The Earth, considered as one of those spheres which circulate round the sun amidst the wide expanse of the firmanent, holds but an insignificant position among them, especially when compared with those great and magnificent orbs, Jupiter and Saturn; but, in another point of view, as the dwelling-place of all the animated beings, vegetables, and minerals, with which we have any practical knowledge, it holds to us a position in creation far above all the others. It is upon the surface of this our earth that we behold in detail those wonders of the Great Creator's hands, It is only a few miles below the surface of the earth that man has been able to penetrate and examine, but reason comes to assist him where examination fails, and it would have been but a few hundred yards only that his labours could have extended had it not been that parts, which are generally situated miles below the surface, are occasionally found The whole of the earth, its inhabitants, the air which surrounds it, the waters upon its surface, and its vegetable products, are composed of certain substances called elements, combined and united in certain numbers and proportions. The following is a list of all known:—
By this list it will be perceived that the greatest number of the elements are metals, but most of these are very rare and met with but in certain localities, making up but a very insignificant part of the earth's surface, while others (never found in nature, as metals) in combination with oxygen forming "earths" compose the greater part of its bulk. But of all the elements, oxygen (a gas) is the most widely diffused, and constitutes rather more than one half of the whole earth, thus it forms 1/5th of the air, 9/10ths of the water, of the various earths and rocks about 1/2, and in all organised beings about 3/4. Of the metallic elements, those which form the greater bulk of the earth are— Silicon. These never exist in nature as metals, but combined with oxygen forming the following earths and alkalies:— Silica } These four "earths" form about eighty-five per cent. of the whole bulk of this globe, the remainder being made up of water (composed of eight parts oxygen and one part hydrogen), of "salt," both as rock or crystal-salt, and dissolved in the water of the sea, of the ores of different metals (metals in union with oxygen, sulphur, &c.), and of the remains of former vegetation, existing as coal. Silica is composed of 21.3 parts of silicon with 24 of oxygen, it is that earth which constitutes a great part of almost every soil, and forms sand, sandstone, and flint, it enters largely also into the formation of granite and the other primitive rocks; when pure it is called "quartz" or "rock-crystal" and is often found in large and beautiful masses. Silica, in different forms, contaminated and coloured by different metallic oxides, &c., forms that class of stones Alumina consists of 41.1 parts of aluminium in combination with 24 parts of oxygen, it is the earth which forms the basis of all clays, loams, and slates, it is in its pure state perfectly white but in most clays is coloured brown or blueish by oxide of iron, many of our most beautiful gems, as the ruby, sapphire, and emerald, consist chiefly of crystallised alumina coloured by oxide of iron, chromium, &c., this earth like silica enters largely into the composition of the primitive rocks. Lime is another of the earths which form a great part of all soils; it consists of 20 parts calcium with 8 of oxygen. Unlike the two preceding earths, it exists only in union with some acid. When united to carbonic acid it forms limestone, chalk, marble, &c., and when in a crystallised state "Iceland spar." The various kinds of limestone are largely used as building-stones, and any of them when burnt yields lime or "quick-lime" as it is generally called, which is capable of uniting with a certain portion of water, giving out a considerable amount of heat during the combination. Lime is often found in union with sulphuric acid, forming gypsum or Plaster of Paris, in combination with phosphoric acid it forms the basis or earthy part of the bones of animals, and is found in some of the tissues of plants. Potassa consists of 39.2 parts potassium in union with 8 oxygen, it constitutes about 12 per cent. of the granites and basalts (primitive rocks) in union with silica and alumina, it is also found in the fluids of many vegetables in union with carbonic, oxalic, and other acids. Soda consists of twenty-three parts sodium with eight oxygen, it however does not exist in this form in nature, but in union with chlorine instead of oxygen, constituting chloride of sodium or common salt, this substance forms strata of considerable extent in some localities and being soluble has no doubt been washed out by the rains from many other places and has thus communicated saltness to the waters of the ocean. The other metallic elements exist chiefly in those forms of earth called "ores" being metals in union with oxygen, sulphur, &c., or are found in the metallic state, as gold, platinum, &c., it is from these ores that most of our useful metals are procured by the process called smelting, as in the case of iron, copper, lead, tin, &c. All the substances known result from the combinations of the elements, but these elements do not chemically combine in all proportions, but in certain definite quantities only; these quantities or proportions are signified by the numbers attached to each element in the list given,1 and the union of these substances must be in the proportion of these numbers (or multiples of them) only, all superfluity of the substances combined remaining in a state of mere mechanical mixture. For example, if six parts of carbon (charcoal) made red-hot be plunged into a jar containing twenty parts of oxygen, it will unite with sixteen parts only of the oxygen (a multiple of eight), and form twenty-two parts of carbonic acid, the extra four parts of oxygen still remaining as oxygen mixed with the carbonic acid; and if into this carbonic acid twenty parts of lime be put, it will unite with the twenty-two of carbonic acid, forming forty-two of carbonate of lime, still leaving the four parts of oxygen untouched. Had forty parts of lime been put into the mixture, instead of twenty, still only forty-two of carbonate of lime would have been formed, and the other twenty parts (like the four of oxygen) being superfluous, would still have remained as lime, mixed with the carbonate of lime. These combining quantities are called the "equivalents" of the substances. 1 See the list of the elements at page 45; those which are distinguished by an asterisk, are elements of which the "equivalents" are not known. Upon examining various portions of the earth's surface, they will be found to differ in character from each other; in one place perhaps sandy soil will be found, in another, hard rock, in a third, clay, in a fourth, chalk, and so on. Now, if this examination were carried no further, it might well be presumed that each of these kinds of soil were continued downwards into the earth for an indefinite distance, but upon digging (as in sinking a shaft or well) it is found that the stratum of soil upon the surface is soon passed through, that others in succession present themselves and that this succession of strata is not a matter of chance, but (with certain restrictions) follows in invariable order. It is true some strata are occasionally not present, and that others replace them; but yet (taken altogether) there is the same order of succession everywhere found. The following diagram (fig. 1) gives the section of these strata from the earth's surface to the granite which is the lowest of all formations and through which no one has ever penetrated. The figures give an approximation to their average thickness in feet. These strata do not all run in a direction parallel to the surface of the earth, or else it would result that the surface would everywhere be made up of the highest, but they have been contorted and heaved up into mounds or depressed; and the granite has often been pushed upwards, carrying with it all the upper strata to a certain extent, at last thrusting quite through them all and presenting itself above the surface, forming in this way the tops of many very high mountains, Mont Blanc for instance. Such a mountain if cleft from the summit to the base would present a section similar to that shown in fig. 2, and thus it occurs (contrary to what would at first thought be supposed) that the highest ground is generally formed of the lowest strata, while the valleys are nearly always covered with the latest formations, which is partly owing to the elevating process before alluded to, and partly to the winds, rains, &c., tending to carry away and wash down every kind of soil from the upper ground and deposit it in the lower. FIG. 1.—DIAGRAM SHOWING THE POSITIONS AND RELATIVE THICKNESSES OF THE STRATA. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. FIG. 5.
Fig. 3 represents strata in a state called by geologists "conformable," which name is applied when the strata follow their natural or regular succession, whether this retains its horizontal position, or, as in fig. 4, assumes a position more or less vertical, which frequently happens from the subsidence of one part or the elevation of another; but they are sometimes found in the state represented in fig. 5, and in which they are said to be "unconformable." Such strata after having been tilted out of the horizontal have FIG. 6. Upon a close examination of the various strata which form the crust of the earth, it is found that each has its own peculiar character; some have resulted from the accumulation of matters deposited at the bottom of ancient seas, others in the beds of rivers or fresh-water lakes, or again others (as the coal formation) from the accumulation of vegetable matters; further, these strata do not only differ in structure and composition, but also in the remains of FIG. 7. This appears to be the result of the cooling and crystallisation of that molten mass which many circumstances (hereafter to be mentioned) point out as making up the great body of the earth. Granite differs, in various places, in colour and quality (the varieties are known as "sienite," "porphyry," "greenstone," &c.), but still retains its own distinctive characters; it is a hard, crystalline rock, consisting of "felspar," "mica," and "quartz," in separate crystals, but mechanically blended; its chemical composition as a whole is silica, alumina, and potassa, with small quantities of lime and oxide of iron. This granite is met with everywhere, if the outer crust of the earth be penetrated to a sufficient depth; it however frequently exists on the surface, having no strata below it, and in some places overlies other strata—this, and the fact that cracks and crevices of some of the lower strata are filled up with granite, which could only have taken place while it was in a liquid state, as in fig. 8, together with evidences of the effects of calcination, and other changes producible only by extreme heat, all around those parts and in the strata immediately overlaying the granite, point out that it was once in a state of fusion. Above the granite formation, in many places, especially in Norway and Sweden, there is a stratum of rock called FIG. 8. All these rocks have received the name of "primary," they have no appearance of being stratified or deposited in layers, which appearance seems to be in all cases the result of having at some time been suspended in water and thence deposited gradually as mud, sand, &c., time, pressure, and heat having afterwards altered their consistence. All these consist of the earths described as composing granite, but combined in different proportions. Above these rocks there is a formation of a totally different composition, namely crystalline limestone, commonly known as marble; this consists wholly of carbonate of lime or lime in union with carbonic acid, and its crystalline state appears to have been produced by long-continued heat and pressure. This limestone is by many ranked amongst the primary rocks, although it differs so entirely in its composition which exactly resembles a formation presently to be described (the chalk); however, if this be classed with the primary rocks, then it may be fairly said that all above have resulted from their disintegration and reunion in different forms, by the action of water and vital forces of different kinds. The state of The early history of our globe forms one of the great problems of geology, but there is evidence enough upon which to form conclusions and show that the earth had undergone some great and varied changes embracing immense periods of time, and if the sciences of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, &c., be brought in to assist the inquiry, some plain facts become evident. Astronomy shows us orbs circulating round the sun (the planets), strictly analogous to our earth, and furnishes us with their densities; these are found to be various, ranging from about six times the density of water to half its density. The planets appear to be at different stages of condensation, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that our earth was once of no greater density than the lightest of them. The inner ring of Saturn is probably in a liquid state, for it is transparent. The substance of which comets are composed is a vapour, so rare and thin that it cannot be compared in density to our atmosphere even, and yet these comets preserve their identity, circulating through immense realms of space with prodigious rapidity. Thus astronomy presents analogies in favour of the supposition that the earth was once gaseous, or at all events of much less density than at present; but mathematical inquiries go much further, and furnish almost proof that the earth was once (if not now) in a liquid state, for the exact form which a liquid ball would assume upon rotating at the rate which the earth does, is exactly that which the globe is found by measurement to possess. Chemistry has ascertained that the heat of the earth is far greater than any tract of the heavens through which it passes; that this heat could not have been communicated by the sun's rays, for had it been so the surface would be hotter than the interior, the very reverse of which is found to be the fact, and the deeper we go down the higher the temperature is. Chemistry shows further that this heat can be completely accounted for by the condensation and solidification of the earth itself; for the condensation of all Now assuming it as a fact that the earth was once in a gaseous state, and that the atoms of this gas or vapour exerted (as they must have done) an attraction towards each other, the result would be that they would press immensely upon those parts towards the centre and cause them to solidify. This act of solidification would produce such an intense heat that the solid would be expanded and fused into a liquid, this continuing until all the more condensible matters had become liquid, the earth would assume its spheroidal form from its rotation, be surrounded by an atmosphere of the least easily condensible substance, nitrogen, together with all the oxygen not wanted to combine with the metallic vapour and form earth. This globe with its atmosphere continuing to roll through the cold regions of space, would gradually lose the heat from its outer part by radiation. A film of cooled and condensed earthy matter would begin to form on the surface by crystallisation, and then would commence all those grand phenomena which it is the province of the geologist to study and explain. This crust consisted of the first-formed granite which (from inequality of contraction in the bulk of the earth) was broken up into fragments and perhaps partly re-dissolved again and again in some places, as it chanced that these contractions were more or less irregular. The result of this crushing and crumbling-up is seen in the coarser parts of the gneiss, called "Grauwacke," which consist of angular fragments of granite more or less imbedded in a cement of the same substance. This could not have been produced by water, as the surface must have been too hot for it to have existed on the earth in any other form than the most highly The surface of the earth at this time can be well understood by any one who will take the pains to evaporate any saline solution in a capsule till it is about to crystallise, and observe attentively the pellicle of salt as it forms on the surface; first a partial film will show itself in a few places, floating about and joining with others, then when nearly the whole surface is coated, it will break up in some places and sink into the liquid beneath, another pellicle will form and join with the remains of the first, and as this thickens it will push up ridges and inequalities of the surface from openings and fissures in which little jets of steam and fluid will escape; these little ridges are chains of mountains, the little jets of steam those volcanic eruptions which were at that period so frequent; the surface of the capsule is the surface of the earth, and the five minutes which the observer has contemplated it, a million years. The next effect of the cooling of the earth would be the gradual condensation of the vapour of water with which it was surrounded; this falling upon the earth formed seas and oceans, leaving only the higher portions exposed above its level. The clearing-up of the dense dark clouds for the first time let in to the earth's surface the glorious and vivifying rays of the sun, and this great effect possibly accords with the earliest record in the Bible of the acts of creation—"And God said, let there be light, and there was light." FIG. 9—STALAGMITE. FIG. 10.—TEREBRATULA. The earth being chiefly covered with water, and the air partly freed from watery vapour, then commenced the great creation of organised beings. The air, although to a certain extent, free from vapour, must yet have contained an enormous amount of carbonic acid; this, being less easily condensed than any of the matters which had gone through Ages of comparative quiet now appear to have succeeded the first great contraction of the earth's crust, probably millions of years, during which time the tides and currents of the ocean had to wash and wear down all the thousands of projecting rocks or inequalities and dissolve (as before described) all the lime, depositing the sand and clay in those immense strata which form the "transition series;" this appears to have taken place over nearly the whole world at that time, and ages upon ages must have elapsed to form such deposits as the sandstone, claystone, and limestone, in alternation, forming the "Llandilo," "Caradoc," and "Wenlock" strata, more than a mile in thickness; these are by some geologists reckoned among the primary series (by some called the "transition rocks"), and in England form the "Cambrian" and "Silurian" systems. FIG. 11—TRILOBITE. In these strata the remains of organised beings are first found, consisting of zoophytes, crustacea (chiefly Trilobites, fig. 11), nautili, crinoidii (stone lilies), and a few ganoid (plate-covered) fishes; these lower forms of animal life in some parts abound in the most prodigious numbers. There must, of course, have been vegetables of some kind previously formed to constitute nourishment for these animals, but scarcely any remains of such exist, except in a few localities. The Trilobites were amongst the first creatures inhabiting our globe, and it is a curious fact to contemplate, that their eyes (fig. 12) should have been preserved perfect; they FIG. 12.—EYE OF TRILOBITE. At the end of the "transition period"—after ages of long-continued disintegration of the rough surface of the earth, and its deposition in strata—after thousands of generations of crustaceans, molluscs, and zoophytes had lived and died, depositing their shells at the bottom of the seas, so as to form strata of the carbonate of lime—a great and terrific convulsion of nature put a stop to all this quiet and systematic order of things; for through these long reaches of time, the physical laws of nature had continued to exert their influence, the bulk of the world had gone on radiating its heat into space, and, as a necessary result, had gradually contracted in size. Now, this radiation had doubtless been much retarded by the badly-conducting surface of solid matter which had everywhere covered it, but, although retarded, it could not be prevented, and although the crust FIG. 13—SECTION OF 40 DEG. OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE, BEING THE SOUTHERN PART OF ASIA, AND INCLUDING THE HIGHEST LAND IN THE WORLD. The outer uneven line represents the mountains and table-lands from the sea's level, and the lower line shows the depth to which the crust of the earth's surface has been examined—about five miles. A to B.—Level of sea. FIG. 14.—BURNING MOUNTAIN. But the contraction of the interior mass of the earth still continues, and the cavities left by the expulsion of volcanic matters, and the pushing-up of the mountains, may not all have been compensated for by the sinking-in of the strata, so it remains a matter of doubt whether the crust of the earth is sufficiently strong to bear the pressure of its own and the air's gravity, or whether at some future day another contraction will break it up and destroy the whole existing order of things. The shocks of earthquakes are strictly analogous to such catastrophes, but on an immensely inferior scale. FIG. 15.—LIMESTONE MADE UP OF ENCRINITE. FIG. 16.—LIMESTONE MADE UP OF CORALS (Favosites polymorpha). The effects of the last great contraction having subsided the surface of the earth assumed a new arrangement of its matter, and the order of things which caused the deposition of the secondary strata commenced. Sedimentary sandstones were deposited from the washings of the surface by the waters which had not yet absorbed all the superfluous FIG. 17.—ENCRINITIC LIMESTONE. During this period, although there were no great disturbances, capable of displacing the strata, yet there appears to have been frequent small eruptions of volcanic matter through the crevices of the lower strata, filling up all their cracks and vacuities, and in many cases rising to the surface, overflowing with basalt, toadstone, and other FIG. 18.—FOSSIL TREE FERNS. During this long period of comparative quiet most of the irregularities on the surface of the earth became worn down, and extensive swamps were produced by partial evaporation of the inland lakes. These swamps were subject to occasional inroads of the sea, and at times formed shallow lakes or lagoons; in these grew the most luxuriant vegetation, gigantic pines, tree-ferns (fig. 18), equisetacÆ, &c. These plants, nurtured by a hot and moist climate, acquired a great luxuriance of growth, and must have formed forests of such Thus, in the mighty hands of God, the air was undergoing a gradual purification, to fit it for the animals He intended to create; the polypi were extracting from the water all the carbonate of lime it was absorbing from the air and earth, and fixing it in the soil, to be of use in a hundred ways at some future time, while the vegetation growing in abundance extracted it from the air, and fixed its carbon in their leaves and substance generally; these vegetables, decaying and falling upon the surface of the earth, accumulated there for ages, and formed a carbonaceous matter which was afterwards changed by time and pressure into coal. The same thing (on a very much smaller scale) is taking place in the tropical forests of the present age; there the surface-soil is quite black, and consists of nothing but decayed leaves and wood for several feet in depth, but in the present time there are hosts of insects, every one of which feeds upon this vegetable matter, preventing to a great extent its accumulation, while in the former age there was nothing to destroy it when once deposited on the ground; so that the carbon of these forests of the secondary period, existing through perhaps tens of thousands of years, extracted from the air a sufficient quantity of vegetable carbonaceous matter to produce thick seams of coal, even when compressed by the superincumbent strata. These forests were subject from time to time to inroads of the sea produced by the before-mentioned causes, and thus it is found that the seams of coal are often buried by several hundred feet of sand, clay, shale, &c., above which the same growth recommenced to form a second strata of coal, and ages must have elapsed whilst each of the numerous seams which interstratify the The coal-shales (thin layers of claystone found in the coal seams) furnish beautiful specimens of ferns and other plants turned into coal (fig. 19), or leaving their perfect impressions in the clay. The coal formation occurred during the latter part of one of those long eras of tranquillity which supervened upon the contraction and breaking-up of the older strata; but the laws of nature are immutable, and these days of comparative quiet again came to a close. The same phenomena before described again occurred, and there is hardly a square mile of these strata but shows evidences of the terrible convulsion which desolated the earth. Some of the strata were raised, others depressed, and some lost altogether, the cracks and flaws being filled with liquid lava or basalt, which in many cases rose upwards through them and overflowed the surface. Many of the cracks of this, the "carboniferous system," are filled with sulphuret of lead The great world of vegetation was thus destroyed, giving place to new forms of animal and vegetable life. The temperature, all this while sinking, had reached a degree somewhat resembling the hottest regions of the earth at the present day. The waters had changed their localities, new mountains and new continents had made their appearance, and again did the ever-active waters begin to demolish and wear down the asperities of the surface and deposit the results upon the strata below in the form of the new red sandstone and magnesian limestone, the former containing iron in great abundance, and the latter magnesia (an earth not met with before), both of which substances were probably ejected as volcanic products and afterwards combined with the carbonic acid of the air. FIG. 20.—LABYRINTHODON. FIG. 21.—IMPRESSIONS OF FEET IN NEW RED SANDSTONE. During the formation of these strata there appears to have been both birds and quadrupeds of many kinds, together with a reptile much resembling a frog, but of great size, being As the strata below the new sandstone formation was called the "Carboniferous" system, from its containing much carbon in the form both of coal and carbonic acid, so this has been called the "Saliferous" system, from the occurrence in many places of strata of "rock-salt" or crystallised chloride of sodium, and (where the rain finds its way down and dissolves it) of brine springs; these (in England) exist chiefly in Cheshire and Warwickshire, but in Poland and Hungary they exist on a much larger scale, the rock-salt being nearly a thousand feet thick. It has been said that these strata of salt were formed by the evaporation of salt lakes, but it is much more probable that salt is one of the natural materials of the earth, and that both salt lakes and oceans have become salt from dissolving out these strata wherever they have come into contact. The next sediment deposited over the new red sandstone is called the "Lias," a sort of limestone mixed with clay of a blueish-grey colour, and upon this lias is again deposited the various strata known as the "Oolite" (Roe-stone) system, from its appearance resembling FIG. 22.—AMMONITE (Henlyi). FIG. 23.—PENTACRINITE. These strata furnish a great many organic remains, especially the shells of the conchiferous mollusca and cephalopods, as Ammonites (fig. 22), Belemnites, Nautili, and Pentacrinites (fig. 23), of which a great many varieties are found, also the remains of gigantic reptiles, as the Ichthyosaurus (fig. 24), Plesiosaurus (fig. 25), and others. New forms of animal existence seem to have been created in this period in great abundance, and the waters of the earth once again became the theatre of deposition for the shells and polypidomes of zoophytes and molluscs, which swarmed them in myriads, and another great group of rocks began to be formed, namely, the chalk or "Cretaceous" system, which form the cliffs and downs of our south coasts, and strata of great extent in nearly every part of the world; it differs from limestone only in not being so hard, which is supposed to arise from its not having undergone the changes caused by heat and pressure. FIG. 24.—ICHTHYOSAURUS. FIG. 25.—PLESIOSAURUS. FIG. 26.—NAUTILUS INEQUALIS. FIG. 27.—ORGANISMS FROM CHALK. The chalk is interstratifÌed with lines of sand, and the lower part is almost entirely sandy, forming the gault and greensand deposits; these each contain organic remains, FIG. 28.—AMMONITE FROM THE CHALK. This chalk is of a white colour, very light and porous; under the higher powers of the microscope, it appears to be made up of organic forms, as "Foraminifera," and portions of various kinds of shells, crushed and broken into minute fragments (fig. 27). Dr. Carpenter, in his work on the microscope, says: "Many parts of it (the chalk) consist in a great measure of the minuter parts of the smaller kinds of Foraminifera, whose shells are imbedded in a mass of apparently amorphous particles, many of which nevertheless present indications of being the worn fragments of similar shells, or of larger calcareous organisms. In the chalk of some localities, Foraminifera constitute the principal part of the minute organisms which can be recognised with the microscope; in other instances the disintegrated prisms of PinnÆ, or other large shells of the like structure (as Inoceramus), constitute the great bulk." The FIG. 29.—ECHINUS (Hemicidarus intermedia, Chalk). In many places the chalk strata contain single lines of flints, running for miles parallel to the layers of chalk; these flints consist of almost pure silica, and it has been a matter of wonder how they got there, but on considering how slowly the deposition of chalk must have taken place, from the formation and death of millions of minute creatures, and that it was once the bottom of a deep sea, the disposition of FIG. 30.—TERTIARY FORMATION. During the deposition of these secondary strata in the hollows of the surface, but little alteration of the relative situations of sea and land could have taken place, as the deposits for the most part lie conformably to the same hollows or "basins" (fig. 30 will illustrate this); but after the deposition of these strata, there appears to have been a very great disturbance, many chains of mountains were cast up (as the Apennines), carrying upwards with them these deposits; some of the strata were so displaced that they were left in a perpendicular position, as may be seen in several places at the south side of the Isle of Wight. These disturbances, however, did not amount to so general a convulsion as those before described, nor is it known whether all the effects produced on these strata took place at or near the same period of time; they nevertheless appear to have produced an almost total change in the situation of the land and sea, for the "downs" of chalk (on the southern coast of England, for example) were, before these changes, the beds The tertiary strata contain remains of most of the classes of animals now in existence, but yet differing greatly in species, and as the strata approach the surface those species become more and more general; the plants also approach more nearly to those of the present time, but still most parts of Europe possessed a climate almost tropical. The tertiary strata consist chiefly of marine and fresh water deposits in the form of sands and clays, as the "London clay," which extends under London, resting upon a basin of chalk. The last deposits, forming the superficial layer of earth, and the formation last deposited before the creation of man, are called the Diluvium and Alluvium, and contain numerous remains of mammalia, birds, reptiles, and fishes. One of the most extraordinary animals of this period was the Dinotherium, a sort of walrus, which is supposed to have been the largest of quadrupeds, if indeed it was one (fig. 31). The quadrupeds of this, the "Pliocene" formation, are thus described by Professor Owen in his "History of British Fossil Mammals." FIG. 31.—SKULL OF THE DINOTHERIUM. FIG. 32.—MAMMOTH, TELEOSAURUS, AND GLYPTODON. "At the period indicated by these superficial stratified and unstratified deposits the Mastodon had probably disappeared from England, but gigantic elephants (fig. 32), nearly twice the bulk of the largest individuals that now exist in Ceylon and Africa, roamed here in herds, if one may judge from the abundance of their remains. Two horned rhinoceros, of at least two species, forced their way through the ancient forests or wallowed in the swamps. The lakes and rivers were tenanted by hippopotami, as bulky and with as for FIG. 33.—IRISH ELK. THE PALEOTHERIUM. "A savage bear, surpassing the Ursus ferox of the Rocky Mountains, found its hiding-place, like the hyÆna, in many of the existing limestone caverns of England. With the Ursus spoelus was associated another bear, more like the common European species, but larger than the present individuals of the Ursus Arctas. Wolves and foxes, the badger, the otter, the foumart, and the stoat, complete the category of known pliocene carnivora of Britain." In the time of these the last of the tertiary strata, there appear evidences of a degree of cold much greater than at present exists; this seems to be pretty well proved by the "boulder formation," or prevalence of erratic blocks of stone, the progress of which have been traced from their sources of origin to hundreds of miles distant, and there is no conceivable power which could have carried them but the floating fields of ice or glaciers; both of these sources are capable of this removal, for it is not uncommon to find large pieces of rock and layers of gravel floating on masses of ice. Glaciers are formed by the snow on the sides of mountains becoming hardened by being partially melted and again frozen, and at every melting the fluid tends to descend, when it again becomes frozen, always adding to the lower part and carrying away from the upper. In this way whole glaciers of many miles extent become unfixed, and as fresh snows are added to their upper parts, they descend slowly, entangling with them and tearing away the rocks in their vicinity. When they arrive at the sea and float forth, these rocks are borne with them. But there are as yet no traces of man, not one small fragment of his skeleton, not one minute relic of his constructive powers, although the bones of man are as capable of preservation as those of any other animal, being the same in structure and composition; the remains of hundreds of fragile insects, seeds, leaves, and all sorts of organic structures, are found perfectly preserved (fig. 34). The only way, therefore, of accounting for the absence of any organic remains of man, is the assumption that he was not then created; and this is confirmed by the fact that in the very uppermost layers of the earth's surface his bones and the FIG. 34.—FOSSIL LEAVES. FIG. 35.—SCULPTURE FROM NINEVEH. It has often been asked, What does man gain by the study of the sciences? Besides the enlarged views which they give him of his Creator's goodness and power, they at this time are fast reaching towards the demonstration of many obscure passages of His Holy Word as revealed to us in the Scriptures. The study of truth can moreover never lead one into error, and a habit of drawing correct conclusions from the facts presented is useful to every one. Geology has confirmed one great truth in Scripture, and overthrown the greatest After these various changes upon the surface of the earth, from a climate hot beyond anything now existing, from a surface rocky and full of fissures and inequalities, studded with islands and continents, abounding in marshes and swamps—from a state of atmosphere in which the higher animals could not live—to the present division and separation of land and water, of oceans and seas, of islands and continents, well supplied with rivers to drain off the superfluous fluid and supply highways easy to traverse in boat or canoe, the world remains, a fitting habitation for the creatures God has placed upon it on every hand. Forests to shelter the wild animals from the rains and heat of the sun; waters for those who dwell or delight in them; metals, stone, earth, and wood for man to exercise his ingenuity upon, and other innumerable things contributing Brought forth the tender grass, whose verdure clad Her universal face with pleasant green, Then herbs of every leaf, that sudden flower'd Opening their various colours, and made gay Her bosom smelling sweet: and these scarce blown, Forth flourish'd thick the clustering vine, forth crept The swelling gourd, up stood the corny reed Embattled in her field, and the humble shrub, And bush with frizzled hair implicit: last Rose as in dance the stately trees, and spread Their branches hung with copious fruit, or gemmed Their blossoms; with high woods the hills were crowned. With tufts the valleys, and each fountain side, With borders, long the rivers: that earth now Seem'd like to heaven, a seat where gods might dwell Or wander with delight, and love to haunt Her sacred shades. After all these various elevations and depressions, the land remains at this present time in the form of large tracts occupying about a third of the superficial area of our globe. The largest tract is made up of Europe, Asia, and Africa, which constitute one continuous area, Africa being almost severed from the others, but still united by the Isthmus of Suez; the tract next in size to this is made up of North and South America, these again are nearly severed, but still united by the Isthmus of Panama or Darien; next come Australia and Greenland, but these, although very large, are yet not to be compared in size with the former two; there are numerous other large islands, as Borneo, New Guinea, New Zealand, Madagascar, Iceland, England, Ireland, &c., and scores of smaller ones. The temperature of the earth (as a general rule) is greatest on the equator and diminishes gradually towards each pole, but this is by no means invariable, for two places of the same latitude may be very different in climate, and a system of lines passing round the earth from east to west, Europe contains about 3,900,000 square miles of surface, and is separated from Asia by the Caucasus, Caspian Sea, River Ural, and Uralian Mountains. It is about 3000 miles long and 2400 broad, about two-thirds being plain and table-land and one-third mountain land. The chief mountain ranges are those which run through Norway and Sweden in a north-westerly direction, and the mountain system along the south part from Portugal to Turkey. This last includes the Pyrenees, which runs from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, the highest peak of which is Mont Maladeta (11,500 feet); the Alps, the highest point of which is Mont Blanc (15,748 feet); the Apennines, the highest point of which is Mont Viso (12,586 feet); the Carpathian Mountains, extending from Presburg in Hungary towards the sources of the Waag and March, the highest point being Mont Lemnitz (7962 feet); and the Balkan range, which may be considered a continuation of the Alps eastward, runs as far as the Black Sea, together with many inferior ranges and branches. The climate of Europe embraces a range from the temperate to extreme cold. It is bounded by the Arctic Ocean on the north, Asia eastward, the Mediterranean Sea southward, and the Atlantic Ocean to the westward; it contains two great inland seas, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. There are three great volcanoes in Europe, Hecla, Vesuvius, and Etna, but the plains of Auvergne contain many which are extinct. Asia contains the highest mountains and the most extensive table-lands in the world. It is somewhat square, being bounded northwards by the Arctic Ocean, westward by Asia contains many great mountain chains, the chief of which are the Himalaya Mountains, which run along the centre of its southern part and contain some of the highest peaks in the world; the Dhawalagiri is 28,072 feet high, but there are some others supposed to be as high. The Altai or Gold Mountains, forming a boundary to the lowlands of Siberia, the highest peak of which is called the Katunia Pillars, and is 11,000 feet high. The Thain-schan or Celestial Mountains, the Kuen Lun, and the Hindoo Coosh, all of which run pretty nearly east and west, while the ranges called Uralian, Bolor, Khingan, and Chinese chains run nearly north and south. Africa is somewhat triangular, with its base towards Asia and its apex pointing southward. It is bounded northwards by the Mediterranean Sea, and at its east side by the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, while the Atlantic flows on its south-west side. In Africa is the largest desert in the world, the Great Desert of Sahara; it occupies nearly all the northern part, the southern has but few mountains of great extent, but from their elevation and the amount of waters brought down by rivers, it is supposed that the centre has very high table lands. At the north-western part is an extensive mountain system (the Atlas) covering with its branches nearly 500,000 square miles, and sending its slopes to bound the great Desert northwards. The great tract of land comprising North and South America extends in a longitudinal direction pretty nearly north and south through 130 degrees of latitude, or nearly 8000 miles. This great tract is divided by a narrow neck of land (the Isthmus of Panama) into two pretty equal portions; the northern part is peculiar, from containing Australia in its interior is but little known, but the whole aspect of the island appears to be flat, and to have but little elevation, while Greenland and the great tracts of the northern regions beyond, deserve more the name of glaciers, being almost entirely a mass of barren rocks and snow. The water-courses of these various great tracts of land are all determined by the formation of the surface, but the amount of water which is carried into the oceans by the rivers of any district is always in proportion to the amount of vegetation in that district; thus in Europe, Asia, and America, the number and extent of these correspond with the great fertility of the soil, while the northern and western part of Africa—the Great Desert—give off scarcely any of adequate extent, the Nile appearing to receive its supply from the central parts further south. The reason of it is this: wherever there is vegetation, either in the form of grassy prairies or forests, there is also a great reduction of temperature from the radiation and evaporation, and the consequent formation of rain, dew, or snow, which falling on the ground produces streams, &c. Excepting the great tracts of land named, and islands too numerous to be mentioned, the whole surface of the earth is The foregoing is a very bare outline of the land and water covering the surface; it may suffice, however, to call to mind the main features of the earth as it is now disposed. There can be little doubt that the great variety of climate, whether hot or cold, moist or dry, is one of the greatest sources of happiness that can be well imagined; it stimulates to research, travel, and inquiry into the works of God; every change experienced tends to make man search for further change, every new scene makes him compare it with others; and the acquirement of a knowledge of places, and a general idea of the whole world, expands his mind, enables him to appreciate the good gifts he has received, and affords a source of satisfaction beyond almost any other kind of enjoyment. |