CHAPTER PAGE I. Statement of the Case 3 II. The Draught in the State Department 16 III. Of the Issue of Fraud 23 IV. Madison as a Witness 29 V. Madison as an Advocate 40 VI. The Position Taken by Madison 58 VII. The Plagiarisms 65 VIII. The Improbabilities 85 IX. The Observations 105 X. The Silence of Madison 143 XI. The Wilson and Randolph Draughts 158 XII. The Committee's Use of the Draught 206 XIII. What Became of the Draught 225 XIV. What Pinckney Did for the Constitution 243 XV. Conclusions on the Whole Case 257 XVI. Of Pinckney Personally 278 Appendix Mr. Charles Pinckney's Draught of a Federal Government 295 Draught of the Committee of Detail 306 Index 325