| Preface | I. | Homes of Long Ago | II. | The House of the Seven Gables | III. | The Pickering House | IV. | "The Lindens" | V. | The Rogers House | VI. | The Colonel Jeremiah Lee House | VII. | The Ladd-Gilman House | VIII. | The Adams House | IX. | The Spencer-Pierce House | X. | The Governor Dummer Mansion | XI. | The Macphaedris-Warner House | XII. | The Wentworth House | XIII. | The Franklin Pierce House | XIV. | The Savory House | XV. | The Stark Mansion | XVI. | The Saltonstall House | XVII. | The Dalton House | XVIII. | The Kittredge House | XIX. | The Royall House | XX. | The Longfellow House | XXI. | The Quincy Mansion | XXII. | "Hey Bonnie Hall" | | INDEX |