Academy of Arts and Sciences, 32
Adams, Abigail, 225, 248
portrait of, 248
Abraham (Captain), 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92
Anne, 89
David, 86
Jacob, 89
John Quincy, 145, 192, 195, 257, 258
Mother Anne (see Anne Longfellow)
Samuel, 90, 245
Stevens (Captain), 90
Adams family, 90
Adams Female Seminary, 90
Adams house, 83-92, 257
Adams period, 51, 54, 158
Alden, John, 128
Alexander (painter), 262
Alfred, The, 186
Allen, George, 219
Andirons, 79, 161, 223
Andover, Massachusetts, 212
Andros, Governor, 218, 219
Antigua, Leeward Islands, 220
Antwerp, 190
Apparitions, 115-117
Appleton, Reverend Doctor, 148
Arabella, The, 180
Arches, 53, 54, 95, 117, 183, 221, 223, 257
Arms, Stand of, 138, 139, 140
Arnold, Colonel Benedict, 195
Athenean Society, 144
Bancroft, George (historian), 112
Bennington, Battle of, 72, 174
Berghurst, Lady, 261
Bible, Baskerville, 173
at Hollis Street Church, 114
Billiard room, 139
Biographical Sketches, 146
Black Brook, 241
Blackburn (painter), 193
Bloody Brook (Deerfield), 30
Boardman, Offin, 103, 104, 107
Booth (slave), 86-87
Booth's bin (Adams house), 86
Boston, Massachusetts, 10, 11, 43, 101, 103, 109, 204, 231, 232, 233, 237, 242, 244, 245
Boston Harbor, 38
Boston Massacre, 40
Boston Port Bill, 33
Boston Tea Party, 180, 229
Bowdoin College, 144, 238
Bowie, Captain, 103
Bradford, Massachusetts, 181
Braintree, Massachusetts, 241
Bricks, 86, 95, 97, 104, 105, 119, 120, 124
Bristol, Rhode Island, 252-263
Brown, Reverend Arthur, 134, 135
Brunswick, Maine, 144, 239
Bryant, David, 181
Buckets, Fire, 105, 128
Bunker Hill, 90, 92, 142, 225, 227
Burgoyne, General, 81
Burnett, William, 113
Burr, Aaron, 245, 246
Madam, 250
Thaddeus, 245
Burrill, Sarah, 30
Burying Hill, Newburyport, 199
Byfield, Massachusetts, 83, 114
Byfield, Judge, 118
Cabot, Joseph, 12
Cabot house, 12
CÆsar (slave), 214
Calhoun, John C., 145
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 75, 100, 195, 224, 230-240
Card room, 140
Carleton, Mr., 181
Carolinas, The, 253
Carpet, First, 162
Carriages, 171, 190, 196, 197, 221
Cartaret, Governor, 98
Castle Island, 11
Cato (slave), 214-215
Ceilings, 28, 80, 226
Cemetery on Stark estate, 169
Chambers, 22, 47, 79-80, 107, 128, 165, 225, 249, 250, 251, 260
Secret, 160, 165
Charles II, 184
Charles V of France, 253
Chebacco, 30
Chimneys, 4, 13, 20, 21, 60, 72, 94, 106, 117, 122, 202, 217
China (see Ware)
Christ Church, 224
Cilley, Jonathan, 144
Clay, Henry, 145
Cleveland, President, 12
Closets, 162, 163, 225
Secret, 4, 10, 67, 78, 127, 249
Coats of arms, 126, 199
Coddington, William, 241
Coddington Chamber, 249
Coffin, Oliphalet, 70
Mr., 98
Collections, Historic, 163, 127, 148
Collins, Judge Benager, 45
house, 45
Colonial Dames of Massachusetts, 247
Committee of Safety, 72
Concord, Massachusetts, 61, 228
Concord, New Hampshire, 141, 167
Conelly, Horace, 16, 230, 239
Confiscation Act, 227
Constitution, The, 81, 193
Constitutional Convention of 1788, 192
Continental Army, 10, 32, 34, 68, 81, 91, 128, 212, 227, 236
Continental Board of War, 34
Continental Congress, 253
Continental Navy, 186
Cook, Captain, 7
Elisha, 184, 185
Cooke, Mary, 185
Middleton, 185
Cooke family, 179, 185
Copley (painter), 126, 262
orwan (see Curwin)
Council Chamber, 138, 140
Court of St James, 248
Courtship of Miles Standish, 239
Courtyards, 191, 197, 202, 220, 221
Craddock, Governor, 221
Craigie, Andrew, 236-237
Mrs., 236, 237, 238, 239
Craigie bridge, 237
Craigie house (see Longfellow)
Cromwell, Oliver, 184
Cupolas, 60, 69
Curwin, Jonathan, 11
Samuel, 11
Dalton, Mary, 197
Michael, 191-194, 197
Philemon, 91
Ruth, 197
Tristram, 102, 191-197, 198
portrait of, 192, 193, 199
Dalton, carriages, 190, 196, 197
Dalton coat of arms, 199
Dalton family, 194, 198, 199-201
Dalton house, 100, 189-203
Dalton vessels, 194,