THE SKY. - Sky, definition of 1
- Stars, what they are 1
- Sun, probable planets of 2
- NebulÆ 2
- Solar system 3
- Planets, list of 3
- Sun, the source of light 3
- " size, diameter, &c. 3
- " spots on 3
- " compared with size of planets 4
- Orbits, elliptical 5
- Ellipse, definition of 5
- Earth's orbit, form of 6
- Mercury 6
- Venus 7
- Planets, inferior and superior 7
- " conjunction and opposition of 8
- The Earth 8
- " form of, demonstrated 9
- " diurnal motion of 10
- " rate of motion of 10
- Equinoxes and solstices 12
- The Moon 12
- " phases of 13
- Mars 14
- Jupiter 16
- " satellites of 18
- Saturn 18
- " rings of 19
- Uranus 21
- Neptune 22
- The planetoids 22
- " supposed origin of 23
- The stellar system 24
- Stars, number of 24
- The Milky Way 24
- NebulÆ 24
- Constellations 25
- Stars, double 26
- " variable 27
- Comets 27
THE AIR. - Air, how perceived 29
- " composition of 29
- " weight of 30
- Barometer, principle of 30
- Winds, course of 31
- Vapour, condensation of 31
- Snow, hail, and frost 32
- " red and green 32
- Air, temperature of 32
- Dew, cause of 33
- " artificial formation of 34
- Clouds and fogs 35
- Lightning 36
- " conductors 37
- Thunder-storms 38
- Rainbow 39
- Air, the source of nourishment 40
- " carbonic acid of 41
- " the source of coal 41
THE EARTH. - Elements, list of 45
- Earths, list of 46
- Silica 46
- Alumina, Lime, Potassa 47
- Soda 48
- The Earth, surface of 49
- Strata 49
- " diagram of 50
- " various positions of 51
- Faults or dykes 52
- Granite 53
- Gneiss 54
- Strata, primary 54
- Earth, primary period of 55
- Stalagmites, formation of 58
- Terebratula 58
- Secondary system 59
- Trilobites 59
- Mountains, formation of 61
- Earth, section of part of 62
- Volcanoes, formation of 62
- Coral polypi 64
- Encrinites 65
- Mountain limestone 65
- Basalt 66
- Tree-ferns, Pines, &c. 66
- Air, purification of 67
- Coal, formation of 67
- " consumption of 68
- Coal shales, ferns found in 69
- Earth's surface, alterations of 69
- Labyrinthodon 70
- Red Sandstone, impressions in 70
- Saliferous system 71
- Lias and oolite 71
- Ammonites and pentacrinites 72
- Cretaceous system (chalk) 72
- Ichthyosaurus and plesiosaurus 73
- Coprolites 74
- Chalk, organic remains in 75
- " flints of 76
- Strata, tertiary 78
- Alluvium and diluvium 78
- " quadrupeds of 78
- Dinotherium 79
- Mammoth, &c. 80
- Irish elk, paleotherium 81
- Boulder formation 82
- Fossil leaves 83
- Man, as yet unformed 83
- " his remains only in upper strata 83
- Sculptures from Nineveh 84
- Earth's surface, always changing 84
- " as it is 86
- Earth, temperature of 86
- Europe 87
- Asia and Africa 88
- America 88
- Australia 89
- The Great Desert 89
- Oceans 90
THE WATERS. - The waters 91
- Sea-weeds, &c. 92
- The horizon 93
- The cliffs 93
- The waters, their divisions 93
- The sea, always the same level 94
- " waters poured into it 94
- Rain, how produced 95
- Rivers and streams 96
- " causes of their overflowing 97
- Lakes 97
- Chalk downs, &c., once a sea bottom 98
- Sea, its encroachments 98
- " waves of 99
- " Sargasso 101
- Gulf stream 101
- Sand, formation of 102
- " none in deep seas 102
- DiatomaceÆ 103
- ForaminiferÆ 104
- Salt, the source of 104
- Sea-water, composition of 105
- Tides 105
- Waters, beneficially arranged 107
- Steam navigation 108
- Introduction to organic kingdoms 110
THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. - Quantity, distribution, &c. 112
- Forests of Russia and America 113
- Sargasso sea, sea-weed 114
- DiatomaceÆ 114
- Fungi, mould, mildew, &c. 116
- Coral reef, fertilisation of 118
- Vegetables, composition of 118
- " feed on the air 119
- " the food of animals 119
- " mode of growth 120
- " action of light and heat on 121
- Seeds, germination of 122
- Growth, promoted by rain 123
- Endosmose, experiment on 123
- Carbonic acid decomposed by
- plants 124
- Sap, course of 124
- Vegetables, position they hold 125
- " compared with radiata 126
- " description of parts of 127
- Leaves, forms of 130
- Corolla, forms of 132
- Stamens, arrangement of 133
- Fruit, forms of 134
- Inflorescence, forms of 136
- Vegetable kingdom, divisions of 139
- AcrogenÆ 141
- AlgÆ 141
- Fungi 143
- Lichens, ferns 144
- Liverworts 145
- Mosses, various 146
- Horsetails 147
- EndogenÆ 147
- Bamboo, applications of 152
- EndogenÆ, orders of 154
- Grasses 154
- Sedges, Arums 155
- Bull-rush, Colchicum 156
- Lily, Narcissus 157
- Crocus, Orchids 158
- Naiads, Flowering rushes 159
- Water Plantain 160
- Exogens 160
- " wood of 161
- " age of 162
- Baobab 163
- Woods, various kinds of 165
- Galls, formation of 167
- Wood, uses of 167
- Exogens, size of 168
- Wellingtonia Gigantea 168
- Banyan 170
- Exogens, sub-classes of 170
- ThalamiflorÆ, orders of 171
- White Water Lily 171
- Poppies, Monkshood 172
- Fumitory, Water-cress 173
- Helianthemum, Berberry 174
- Violet, Sun-dew 175
- Milkwort, Bachelor's Buttons 176
- Lime Tree, St. John's Wort 177
- Marsh Mallow, Meadow Geranium 178
- Flax, Maple Tree 179
- Rue, Wood Sorrel 180
- CalyciflorÆ, orders of 181
- Spindle Tree, Buckthorn 181
- Broom, Garden Pea 182
- Pear Tree, Rose, Strawberry, Loose Strife 183
- French Willow, Myrtle 184
- House-leek, Gooseberry 185
- London Pride, Fennel, Hemlock 186
- CorolliflorÆ, orders of 187
- Melon, Dogwood 187
- Honeysuckle, Guelder Rose, Cross Wort 188
- Valerian, Red Valerian, Teasel 189
- Coltsfoot, Ox-eye Daisy, Harebell 190
- Grey Heath, Gentian, Buck-bean 191
- Pimpernel, Primrose, Bindweed 192
- Borage, Sage 193
- Tobacco 194
- Speedwell 195
- Butterwort, Plantain 196
- Thrift, Holly 197
- MonochlamydeÆ, orders of 197
- Ladies' Mantle 197
- Beetroot, Buckwheat 198
- Oleaster, Spurge Laurel 199
- Sweet Chestnut, Box 200
- Hop, White Willow 201
- Birch, Alder, Elm 202
- Larch, Yew, Bay 203
- Plants, list of poisonous 204
- Monk's-hood, Wolf's-bane 204
- Bryony, Green Hellebore, Stinking Hellebore 205
- Mezerium, Meadow Saffron 206
- Foxglove, Staves-acre 207
- Nightshade 208
- Hemlock, Thorn Apple 209
- Poppies, Henbane 210
- Caper, Wild Lettuce 211
- Fungi, poisonous 212
THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. - AnimalculÆ in water 215
- Man, created, not developed 217
- Animals, chief division of 217
- Animals, invertebrate 217
- Infusoria 218
- Protozoa 218
- Infusoria, higher kinds of 220
- Entozoa (intestinal worms) 221
- Zoophytes (Sertularia, &c.) 221
- Sponge 222
- Gorgonia 222
- Actinia 223
- Corals (Tubipora musica, &c.) 224
- Flustra (Sea mats) 225
- Echinodermata (Star-fishes, &c.) 225
- Sea urchins, &c. 226
- Articulata 227
- Annellata (Worms, &c.) 227
- Cirripeda (Sea acorns) 228
- Crustacea 229
- Insects 231
- " metamorphoses of 231
- " parts of 232
- " depredations by 234
- " orders of 236
- Beetles 236
- Grasshoppers, Locusts, &c. 237
- Dragon-flies, May-flies, &c. 238
- Bees, Wasps, &c. 240
- Ants, habitations of 240
- White Ants 245
- Stylops 247
- Butterflies, Moths, &c. 248
- Silkworm 249
- Bugs, Aphides, &c. 250
- House-fly, Gnat, &c. 250
- Flea, Chigoe 251
- Spiders and Scorpions 252
- Mollusca 252
- Nautilus, mussel, &c. 255
- Tunicated molluscs 255
- Lingula, Terebratula, &c. 256
- Oyster, cockle, scallop, &c. 256
- Clio borealis 257
- Snail, slug, whelk, &c. 257
- Cuttle-fish, nautilus, &c. 258
- Vertebrata 259
- Fishes, description of 259
- Fishes, divisions of 260
- Perch, Mackerel, Gurnard, &c. 261
- Salmon, Pilchard, Pike, &c. 262
- Turbot, Plaice, Soles, &c. 265
- Eels 266
- Pipe-fish, Sea Horse 267
- Sea Porcupine, Sun-fish 268
- Sturgeons, Sharks 269
- Lamprey 270
- Reptiles 271
- Frogs and Toads 271
- Snakes 272
- Lizards, Crocodiles, &c. 274
- Turtles and Tortoises 276
- Birds 279
- " divisions of 280
- Eagles, Falcons, &c. 281
- King-fisher, Woodpecker, &c. 281
- Poultry, Pheasants, &c. 282
- Herons, Cranes, &c. 284
- Swans, Geese, &c. 285
- Mammalia, orders of 286
- Kangaroo, Opossum, &c. 287
- Duck-bill 288
- Rat, Beaver, Hare, &c. 289
- Anteaters 291
- Ox, Deer, &c. 292
- Horse, Elephant, Hog, &c. 294
- Whale, Narwal, &c. 296
- Lion, Tiger, &c. 297
- Dogs, Wolves and Jackalls 302
- Bears 302
- Seals and Walrus 303
- Mole, Hedgehog, &c. 303
- Bats 304
- Monkeys 305
- Man 307
- Man the only possessor of reason 308
- Skeleton, diagram of 309
- " parts of 310
- Bones, description of 311
- Muscles 312
- " voluntary and involuntary 313
- Ligaments and cartilages 313
- Form, affected by age and sex 314
- " in infancy 315
- " in middle age 315
- " in old age 316
- " affected by sex 316
- Senses, special 317
- Sight 317
- Eye, structure of 319
- Eyes, compound 320
- Hearing, smell, taste 321
- Touch 322
- Digestion 322
- Respiration 325
- Circulation of Blood 326
- Man, his superior faculties 327
- " varieties of 328
- European race 328
- Basks 329
- Skiptar, Kelts (or Celts), Greeks and Latins, Sarmatians, Germans 330
- Abyssinians 331
- Mongolians 332
- Hottentots 333
- Malays 334
- Papuans, Negrillo 335
- Indians, or Telingans, Ethiopians 336
- Australians, Negro 337
- Races, numerical table of 338