- “Adelphi” captured, 87.
- Admiralty, Packet Service taken over by, 303.
- Admiralty Courts, 24.
- Agents, Packet, their duties, 29;
- Altona, 160, 161, 163, 171.
- American ships, largely manned by British seamen, 224, 225.
- “Anaconda,” 243.
- “Antelope,” fight between, and the privateer “Atalanta,” 44–49, 305;
- her crew rewarded, 50, 51;
- capture of, 60.
- Anthony, Captain, 178–183, 196.
- “Arab” captured, 52.
- Armaments of the West India Packets reduced, 37;
- scheme for increasing them, 72.
- “Atalanta” privateer, 44.
- “Attentive,” H.M.S., 135, 142, 143.
- Auckland, Lord, 85, 118, 120;
- inquires into suspicious captures of Packets, 88–93, 97, 99, 102.
- Balloon postal service suggested, 118.
- Berlin decrees, as affecting the postal service, 157–159.
- Bideford, 16.
- Blewitt, Captain, 241, 242.
- “Bona,” 227, 228.
- Bonell, Captain, 21.
- Boulderson, Captain, 208.
- Bounties to wounded sailors, 20.
- Bourrienne, M. de, quoted, 148, 152, 153, 264, 265.
- Bridge, Captain, succeeds in landing his mails, 113–117.
- British subjects, seizure and imprisonment of, on French territory, 147–151;
- some attempts to escape, 151–155.
- Bull, Captain James, 72.
- Bull, Captain John, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209;
- his early misfortunes, 124–126;
- his reputation made, 127;
- capture of his ship, 128–130, 196;
- his fight with the “Primrose,” 274–283.
- Bullion, amount carried by the Packets, 10;
- how transported to London, 184–186, 202, 203, 283–287.
- “Jane,” capture and re-capture of, 89.
- Jones, Captain John, 21.
- Kempthorne, Captain, 44, 60, 61.
- “King George” captured, 54, 122–124;
- action fought by, 62, 63.
- Kirkness, Captain, 236–239.
- “Lady Emily” wrecked, 245.
- “Lady Harriet” captured, 87.
- “Lady Mary Pelham,” 235, 236, 254, 255;
- the conduct of her lawyer-captain, 261, 262.
- “Lady Nepean,” 168, 169.
- “Lapwing,” 267;
- her fight with a privateer, 268–270.
- Leston, Mr., 149.
- Letters, the practice of duplicating, 53.
- Lisbon Packets, private trading permitted on, 104, 197;
- “Little Catherine,” 296.
- Mails, the insecurity of, 53, 68, 70, 117;
- demand of the merchants for increased security of, 70, 71, 75;
- delays in forwarding, 73, 110, 159;
- smuggling them into Germany, 155, 156, 160–163, 174, 264–266;
- seizure of, by the Danes at Tonningen, 165–168.
- Maitland, Sir Thomas, 127.
- “Marquis of Kildare” captured, 89, 90.
- Merchants, West India, 18;
- their influence on the Post-Office, 36, 37;
- complain of the insecurity of mails, 68, 246;
- their memorial to the Postmaster General, 70, 71;
- their conference with him, 75, 76.
- Milford Packets, 14, 106, 107;
- “Montagu,” 239, 255, 74.
- Portugal, Napoleon’s demands from, 173;
- her ports closed against British ships, 174;
- seizure of British subjects in, 175.
- Postmaster General, the office held jointly by two ministers, 4n;
- on bounties to wounded sailors, 20;
- and the Quaker merchants, 41, 42;
- rewards the crew of the “Antelope,” 50, 51;
- on absentee captains, 57;
- conference with the West India merchants, 73, 74;
- on the surrender of the “Duke of York,” 102.
- Post-Office headquarters, lax administration in, 32;
- influence of the merchants upon, 36, 37. See Packet Service.
- Post-Office Packet Service. See Packet Service.
- Press-gangs, Packetsmen seized by, 201.
- “Prince Adolphus,” 207, 208;
- capture and redemption of, 77–79.
- “Prince Edward” captured, 73.
- “Prince Ernest” captured, 74;
- her fight with a privateer, 193–196.
- “Prince of Orange,” 113–117.
- “Princess Amelia” captured, 89, 225, 226.
- “Princess Augusta” burned, 53.
- “Princess Charlotte” captured, 89.
- “Princess Elizabeth” captured, 70.
- “Princess of Wales” captured, 77.
- “Princess Royal,” her fight with a privateer, 79–82;
- Privateers, American, formidable character of, 224;
- Privateers, French, 43, 44, 69;
- Packets captured by, 61 passim;
- armaments of, 71, 74;
- number captured by British ships, 76;
- formidable antagonists, 130–132.
- Quaker merchants and the arming of their ships, 41, 42.
- “Queen Charlotte,” 236–239.
- Quick, Captain John, 243, 244.
- Railways, results of the growth of, 12.
- Rapp, Count, quoted, 159, 160.
- Records of the Packet Service neglected, 2, 239, 303, 304.
- Riots among the Packetsmen at Falmouth, 209,