of cellular tissue dried and hardened by age; the outer portion (called the "epidermis") is in many cases shed, and may be constantly seen hanging loosely from the bark of the birch and other trees in loose white silvery portions. The outer part of the bark of some trees is so largely developed as to be of considerable thickness, this is especially the case in the Cork oak (Quercus suber), which is the cork of commerce. The bark cannot stretch as the circumference of the tree increases, it is therefore split up and cracked, which accounts for the rough state of it on those trees which do not shed the outer part.

The chief appendage of the branches, is called a leaf, it grows from a small projection called a leaf-bud, which contains the leaf rolled up. The method in which this occurs is different in different plants, in some it is folded backwards and forwards, in others doubled up with the opposite leaf alternately, and in various forms in other plants. The leaf consists of two parts, the stalk (petiole) and the blade (lamina); the blade is of different forms, and has ribs and veins covering it, in some of a reticulated or network pattern, these belong to the exogenÆ, and in others running parallel, which is the kind of venation found in the leaves of the endogenÆ. When leaves are placed on a stalk, they are said to be "petiolate," when without one, "sessile."

When leaves are not separated into different portions (although they may be much notched) they are said to be "simple," as in the oak or willow, but when divided into separate portions, as in the ash, they are said to be "compound."

The following are the chief forms of leaves, named according to variations of their several parts:


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At the base of many leaves are a pair of scales called stipules; the petiole or leaf-stalk is generally cylindrical, but frequently triangular, and in grasses it is flat and surrounds the stem, this is called a sheath; when leaves are narrow and not expanded into a lamina, as in the pine tribe, they are said to be "acicular."

The stalks which bear the flowers are called "pedicels," at the base of which are a pair of scales called "bracts;" when these are large and expanded, so as to enclose the flowers, they are called "spathes" (this is seen in the arum), and when there are a number of flower-stalks arising from one point the bracts there collected are called an "involucre." A flower consists of several parts, the outermost green scales, composing a set, are called the calyx, and each part of it, is called a "sepal," within this is the "corolla" or that coloured part which forms the most characteristic feature of the flower, each part of the corolla is called a "petal;" when the corolla consists of but one piece, it is called "monopetalous," and when of many, "polypetalous."

The forms of corolla vary according to the form and the mode in which the petals are placed, whether united or separated, and to what extent, whether regular or irregular; the most usual forms are the following:—

(Bell-shaped), Canterbury Bell.
Rotate (Wheel-shaped),
Woody Nightshade.
(Salver-shaped), Phlox.
(Funnel-shaped), Tobacco.
(Having Lips), Bugle.
(Grinning), Sage.
Galeate (Helmet-
shaped), Monk's-hood.
Pappilonaceous (Like a
Butterfly), Sweet Pea.
Cruciate (Like a Cross),

Within the corolla are placed the "stamens" (male reproductive organs) these consist generally of two parts, the head and stalk, the former called the "anther" and the latter the "filament," which last is sometimes absent, and the anther is said to be "sessile;" on the surface of the anther is the "pollen" or fertilising dust.

Within the centre of the flower is the "pistil" (female reproductive organ), this consists of one or several cells called "ovaries," from the pistil a tube rises, having an expanded end called the "stigma," it is by the application of the pollen dust to this stigma that the ovaries are fertilised, and the various insects, especially bees, who seek for honey, shake off by their movements the pollen from the anthers and cause it to be applied to the stigma, thus unconsciously performing a necessary office for the plant while they rob it of that only which is not required.

The stamens are sometimes separate, sometimes bound up into one or more bundles, and are placed in various situations, names are given to describe such arrangements as follows:—

Stamens in one bundle, Monadelphous.
Stamens in two bundles, Diadelphous.
Stamens in more than two bundles, Polyadelphous.
Filaments placed directly below the pistil, Hypogynous.
Placed upon the sides of the calyx, Perigynous.
On the sides of the corolla, Epipetalous.
On the top of the ovary, Epigynous.

When the ovaries are fertilised the flower dies and they begin to enlarge and ripen to form the fruit, which is the pistil enlarged, and contains the ovules ripened into seeds.

The fruits of different plants are known by various names according to the state of development of the various parts composing them. If the ripe fruit split open so as to let out the seeds (as in the common pea) it is called "dehiscent," if it do not so split (as in the apple) it is said to be "indehiscent;" the outer part of fruit is called the "pericarp," and this may be soft and fleshy as in the apple or cherry, or hard as in the filbert. The following are the names of the principal varieties of fruit:—

Pome (Apple). Gland (Acorn). Legume (Pea). Stobule (Hop). Drupe (Plum). Berry (Currant).

Capsule (Poppy). Siliqua (Shepherd's Purse, Wallflower). Eterio (Strawberry). Nut (Hazel-nut). Caryopsis (Wheat).

The seed is the ovule ripened, it contains the germ of the future plant, called the "embryo," the outer part of the seed is called the "testa," and the space between this and the embryo is generally filled with starchy matter called the "albumen." The embryo consists of the plumule or stem, the "radicle" or root, and the cotyledons or leaves of the future plant; when the seed has but one cotyledon it is called "monocotyledonous" and when it has two "dicotyledonous."

Flowers are arranged in various ways upon the plants which produce them, and receive names accordingly; the whole arrangement of flowers is called the "inflorescence."

The following are the principal forms of inflorescence:—


The Umbel, in which all the flower-stalks (pedicels) radiate from one point, as in the carrot (daucus carota). Umbels are sometimes compound, that is, the flowers are placed in umbels at the end of stalks themselves radiating from a point and so forming an umbel, as in the Hemlock (Conium maculatum).


The Spike, is that kind of infloresence in which all the flowers are seated without stalks upon a general peduncle or axis, as in the Plantain (Plantago media), in which the spike is entire, or as the Lavender (Lavandula Vera), in which the spike is interrupted, that is, the inflorescence is not continuous.


Catkin, or Amentum, is the same as a spike, but in which the flowers are imperfectly developed, as in the Hazel (Corylus), Willow (Salix), White Poplar (Populus Alba), &c.


The Raceme has the inflorescence placed along a common axis or centre, the same as a spike, but with the flowers placed upon stalks instead of being sessile, as in Water-cress (Nasturtium officinale) and Red Currant (Ribes rubrum).


The Corymb is a form of inflorescence pretty much the same as raceme, but the flowers of which proceed upwards till they are all on a level, as in Candy-tuft (Iberis).

Creeping Soft Grass.

The Panicle, the same as the raceme, but having the flower stalks themselves divided into branches, as in Creeping Soft Grass (Holcus mollis). This and the spike are the most usual form of inflorescence found among grasses, in many of which the panicle, however, is often contracted almost to a spike.


The Cyme, this resembles the panicle shortened in such a manner as to become flattened or almost corymbose, as in the Elder Tree (Sambucus nigra), in which there are five principal stalks of inflorescence.


Capitulum, in which the flowers arise from a broad round head or receptacle as in the composite flowers, such as Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis); in such flowers the star-like ray of florets are called the florets of the ray, and those composing the centre the florets of the disc.


The Spadix is that form of inflorescence in which the expanded bract, called a spathe, forms a sort of sheath inclosing the flowers. This spathe is white in the example given, and is often mistaken for part of the flower itself, as in the Wake-robin or Arum (Arum maculatum).

The vegetable kingdom is divided into three great natural families, the AcrogenÆ, the EndogenÆ, and the ExogenÆ.

The acrogenous plants are those which as a general rule have neither branches, leaves, nor flowers; they are almost wholly made up of cellular tissue, and are many of them so minute that they are quite invisible individually to the unassisted eye, and are among the most wonderful works of the Creator, having an amount of beauty in form and elaboration of ornament bestowed on them, quite equal to anything among the higher and larger creations, and yet some of these are so small that tens of millions may be placed in the space of a cubic inch, of such are the DiatomaceÆ and DesmidiaceÆ.

The acrogens take an immense range in the scale of organisation, from the ferns (which appear but little inferior to the exogenÆ or endogenÆ, have stems and leaves, and in some cases, as in hot and moist climates, assume the size and form of a tree), to the very lowest state of vegetable existence, consisting of simple cells uniting into strings or forming simple threads, such as the green algÆ which form on stagnant waters and damp ground or wood-work, and the mould or mildew which forms on all decomposing substances. The general name for these acrogens, "cryptogamia," which has been in use for a long time and is commonly still used, indicates that the reproductive organs are invisible, hence the expression used by one of Shakespeare's characters, "We have the secret of fern seed, we walk invisible;" but this is not really the case, for the "sorri" at the back of fern-leaves, are vessels filled with spore cases each having a number of angular seeds within it; the lower tribes of the acrogens do not commonly grow from seed but by an extension of their several parts by the development of the cells of which they are composed, and by their separation into portions.

Few of this tribe have anything like true woody texture, except their highest order, the ferns, which form some of the most beautiful objects in the vegetable world. Few of the family of acrogens are of much direct use to man, the mushroom tribes are very generally eaten where they abound, the lichens of the arctic regions form the food of the reindeer (the greatest friend of man in these cold climes) as well as, in part, the food of man himself; but although these lowly plants serve man but little, directly, there is not a shadow of doubt that they have as important an office to fulfil as any other family or tribe of organised creatures, whose purpose may meet the eye more plainly. For all the members of creation form, as it were, the links of one great chain, and were but one removed, though it might perchance be only some poor weed or lowly moss, yet might it cause the whole to be annihilated; for certain earthy matters enter into the structure of all plants, and it appears to be the wonderful office of some of these lowest tribes of plants to prepare this earthy matter for its reception into the systems of higher organisms, for as silica is one of the primitive rocks of the earth and is only found in fragments, from the largest to the sand on the sea-shore, which is nothing but a collection of minute fragments of quartz worn small by attrition, yet a grain of sand is a gigantic mass of rock in comparison with the thin porous hollow shells of the DiatomaceÆ, &c., and by far too large to be absorbed or dissolved so as to be taken into the systems of other plants that may require it, which plants would cease to exist if this earth were not thus prepared for them; now these are the corn-bearing plants, the most useful to the animal world, and upon which it in reality depends for existence. Moreover the whole of the mould in which the higher orders of plants grow, is formed by the decomposition of the more humble grades, especially the lichens, which first take possession of the surface of bare rocks and stones, and furnish by their death food fit for the sustenance of those which follow them. Like the higher orders of vegetation, these minute plants excrete oxygen, and thus in the ocean may supply this vital element for the respiration of the various corresponding minute animal organisms which inhabit the depths of the sea and which cannot come to the surface to get it, so that the two thus supporting each other, form food for all the higher marine animals, which are finally eaten by man. So that upon some of these minute and apparently useless creatures hang the lives and well-being of many of the most important vegetables and animals.

Dr. Lindley divides the acrogens into the following orders:—

1. AlgÆ (Algals), including Sea-weeds, &c.

The AlgÆ include the lowest of all the vegetative organisms, the "Protophytes" (first plants). These have no individual parts, but consist of living cells, propagating by sub-division or by the union of two cells into one, causing the formation of "nuclei" or smaller cells within them, each of which becomes a parent cell after the rupture of the cell-membrane which contained them.

Dr. Carpenter, in his "History of the Microscope," says:—"The life-history of one of these uni-cellular plants in its most simple form, can scarcely be better exemplified than in the Palmogloea macrococca, one of those humble forms of vegetation which spreads itself as a green slime over damp stones, walls, &c. When this slime is examined with the microscope, it is found to consist of a multitude of green cells, each surrounded by a gelatinous envelope; the cell, which does not seem to have any distinct membranous wall, is filled with granular particles of a green colour, and a 'nucleus' may sometimes be distinguished through the midst of these. When treated with tincture of iodine, however, the green contents of the cell are turned to a brownish hue, and a dark-brown nucleus is distinctly shown. Other cells are seen, which are considerably elongated, some of them beginning to present a sort of hour-glass contraction across the middle; in these is commencing that curious multiplication by duplicative subdivision which is the mode in which increase nearly always takes place throughout the vegetable kingdom."

The higher tribes of AlgÆ embrace the sea-weeds; these are for the most part broad, leaf-like expansions of "thallus," composed of cellular tissue, they sometimes grow to an enormous length. Humboldt mentions the sea-grass as extending for miles, and forming continuous extensions of two or three hundred feet, and the Macrocystis pyrifera attains to the length of more than a thousand. The common Bladder-wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) was formerly much used to procure soda from, its ashes containing a considerable quantity, it is also used for manure; the Laminaria digitata is eaten under the name of "tangle," and a nutritious jelly is made from the "Carigeen moss" (Chondrus crispus).

2. CharaceÆ (Charas).


These are a kind of fresh-water AlgÆ, composed of tubes of cellular tissue; they are peculiar, from the fact that the spores of the plant have cilia, giving to them the powers of motion and enabling them to swim away and spread the plant afar off. It is in the Charas that the peculiar circulation of the granules of "endochrome" called "cyclosis" is best seen.

3. Fungi (Fungals), including Mushrooms, &c.

Eatable Mushroom (Agaricus campestris).

The Fungi comprise a great variety of vegetable growths, from the mould which grows on any animal or vegetable substance, to the mushroom. Some of the moulds or mildews found on various decaying substances are peculiar to them, and in many cases exceedingly destructive. The microscopic fungus Puccinea graminis, is the parasite which fixes itself to corn and produces the disease known as mildew, and the Uredo segetum (another microscopic fungus) causes the "smut;" the "bunt" is caused by the Uredo foetida, and the "spur," or "ergot," which attacks rye, is caused by the Acinula clavis. These fungi completely destroy the grain of corn, in which they form, and propagate in the most rapid manner; the ergot is moreover a dangerous poison to those who eat the bread made of rye infected by it. The Truffle (Tuber cibarium) is a kind of underground fungus, and is esteemed a dainty. Mushrooms are also fungi, and several species are sufficiently wholesome; these are the Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris) and the Fairy-ring Mushroom (Agaricus pratensis).

4. Lichenes (Lichens),


Are those dry scaly growths forming grey, green, or yellow spots on the barks of trees and in various other places, and they grow in a sort of leaf or scale called a "thallus." They are used as articles of food and as "dye-stuffs;" the Cetraria Icelandica is the "Iceland Moss" used here for making a sort of nutritious drink or jelly, the natives of Iceland, however, use it as common food; the Cladonia rangifarina, or Reindeer Moss, is the chief food of that useful creature which forms the whole property of the Laplander; and the Roccella tinctoria is the substance from which the dye called "archil" is procured.

5. Filices (Ferns).


The Ferns are a very numerous order of acrogenous plants, growing in the temperate regions from a rhizome or underground stalk (commonly called its root), which throws up "fronds" or leaves with a strong midrib; this midrib is commonly called its stalk, but in tropical countries the fern stalk rises above ground to the height of 30 or 40 feet, and then it is seen that the ordinary stalks are but the midribs of the fronds. There are between two and three thousand species of fern. The fronds open in a peculiar manner, unwinding as it were from a round ball. The "sorri" or seed-cases are situated at the back of the fronds in little brown spots, each of which is found to consist of a heap or collection of round capsules, and if these be placed under the microscope they have the appearance of little membraneous cases covered with net-like markings, and at the upper part a striated band of a brown colour, which after a time stretches out into a nearly straight line, tearing open the bag or capsule, and a number of seeds escape. Ferns grow best in damp and shady situations, and will thrive well in damp mould under a glass case.

6. MarchantiaceÆ (Liver-worts).


These Liver-worts are much like Lichens, growing between and upon stones near springs and moist places, and forming a broad thallus or root from which grow cup-shaped sporangia or seed-cases. The Marchanta polymorpha is one of its chief members.

7. JungermanniaceÆ (Scale-mosses).

The Scale-mosses grow in moist places and under the stems of trees and plants. Their appearance is scaly, and they have a sort of stalk.

8. BryaceÆ (Urn-mosses).

Urn-mosses comprise the most ordinary of the mosses, the "Brium," which grows on the ground everywhere, forming tufts; its fructification resembles an urn, and hence its name.

9. LycopodiaceÆ (Club-mosses).

These are very beautiful mosses, of a bright green colour, growing in moist places. There are about 200 species of club-mosses known. The common Lycopodium is its most characteristic member. It grows well with ferns under a glass case.

10. EquisetaceÆ (Horsetails).

The EquisetaceÆ are the highest of the Acrogens, and nearly resemble the Endogens; they grow in ditches and pools, have a hollow stem with joints at regular intervals from each of which a whorl of green modified leaves arises; they are very full of earthy matter (silica), and one kind (Equisetum Hyemale), called Dutch Rush, is so rough with it that it is used for polishing and scraping many articles.

The second division of the vegetable kingdom are the EndogenÆ, which are those plants growing from a central bud only, as the palms, bamboos, and canes of all kinds, the grasses and all graminiferous or grain-bearing plants, as wheat, barley, &c. They have but one cotyledon in the seed and have no bark, but in place thereof a kind of natural varnish or thin coating of silica; this varnish or external polish is seen in the stalks of corn and on canes. Their leaves are often of great size, the veins run parallel to each other (fig. 8), they often grow from an expanded base which surrounds the stalk as in corn, and branch off at regular intervals making knobs or joints, as may be seen in the bamboo cane (figs. 9 and 10), in other cases they branch off spirally, and when fallen form a sort of trellis-work on the stem (as in some of the palms) but always in a regular manner. The wood of this family of vegetables has the same porous structure as cane (figs. 11, 12, 13,14), and is often hollow in the centre, becoming more and more solid according to the age of the tree. The stems of these plants are limited in growth and soon acquire their full size, which never exceeds eighteen or twenty inches in dia meter although some of the palms are nearly 150 feet high. When the stem has acquired its full size, the continual production of more woody fibres makes it impossible that these (like the exogenÆ) can have a very extended period of existence, for when every part of the stem is full of woody matter, the plant ceases to grow from obstruction to the circulation of the juices. The stems of some of this family are always hollow like the stalks of corn; this arrangement allows of great elevations without bending, and is found to be the form which gives the greatest strength from a given quantity of material—one of those beautiful mechanical perfections of nature which man first admired and then endeavoured to imitate.



Some of the palms and other endogenÆ are of a most beautiful form, and are moreover quite as useful as beautiful, furnishing food to the inhabitants of many regions, especially the Arabs of the Desert, who carry the dried fruit of the Date-palm with them, on crossing these vast plains of sand, as their chief food. The Plantain (Musa sapientum) forms a most beautiful and graceful object, with its enormous leaves springing up from the ground by their midrib in clusters, and extending upwards for 20 or more feet in graceful curves, affording a shady and cool retreat beneath them from the burning rays of the sun; the fruit is also one of the necessaries of life in the regions where they abound. The Fan-palm is another beautiful specimen, from the fan-like leaves of which the punkahs or Indian fans are made. The Palmyra palm furnishes leaves which are used to thatch houses, the sap is drunk as a refreshing beverage, and when evaporated yields a kind of sugar called "juggery," from which palm-wine is made.

The palms were amongst the first trees created, their fossil stems being constantly found; they were even then associated with the elephant and rhinoceros, and although these are found chiefly in the northern parts of Europe, yet it is much more reasonable to suppose that the climate of these parts has changed, than that these two favourites of the sunny regions should have had their natures changed.

Among the useful members of the endogenÆ may be mentioned the Maranta ArundinaceÆ, or Arrow-root plant, which is thus described by Dr. Baird:—"It is a genus of monocotyledonous plants, belonging to the natural order CannaceÆ or MarantaceÆ, and composed of herbs which have a well-developed rhizome or tuberous root containing a large quantity of fecula or starch. The species are natives for the most part, of tropical America, a few being also found in India. The structure of the flowers is remarkable, and the fruit fleshy. The most important species is the Maranta ArundinaceÆ, a plant which is extensively cultivated in the West Indies, the southern parts of the United States, and in the Isle of France, for the sake of its root, which affords the substance so well-known as Arrow-root. This root consists of a tuber of a peculiar form, and contains a large proportion of fecula; the stem is upwards of three feet high, and the flowers are white, delicate, and small. In Cayenne the tubers are eaten by the natives, roasted, as a cure for intermittent fevers, and when bruised, are applied by them to wounds, and considered more especially as a specific against those caused by poisoned arrows, hence the name of Arrow-root."

According to Dr. Livingstone, the inhabitants of Angola live almost exclusively upon the Tapioca plant. He thus describes the mode of preparing it, &c.:—"They (speaking of the half-caste Portuguese) subsist chiefly on the Manioc, and as that can be eaten either raw, roasted, or boiled, as it comes from the ground, or fermented in water and then roasted or dried after fermentation and baked, or pounded or rasped into meal and cooked as farina, or made into confectionery with butter and sugar, it does not so soon pall upon the palate as one might imagine when told that it constitutes their principal food. The leaves, boiled, make an excellent vegetable for the table, and when eaten by goats, their milk is much increased. The wood is a good fuel, and yields a large quantity of potash.... The root, rasped while raw, placed upon a cloth, and rubbed with the hands while water is poured upon it, parts with its starchy glutinous matter, and this, when it settles at the bottom of the vessel and the water is poured off, is placed in the sun till nearly dry to form tapioca, the process of drying is completed on an iron plate over a slow fire, the mass being stirred meanwhile with a stick; when dry, it appears agglutinated into little globules, and is in the form we see in the tapioca of commerce."

Although none of this family of plants produce building timber (according to our notions of that article), yet it is questionable whether we have a greater number of uses for our exogenous woods than are found by the natives of those countries where the EndogenÆ abound for palm stems and bamboo canes; as the Grecian styles of architecture arose from the imitation of structures of timber, so the Hindoo and Chinese styles have arisen from imitation of bamboo buildings. There is scarcely a constructive use that can be imagined to which this convenient material is not applied. In the "Penny CyclopÆdia" (article "Bambusa") is the following:—

"The purposes to which different species of bamboo are applied, are so numerous that it would be difficult to point out an object in which strength and elasticity are requisite, and for which lightness is no objection, to which the stems are not adapted in the countries where they grow. The young shoots of some species are cut when tender, and eaten like asparagus. The full-grown stems, while green, form elegant cases, exhaling a perpetual moisture, and capable of transporting fresh flowers for hundreds of miles; when ripe and hard, they are converted into bows, arrows, and quivers, lance-shafts, the masts of vessels, bed-posts, walking-sticks, the poles of palanquins, the floors and supporters of rustic bridges, and a variety of similar purposes. In a growing state the spiny kinds are formed into stockades, which are impenetrable to any but regular infantry aided by artillery.

"By notching their sides the Malays make wonderfully light scaling-ladders, which can be conveyed with facility where heavier machines could not be transported. Bruised and crushed in water, the leaves and stems form Chinese paper, the finer qualities of which only are improved by a mixture of raw cotton, and by more careful pounding.

"The leaves of a small species are the material used by the Chinese for the lining of their tea-chests. Cut into lengths and the partitions knocked out, they form durable water-pipes, or by a little contrivance are made into excellent cases for holding rolls of papers; slit into strips they afford a most durable material for weaving into mats, baskets, window-blinds, and even the sails of boats. Finally, the larger and thicker truncheons are exquisitely carved by the Chinese into beautiful ornaments. It is however more especially for building purposes that the bamboo is important (fig. 15). According to Marsden, in Sumatra the framework of the houses of the natives is chiefly composed of this material. In the floorings, whole stems four or five inches in diameter are laid close to each other, and across these laths of split bamboo about an inch wide are fastened down with filaments of rattan-cane. The sides of the houses are closed in with the bamboo opened and rendered flat by splitting or notching the circular joints on the outside, clipping away the corresponding divisions within and laying in the sun to dry pressed down with weights. Whole bamboos often form the upright timbers, and the house is generally roofed in with a thatch of narrow split bamboos six feet long, placed in regular layers, each reaching within two feet of the extremity of that beneath it, by which a treble covering is formed. Another and most ingenious roof is also formed, by cutting large straight bamboos of sufficient length to reach from the ridge to the eaves, then splitting them exactly in two, knocking out the partitions and arranging them in close order, with the hollow or inner sides uppermost; after which a second layer with the outer or convex sides up, is placed upon the other in such a manner that each of the convex falls into the two contiguous concave pieces, covering their edges, the latter serving as gutters to carry off the rain that falls upon the upper or convex layer."


The EndogenÆ are divided into twelve orders, as follows:—

1. GraminacÆ (Grasses).

Wheat, Barley, Meadow-grass.

The GraminacÆ comprise the great bulk of those plants which supply man and the lower animals with food, for it contains all the grasses and corn-bearing plants, including rice, maize, wheat, oats, barley, and rye. Upon these all the Ruminants of the earth feed, and millions of human beings taste no other kind of food. There are nearly 4000 species of graminaceous plants, rice and maize being the most broadly extended, forming the chief food of the Chinese, Hindoos, and other nations; wheat is here the most valuable grain, and is now grown in all parts of Europe and America. Humboldt, in his "Views of Nature," gives an interesting account of the first wheat grown in New Spain. He says:—

"A negro slave of the great Cortes was the first who cultivated wheat in New Spain, from three seeds which he found in some rice brought from Spain for the use of the troops. In the Franciscan convent of Quito I saw, preserved as a relic, the earthen vessel which had contained the first wheat sown in Quito by the Franciscan monk Fra Jodoco Rixi de Gante, a native of Ghent in Flanders. The first crop was raised in front of the convent, on the Plazuela di San Francisco, after the wood which then extended from the foot of the volcano of Pinchincha had been cleared. The monks, whom I frequently visited at Quito, begged me to explain the inscription, which, according to their conjecture, contained some hidden allusion to wheat. On examining the vessel, I read in old German the words,

"'Let him who drinks from me ne'er forget his God.'

"This old German drinking-cup excited in me feelings of veneration. Would that everywhere on the New Continent the names of those were preserved who, instead of devastating the soil by bloody conquests, confided to it the first fruits of Ceres."

2. CyperaceÆ (Sedges).

These plants much resemble the Grasses, they afford but little nourishment, however, to cattle, having but little starchy matter in them, and being but little succulent. The Cyperus Papyrus is the plant from which the ancient "papyrus" was made, and is probably (according to Dr. Baird) the plant termed in Scripture the Bull-rush.

3. AraceÆ (Arum tribe).

The AraceÆ include the Arum maculatum, or Cuckoo-pint, peculiar in having the flowers enclosed by a kind of sheath formed like a leaf, and called a "spathe." The "Portland Sago" is obtained from the Rhizome of this plant, but some of the species of this order are poisonous. The Dumb-cane (Caladium Segninum) paralyses the tongue, if chewed.

4. TyphaceÆ (Bull-rush kind).

The TyphaceÆ are the Bull-rush tribe, having the Typha latifolia or great Reed-mace for its characteristic member. It grows in ditches and marshy places. The young shoots of the Bull-rush, which resemble asparagus, are eaten by the Cossacks as food.

5. MelanthaceÆ (Colchicum kind).
Meadow Saffron.

This includes many plants which have bulbous roots, some of them being poisonous. The Colchicum autumnale, or Meadow Saffron, is the type of this order; it grows in moist meadows, producing a purple flower which appears before the leaves. The root or bulb, and the seeds, are used in medicine.

6. LiliaceÆ (Lily kind).

The LiliaceÆ are a very numerous tribe, including the Lilies, Hyacinths, and Tulips, the Onion, Garlic, Asparagus, the Cape Aloe, Yucca, and many others; they are for the most part bulbous plants, having simple leaves enclosing the stem. The Palms are included in this order; they are among the tallest and most graceful of the vegetable tribes, and in the countries where they abound are applied to almost every purpose that can be enumerated.

7. AmaryllidaceÆ (Narcissus kind).

The AmaryllidaceÆ are the Narcissus tribe, including also the Agave, or American Aloe, and the Snow-drop. The greater number of species belonging to this order are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, some of these are poisonous; the juice of the Cape Blood-flower (HÆmanthus Toxicarius) is used by the Hottentots to poison their arrows with.

8. IridaceÆ (Crocus tribe).

The IridaceÆ include the Crocus (Crocus sativa), the Corn-flag (Gladeolus communis), and the Blue-flag (Iris Germanica); the bulb of the Iris Florentina, is dried and used for various purposes, it has a scent resembling violets and is sold at druggists' shops by the name of orris-root, a corruption of iris-root.

9. OrchidaceÆ (Orchids).

Butterfly Orchis.

The family of the Orchis. Dr. Baird, in describing them, says:—"They are almost all herbaceous, a very few only being somewhat shrubby in their growth; some live in the ground, and besides the ordinary roots have bulbs or starch-bearing tubercles; others are what may be called pseudo-parasites, living attached to the bark of trees. These plants abound in the forests of tropical countries, where the climate is moist, and are generally known by the name of Epiphytes. The flowers vary very much in shape, form, and colour, and in many instances have a striking resemblance to insects, various birds, and animals, as Oncidium, in which the resemblance is to butterflies, &c.; Cychnoches, in which (in one species) the likeness is strikingly similar to a swan; Peristeria, one species of which is called the Sprito-Santo plant, of Panama, and in whose flower there is the likeness of a dove descending upon the lip, &c. A curious fact in this part of their history is, that in the same plant, on the same stem, and even on the same head of flowers, we find flowers so different in appearance that we might place them in different genera."

10. NaiadaceÆ (Naiads).
Pond Weed.

Water-plants, called "pond-weeds," and grow on both fresh and salt water. The marine species, Zostera marina, is dried and used for stuffing mattresses.

11. ButomaceÆ (Flowering Rushes).
Flowering Rush.

Of this order the Butomas umbellatus, a sort of rush, producing very handsome pink flowers in umbels, growing in ditches and by the sides of rivers, is the most characteristic member.

12. AlismaceÆ (Water Plantain).
Water Plantain.

The two chief members of this order are the Alisma Plantago or Water Plantain, which grows in ditches, having its flowers in the form of panicles, and the Sagittaria sagittÆfolia or Arrowhead.

The third great natural family of plants are the ExogenÆ. They comprise all the trees and shrubs of the temperate and colder regions, together with many of the flowering plants. They are characterised by certain peculiarities which can be at once recognised, such as the twisted and branched form of the stem, the possession of bark, leaves having the veins covering them running in all directions and forming a network, and the seeds containing two cotyledons; the wood, moreover, is deposited in rings (figs. 16, 17, 18, 19), one of which is formed every year, by the new wood being produced on the outside of the old, and between it and the bark. This deposition takes place as follows: after the rains of winter and early spring have well saturated the earth with moisture, and the warmth of spring has begun to penetrate to the roots of the plants, a development of the points of each fibrile or radicle takes place, forming new spongioles; these, being formed of new porous cellular tissue, begin to absorb (by endosmose) the moisture of the earth, which entering at all these thousands of minute spongioles at once, collects and rises in the vessels of the trunk and branches, and arriving at the vessels forming a plexis on the surface of every leaf, begins to be changed by the action of the sun's rays, absorbing carbon and giving out oxygen from the carbonic acid always contained in the air. The sap which has thus risen is the juice of the earth in which the plant grows, containing several earthy salts and vegetable extract drawn from the manure or decaying vegetation contained in the mould, together with carbonic acid dissolved in the fluid; this carbonic acid is changed by the sun's rays as well as that which was contained in the air, and the carbon uniting with the watery part of the sap, forms the green substance before alluded to, called chlorophyll, which is the green colouring matter of all plants, and is the basis of the wood. The altered sap descends between the wood and the bark, and forms a deposit gradually, which at the end of the year is a complete ring of wood surrounding the wood of former years. This circulation of juices continues through the summer, until, the cold weather coming on and the light being diminished, the sap neither rises nor is the leaf nourished by it, when it decays and falls off.

Perpendicular and transverse sections through cedar and elm wood.

The age of exogenous wood can be ascertained—where the centre has not decayed—by counting the rings, one only being deposited every year; and it is truly astonishing to find that some trees will continue to live and flourish for several thousand years! There does not, in truth, appear to be any limit assigned to the life of an exogenous tree if it escape accidents; for, although decay inevitably attacks the heartwood, and a cavity is the result, yet, the new wood continuing to be deposited on the outer part, the vitality of the tree is kept up, and its size continues to increase.

The Baobab or Monkey Bread-fruit trees, growing at the mouths of the Senegal, have been estimated by Adinson to be upwards of six thousand years old, and are, in all probability, the oldest relics of organic life existing at the present time. The cedars of Lebanon are supposed to have existed longer than the records of history. The Yew at Braburn, in Kent, is at least three thousand years old; and that of Fortingal nearly as much.

Dr. Livingstone, describing the Mowana or Baobab tree (fig. 20), thus comments upon its power of withstanding injury:—


"No external injury, not even a fire, can destroy this tree from without, nor can any injury be done from within, as it is quite common to find it hollow, and I have seen one in which twenty or thirty men could lie down and sleep as in a hut. Nor does cutting down exterminate it, for I saw instances in Angola in which it continued to grow in length, after it was lying on the ground. Those trees, called exogenous, grow by means of successive layers on the outside; the inside may be dead, or even removed altogether, without affecting the life of the tree; this is the case with most of the trees of our climate. The other class is called endogenous, and increases by layers applied to the inside, and when the hollow of the tree is full, the growth is stopped, and the tree must die. Any injury is felt most severely by the first class on the bark, by the second on the inside, while the inside of the exogenous may be removed, or the outside of the endogenous may be cut, without stopping the growth in the least. The Mowana possesses the power of both. The reason is, that each of the laminÆ possesses its own independent vitality; in fact, the Baobab is rather a gigantic bulb run up to seed than a tree. The roots, which may often be observed extending along the surface of the ground forty or fifty yards from the trunk, also retain their vitality after the tree is laid low, and the Portuguese now know that the best way to treat them is to let them alone, for they occupy much more room when cut down than when growing."

On examining the wood of the exogenÆ, it will be found that in the very centre is a small column of cellular tissue, called the pith, and that from this, fine layers of the same substance radiate towards the circumference. These are called the medullary rays, or silver-grain; they form an exterior layer or ring of cellular substance on the outside of the wood, which is called the cambium. The lightness of wood is owing to its porosity, and, on examining a transverse section under the microscope (figs. 17 and 19), it will be seen how little of real space is occupied in wood by solid substance. The spaces between the wall-work of woody matter in the tree are all filled with sap, and hence it is that "green wood" is so much heavier than that which is well seasoned. It is its lightness and strength, together with the ease with which it can be cut and fashioned, which renders wood so exceedingly useful; but its inflammability and liability to decay are great barriers to its more general use.

The leaves of the exogenÆ have their veins always in the form of a network, and not running parallel with each other, as in the endogenÆ (fig. 21).

Of the three divisions of the vegetable kingdom, the exogenÆ alone furnish building timber, properly so called, and it is doubtful whether nature has supplied a more generally applicable substance than wood; being a bad conductor, it can be handled in the coldest weather, which metal cannot, and, being easily cut or split, can be fashioned into almost any form.


The woods mostly in use for general purposes are the different kinds of pine, as American Pine, Norway Pine, yellow and white Deal, Mahogany, Oak, Beech, Elm, Ash, and Maple. In the "Penny CyclopÆdia," under the article "Wood," is the following description of the different kinds used by cabinet-makers, &c.:—

"The woods that are used by the cabinet-maker for furniture of a more delicate kind are called 'fancy woods.' The use of these has become much more general since the introduction of the art of veneering, and now that this is done by machinery instead of by hand, a number of woods are used for furniture and other purposes, which, on account of their scarcity, could have been formerly used only to a very limited extent. The most common of the fancy woods, and that which is most used by cabinet-makers, is Mahogany. This wood is the produce of the 'Swienteria Mahogani.'

"Next in point of importance and use to Mahogany, is Rosewood. This wood obtains its name from its fragrance, and is the produce of a mimosa from the forests of Brazil; in veneering it affords about eight plates to the inch.

"King-wood is a beautiful wood much in use, brought from Brazil in logs four feet long and about five inches wide, and is used only for delicate articles; it is said to be the produce of a species of Baphia, a genus of Leguminous plants.

"Beef-wood is a very heavy wood of a pale red colour, and is brought from New Holland in logs nine feet long and thirteen or fourteen inches wide; the tree from which this is obtained is unknown to botanists, as well as most of those producing the fancy woods of commerce.

"Tulip-wood is brought into the market in very small pieces, not more than four feet long and five inches in diameter, so that probably it is the production of a shrub; it is clouded with red and yellow colours, and is used for bordering and for making small articles, such as caddies and work-boxes.

"Zebra-wood is probably the production of a large tree, as it is cheap enough to be made into tables, pianofortes, &c.; it is coloured brown on a white ground and clouded with black.

"Satin-wood is of a brilliant yellow colour with delicate glowing shades. It is the produce of a plant called Chloroxylon Swienteria, a native of India; it is one of the trees that yield the wood-oil of India, and belongs to the natural order CedrelaceÆ, the same order in which the mahogany is placed; it is found in the market in logs two feet wide and seven or eight feet long.

"Sandal-wood is the produce of a species of Sandoricum belonging to the family MeliaceÆ; the wood is of a light brown colour with golden-coloured waves.

"Ebony and Iron-wood are the names given to some very hard woods, the produce of the natural order EbenaceÆ. These woods are mostly brought from India, although some of the species are found in Europe and America.

"There are several other woods occasionally used amongst cabinet-makers, of which little is known, either with regard to the places they come from, or the trees to which they belong. Canary-wood has a yellow colour; Purple-wood has a purple colour, without veins; Snake-wood is of a deep colour with black shades; Calander-wood is a handsome cheap wood taking a high polish, and is brought from Ceylon.

"Other woods are named after the places they come from, as Coromandel-wood, Amboyna-wood, &c."

Woods are largely used as dye-stuffs; the chief of these is log-wood, which has a deep red colour, is very heavy and solid, and yields a great deal of red colouring matter. It is very astringent, and contains tannic and gallic acids, from which properties it produces a deep black colour when mixed with any of the salts of iron; from this peculiarity it is very valuable as a black dye, but the black dye so extensively used for dyeing cloth, is, for the most part, made from galls, or "nut-galls," as they are sometimes called. These are hard round substances found growing on many species of oak, chiefly the "Quercus infectoria," and the best are brought from Aleppo; they are diseased growths produced by a little insect, called the "Cynips Quercus," which deposits its eggs under the epidermis of the leaf, and the juice collects and forms the gall (fig. 22), from the interior of which the larva eats its way out; thus it will be found that every gall must have a little round hole in it, whence the larva of the cynips has issued.


The root of the Madder plant (Rubia tinctorum) produces the most beautiful and permanent of our red dyes, and the cochineal insect (Coccus cacti) obtains its colour from feeding upon the cactus.

A useful and very permanent blue dye is obtained from Indigo, a kind of extract from the plant "Indigofera," growing in India and other places, and many other members of the vegetable kingdom yield dyes and colours used in the arts.

Amongst the various and almost endless purposes to which wood is applied, that of serving as a material to engrave on and print from must not be omitted. The wood used for this purpose is that of the box-tree (Buxus sempervirens), which furnishes a close, even-grained, hard wood, admirably suited to the purpose; and the cultivation and perfecting of this most admirable art, has produced an improvement in book-illustrating which can hardly be sufficiently appreciated.

Wood must have supplied one of the earliest materials with which to erect buildings; the Grecian styles of architecture, beyond doubt, were derived from imitating in stone those structures first made of wood. All the largest members of the vegetable kingdom belong to this division; and indeed the same may be said of size which has been said of age, namely, that there is no limit except from accidental circumstances.


In the Crystal Palace at Sydenham is a most wonderful and gigantic specimen of the Wellingtonia Gigantea (fig. 23), one of the class of trees called coniferous, and belonging to the exogens, the bark of which has been stripped off in portions at the place where it grew, each of which being numbered, has enabled them to be re-adjusted in their original places, the result of which is, the whole bark of this most magnificent tree appears as if growing on the timber. It measures 31 feet across at the base, and 93 feet in circumference; the original tree was 363 feet in height, its present height is 116 feet, and the bark is 18 inches thick. The Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria excelsa) sometimes grows to 300 feet in height, and Humboldt, describing a specimen of the Pinus Trigona, says, "This gigantic fir was measured with great care; the girth of the stem at 6-1/4 feet above the ground was often 38 to 45 feet; one stem was 300 feet high, and without branches for the first 192 feet."

As the exogens grow by the addition of woody matter to their circumference, of course the older the tree (other conditions being equal) the larger will be the trunk, but as the new wood is added to the outside, the centre loses its vitality and is liable to the attacks of both animal and vegetable parasites, and is therefore constantly found either decayed or totally destoyed; this is not, however, invariably the case, and many instances are found of wood of a great age remaining sound in the centre. At St. Nicholas in Lorraine is exhibited a plank of walnut wood made into a dining-table which is twenty-five feet wide. Besides timber for various useful purposes, this division of the vegetable kingdom furnishes us with both cotton and linen for clothing, and many of the dye-stuffs for ornamenting such clothing, also with many articles of food (although not so prolific in this respect as the EndogenÆ), the potato, most green vegetables, as cabbages, lettuces, are exogenous, together with such roots as carrots, parsnips, &c.

To this class of plants belong many of the most beautiful flowers, and all our fruit-trees, not the least important of which is the fig-tree, although the fig can hardly be called a fruit in the strict sense of the word, being a consolidated mass of flowers within a receptacle. The figs of commerce are produced from the Ficus carica, the fruit being dried in the sun; they form a considerable article of commerce. The celebrated Banyan tree (Ficus indica, fig. 24) is one of the fig tribe, it throws down branches (as do many others of this tribe) which take root in the earth and form fresh stems, so that one of the banyan trees with its off-shoots will cover a space of ground sufficient to shelter a regiment of cavalry, and many of the fig tribe, especially the sycamore (Ficus sycamorus), are planted for the sake of the shelter they supply by their broad crowns of leaves; another of the fig trees (Ficus elastica) supplies a great part of the India-rubber of commerce.


De Candolle divides the class of exogens into four sub-classes according to the arrangement of their flowers &c.; they are as follows:—

1. ThalamiflorÆ, the flowers of which are furnished with both calyx and corolla, the corolla having distinct petals, and the stamens hypogynous, that is, growing immediately from below the pistil.

2. CalyciflorÆ, having flowers with both calyx and corolla, the corolla divided into distinct petals, but the stamens always Perigynous, that is, growing upon the sides of the calyx.

3. CorolliflorÆ, having flowers with both corolla and calyx, the former having its petals united.

4. MonochlamydeÆ, flowers without corolla and often without a calyx.

These four sub-classes have been divided into orders as follows:—

Orders of ThalamiflorÆ.

1. NymphaceÆ (NymphÆa alba) White Water-Lily.
(Nuphar luteum) Yellow Water-Lily.

This order contains water plants of great beauty, they grow in the mud at the bottom of the water, sending up long flower- and leaf-stalks so that the flowers may blossom in the air and the leaves float on the surface; the leaves are generally round and turned up slightly at the edges. The "Victoria Regia" is a magnificent specimen of this order; it originally came from Brazil, and has flowers a foot wide, leaves four or five feet across, and is sufficiently buoyant, it is said, to bear the weight of a child. The Lotus of the Nile, the blossom of which so frequently occurs on the carvings of the Egyptians as an offering to Isis, is another member of this order.

White Water-Lily.

2. PapaveraceÆ (Papaver somniferum) White Poppy.
(Papaver Rhoeas) Red Poppy.

Opium is prepared from the unripe capsules of the White Poppy, it is chiefly cultivated for this purpose in India and Turkey. The Chinese are the great consumers of opium, it being a common habit with them both to eat and smoke it. Opium is made by collecting the juice in the morning which has exuded from incisions made in the capsules over night; those employed for this purpose use a small knife with several blades and go round the plantations scarifying the capsules in the evening, and the juice which issues and forms a thick concrete matter, is scraped off, beaten up, and dried in round lumps. About £2,000,000 worth are exported from India annually.

3. RanunculaceÆ (Anemone coronaria) Garden Anemone.
(Aconitum Napellus) Monk's-hood.
(Ranunculus acris) Butter-cup.

Garden Anemone. Monk's-hood.

Besides the above examples, there are many beautiful flowers belonging to this order, as the Clematis and Peony. Members of this order are for the most part poisonous, and some of them, as Monk's-hood and Hellebore, are violently so, while even the Butter-cup is to a certain extent acrid.

4. FumariaceÆ (Fumaria officinalis) Fumitory.


This order contains no plant of any importance. The common Fumitory derives its name from the supposed resemblance of the odour of its flowers to smoke.

5. BrassicaceÆ (Sinapis alba) White Mustard.
(Nasturtium officinalis) Water Cress.
(Brassica oleracea) Cabbage.

Water Cress.

In this order are contained many of the useful occupants of our kitchen gardens, the Cabbage, Turnip, Cauliflower, Radish, and many more; they have nearly all a pungent taste, and some, as the Rape, yield seed producing much oil. The Water Cress is grown near London in square pools, into which some neighbouring stream is turned. These pools are arranged side by side, and those who gather the plants lie down on a plank of wood placed across. Enormous quantities are thus supplied to the London markets.

6. CistaceÆ (Helianthemum Vulgare) Helianthemum.


These plants are for the most part evergreens; the Yellow Cistus is our most familiar example of the order. In Turkey the Rock-roses are much cultivated, they exhale a gum having a highly aromatic odour, which is there used as a perfume.

7. BerberidaceÆ (Berberis vulgaris) Common Berberry.

Common Berberry.

The Berberry is commonly found in our hedgerows, and its fruit is sometimes eaten; in Italy it grows to a good-sized tree. It is remarkable as furnishing an example of vegetable motion, from the irritability of its stamens, which if touched will bend forward in a curved position, and touch the stigma with the anther, and after remaining a short time in that position the stamens recover their natural form.

8. ViolaceÆ (Viola odorata) Sweet Violet.
(Viola tricolor) Heart's-ease.

Sweet Violet.

The well known Sweet-smelling Violet belongs to this order, which otherwise contains no plants of importance, except one, the Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, which produces the well-known emetic bearing that name.

9. DroseraceÆ (Drosera rotundifolia) Sun-dew.


The Sun-dew is so called from the globules of a sort of viscid liquid excreted by the hairs of this plant while in sunshine, and looking like dew; some species of this order have their leaves so irritable that an insect alighting on them causes them to shut up and catch it, hence the name "Venus's Fly Trap" (Dionea muscipula) which is given to an American species.

10. PolygalaceÆ (Polygala vulgaris) Milk-wort.


The Polygala Senega, or Virginian Snake-root, is a member of this order; it is celebrated in America for the cure of the bite of snakes, and is used here as an expectorant. The Rhatany, a very powerful astringent, is also of this order.

11. CaryophyllaceÆ (Lychnis dioica) Bachelor's Buttons.
(Dianthus caryophyllus) Common Pink.
(Stellaria media) Chickweed.

Bachelor's Buttons. Pink.

There are upwards of a thousand species of this order, but none are of much importance; they form however many of our most beautiful ornamental garden flowers, of which the Carnation, Sweet William, and several others, are familiar to all.

12. TiliacÆ (Tilia EuropÆa) Lime Tree.

Lime Tree.

The Lime Tree grows often to a great size, is a fine handsome tree, commonly found in our plantations, has heart shaped leaves, and flowers generally in corymbs; it is very general in tropical climates, and produces a fine close grained wood.

13. HypericaceÆ (Hypericum perforatum) Perforated Hypericum.

St. John's Wort.

Many species of Hypericum are cultivated in our gardens, and form handsome flowers; the well known plant called Aaron's Beard (Hypericum calycinum) is a member of this order, and is remarkable for the long runners which it throws out forming fresh plants at intervals. It is often suspended in pots, from which these runners descend in a very graceful manner.

14. MalvaceÆ (Malva sylvestris) Common Mallow.
(AlthÆa officinalis) Marsh Mallow.

Marsh Mallow.

The Marsh Mallow has been much esteemed as a demulcent medicine, and an ointment is made from it for external use; but one species of this order, the Gossypium, is one of the most important plants in the whole world, producing that most useful article, cotton, so largely grown in America, and for which the slave population are chiefly employed. The fine white hairs surrounding the seeds and filling up the pod is the part picked out and preserved, it forms the cotton-wool of commerce, of which some eight hundred millions of pounds' weight are used annually! employing a million and a half people, in England alone, and furnishing clothing to hundreds of millions. It is grown in India, which is supposed to be its native place, and will probably be grown to a much greater extent when railways and canals shall have made a more easy communication from the interior of that country to the sea-board.

15. GeraniaceÆ (Geranium pyreniacum) Meadow Geranium.

Meadow Geranium.

Many species of this order are indigenous, and when cultivated produce some of our most beautiful garden flowers, as the Geraniums, Pelargoniums, and Erodiums. The Geraniums are those species which have five irregular petals and ten stamens; they are the most characteristic of the order.

16. LinaceÆ (Linum usitatissimum) Common Flax.

Flax Plant.

The Flax plant is another of those insignificant plants which, from certain properties they possess, have become the greatest boons to mankind; the stalks of the Linum usitatissimum, soaked, bruised, and prepared by combing, &c., form the flax of commerce, from which all our linen fabrics are made. The manufacture of flax is one of the oldest arts known, the ancient Egyptians formed their mummy-cloths from this article, and a piece of one of these cloths, bleached and placed side by side with some of the present date, would hardly suffer by the comparison, but the rapidity of its manufacture, and the price at which supplied, are doubtless very different in the two cases.

The value of the linen manufacture of Great Britain is between seven and eight millions yearly.

The seeds of the flax plant (Linseed) are used to crush and produce the linseed oil of commerce so extensively used in the production of paints and varnishes, and the cake is used as food for cattle.

17. AceraceÆ (Acer campestre) Maple Tree.
(Acer pseudoplatanus) Sycamore Tree.

Maple Tree.

This order contains the Maple and Sycamore, fine trees, not only ornamental, but producing wood much in request, moreover the Acer saccharinum or Sugar Maple of North America is used to produce sugar, which is obtained from its sap.

18. RutaceÆ (Ruta graveolens) Rue.


Rue is a well-known shrub with small pinnate leaves, and possessing a strong and very disagreeable odour; this depends upon the volatile oil which is contained in the glands with which the leaves are dotted. It has been, from time immemorial, used as a medicine. Another member of this order, the Buchu (Diosmia crenata), is also used medicinally.

19. OxalidaceÆ (Oxalis acetosella) Wood Sorrel.

Wood Sorrel.

The Wood Sorrel is very acid, and from its juice is made the salt of sorrel (which is bin-oxalate of potash), used to get out ink and iron stains from linen, &c. This is supposed to be the true Shamrock.

This completes the orders of ThalamiflorÆ, which, with the following sub-class, CalyciflorÆ, contain all our star-like flowers, or those in which the corolla forms a whorl or open ring of petals. The third sub-class contains those chiefly in which the flowers form cups or bells.

Orders of CalyciflorÆ.

1. CelastraceÆ (Euonymus EuropÆas) Spindle Tree.

Spindle Tree.

This order consists of shrubs or small trees growing in the temperate regions of most parts of the world, and some of the species, as Celastrus venatus, are said to be poisonous; the seeds of the South African species are used to express oil from.

2. RhamnaceÆ (Rhamnus catharticus) Buckthorn.
(Rhamnus frangula) Black Alder.


Buckthorn berries afford a juice which, when made into syrup with sugar, is a popular purgative medicine; the juice precipitated with lime produces the green pigment known to artists as "sap green." The "French Berries" used as a yellow dye-stuff are procured from a species of Rhamnus.

3. FabaceÆ, or } (Cytisus scoparius) Broom.
LeguminosÆ } (Pisum sativum) Garden Pea.
(Faba vulgaris) Garden Bean.

Garden Pea.

The plants producing pods or legumes are among the most important of the orders of this class, giving us very many useful and nutritious plants, which, for the most part, are climbers, as Peas, Beans, &c. The Tamarind and Cassia trees belong to this order, also those which produce gum-arabic, catechu, logwood, and indigo. There are between six and seven thousand species of the LeguminosÆ.

4. RosaceÆ (Rosa centifolia) Hundred-leaved Rose.
(Fragaria vesca) Wood Strawberry.
(Rubus fruticosus) Bramble.
(Pyrus communis) Pear Tree.

Pear Tree. Rose. Strawberry.

This important order yields us our most beautiful flower, the Rose, of which there are a great many varieties, among which the Dog-rose—that beautiful ornament to our hedges—deserves to hold a conspicuous place, also the Sweetbriar or Eglantine. The rose is used in Turkey and Persia for obtaining that most valuable and delicious perfume, "Otto of Roses." It is made by distilling a portion of water from several quantities of fresh roses, until it becomes saturated with the volatile oil. This water is then exposed to the open air, and, in the cool night time, drops of the otto collect on the top, from which it is carefully gathered, and the same water again distilled from a fresh quantity of roses. Besides the Rose tribe, this order contains some of our most valued fruits. The Apple, Pear, and Strawberry belong to it, also the Almond.

5. LythraceÆ (Lythrum salicaria) Purple Loose-strife.


The Purple Loose-strife is indigenous to England, bearing a purple flower, and is also found in Australia. There are several varieties of this plant; an Indian species, Lythrum Hunteri, bearing a red flower, has been used by the natives as a red dye.

6. OnagraceÆ (Epilobium angustifolium) French Willow.

French Willow.

This order contains some very beautiful flowering plants, as the Evening-primrose (Enothera biennis), Fuchsia, &c. of which there are a great many varieties; they abound plentifully in America, of which country the Evening-primrose is said to be a native.

7. MyrtaceÆ (Myrtus communis) Myrtle.


The Myrtles are, for the most part, inhabitants of the warmer climates. They are shrubs or trees, and sometimes of great size and beauty; the flowers and leaves of many species are odorous. There are upwards of fifty species of Myrtle, and they are found in most of the warmer parts of the Old and New Worlds.

8. CrassulaceÆ (Sempervivum tectarum) House-leek.
(Sedum Acre) Stone-crop.


The species of this order have, most of them, thick succulent leaves. The Sedums, Stone-crop, and House-leek, are among the most common, growing in dry, earthy matter, on walls or housetops; they, nevertheless, are full of a milky juice. The juice of Houseleek mixed with cream has been a long time a popular remedy for various external complaints, but, like most popular remedies, does neither good nor harm.

9. GrassulariaceÆ (Ribes rubrum) Red Currant.
(Ribes grassularia) Gooseberry.


The Gooseberry and Currant are members of this order. They are useful plants for the kitchen-garden, and afford a grateful and wholesome fruit, although unripe gooseberries (eaten raw) are extremely unwholesome, as the acid they contain is the "oxalic."

10. SaxifragaceÆ (Robertsonia umbrosa) London Pride.

London Pride.

These are plants growing, for the most part, in mountainous regions, and in the crevices of rocks. The London Pride and Hydrangea are the best known, the latter producing very large corymbs of flowers. They occur in temperate climates in most parts of the world.

11. ApiaceÆ, or } (Foeniculum officinale) Fennel.
UmbelliferÆ } (Conium maculatum) Hemlock.
(Apium graveolens) Celery.
(Petroselinum sativum) Parsley.


Contains many of our useful vegetables, as the Carrot (Daucus Carota), Parsnip (Pastinaca), &c. The Celery also, and many of our aromatic seeds, are produced by the UmbelliferÆ, as Anise, Carraway, Dill, Coriander, and Fennel. Some members, however, are poisonous, as Hemlock (Conium Maculatum), and Cow-bane or Water Hemlock (Cicuta Virosa).

Orders of CorolliflorÆ.

1. CucurbitaceÆ (Cucurmis melo) The Melon.
(Elaterium agreste) Spirting Cucumber.


The Cucumber (Cucurmis Sativa), the Melon (Cucurmis Melo), both esteemed as delicacies, are of this order. Also the numerous tribe of Gourds (Cucurbita), as the Pumpkin, Large Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Squash, &c., also the Vegetable Marrow. Gourd-shells form the most common vessels for holding liquids, in many parts of Asia.

2. CornaceÆ (Cornus Sanguinea) Dogwood.


These plants are chiefly shrubs or trees, growing in most temperate regions, and especially in America. The Cornelian Cherry (Cornus muscula) produces a berry somewhat resembling a cherry. Some species are used in America as a tonic medicine.

3. CaprifoliaceÆ (Sambucus nigra) Elder Tree.
(Viburnum tinus) Laurustina.
(Caprifolium perfoliatum) Honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle. Guelder Rose.

This order contains few plants of any importance. The Honeysuckle is a very favourite ornamental plant, and the fruit of the Elder produces the Elderberry-wine so much used on Christmas Eve, with toasted bread, in many parts of the country.

4. GaliaceÆ (Galium cruciatum) Cross Wort.
(Rubia tinctorum) Madder.


The root of the Madder is one of our most important "dye-stuffs," producing the most permanent reds and browns used in dyeing. It is a native of the south of Europe and of Asia. Animals fed upon madder are found to have their bones tinged of a red colour.

5. ValerianaceÆ (Valeriana officinalis) Valerian.
(Cetranthus ruber) Red Valerian.

Valerian. Red Valerian.

Valerian is indigenous, growing by ditches, and bearing a pink flower; the root is used in medicine, and has a most disagreeable odour. Several species are cultivated as ornamental garden flowers; there are about 125 species.

6. DipsacaceÆ (Dipsacus fullonum) Teasel.


The heads of the Teasel were formerly used, to an enormous extent, for carding cloth, and were cultivated largely in some parts for that purpose—wagon-loads of them were brought to the cloth-dressers—but their use is now, to some extent, superseded, the process called "teaselling" being frequently performed by machinery.

7. AsteraceÆ (Tussilago Farfara) Coltsfoot.
(Helianthus annuus) Sunflower.
(Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum) Ox-eye Daisy.

Coltsfoot. Ox-eye Daisy.

The members of this family have a star-like inflorescence, as the Sunflower, China Aster, &c.; the centre part or eye, being composed of undeveloped florets, is frequently, by cultivation, almost lost, forming florets which are added to the ray.

8. CampanulaceÆ (Campanula rotundifolia) Hare-bell.
(Campanula media) Canterbury-bell.


Comprise the various "Bells," which form of inflorescence is characteristic of the CorolliflorÆ. There are about 500 species of this order, the flowers of which are for the most part of a blue or purple colour; the Hare-bell is also known as the "Bluebell of Scotland."

9. EricaceÆ (Calluna vulgaris) Heather.
(Erica cinerea) Grey Heath.

Grey Heath.

The Heaths are, for the most part, social plants, growing in great numbers on waste ground, and giving great beauty to scenery. The Heather gives a peculiar aspect to the hills of Scotland. Humboldt observes, "It is curious that, out of more than 300 species of Erica, one only should be found throughout the whole American continent."

10. GentianaceÆ (Gentiana campestris) Field Gentian.
(Menyanthes trifoliata) Buck Bean.

This order contains no member of great importance; the Gentian-root, much used as a tonic, is the product of the "Gentiana Lutea."

11. PrimulaceÆ (Anagallis arvensis) Pimpernel.
(Primula veris) Cowslip.
(Primula acaulis) Primrose.

Pimpernel. Primrose.

These well-known and beautiful flowers form ornaments to our meadows, hedgerows, and gardens; the Oxlip, Polyanthus, and Auricula belong to this order, of which many varieties are produced by cultivation.

12. ConvolvulaceÆ (Calystegia sepium) Bindweed.


The Bindweeds are gay and beautiful flowers, and besides being used for ornamental purposes, many of this order have medicinal properties of great importance. The Jalap root is from the Convolvulus JalapÆ, which comes from Xalapa, in Mexico, of which name Jalap is a corruption. Scammony, another medicine much used, is a resin procured from a species of this order.

13. BoraginaceÆ (Borago officinalis) Borage.


The members of this order have most of them rough hairy leaves, they contain a certain amount of nitrate of potash in their juices, and it is this which gives them the peculiar taste which has gained for them the name of "Oyster plants;" the common Borage has been used as a remedy for coughs.

14. LiniaceÆ, or } (Salvia officinalis) Sage.
Labiates } (Thymus vulgaris) Thyme.
(Mentha viridis) Spear Mint.


The name Labiates has been given from the form of their infloresence, which is generally "Labiate" (having lips); they frequently possess aromatic properties, and are mostly of a strong smell. Although not commonly used as food, yet most of them are employed to flavour it, as Mint, Thyme, Sage, and many more.

15. SolanaceÆ (Atropa belladonna) Deadly Nightshade.
(Solanum tuberosum) Potato.
(Capsicum annuum) Capsicum.
(Hyoscyamus niger) Henbane.
(Nicotiana Tabacum) Tobacco.


A great many members of this order are poisonous, among which the Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna) is the most virulent, there are also Henbane and Tobacco, both strong poisons; but, to compensate for this bad character, the order contains one of the most useful vegetables used in Europe—the Potato. This is the tuber of the "Solanum tuberosum." The following account of the introduction of the Potato into England is from the "Penny CyclopÆdia":—

"Queen Elizabeth, in 1584, granted a patent 'for planting and discovering in new countries, not possessed by Christians,' and, under this sanction, some ships, principally equipped by Sir Walter Raleigh, sailed with him to America. Thomas Harriott (afterwards known as a mathematician) who accompanied the adventurous squadron, transmitted to England the description of a plant, called Openawk by the natives of that part of America, which the courtier-like gallantry of Raleigh had named 'Virginia.' Harriott described the Openawk as having the roots round, and 'hanging together as if fixed on ropes, and good for food either boiled or roasted.' Girarde in his Herbal a few years subsequently, distinguished the plant by a plate, and not only confirmed the assertion that it was an indigenous production of Virginia, whence he himself had obtained it, but supplied some curious details of its qualities, and of the various modes in which it might be dressed for the table. But the Potatoe had been known in Spain and Portugal at an earlier period, and it is from the latter country that we most directly derive the name by which we know it. This is easily shown; although the natives of South America called the plant by the name 'Openawk,' those of the South, more particularly the inhabitants of the mountains of Quito, called it 'Papas,' which the Spaniards corrupted into 'Battata,' this again their neighbours in Portugal softened into 'Ba-ta-ta' (da terra), to which 'potato' is a very close approximation."

This plant, the tubers of which for a long time were a luxury obtainable by the rich only, now yields the support of the poor, and furnishes the cheapest food known; the peasantry of Ireland almost subsist upon Potatoes, and the poor of most parts of Europe find it indispensable to their living.

16. ScrophulariaceÆ (Digitalis purpurea) Foxglove.
(Veronica officinalis) Speedwell.


Some of the members of this order were formerly considered useful in scrofulous complaints, especially the Scrophularia nodosa, a common plant growing by the sides of ditches, and whose tuberculated roots were considered to resemble scrofulous tumours, and therefore to be the natural remedy for them. The Foxglove is used as a medicine and is highly poisonous.

17. LentibulariaceÆ (Pinguicula vulgaris) Butterwort.


This order includes the Butterworts, which are herbaceous indigenous plants, growing in ditches and wet places; they are divided into the Pinguicula and the Urticularia. The example given is the most common and characteristic of the order.

18. PlantaginaceÆ (Plantago lanceolata) Plantain.


The common Plantain or Way-bred is found by roadsides, the leaves form a sort of star on the ground, from the centre of which a tall stalk arises, forming a "spike" of flowers. The seeds of plantain are much in request by bird fanciers, cage-birds being fond of them. The leaves were once in great repute as a styptic, or application for stopping the bleeding of wounds.

19. PlumbaginaceÆ (Armeria maratima) Thrift.
(Ilex aquifolium) Holly.

Thrift. Holly.

The most characteristic of this order are the two examples given, especially the Holly, which is universally known and admired for the decorative uses to which it is applied in our churches and houses at Christmas time.

Orders of MonochlamydeÆ.

1. SanguisorbeÆ (Alchemilla vulgaris) Ladies' Mantle.

Ladies' Mantle.

Some species of this order, especially the Greater Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis), were once much cultivated as food for cattle, but it is now superseded by other plants, especially Sainfoin.

2. ChenopodiaceÆ (Beta vulgaris) Beet.
(Spinacia oleracea) Spinach.


The most important species of this order is the Beetroot, employed in France for the production of sugar. Its variety, Mangold-wurzel (Beta altissima), is also extensively used as food for cattle.

3. PolygonaceÆ (Polygonum Fagopyrum) Buckwheat.
(Rumex obtusifolius) Dock.


Buckwheat is used as food in America and other places, and the root of the "Rheum palmatum" furnishes the Rhubarb of commerce. It is brought from Turkey; but is grown in China, and thence passes through the hands of Russians to Turkey. Other species of Rhubarb, as "Rheum compactum," are cultivated here for the sake of the leaf-stalk, which has an agreeable acid taste, and is much used for making tarts and puddings.

4. ElÆagnaceÆ (ElÆagnus angustifolia) Oleaster.


Some foreign species of the Oleaster are extremely fragrant, and others, especially those of India, produce a fruit of a pleasant taste and is there eaten. The Sea Buckthorn (HippophÆ Rhamnoides) is the only English species.

5. ThymelaceÆ (Daphne pontica) Spurge Laurel.


Some species of this order are cultivated in gardens and are very fragrant, others partake of a poisonous quality; the Daphne mezerium, the bark of which is very acrid, is used in medicine, and forms one of the ingredients in the celebrated compound decoction of Sarsaparilla.

6. CorylaceÆ (Castanea vesca) Sweet Chestnut.
(Quercus pedunculata) Oak.
(Corylus avellana) Hazel Nut.

Sweet Chestnut.

This order contains some of our finest trees; the Oak, that prince of trees, is of this order. It attains a great age and size, and there are some celebrated specimens existing which have stood many centuries. Oaks constitute the greater part of the forest trees, both on the Continent and in England; great numbers are cut in France for fire-wood, and in both countries for ship-building. The roof-timbers of our old churches and halls are nearly all oak. The bark of the oak is largely used for tanning leather. About 30,000 tons are imported into this country yearly for this purpose, besides the product of our own trees. The bark of the Cork-oak (Quercus suber) is used for making corks, some 2,000 tons of this are imported annually. Moreover, the Gall-nut used in tanning, and also to make black dye, is the product of an oak. The Chestnut is a fine tree, the nuts of which are commonly eaten by the peasantry of Spain and Italy as food; the tree grows to a great age and to an enormous size.

7. EuphorbiaceÆ (Buxus sempervirens) Box.


Many species of this order are acrid and poisonous, and have been used for poisoning arrows. The Castor-oil plant (Ricinus palma-christi), and the plant that yields that most violent purgative, Croton-oil (Croton tiglium), are of this species; also the Box-tree, from which that useful wood, known as box-wood, is obtained.

8. UrticaceÆ (Urtica urens) Stinging Nettle.
(Humulus lupulus) Hops.


The Nettle in Australia grows to the size of a tree; the Hop also belongs to this order, and is largely cultivated in Kent and Sussex for the use of brewers, as it communicates an agreeable bitter to beer which no other plant seems to be able to substitute.

9. SalicaceÆ (Salix alba) White Willow.
(Populus nigra) Black Poplar.

White Willow.

The most characteristic of this order are the examples given; the Willows are well-known trees, growing by the margins of water and in damp places. The Poplar is one of our tallest trees, specimens being known 100 feet high; its peculiar tall form distinguishes it from all other trees.

10. BetulaceÆ (Betula alba) Birch.
(Alnus glutinosa) Alder.

Birch. Alder.

The Birch and Alder are both well known trees in our plantations, the Alder is often confounded with the Elder. The bark of the Birch tree contains tannin; it is used to tan skins in Russia, and gives to Russian leather its peculiar qualities.

11. UlmaceÆ (Ulnus campestris) Elm.


The Elm is one of our largest and noblest trees, growing to 80 or 90 feet high, it has often a girth of 10 to 11 feet, and forms a very fine tree with a broad crown; the wood is much used for making coffins.

12. PinaceÆ (Taxus baccata) Yew.
(Abies larix) Larch.
(Laurus nobilis) Bay.
(Pinus sylvestris) Scotch Fir.

Larch, Yew and Bay

This order contains the various Pines and Firs, together with the Yew and Bay trees, and is sometimes called the "ConiferÆ," as they all bear cones. In their general aspect many of these somewhat resemble endogenous trees, growing perfectly straight in the stem, and giving off branches in whorls at regular distances; some, as the Norfolk Island Pine, form perfectly regular figures by the interlacement of their branches. The Firs have their thin narrow leaves starting off singly from the branch, and always on the upper side, like the teeth of a comb, while the Pines have their leaves grouped together, starting off in fours or fives from the same spot. The Conifera furnish the longest and straightest timber of all trees, they commonly grow to 100 feet high, and in New Zealand and California to more than 300. The Wellingtonia Gigantea is the tallest species known, and the Araucaria Excelsa (Norfolk Island Pine), perhaps, the next. The trees of this order are amongst the most useful to man, supplying a number of useful articles, such as turpentine, resin, &c., besides the most valuable timber. Pines, like the Palms, serve as a screen against the severity of the weather, but, while the palms keep off the burning rays of the sun, the pines defend us from the cold of the mountain blasts; they are indeed used as nurses, and as such, in our oak plantations, serve to screen the young saplings which are planted among them from the effects of cold until strong enough to bear exposure; when the pines are cut down, and what before appeared to be a pine-wood, appears as a plantation of oaks. The pine-trees furnish those straight stems largely used by builders under the name of "scaffold poles." They also make the best wood for rending into laths for building purposes, their straight and open grain allowing of their being easily split.

It is from the vegetable kingdom that most of the medicines in use are derived, but many of these, in improper doses, act as violent poisons; indeed, the most rapidly fatal of all poisons, prussic acid, was originally distilled from the Laurel-cherry, and strychnine, which is hardly less rapid, is the produce of the Nux vomica (Strychnos nux vomica).

The following is a list of the principal poisonous plants found growing wild in England:—

* 1. Monk's-hood (Aconitum Napellus).
Wolf's-bane (Aconitum lycactonum).

Monk's-hood, Horse-radish and Wolf's-bane

All parts of Monk's-hood and Wolf's-bane are extremely poisonous; the root of Monk's-hood has often been mistaken for that of Horse-radish, of which an example is therefore given, to show that it is impossible for this mistake to be made, if the least attention be paid to the leaves, as they are totally dissimilar.

* Bryony (Bryonia dioica).


The whole of this plant is poisonous, and, as the berries are red and tempting, it is dangerous to trust children with them. The root is large and succulent, and is known by the name of Mandrake; it is very purgative and acrid.

* Green Hellebore (Heleborus viridus).
* Stinking Hellebore (Heleborus foetidus).

Green Hellebore and Stinking Hellebore

Both poisonous in every part of the plants.

* Mezerium (Daphne mezerium).


The bark of this plant is acrid and poisonous, producing a burning sensation in the throat if chewed, and blistering the skin if applied, for which purpose it was often formerly used medicinally.

* Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale).

Meadow Saffron.

The corm (root) and seeds of this plant are poisonous. Meadow Saffron is also called Colchicum, it is much used in medicine, and although a good and useful one in small doses for gouty affections, yet in over-doses it produces violent purging and vomiting.

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea).


This plant is very poisonous and dangerous, the leaves are the most active part. It is frequently used medicinally, but requires great care, as it lowers the action of the heart, the effect of many small doses accumulating and at last acting like one large one.

* Staves-acre (Delphinium Staphisagria).


The RanunculaceÆ are, most of them, poisonous, and this order includes the Larkspurs, of which the Staves-Acre is a species. The seeds are to a certain extent poisonous, and when ground into meal and mixed with flour have been often used by farmers to destroy vermin of various kinds, such as rats, mice, beetles, &c.

Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna).

Deadly Nightshade.

The Deadly Nightshade is also called Belladonna. Both leaves and berries are a deadly poison. The berries have been mistaken for black currants by children, as they much resemble them. There are several species, of which the Solanum nigrum, or Common Nightshade, very much resembles the "Deadly."

Woody Nightshade (Solanum Dulcamara).

Woody Nightshade.

This plant, also called Bitter-sweet, from its taste, produces the bright red berries so often seen in hedges, and which from their pretty appearance frequently tempt children to eat them. They are poisonous, but not so much so as the twigs of the plant, which are very acrid and narcotic.

Hemlock (Conium maculatum).


The Hemlock is an umbelliferous plant growing by road-sides and under hedges, and flowers in June and July; it has been mistaken for Parsley, but may be known by the stems being spotted with black; the leaves are of a dark green colour, the upper ones bi-pinnate and the lower ones large and standing on long channelled foot-stalks.

Thorn-Apple (Datura strammonium).


The Thorn-Apple is a native of America, but has become almost indigenous, and is frequently found growing in waste places. The whole of the plant is poisonous, and is narcotic when smoked, like tobacco. It is an annual, bearing a funnel-shaped white flower, the fruit is a four-celled capsule covered with sharp spines or thorns, hence its name.

Poppy, Red (Papaver Rhoeas).
Poppy, White (Papaver somniferum).

White Poppy. Red Poppy.

The unripe capsules of both of these species of Poppy are narcotic and poisonous, but chiefly those of the White Poppy, from which, the opium of commerce is procured. The leaves are but very slightly narcotic, and the seeds not at all.

Henbane (Hyoscyamus Niger).


This plant is an indigenous annual growing in waste places, especially in chalky soil, bearing flowers in July, which are of a yellowish green colour and nauseous odour; the stalk, leaves, and indeed the whole of the plant is covered with hairs. It is very narcotic, and is much used medicine; in over-doses it is poisonous.

Caper (Euphorbia Lathyris).


The Caper is a biennial often found in gardens; the seeds are very purgative, and to some persons poisonous. This plant bearing the name of Caper, many persons have erroneously thought the seeds to be the ordinary "Capers" sold at shops for making "Caper-sauce." These, however, are the flower-buds of quite another plant, known as "Capparis spinosa."

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa).

Wild Lettuce.

The Wild Lettuce is a biennial plant flowering in July and August; it is found growing on the banks of ditches, and is sufficiently narcotic to be called poisonous. The dried juice has been used as a substitute for opium, but by cultivation the narcotic property is nearly or altogether lost.

Mushrooms, Toadstools, and Other Fungi.

Common Mushroom, Champignon, Morell and Poisonous Fungi

The only kinds of Mushroom which can be eaten with safety are the common Mushroom (Agaricus campestris), the Champignon (Agaricus oreades), and the Morell (Marchella esculenta). Those which are of very bright colours, or have spots on the cap, those with thin caps, or those which are moist—have a film like a cobweb about the stalk, or have the stalk coming from one side of the cap—are poisonous.

Those marked (*) in the foregoing list are acrid poisons, and the remainder are narcotic.

Out of these three great families of plants, in their almost endless variety of size, form, and colour, it has pleased the Great Author of Nature to form all the vegetation which beautifies this earth, from the lofty Palm—which, from its grateful freshness and the beauty of its structure, seems almost as if possessed of more than vegetative life, to the AlgÆ, which form "the pool's green mantle"—from the gigantic and "storm-defying" Oak, with its green foliage spreading out far above, and throwing its welcome shade around, to defend from the sun's rays the gentle deer who pasture on the herbage beneath—to the grass and clover, and the sweet-smelling wild flowers at their feet—

That come before the swallow dares, and take
The winds of March with beauty; violets dim
But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes,
Or Cytherea's breath,—pale primroses
That die unmarried, ere they can behold
Bright Phoebus in his strength"—

form inexhaustible themes on which to exercise our faculties of admiration, and which serve admirably to minister to those wants which, without doubt, were given to us that we might derive pleasure from their being thus beautifully gratified—themes for the pencil of the artist, who "holds, as it were, the mirror up to nature," and the architect, when he designed his vistas of slender columns spreading out into and supporting roofs of tracery, might well be supposed to have had in his "mind's eye" some beautiful recollection of the arcades of Nature's palaces in the sombre forests, where the twisted trunks of the trees, the fretwork of their branches, and the leafy covering formed by their leaves, supply all the requisites of a grand and lofty temple, fit for the worship of that great First Cause who formed them.



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